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Triplets!: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,703 - Last Updated: Dec 12, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 30, 2013 - Updated: Sep 30, 2013
226 0 0 0 0


"Oh my gosh!" Kurt exclaimed, clenching his bump.

"What?" Blaine asked, nuzzling in closer to Kurt on the couch where they sat. Kurt grabbed his hands and placed them on the bump. Blaine sat there for a second in bewilderment but then felt it. A kick. He smiled at Kurt who was beginning to tear up.

"They're kicking, Blaine, they're finally kicking." Kurt said ecstaticily. Blaine began to feel a lump in his throat.

"Does it hurt?" Blaine asked.

"A little, nothing I won't get used to though." Kurt responded, "But, I think I'm late feeling these movements."

"Why do you think that?"

Kurt shrugged, "I'm twenty-one weeks now, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to feel them sooner?"

"Why not ask Lucy?" Blaine wondered.

"That's a great idea." Kurt smiled, "But it's kind of late. She's probably in bed by now, and personally, I'm feeling tired too." Blaine kissed his husband then helped him get up.



"Christmas is coming up in a week." Kurt announced quickly as he stepped into the living room. Blaine jumped, startled by the unknown presence of Kurt. Kurt laughed.

"Yeah, I know." Blaine said after Kurt was finished, "What about Christmas?" He asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you got the kids something for Christmas?"

"Yeah, yeah I did. It wasn't a lot though."


"Well, I had to get Kurt Anderson-Hummel and the triplets something too." Blaine smiled, "Did you contact Lucy?"

"No, I was just getting ready to do so when I remembered about Christmas. I know you've done a little shopping. What did you get the kids?" Kurt said anxiously as he made his way to the couch and carefully sat down. 

Blaine laughed, "Call Lucy first, then I'll tell you all about the wonderful presents Santa got the kids for Christmas." Kurt pouted then grabbed the phone sitting on the table next to him. He dialed Lucy's number and waited for her to pick up. She didn't so Kurt tried her work phone. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, Lucy." Kurt said happily, "No, no, not that. I'm not due quite yet. Uh huh... Uh huh... actually I was wondering, when is it the proper time for a baby to start kicking? Uh, huh? Oh... Oh, thank you, that-that makes sense. Yes, yes they have... Gosh, it's amazing. I can't wait another four months though... That's all I wanted-ooh, how's Vogue going?" Blaine gave Kurt a "what's going on, I'm getting impatient" look. Kurt rolled his eyes, "Never mind. Thank you Lucy. Tell Isabelle I said 'hi'." Kurt said then hung up.

"So...?" Blaine wondered.

"She said that it's normal that during your first pregnancy you may not notice or feel any movements until around your fifth month." Kurt said. Blaine sighed, happy that that was taken care of and everything was going fine.

"Now, what did you get our princes and princesses for Christmas?" Kurt asked.



"I think I see a male." Doctor Jenkins said as she stared at the monitor. Kurt smiled excitedly and grasped Blaine's hand.

"A boy. Another boy to talk sports with." Blaine said. Doctor Jenkins laughed as she moved the transducer.

"Ooh, a female." Doctor Jenkins then said.

"Jessie's going to like that. She feels lonely being an only girl." Kurt said.

"And it looks like we have another girl." Doctor Jenkins said.

"Two girls and a boy?" Blaine questioned, "Why, that's an equal number of kids." He laughed. Kurt began crying.

"This is amazing." He said, just above a whisper.

"And they're all perfectly healthy and doing just fine. I see you've been doing fine too. That's a good thing. You wouldn't believe how many unhealthy women I see. I was really worried about your condition as a guy carrying triplets." Doctor Jenkins said. Kurt loosened his grip on Blaine's hand. He was so glad to know that everything was going perfectly with the pregnancy. Blaine was too. They really haven't taken much thought on Kurt's and the babies conditions and all the possible side effects of a male pregnancy.

"That's a real good thing." Blaine said, "Isn't that right, Kurt?" 

"Yeah, yeah." Kurt nodded his head. That was all he could say, this was still so shocking to him. There were people growing inside of him. And now they know the genders of them.



"It's Christmas!" Cory exclaimed, running into Kurt and Blaine's room followed by Damion and Jesabelle. Blaine woke up and turned to face Kurt.

"It's Christmas." He said sleepy. Kurt whined and began petting his face, his eyes still closed.

"What are doing?" Blaine laughed.

"Trying to find the off switched." Kurt moaned.

"Don't be such a poop, father." Damion said.

"Yeah, Christmas is the only time I enjoy getting up at seven in the morning." Jesabelle said.

Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt's cheek, "Wanna sleep? I don't care if you can't come down and watch the kids unwrap presents this year." He asked in a low whisper in Kurt's ear. Kurt nodded.

"I still want to watch them unwrap all those gifts." Kurt said, his eyes now open and facing Blaine.

"I'll grab the camera and record everything for you to watch later. The kids look a bit antsy and you look tired." Blaine said. He then got up and lead the kids downstairs. Jesabelle looked back and watched her father who already fell back to sleep.

"Woah, cool, a Spider Man!" Damion exclaimed as he opened his first present.

"Shoes! Shoes!" Jesabelle exclaimed as she pulled out a pair of black flats.

"Thank you Santa." Cory said as he pulled a Tonka dump truck  out of a big gift bag. Blaine laughed. It was fun watching his kids' amusement as they unwrapped presents. He just wished Kurt was sitting next to him, laughing along with him.



Kurt finally came down when Blaine, Jesabelle, Damion and Cory were eating breakfast. It wasn't a big breakfast. Cereal and slightly black pancakes.

"Oh my gosh, father, you would never believe what I got for Christmas." Jesabelle said when she noticed her farther standing in the entryway to their small kitchen.

"What?" Kurt asked dreamily.

"Well, I got shoes, a nail kit and some clothing."


"Ooh, I got a Spider Man, a new game for my Xbox 500 and some new clothes." Damion said.

"That's wonderful Dam-"

"I got a truck." Cory said.

"Cool, anything else?" Kurt asked, now sitting down at his seat at the table.

"Shirts and pants and socks." Cory said.

"That's all the kids got?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine.

"Well, I got another really big gift for the family that I think Kurt is really going to like." Blaine said.



"Where are you taking us?" Kurt asked.

"To your Christmas present." Blaine said as he turned a corner, "It's right up here too." 

Blaine continued driving them down a small street with beautiful houses and a little public library. He parked in front of a yellow house and turned and smiled at Kurt.

"Merry Christmas." He said. Kurt's jaw dropped.

"Wha-bu- why?" He asked, his voice both shocked and surprised.

"You wanted a new house so, I bought one." Blaine said, pleased.

"You mean, we're moving?" Jesabelle asked.

"Yes, we are." Blaine replied back. Kurt reached over and hugged, crying as he did so.

"I love it! Merry Christmas." He said.

"Wait 'til you see the inside." Blaine replied. Kurt parted and looked at his husband in interest.

"No, I can't." Kurt said. He opened up his car door. Blaine quickly opened his and helped Kurt out who cradled his bump then he helped Cory out of his car seat as the kids hopped out of the car.

They all walked into an empty hallway with two rooms on each side.

"We are really, really moving?" Damion asked

"Yes." Blaine laughed as he fixed Cory on his hip.

"But... what about school?" Jesabelle asked. 

"You're not transferring schools. We're still in the same district." Blaine said. Jesabelle almost looked relieved, "Follow me." Blaine directed the rest of his family to the room to the left. 

It was a small, but open area with cream colored walls and a matching carpeted floor. It  had a staircase on their right in the far right corner of the room. There was another door across the room from them.

"This is the living room. And in there." Blaine said, nodding at the door, "I was thinking could be Jessie's bedroom." He looked down at Jesabelle who's eyes widened.

"Really?" She asked. Blaine nodded. She smiled widely and ran over to it. She opened the door and stood stiff at the doorway. It was a very open, spacious room with two closets.

"I love it!" She exclaimed. Blaine smiled.

"C'mon." He said then led them across the hall to the next room. It was smaller than that of the living room. It was white with a white and blue tiling. There was an entryway to a wooden room. Wooden floors and an un carpeted hard wood floor.

"This is the kitchen." Blaine said then nodded to the entryway, And through there is the dining room." They then entered the next room, the dining room. It had another open entryway that lead back out into the hallway and another staircase at the far end of the room.

"And over there," Blaine pointed to the door across the hall, "is the bathroom. He then led them up the stairs to another hallway. There was a door on either side of the staircase and three doors and the other staircase across from them. They all stepped up onto the second floor hallway. He faced the staircase in which they came up that led back down to the dining room. He nodded to the door on the right, "That will be Damion and City's room. And on the other side will be the baby boy's room." Blaine said. They all then turned around to face the other three doors.

"The one on the far left, next to the staircase is mine and Kurt's. The one next to it will be the baby girls' room and the one on the far right is the bathroom." Blaine finished and looked over at his family, "Now, go exploring. But please don't go on the road or out of the yard." He sat Cory down and all three kids ran off. Blaine looked at Kurt who's lip was beginning to quiver.

Blaine raised his eyebrows, "So...?" Kurt lunged for a hug.

"Everything about it is amazing. Best Christmas ever! Thank you so much." Kurt said, now beginning to cry. Blaine clenched him.

"Your welcome." He said, just above a whisper.







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