July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
He walked in and took his seat the next day after lunch, as usual. His jealousy was overwhelming him more than ever after what happened yesterday after school. Who does this Bas think he is? Kurt could tell that somehow that Bas was jealous of him. Him! A regular teenage boy going to the school where his boyfriend just-so-happens to work at. And of course there was the fact that he had an obvious crush on Mr. Anderson that the whole world could see.
The bell rang and Mr. Anderson came walking into his room. He looked amongst his class, everyone was in attendence, good, he guessed. Maybe it wasn't that good though, it meant suffering another day trying not to get an errection as he sat right in front of Kurt. Was this really worth it all? Does he really have to get pleasure in the thought of a teenage boy? A boy that he can't help but think about when making out with his boyfriend at home. a boy that he barely knows a thing or two about but imagines what he's doing every second on the second. Did he really enjoy the pain it was causing him every minute he wasn't dating Kurt? No, he wanted Kurt. And gosh he wanted him bad. He took his seat on the edge of his desk as usual.
"Alright, class, let's begin today lesson-"
"Why does he have to be gay and in love?" Mercedes asked as she flopped back down onto Rachel's bed between her and Kurt. Kurt stroked her head.
"I feel your pain enough." He said.
"But you have such a much easier chance then any of us girls do." Lauren said taking a handful of popcorn and tossing each individual popped kernel in her mouth.
"Believe me, just because he and I like the same sex doesn't mean I have the slightest chance at getting him. Yesterday after school his boyfriend came walking in and was all over Mr. Anderson. It was like I was invisible." Kurt said as he sulked down against the headboard.
"You wittnessed the two together?" Rachel asked. Kurt nodded.
"And today he was too foccused on his phone and schoolwork to even give me anything to do. I had to nearly scream at the top of my lungs to get his attention. It's like he wants nothing to do with me. In a sense, I guess." Mercedes scooted closer and hugged Kurt.
"Poor baby." She said.
"I don't know. It wouldn't be quite right for a seventeen year old boy to date a twenty-some year old teacher." Kurt shrugged, "Can you pass me the bowl?" He then asked Lauren. Lauren handed the bowl up to Rachel who gave it to Kurt who rapidly shoveled popcorn out of it and ate it as if he were going to die the next minute without food. Rachel pressed play on her DVR.
"Maybe a nice musical could chear you up?" Rachel wondered as 'Moulin Rouge' began playing on her television screen.
"Mr. Anderson?" Kurt asked once he was finished stacking the papers. This was just like yesterday, Mr. Anderson was ignoring him, "Mr. Anderson?" He asked, a bit louder. Still, nothing, "Mr. Anderson!?" He practically screamed, getting Blaine's attention.
"What?" He asked, trying hard not to sound annoyed.
"What should I do next?" Kurt asked. Blaine sighed, unsure. He's been trying his hardest lately not to look at Kurt to help him keep from fantasizing but it isn't working. Sometmes he thinks it's best to at least tell Kurt how he feels. He can't keep going like this or he might just quit, "Well?" Kurt asked. Blaine realized he was silent for a long time.
"Kurt, can I... admit something to you?" Blaine asked, squeezing his eyes shut. Kurt nodded, moving in closer to Mr. Anderson's desk.
"I have... struggles when I'm around you." Blaine admitted.
"What do you mean? I'm an excellent student, I'm not sur-"
"I know, I know. You're a wonderful student it's jus-"
"What? You don't like me? Is there some sort of problem with me? I thought things were good with you and me? You saved me from Karofsky who hasn't pushed me since you came around? Was that all part of some 'being a good teacher' attitude?" Kurt asked, a lump forming in his throat.
"No, I-"
"Then what is it?"
"IthinkI'mfallinginlovewithyou." Blaine ran his words together. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows, he didn't catch what his teacher had told him, "I know it's kind of strange. Why would your teacher be telling you this? Aren't teachers supposed to keep it a secret when this happens, if it is natural for it to happen?" Blaine continued, "But it's built up inside of me. And although I'm seeing someone that I think I love and we may never be alowed to happen, I just thought I'd let you know. Who knows, maybe it could relieve some of the tension that I have with you?"
"Wha- did you say you love me?" Kurt asked, putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Blaine nodded, certain that's what he said. Kurt smiled, "Maybe we can make this an unactive, secret relationship? Kissing, acceptable. Just you and me, when I'm 'helping' you after school?" Kurt asked, making sure to add air quotations around 'helping'. Blaine's eyes grew wide.
"No, I couldn't not to Seb." Blaine shook his head. Kurt bent down so he was hovering Blaine's level as he sat at his chair. His cocky smile grew wider then he kissed his teacher. Blaine hesitated at first but soon joined in, pressing harder and harder into Kurt as they deepened into the kiss. Kurt's tongue traced Blaine's mouth asking for entry, Blaine let him and after what felt like forever they let go. They were both out of breath and had red, puffy lips from the intensity.
"Maybe, there could be an exception?" Blaine said and before he could say anything else Kurt's lips were back on his for a quick moment. Then just as soon as they came they disappeared and Kurt threw his satchel back on him and walked over to the doorway, turning to bring his index finger up to his lips, reminding Blaine that it was to remain a secret. Blaine breathed in a large breath of air and let it hang in his lungs for a minute before exhaling slowly. Somehow, it didn't make him feel guilty that he was now having a secret relation with his student. Even if it included cheating on Sebastian.