July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
Kurt was sitting on the cover of the toilet seat in the teacher's bathroom; a lump was forming in his throat again as he talked to Blaine who was knelt down so he was hovering just above the ground in front of Kurt, "I'm so sorry..." The tears formed in his eyes as he stared at his boyfriend in sorrow who looked back the entire time, expressionless.
Blaine opened up his arms and Kurt fell into them. He rested his head on Blaine's chest and let out a shaky breath as he let the fresh tears slide down his cheek.
"It's okay. It's okay, sweetie." Blaine said calmly as he squeezed Kurt closer to him, "But why would you tell her?"
He felt the up and down motions of Kurt's back as he sobbed into his chest. Kurt lifted his head to gasp for a breath of air before he answered, "I felt press-ur-ur-ur-ured! I felt like she was forcing it out of meeee!" He sobbed.
Blaine used one of his hands to gently push Kurt's head back down on his chest. He shushed the crying boy as he used the same hand to then trace circles along his back, "We're going to get through this. Whatever the costs are. Fuck her. She can't keep us apart. My undying love and our teamwork can keep us together. She shouldn't. She promised."
"I don't know anymore! I don't want to believe she'll break a promise! I'm almost eighteen as it is!"
"We'll get through this. I promise. Until then, just enjoy these last moments."
Kurt's sobbing intensified, "No! No! Don't talk like that!" He brought his hand up to his mouth and cried into it for a moment then brought it back down, "These are not our lasts moments! We'll be one for as long as I can fight!"
"Kurt!?" He heard Carole call as soon as he walked through the door. Kurt sighed as he kicked off his shoes and elbowed the door shut. Carole was the last person he wanted to see.
Carole walked out into the hall. She smiled slightly at her stepson's pessimistic look on his face. She licked her lips before speaking, "Let's go have a seat and talk." She used a hand to direct Kurt to the living room. She tried to keep a positive façade on the situation.
Kurt crossed his arms over his chest, "If dad is waiting in his arm chair to scream and holler at me and tell me I'm a horrible person, that he disowns me, and the authorities are on the case then no thank you. I'd rather go up to my room and die then have you deprive me of the man I love!" Kurt protested in a raised voice.
Carole took Kurt's hands in hers and dragged him into the living room. Reluctantly Burt was not waiting for him.
"Where is he?" Kurt asked, puzzled.
"At the garage? Where else?" Carole asked as she sat Kurt down on the couch.
"Then just tell me when my court case is so I can be on my way."
"I didn't tell anybody. Not even your father." She took a seat next to Kurt, "Look, Kurt. I'm not approving of this relationship. Not at all. But I'm not separating the two of you. I've never seen such a happier you, ever, and I don't want to lose it." Kurt let a heavy breath in relief, "But I am setting boundaries. I don't want you going over there anymore." The nail in the head. Kurt assumed too soon.
"But I can always lie my way into going. Like I have been doing."
"That's why I devised a plan. If you wish to go to a friend's house I set a limit to your time and I will text you ever so often. A selfie of you and your friends must be sent to me. I will also be calling the houses to check up on you. I know you may seem like a five year old now but it's for my sanity. I may not be able to pull you apart from him at school or your technology but again, I'm not separating you."
Kurt leaned into Carole for a hug. He was feeling mixed emotions. Elated that his relationship will remain secret. His inseparable relationship. But a mix of dejection and vexation that he is being forced away from Blaine's house.
"How long will I be away from his house?" Kurt asked. His suspicions got the best of him. He couldn't be stripped away from the house forever.
"You'll be eighteen. That's only a few short months away."
"Carole," Kurt pulled away from her, "it's in May."
"It's November now..."
"It's not as long as it looks, sweetie. Only six months."
"Six months is a long time to a desperate, waiting, wanting teenager."
Carole let out a little giggle, "Alright. If you can honestly stay away from his-"
"Oh, you know his name?" Kurt gave Carole his bitch look at her sass. Carole ignored him and continued, "If you can stay away from Blaine's house for the rest of the month and be on your best behavior then I might give you an exception during Christmas break. Just Christmas break, though. Then you'll go back to waiting until May."
Kurt lunged back in for another hug, "Oh, thank you! Thank you! I promise! As long as I get Christmas break! As long as I don't have to wait!"
"I said maybe! It's not set in stone but It's a most likely."