July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
July 8, 2013, 4:23 p.m.
"Do you think Mr. Anderson would ever turn straight for anybody?" Mercedes asked Kurt and Rachel as they sat in Rachel's room watching "The Sound of Music". Kurt choked on the popcorn that was in his mouth in response to the question, "Okay, okay. We get it, you like him and he's taken." Mercedes said.
"Damn right, he's taken." Kurt protested, "And I think they're exclusive too?"
"Wow, you are really defensive against Mr. Anderson and the guy I thought you were jealous of." Rachel.
"I'm not jealous of anyone. I'm very happy for Bl- Mr. Anderson and the guy he's seeing." Kurt said.
"Since when?" Mercedes asked. Kurt pursed his lips.
"For a while now." Kurt said. Of course Kurt wouldn't be jealous of anybody. He was the one seeing Blaine.
"I just assumed-" Rachel began.
"Sometimes assumptions aren't the best bet." Kurt said.
"Alright, enough of this Mr. Anderson crap!" Mercedes hollered.
"You were the one who brought it up." Rachel pointed out.
Kurt's phone buzzed in his pocket. Kurt pulled it out and smiled when he saw it was Blaine.
"Ooh, who are you texting?" Rachel asked as she leaned into Kurt to look at the phone. Kurt pressed it against his chest.
"Nobody!" He said defensively.
"I think I'm gonna take this outside." Kurt said as he got up off the bed. He then left the room and sat in the hallway before looking at the text message.
R U coming over tonight -B
Kurt wiggled his thumbs as he thought about what to say.
Ya ill finish the movie with rachel and mercedes -K
Gr8 because bas just left -B
K bye ;) -K
See u in a couple ;) -B
Kurt came back into the room after he received that message, "I have to go after the movie's finished." He said as he sat back down in the bed.
"Why? We were thinking about watching Wicked afterwards." Rachel said.
"I just have to." Kurt said.
"A special someone you have to meet?" Mercedes asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"No." Kurt said.
"Come on, that smile on your face when you got the text message says otherwise." Rachel said.
"My dad just wants me home." Kurt said. Rachel put her hands on her hips, "I'm serious!" Rachel sighed. She wasn't going to believe him but she sure as hell wasn't going to get the truth out of him.
"Your here." Blaine said with a smile as he took Kurt in an embrace at the door.
"Yep! So, Sebastian's gone?" Kurt asked as they parted for a clarification.
"Yeah, he just packed his stuff and left an hour ago." Blaine said as he lead Kurt into the house.
"Do you know where he went?" Kurt asked.
"Do you really care that much about Bas?"
"I'm just making sure you didn't kick him out onto the streets. Poor guy does have a job."
"I think he's moving back in with his parents until he can find an apartment." Blaine sighed. Kurt then kissed him.
"That's good." He smiled before kissing him again.
"Wanna take this into the living room?" Blaine whispered, brushing his cheek against Kurt's.
Kurt smiled at him before Blaine lead them to the couch. Kurt laid himself down and Blaine laid on top of him. Blaine pressed a kiss on Kurt's lips, "God, you're so beautiful." Blaine said as he pulled away and looked into Kurt's blue eyes. He kissed Kurt again, "How'd I get to be the luckiest man on Earth?" He smiled down at Kurt.
"I don't know." Kurt said, sitting up slightly then kissing Blaine back. They pressed the kiss and kept it going. Blaine moaned in it as they went to a sitting position. He pulled back ending it all.
"Why do I want you so bad?" Blaine asked to mostly himself as he held his head.
Kurt scooted closer to him, "Because you can't hold it in. You're ready." He whispered as he began unbuttoning Blaine's polo. Blaine took Kurt's hands and slid them down until they were off him.
"Don't, Kurt. I don't want to be ready, and I don't want to hurt you if this doesn't end we'll. I want you to be ready ready." Blaine said.
"But I am ready ready." Kurt said, "And so are you. You aren't going to hurt me, because you aren't gonna lose me." Kurt said as his hands slid back up and found the shirt. He began to pull it up which Blaine stopped.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.
"Yes." Kurt said.
"I've always said I wanted to wait but..."
"Blaine, sometimes the wait just won't last."
Blaine thought for a second, "Okay, if we're gonna do this we have to do this properly. It's not going to be today. In order for this to happen we need the supplies. I don't have anything to use."
"You don't want to go in cold?" Kurt asked.
"Would you?"
"No, probably would also want an easy entry too." Kurt said.
"Then there you go." Blaine said.
"Tomorrow?" Kurt whispered. Blaine smiled and kissed him once more.
"Tomorrow." Blaine assured, "Want to watch a movie?" Kurt looked at him quizzicaly, "Or we could just use one for background." Kurt smiled.
"I knew that was going to happen." He said.