Let Sparks Fly
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Let Sparks Fly: The Meeting

T - Words: 6,010 - Last Updated: Jun 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 31, 2014 - Updated: Mar 31, 2014
225 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed :)


New fanfiction tumblr is at the top! Just replace the asterisks with periods or go to my profile and there is a link in the biography!


Im going to take time off from this fanfiction to work on some of my other stuff but I will return. I promise 3


Songs- "Video Killed the Radio Star" by: The Buggles


"Killer Queen" by:Queen


"Can you Feel the Love Tonight" by: Elton John


"Demons" by: Imagine Dragons


"Sleeping with a Friend" by: Neon trees


There may definitely be some errors in Killer Queen. When I wrote that song in I didnt go back and listen to the song for any errors in the lyrics. I stole the lyrics from that song from A-Z lyrics which we all know is not always right.

It was the end of Thursdays Glee practice. The bell rang. Mister Schue rushed to get out what he was saying as everyone began to pack, "Anyways, well finish looking over the set list tomorrow and we have Regionals next week!"

Everyone cheered before they all left the choir room.

"Are you excited?" Kurt asked as he approached Rachel and Finn as they walked down the hallway.

"About what? Regionals?" Rachel asked, "Yes, Im very excited."

"Well, yeah, Regionals. Who isnt excited for Regionals? I was talking about your wedding. Thats Saturday, correct?" Kurt asked.

"Regionals is on Friday so the wedding will be on Saturday, yes." Rachel replied.

"Great! I cant wait! Im still not sure about the whole thing but Im excited. Its only a week away!"

They finished the last verse of their set list and cheered as they accomplished the entire performance without interruptions.

"Well, gentlemen!" Wes exclaimed as the noise died down, "Whos ready for Regionals!?"

There was another uproar in the common room.

"Blaine Warbler, our fearless soloist, would you like to add anything?"

"Yes." Blaine said. His cheeks were flushed with red from excitement, "Im so glad we made it here. In one week well be standing in front of an audience, performing our best and hopefully taking home that first place trophy and a spot in Nationals!"

Another loud applaud.

"Thank you, Blaine Warbler." Wes smiled, "Thad? David? Would you like to add anything?"

"Just be confident in what youre doing and everything will be okay." Thad said.

"There is no doubt in my mind that were going to Nationals this year." David added.

"Well, duh... Were the best Glee Club ever!" Said Jeff.

"I heard the New Directions were pretty decent too." Trent pointed out.

"Lets not worry about our competition but worry about being prepared for Regionals. The performance is amazing and I think were ready, we just need to improve it. Theres always room for improvement." Wes said. Blaine agreed with him.

"Can you believe it? Exactly one week from today well be heading off to Regionals to prove whos the best for Nationals!" Mercedes exclaimed to Rachel, Kurt, and Artie at the Lima Bean.

"And the day after that is your wedding." Kurt said as he bumped his shoulder against Rachels

Rachel gave him a sheepish laugh in reply. The closer the date approached for her and Finns wedding the more she feared it. She thought of every thing that could go wrong.

"What if I forget my dress?"

"What if Finn forgets his tuxedo?"

"What if Im late?"

"What if Finn runs out?"

"What if no one shows?"

"What if I get sick at last-minute?"

And so on, ran through Rachels head at that very moment. Question after question and she had no idea how to answer them.

"Yeah... so excited!" She faked.

"You dont sound it." Mercedes observed.

"Maybe Im a bit scared. Its bound to happen though." Said Rachel.

"Just dont chicken out. We dont need to a reason to say I told you so." Artie added.

"No, no. I wont chicken out. Honest." Rachel said.

Kurt gave her a fake smile. He didnt want to believe it but knew something bad was going to happen.

"Dad?" Blaine asked when he picked up the phone on his way down to breakfast.

"Youll be home tonight, son?" He heard his father ask.

"Yes, Ill be home right after I finish my classes. I promise." Blaine told him. After that one weekend Blaine and his dad have been very cautious about when Blaine would be home.

"Hey, Blaine! Wait up!" Jeff called after Blaine as he chased his friend down the hallway.

"You know what, dad, I gotta go. Ill call you before I leave school." Blaine said.

"No- Wait- Blaine-" His dad called on the other side as Blaine hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" Jeff asked once he caught up with Blaine.

"Just my dad. He wants to make sure I come home tonight." Blaine responded.

"Theyre still not over that one weekend?" Jeff asked, "That was like two weeks ago!"

"Well, my dads over it. My mom, however, is still obsessing over it. Shes using my dad to talk to me."

"Is she still not talking?" Jeff questioned, confused.

"No. No, were talking. Dont you fret. Shes just afraid to ask herself. She doesnt want to seem clingy. As she puts it." Blaine answered.

"Wow! Your moms a little..." Jeff tried to think of a nice word to put it. Nothing, "Strict." He still ended up saying.

"My moms not strict. Shes just worried. She cares for her baby boy." Blaine told him, "And after that one weekend she just put on extra precaution. Remember, my mom and I have the best relationship than I do with anyone else. My dad never really worried. He may have, a little, because he does love me, but he would never tell me and he got over it. If Cooper was there hed probably joke about my absence and then kind of cared. Hes my older brother after all. The fact of the matter is that my mother was worried. She looked forward to something she doesnt get often and I ruined it."

"Sometimes I wished my mother cared." Jeff said.

Blaine paused. He stared blankly down the hallway before them, upon hearing Jeff say that. Jeff might joke about overprotective parents all the time but then you realize that his mothers not always there. Shes hardly in the picture and she just doesnt seem to care. His father walked out on Jeffs family when Jeff was still in Elementary and his mother was expecting his younger brother and after that the whole family changed.

Blaine was so lucky to have parents who still live together and - in some way - care for him. He forgets that not every family is like his.

Blaine closed his eyes, "Im- Im sorry." He said, "I forgot."

"Its alright. Im used to it."

Blaine sighed. He doesnt like it when a person said that. Nobody should be "used to it."

Rachel sighed as she smoothed her dress and stared at herself in her bathroom mirror. Kurt - who was sitting on her bed watching her - stood up and walked over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at Rachel through the mirror.

"You look beautiful." He smiled at his friend.

"I- I-"

"Rachel, Finn will agree too. You are absolutely stunning. I still cant believe youre getting married so young but Im excited! Only five more days. Are you prepared?"

Rachel turned around to look at Kurt straight in the eye, "Thank you for coming over."

"At this moment I couldnt think of anything better to do this Monday afternoon."

"Are you sure?" Rachel asked, quizzically.

"You sound bothered when you called me. I know I chose right. Are you bothered?"

"Im scared." Rachel breathed out. She felt so relieved to finally get that off her chest.

"About what?" Kurt asked. He already knew.

"The wedding. The wedding is freaking me out. I never knew how stressful it was to get married until your wedding is just around the corner."

"Youll be fine. Nothings going to happen to ruin your magical evening. I promise."

Rachel smiled and leaned in to hug her friend.

"You make everything feel like such a relief." She said into the hug.

"I hope I do. Im not going to make you feel any more stressful." Kurt replied, "Now, if we can only survive this week."

"Okay, Warblers!" Wes exclaimed as he pounded his gavel on the soundblock, "Regionals in three days."

The boys cheered and clapped in celebration. They were so excited. They had a feeling about this Regionals. It felt special to all of them. Especially Blaine.

"Were all excited. We all know whos going to take home the trophy and the spot at Nationals." Wes said as he signaled out the group before him, "Speaking of Nationals, I heard that they are going to hold the competition in New York. Who wants to go to NYC?!"

The Warblers up-roared again.

Blaine stood up from his placing on an arm of one of the couches, "Whos ready for Regionals?!" He yelled. The Warblers cheered, "What was that? Cant hear you! I said, Whos ready for Regionals?!"

Their cheers got louder as the common room flooded with the sounds of clapping and screaming boys all amp-ing themselves up for their anticipated competition that not only the Show Choir themselves but the entire school was excited for.

"Here is our set list for Regionals this Friday." Will said as he waved the paper that had their songs listed on it.

"What songs did you decide were going to do, Mister Schue?" Tina asked.

"I have decided to open with Finn and Rachel singing Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Then, well go into Demons by: Imagine Dragons. Solos from Puck and Sam. Then, well close with Sleeping with a Friend by: Neon Trees with a solo part for Kurt."

Kurt looked down at his hands. He wanted a solo, he really did. But Neon Trees? He didnt think his voice would sound quite right with their songs. Then again, he should trust Mister Schuester for picking the best people for a song. He was the director after all, and he doesnt get solos all too often.

"How do you suppose well accomplish learning all the dance moves and the songs in time?" Santana asked.

"We should all know these songs or two out of the three and if you guys can pull off learning the performances in only a few hours for our first Sectionals without me you can learn this." With that said Will picked up the sheet music of their set list sitting on the piano and passed it out, "Well be meeting in the auditorium tomorrow. Be ready to rehearse this."

Blaine woke up in his dorm room a rush of anxiety ran through his entire body. It was finally the day of Regionals and he couldnt have been more excited for it.

Blaine practically jumped out of bed as he began preparing himself for today. He tripped over his chair that had his uniform laid out and fell face first onto the hardwood floor.

"Perfect way to start the day." He announced to himself sarcastically as he picked himself up and fixed his pajamas top.

There was a knock at his door and he turned back to answer it to find Wes standing there, full uniformed and looked ready to go.

"What the fuck, Blaine? I thought youd be ready by now? We leave in an hour!"

"Sorry. I know. I know. I just got up and wouldnt you believe it, I fell on my fucking face and now I have to speak to you. Ill be ready and meet you down in the dining hall for a quick breakfast."

"Wait, you did wha-!" But before he could finish Blaine shut the door on his friend saying, "I said, Ill see you in the dining hall." as he did so.

Blaine was already beginning to feel dizzy. No! He cant have a concussion. Not today. Not again. He just hoped that he wouldnt throw up all over the stage during Regionals.

He began to get ready again, sitting every few minutes to relieve himself of his throbbing headache and intensely dizzy head.

As promised, he met Wes and the other Warblers down in the dining hall where he grabbed a quick apple for breakfast and immediately sat down in an open chair as he began to munch on his apple.

"You okay?" Jeff asked as he sat down next Blaine.

"Fine." Blaine answered with a smile before taking another bite of his apple. Lies.

Wes approached the boys and interrupted them, "Well, we dont have time to diddly-daddle. Everyone is here and accounted for so we best be going." He said and walked off.

"Well, time to go." Jeff said as he stood up. Blaine carefully did so too and the pair walked out with the other Warblers to the bus that waited for them outside in the parking lot.

"One... two... three..." Will began to count each one of his students as they stood in the choir room early that morning. He used the pen in his hand as a little pointer.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" Puck groaned as he plopped down in one of the plastic chairs, "The event doesnt even start until this evening."

"Why? Because it is a drive from our school to Westvale and they expect us to be there with plenty of time to get ourselves ready and fix anything that needs worked on before we have to perform." Rachel answered, "Plus, its ten-thirty-five. We get up for school earlier than this. Arent you happy we didnt have to get up for school like everyone else did?"

"Puck usually sleeps in, though." Quinn answered.

Puck groaned again. Quinn came over and sat down next to him. She placed a comforting hand on his thigh and began to rub it softly as to comfort him.

"... nine... ten... eleven... twelve." Will finished counting, "Looks like we have everybody." He announced, "Lets load onto the bus."

Noah sprang up from his chair, helped Quinn stand up, and together they lead the New Directions out to the bus. All the New Directions walked in pairs. Finn with Rachel, Sam with Mercedes, Santana with Brittany... Kurt walked with Artie since, of course, Sugar wasnt in Glee Club.

"Just remember, I didnt meet Sugar until the beginning of this year." Artie said as they walked out together. Well, Kurt walked, Artie rolled at his side.

Kurt sighed. He was okay until Artie reminded him that the reason they were walking out together was because for 1. Kurt hasnt found his soul mate. and for bragging purposes on Arties behalf too. Artie may have had a soul mate, she just wasnt in Glee Club.

Blaine sat on the inside of the bus seat he shared with Jeff and stared out the window as he watched everything they passed by. Probably a bad idea considering all the fast movements were making him even more dizzy.

Jeff looked past Blaine and out the window too. They passed a road sign: Fort Wayne 30

Blaine groaned as he sat back in his seat, "Thirty more miles." He said to himself and for the first time that day Blaine looked down at his finger.

The loud gasp he made alerted Jeff.

"Whats wrong, Blaine? Are you okay?"

How long has this been going on?" He asked himself out loud.

"What, Blaine? What is going on?" Jeff now began to panic.

Blaine looked up at his friend and replied, "My scar is glowing."

Kurt didnt know how long it was glowing or how far he was from his soul mate but he couldnt stop watching his finger on their way to Westvale in Fort Wayne, Indiana where they would be competing for Regionals. A couple times the glow dimmed, sometimes to nothing, but for the most part it was there. He was distant but he did not know for sure just how far he was. Within a mile for sure!

Kurt looked out the window and saw the Fort Wayne 30 sign then looked back down at his finger, "Thirty miles" he said to himself and his scar, "and then what?"

"What?" Rachel had asked him from the seat across from him. Apparently she had been eavesdropping.

Kurt lifted up his left hand, "My scar is glowing."

"Thats wonderful!" Rachel exclaimed, "That means were close to your soul mate!"

"Yeah" Kurt sighed, "Were close tom my soul mate, "But for how long? Were thirty miles away from Fort Wayne. Whats going to happen when we get to Westvale? Whats the likeliness theyre going to be at Regionals?"

These were all good questions neither one of them could answer.

"I hope theyll be there." Rachel smiled then patted Kurts knee, "We can hope."

Blaine stepped off the bus and looked around at the slowly filling parking lot at the Westvale High School. He took a large breath and looked down at his still glowing scar.

Its funny how far they made it with the glow. It never lasted this long before, and now as they entered the school he realized that Kurt was going to be here. That he was going to be in the same building as his soul mate for the first time. That he might finally meet his soul mate.

The Warblers were greeted by three friendly members of Aural Intensity. Two girls and boy. They ran up to them.

"Hi! Im Amy!" One of the girls, Amy greeted excitedly, "And this is Mark and Amber! Were so excited to have you here!"

"Youre the Warblers?" Mark asked.

"Yes we are." Wes answered. He held out his hand for them to shake. Mark took it first, "Im Wes. This is David." Wes pointed to his soul mate then to Thad, "And Thad."

Wes, David, and Thad each took turns shaking Amy, Mark, and Ambers hand.

"Youre changing in the band room." Amber then said, "Come on, Ill show you where it is!" She signaled for the group to follow her down the long hallway, past the auditorium where they will be performing and into a large room with wooden floors, walls, and ceiling. The room was cleared of any musical instruments and instead replaced with vanities.

"Up the hall is the cafeteria. We scheduled your practice time between two and three." Amber said.

"Just holler if you need anything! Well be in our choir room across the hall." Amy said as the three of them walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"They seemed nice." Trent smiled.

"Too nice." Blaine added.

"Come on, now, boys. Im sure their harmless. This competition is being held at their home school. I suppose they are just trying to give off a friendly hospitality. Dont just assume they are up to something." Wes said, and maybe he was right. But Blaine and Trent still remained skeptical.

More people began to gather into the school when the New Directions got there. Kurt was surprised to see his scar continue to glow, brighter than ever, actually. He was real close.

They walked into the school. Amy, Amber, and Mike ran up to them, grins wide.

"Theyre kind of creepy." Finn whispered into Noahs ear. Noah snorted as he held back his laugh.

"Hi! Im Amy!" Amy greeted the group the same way she greeted the last group, "And this is Mark and Amber! Were so excited to have you here!"

"You must be the New Directions." Amber stated, "We were just introduced to the last group. Youve heard of the Warblers, havent you? They live in the same state. They seem like such a nice group of boys."

"Yes, we are the New Directions. Yes, weve heard of the Warblers." Replied Will as he shook the three kids hands, "Hi, Im Will." He introduced himself and then Finn and Rachel.

"Okay, well, youll be in room one-O-four." Mark had said, "Come on, Ill show you where its at."

The New Directions were then lead to room not too far from the auditorium. It looked to be a chemistry room. Lab tables that wouldve scattered the room now lined the walls to be replaced with their vanities. A huge periodic table was hung up in the back. Quirky chemistry jokes printed on posters were hung all over the room.

"Well be in the choir room, down the hall to your right if you need anything!" Amy said, "The cafeteria is down the other way. We scheduled it for you guys to practice between four to five."

Will thanked Amy, Mark, and Amber before they left.

"Well, theyre up to something for sure." Santana said as she took a seat at one of the vanities once they had left.

"Im sure theyre harmless." Will said, "They even had us come down early to schedule rehearsal times in the cafeteria for us."

"Theyre probably going to lock us in the cafeteria." Santana mumbled to herself

The auditorium was packed when Blaine peeked out from behind the curtain. His finger was still glowing but he couldnt see the matching glow of his soul mate. He sighed and brought his head back in. He turned to his friends who were already standing in their starting position and smiled as he joined them in line, grasping his head as he did so. All he had to do was pull off the show then he didnt care what happened to him. He was getting a little nauseous though.

Trent began bouncing up and down next to Blaine as he whispered, "Whats taking so long?" over and over again.

"Theyre waiting for the New Directions." Blaine began. He noticed the absence of the competing Glee Club when he looked out, "They dont want to start until all show choirs are in attendance. From my understanding theyre still getting ready."

Trent groaned. Just then there was a hush amongst the chattering crowd as the announcer began to speak. He announced the three judges and then the Warblers as the curtain began to rise.

Kurts breath hitched when he saw the matching glow for the first time.

"It couldnt be." Kurt said to himself.


Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Doo, doo, doo.
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;


I heard you on the wireless back in 52;
Lyin awake intent on tuning in on you;
If I was young it didnt stop you coming through.

But it was. Kurt stood up and began shuffling his way out of the row. Member after member asked where he was going and what was he doing without any response from the boy. He was too focused on the kid singing up on stage. His soul mate. He walked out of the auditorium to go around backstage.




They took the credit for your second symphony;
Rewritten by machine and new technology;
And now I understand the problems you can see.

Kurt was running out of the hallway. He could hear the footsteps of his friends and his teacher following behind him to see whats the matter but he kept on running.




I met your children



What did you tell them?


Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star.

Kurt was stopped by two hands grabbing his shoulders at the door that lead to the stage. It was Mister Schue.


Pictures came and broke your heart

"Whats wrong?" He asked Kurt. Kurt still remained silent as he opened the door and climbed up the stairs so he was now on it. Everyone followed.


Oh – aoh – oh - oh - oh


And now we meet in an abandoned studio; (JEFF: you are...)
You hear the playback and it seems so long ago;
And you remember, the jingles used to go.

Kurt stopped close enough so he could get a good view of Blaine but far enough so nobody in the audience could see him.




You were the first one




You were the last one

Kurt watched with his eyes wide in astonishment. His soul mate was simply breathtaking, both in looks and singing. The rest of the New Directions gathered behind Kurt and try to catch what he was seeing and still wondering why he came up here.


Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star.


In my mind and in my car;
we cant rewind weve gone too far.

As Blaine sang that verse he peeks over to where Kurt is standing backstage and smiles widely.


Oh - aoh – oh - oh – oh;
Oh – aoh – oh - oh - oh.

Duh-dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum;
*clap clap*
Duh-dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum;
*clap clap*
Duh-dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum;

Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Bum, bum, bum, bum;
Doo, doo. doo, doo-doo.


Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star.


In my mind and in my car;
We cant rewind weve gone too far;
Pictures came and broke your heart;
Put all the blame on VTR.


You are... the radio star;
You are... the radio star.


Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star; (BLAINE: you are... the radio star)
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star; (BLAINE: you are... the radio star)
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star;
Video killed the radio star. (BLAINE: you are... the radio star)

They finish their first song and the audience begins to cheer for the group. Blaine takes another look over to Kurt who was clapping and was still in awe.


*snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap*

Kurt knew what they were singing right away and felt obligated to join in in a low whisper.


She keeps Moët et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
"Let them eat cake," she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
For Kruschev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation
You cant decline

Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice


Shes a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam


Guaranteed to blow your mind




Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite


Wanna try?


To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation
She spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China
Went down to Geisha Minah
Then again incidentally
If youre that way inclined

Perfume came naturally from Paris
For cars she couldnt care less
Fastidious and precise


Shes a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam


Guaranteed to blow your mind




Drop of a hat shes as willing as
Playful as a pussy cat
Then momentarily out of action
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you


wild, wild..


Shes all out to get you


Shes a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam


Guaranteed to blow your mind




Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite
Wanna try?


You wanna try...


Bum bum...
Bum bum...
Bum bum...

They finished their song and waited for the curtain to go down before exiting off stage. Blaine nearly sprinted over to Kurt. He stopped only inches away from his soul mate.

"Hi." Blaine said.

"Hi." Kurt said. He couldnt help the grin forming on his lips.

"Ive been look for you for God knows how long."

"I as well."

Everyone gathered around the two boys that stared lovingly into each others eyes. Blaine was the first to break eye contact as he stared down at Kurts still glowing finger, "Should we...?" He asked.

Kurt lifted his finger in response. Blaine brought his up too and they met in the middle. A spark shot out as both boys pulled back quickly. The touch shocked them both. But they still laughed as they took each other in an embrace.

"Is this your soul mate?" Will had asked.

Rachel was almost in tears as she added, "My best friend has found his long-lost missing puzzle piece.

They parted the hug and Kurt looked back to Blaine and noticed a look of unwell in his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Blaine was beginning to feel dizzy again. He shouldnt have been performing.

"Actually, no, Im not. I need to sit down."

Wes immediately was at his friends side, "Whats wrong?" He asked Blaine.

"Remember when I told you that I fell this morning?" Blaine asked Wes. Wes nodded remembering earlier that day, "Well I kind of have a concussion." He finished.

"What? Then why were you up there dancing and singing just now? You shoulve just sat out. We wouldve given your part to Nick. No biggy." We said.

Kurt looked back and forth. He wanted to say something to comfort his soul mate but he couldnt say anything when he just met Blaine and knew nothing about him.

"Will you just help me find a seat?" Blaine asked.

"Sure. Well take you to our dressing room and sit you down." Trent said as he came up and wrapped an around Blaines shoulder. Wes took the waist on the other side of Blaine and they began to carefully walk him off the stage. The Warblers and Kurt followed them out.

"Kurt, where are you going? Were on next." Will asked as he stopped his student.

"He needs help and hes soul mate. I have to be there." Kurt said. Everyone stared blankly at him, "Look, I promise Ill be back in time. We have few minutes to kill." Kurt turned and left to catch up with the group.

Trent and Wes sat Blaine down in the nearest chair and scattered around the room trying to figure out what they need to do. Kurt came in and ran to Blaine. He knelt down in front of his soul mate, "Are you okay? Do you need any help? How are you feeling?"

Blaine felt a little better having his soul mate by his side now. Wes came up behind Kurt.

"I understand youre soul mates, and I understand you want to help, but right now you dont know anything about him. Meanwhile weve been friends for years. I am not trying to be rude but you need to step aside so we can figure things out." He said.

Kurt was beginning to stand up when Blaine grabbed his wrist and stopped him, "No!" He shouted, "I want Kurt here." Kurt sat back down.

Wes shrugged, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I have to throw up." Blaine replied.

Kurt stood back up, "Find him something to puke in." He ordered the Warblers. Kurt walked around Blaine and wrapped himself around his soul mate, "Hope you feel better." He whispered into Blaines ear. Blaine snuggled into Kurts embrace.

Trent came running towards the boys with a trash bin in his hands. Kurt reluctantly let go of Blaine and Blaine took the bin out of Trents hand. He didnt want anybody see him do this, especially Kurt who he just met but, he couldnt hold it in any longer. Blaine stuck his face in the mostly empty trash and began to hurl.

Kurt took a step back as he and the Warblers watched Blaine. Wes came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Kurt turned his head to look at him, "You should go." He whispered to Kurt, "I dont think Blaine would very much like it if you saw him like this. You also have to perform. Well take care of him and meet you after the performance.

Kurt glanced back at Blaine and nodded, "Youre right, I have to go. Just take care of him." With that, Kurt left.

Everyone was scattering to their places when Kurt got back to the stage.

"Hustle, Kurt." Mister Schue whispered when he saw his missing performer running to the stage. He jumped in to his opening place just as the curtain began to open.

A spotlight fell on Finn.


Theres a calm surrender to the rush of day
When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away

Another Spotlight fell on Rachel.


An enchanted moment and it sees me through
Its enough for this restless warrior just to be with you.


And can you feel the love tonight? (NEW DIRECTIONS: tonight)
It is where we are
Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That weve got this far

And can you feel the love tonight? (NEW DIRECTIONS: tonight)
How its laid to rest?
Its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best


Theres a time for everyone if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn


And theres a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours


And can you feel the love tonight? (NEW DIRECTIONS: tonight)
It is where we are
Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That weve got this far, oh


And can you feel the love tonight? (NEW DIRECTIONS: tonight)


How its laid to rest


Its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best


Its enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

The crowd cheered as the group prepped for the next song


When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold


When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the bloods run stale


I wanna hide the truth


I wanna shelter you


But with the beast inside
Theres nowhere we can hide


No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come


When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes


Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide


Dont get too close
Its dark inside


Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide


At the curtains call
Its the last of all
When the lights fade out
All the sinners crawl


So they dug your grave
And the masquerade
Will come calling out
At the mess you made


Dont wanna let you down
But I am hell bound


Though this is all for you
Dont wanna hide the truth


No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed


This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come


When you feel my heat


Look into my eyes


Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide


Dont get too close
Its dark inside


Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide


They say its what you make
I say its up to fate
Its woven in my soul
I need to let you go


Your eyes, they shine so bright
I wanna save that light

Blaine walked into the auditorium and stood at the door to watch the New Directions. More specifically, Kurt.


I cant escape this now


Unless you show me how


When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide
Dont get too close
Its dark inside
Its where my demons hide
Its where my demons hide

Kurt stepped forward. His breath felt heavy. He looked around the auditorium and saw Blaine standing in the back. He smiled and the music started.


All my friends, theyre different people
Anxious like the ocean in a storm
When we go out, yeah, were electric
Coursing through our bodies til were one

And why mess up a good thing, baby?
Its a risk to even fall in love
So, when you give that look to me
I better look back carefully
Cause this is trouble, yeah this is trouble


I said ooh, ooh
You got me in the mood, mood


Im scared
But if my hearts gonna break before the night will end


I said, ooh, ooh were in danger
Sleeping with a friend, sleeping with a friend


All my friends, stay up past midnight
Looking for the thing to fill the void
I dont go out much like I used to
Something bout the strangers and the noise

And why leave when I got you, baby?
Its a risk but babe, I need the thrill
I never said youd be easy
But if it was all up to me
Id be no trouble, hey, were in trouble


I said ooh, ooh
You got me in the mood, mood
Im scared
But if my hearts gonna break before the night will end
I said, ooh, ooh were in danger
Sleeping with a friend, sleeping with a friend


We are both young, hot-blooded people
We dont wanna die alone
To become one, it could be lethal
Sleeping with a friend


All my friends
All my friends
All my friends
All my friends




I said ooh, ooh
You got me in the mood, mood
Im scared
But if my hearts gonna break before the night will end
I said, ooh, ooh were in danger
Sleeping with a friend

(KURT: All my friends) Sleeping with a friend
(KURT: All my friends)
If my hearts gonna break before the night will end
I said, ooh, ooh were in danger


Sleeping with a friend

The applause felt exhilarating after the song ended. Hes never performed a solo in front of such a large audience before. He really hope he did well.

Kurt couldnt wait to see Blaine once the curtains finally closed. He sprinted out the stage door and ran back towards the auditorium. He met up with his soul mate halfway and they joined into a hug.

"You were so good." Blaine had said.

"So were you." Kurt told him, "Are you feeling better?"

They separated from the hug before Blaine said, "Im still a bit dizzy." He admitted, "But I should be just fine."

The pair began to hear the sound of muffled singing and knew right away that Aural Intensity had begun their set.

"Would you like to join me?" Kurt asked as he extended his hand out to Blaine.

Blaine took it in his, "Yes I would."

They began judging not long after. The one judge, Lizzy, announced the placings.

"In third place" She began into the microphone. She opened the envelope and took a dramatic long pause before continuing, "Aural Intensity!"

Aural Intensity jumped up and down in excitement although they lost. Well, all except Amy, Mark, and Amber who stood together with pursed lips as they stared spitefully at the other competing groups.

"And in first place" Then said once the audience quieted. She took another long pause upon reading the envelope, "The New Directions! Which means second goes to the Warblers!"

The crowd shouted whoops and hollers as the two teams received their trophies. Nobody in the New Directions could believe it. They were going to Nationals.

Kurt walked out of the rowdy group and over to Blaine who may have been celebrating with his friends stopped and turned to Kurt. They hugged for the third time that night.

"Tomorrow my friends are getting married!" Kurt tried to shout through all the noise. Blaine could just hear him enough to nod, "I want you to be my date!"

Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt. They parted quickly. The kiss was just like the touch. It electrocuted both men. They both laughed at it.


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