June 8, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 8, 2015, 7 p.m.
Please review telling me what you think. I love reading your silly little comments on my stories :)
Blaine studied the name that was engraved on his ring finger. It made him feel good on a bad day, knowing that somebody, somewhere out there was meant for him. He took his right index finger and traced over the letters.
K: The letter that began the words "kiss," "kindness," and his soul mates first name.
U: The letter that sounds just like "you." It somehow made Blaine think of each other. You as in his soul mate and you as in himself.
R: "Right." Blaine believed they were right for each other.
T: "Two." There was two of them and the only two who knew.
The words spelled Kurt - A.K.A.: his soul mate. The one he was going to find at just the right time. He never knew when though. When was he going to meet his significant other that was supposed to put the biggest impact on his life?
He smiled as he continually traced the letters over and over. Carefully getting used to the feeling of touching him. Yes, touching him. Blaine felt as though touching the scar on his finger meant he was actually touching his soul mate. As if his soul mate could feel the touch. Even the name In his skin felt different from the rest. It felt smoother, not like a scar - it felt like a different skin. A completely different skin. That was his first idea.
He also knew that since his scar went up his left ring finger on the palm side. That would mean his soul mate had his name going down their left ring finger on the back, where Blaine often felt a tickle. As if someone was touching him. Was it his soul mate trying to make contact with him? Did he believe he could feel Blaine too?
It is also said that you can feel when your soul mate is hurting. You know if theyre in pain, physically or mentally. And there has been times Blaines felt things he couldnt explain. Cold, slushy-like substances running down his face, unexplained back pain and even minor depression.
There was also the fact that you could only see the name of your soul mate on your finger and your name on your soul mates finger. Thats how you knew. No one else could physically see or touch the scar, except your soul mate. The name is sacred, no one must know until youve found your soul mate.
All of those facts lead Blaine to believe that you can touch your soul mate even if theyre not there with you; by touching the scar that was given to you at the age of five, when it was certain your soul mate was already on the Earth.
And when your soul mate died your scar inexplicably disappears.
Blaine feared that. He feared that one day hell wake up without Kurts name written on his finger. Or worse, Kurt will wake up without his name, He didnt want his soul mate to go on unloved by the person he was meant to be with; himself.
But so Blaine laid on his bed and continued to trace the letters, forgetting the world and everything in his thoughts, just focusing on this bonding. That is until his mother called for him for dinner.
"And the trial is put on recess until further investigation." Blaine heard his dad say as he bounded into the dining room. He grabbed his plate from in front of his chair and began dishing up the food his mother had prepared hoping to go unnoticed. He didnt want to be apart of the conversation his parents were having, "Hi son, how are you?" His father noticed.
Blaine jumped slightly. He steadied his grip on the tongs before answering his father, "Hi dad." Blaine smiled at him before focusing back on the salad bowl, "Im feeling as usual as ever."
"And whats usual?" His dad asked, wanting a more specific answer.
"Im fine, dad. Everythings going great for me." Blaine said as he put the salad tongs down and reached for a dinner roll.
"I sure wish I could say the same thing. You know that case Ive been on for that damn drug dealer?"
"Yes dad, I do." Blaine said, taking a seat in his chair.
"They went on another recess. Need to look into a few more things. I just want them to get this case over with. Never become a lawyer, son." His dad said. He then picked up the dinner roll on his plate and studied it before setting it back down, "I need jelly." He said as he stood up. He made his way to the fridge.
"Oh, Harold. Blaine can be whatever he wants." Blaines mom argued.
"Margaret, I made a huge mistake going to law school. I dont want him following in my footsteps. Dont want him to follow his brothers either. Damn boy thinks its okay to just barely pass school and moves to Los Angeles. Cant wait until he comes running back home because hes unable to pay rent." Harold said bitterly, slamming the jar of strawberry jelly down on the table.
"No, mother, I didnt want to be a lawyer or big actor anyway. Although, I dont know how one commercial could make Cooper a big actor who knows exactly what hes doing. I want to do Broadway. Act live on a stage. Get known for my voice and my live acting skills." Blaine said. His dad rolled his eyes.
"Harold." Margaret scolded, "I think its a wonderful dream. Like my book says, Encouraging your kids to follow their dreams only makes it that much easier to follow them."
"Do you have a back up? Just incase it doesnt work out - on - Broadway?" Harold asked grudgingly but politely at Blaine.
Blaine shrugged, "Maybe Ill follow in moms footsteps and practice some child psychology. I love kids and being able to help them is only better."
"Great, at least you have a back up. Always gotta have a back up." Harold said.
"Yeah." Blaine mumbled as he played with his food, no longer wanting to eat.
He loved his father and his father loved him they just didnt always see eye to eye. His career, his clothing, his passions. They both thought differently when it came to things like these. If Blaine said one thing his father went opposite; to contradict; to seem right. Blaine hated having any of these conversations which is why he liked it when it was just him and his mom at the dinner table.
His mother didnt care, she accepted what Blaine wanted. If he wanted to do Broadway then she supported him. If he wanted to wear the blue bow tie then she let him wear it whenever and wherever he wanted. If he wanted to sign up for show choir then she made sure he did his best at the audition. His mother studied child psychology and how to raise childrens self-esteem. Thats why she was always so positive in Blaines decision. And because of that he had a better relationship with her.
Blaine looked down at his finger. He wondered what Kurt would say.
Kurt wondered what it was like to touch his soul mate. To really touch him. Everywhere. Beyond just the finger - which he couldnt get enough of if he was being honest. He knew that what he was touching of the scar was actually a piece of his soul mate. His soul mate could feel when he was playing with the scar just like he could when his soul mate was playing with their scar.
The way the letters that spelled his name amused Kurt. He loved tracing them and creating the name. He filled a whole notebook out with just his name in the writing that it was spellt in.
Hes been doing it since he was a child. He would fill out a page, turn off the lights, take a flashlight, and shined it underneath the paper to watch it glow. He couldnt wait for the day where his scar would glow. Thats when you know youre in his presence.
Its said that the closer you are to your soul mate the brighter the name would glow until you are one mile apart, then it would dim. The glow only lasted until the first true touch of a soul mate. When they first touch each other in person, thats when it would stop, and never shine again. Kurt has seen his scar glow but never so bright. Never bright enough to know that his soul mate was truly near. And the glow only lasted for a couple of seconds. He wished it would light up though. Bright enough for every human near him could see he was close to his soul mate - that is, if you could see the glow. Like how you couldnt see anybody elses scar you couldnt see the scar glow unless it was of your soul mate.
That was the one thing Kurt wanted to see when he found his soul mate - besides meeting him - was the whole process in which the glow comes and goes.
"Kurt!" He heard Rachel calling for him as she knocked at his door. Kurt sighed as his thoughts were startled by this. He answered the door and was greeted by a hug. Personally, Kurt didnt know why she hung out with him. Sure, they were best friends but it feels like she spent more time with him than with her soul mate - A.K.A.: Kurts step-brother, Finn. Rachel insists that its because she wants to be there when Kurt met his soul mate but sometimes Kurt believed it was because she didnt want to spend all that time with Finn when they see each other during Glee. That was a bit of a stretch though since Rachel got to see Kurt everyday too and she enjoys being the center of attention. Whatever it was in the end Kurt gave up guessing and just went along with it. It was nice to have friends who wanted to hang out with him although Kurt enjoyed being alone, lost in his thoughts of his soul mate.
"Where are you taking me this time?" Kurt asked as Rachel drug him along to a place she wanted to visit.
"I heard that Breadstix was having a karaoke night and I thought you and I could show off our incredible talent to the lesser." Rachel replied. Her cheeks were red with excitement.
"Oh, Rachel Berry. What can I do without you?" Kurt asked, a bright smile forming on his face.
"Lots of things. You just choose to lay around all day and daydream about your soul mate." Rachel replied.
"I do not!" Kurt protested a huge lie.
"Really? Kurt, I see you make heart eyes. At nothing! You basically concealed yourself in your deep thoughts on what your soul mate looks like and how they might react to seeing you."
"Point taken."
"I know you. And I know you like to get out and perform but lately all you care about is that damn soul mate of yours that you feel you may never meet. Its time for you to get out of your fantasies and - live a little. Plus, they might be there."
"Thats easy for you to say. You got to meet your soul mate freshmen year. You get to see him everyday and Im still living in the dark." Kurt said.
"Yes, but they might be there." Rachel repeated slowly, stressing each syllable.
Kurt shook his head, "Im not glowing."
"Well, well be getting there kind of early so they might not be there yet. And even if they dont come well still have fun, right?"
"I believe my instincts and my instincts say that theyre not going to be there."
"You never know..." Rachel trailed off in a sing-song voice.
"Mornin dad." Blaine greeted when he entered the dining room and found his dad at his chair reading the newspaper.
"Mornin son." Harold greeted back, fixing his paper, "How was that karaoke thing at that Breadstix last night?"
"We didnt go. David decided to rent a couple of movies so we watched those instead." Blaine replied.
"Again? Sometimes going out with friends means you actually go out. Maybe even out-of-town to... I dont know, a little Italian restaurant doing karaoke?"
"Because sometimes plans change." Blaine retorted.
"Well, whatever. Are you ready for school tomorrow?"
Blaine sighed, "Yes dad. I had my uniforms dry cleaned and now they are neatly packed in my suitcase waiting to get worn again."
"Good." Harold fixed his paper again, "Because - as you know - your car is in the shop to get fixed. We had to take it out to this little garage in Lima. And since itll be gone for a while well have to drop you off at the academy ourselves and your mom and I have to go somewhere and we wont be back til Wednesday so we have to drop you off earlier than intended."
"Alright, cool." Blaine said with a head nod.
"Im sorry your soul mate wasnt there. I had a hunch. A real hunch this time." Rachel said as she sat down across from Kurt at the Lima Bean.
"No need to apologize. My soul mate never shows up to these places and Im not upset." Kurt said, "I told you I already knew he wasnt going to be there. Although, this time sort of felt... different."
"What do you mean, different?" Rachel asked.
"I mean, although I knew they werent there it kind of felt like they were going to be there. They just didnt show." Kurt said.
"But you said you knew they werent going to be there. Your instincts."
"I did. But that doesnt stop that little feeling that was telling me otherwise."
"Rachel, wake up. I know my soul mate - even if I dont technically know them. After all, they belong to me. You have know idea what its like to not be with your soul mate. You found yours."
"I just-" Rachel began.
Kurt stood up, coffee cup in hand, "Listen, I love all the support but I think I want to do this alone. It seems a bit more intimate." He said then left without another glance back at Rachel.
"Hi, Dalton." Blaine whispered to himself as he made his way up the steps of the private school.
He was dressed in his uniform: A blue blazer with a red trim and the D for Dalton patch on the left pocket; white undershirt; blue and red striped neck tie; off blue-green pants - almost grey - and a pair of black dress shoes. Hes gotten so used to wearing the uniform that seeing himself without it on didnt seem quite right.
He found his dorm which waited for him just the same as he left it: bland, with only a couple of posters on the wall and his trophies on his dresser there was nothing too spectacular about the room.
Blaine applied for a single dorm for he felt uncomfortable sharing it with somebody he didnt know, didnt like, was forced to get to know, sleep with and all the other stuff that came with getting a roommate. And although that left an empty place in the room there was no other bed to get claimed and no other stuff to invade space. It was just Blaines bed and Blaines stuff, something that suited him well and made his living experience in the room comforting. And Blaine couldnt enjoy it more.
Blaine plopped down on his bed for what better way to go back to school than take a nap as soon as you got there? Which is exactly what he did. He didnt want to be groggy during his classes tomorrow.
Kurt never liked long weekends. This weekend was certainly one of them. It felt like it was extending forever. Rachel just wouldnt shut up about last night. The endless karaoke which, although he did enjoy he wished he could just go back home and crawl into bed. And all the talk was about his soul mate. The soul mate she swore was going to be there. And he felt so too. Even, if he already knew that Blaine wasnt going to show.
And thank God it was almost over. Just a quick trip back to the Lima Bean for the second time that day for some coffee and biscotti - which he didnt feel like having - then he would crawl into bed.
"And I swear their presence was there." Rachel continued to blab on about Kurts soul mate to the group they were with. They were there with Mercedes, Mike, Artie and yes, even Santana.
"But their name didnt glow." Kurt interjected.
"Of course it didnt. It never does!" Rachel exclaimed.
"It has." Kurt mumbled mainly to himself as he brought his cup up to his lips.
It was Mercedes who was the first to notice what Kurt said. Her eyes grew wide and glistened with joy, "You mean, you have been within one mile of your soul mate before?" Mercedes asked. Mike, Artie, Rachel, and Santana looked on with interest.
Kurt sighed, "Yes."
"Why havent you said anything?" Rachel asked.
"Its been years since I last saw the glow. And it was distant. Plus it only lasted for a couple of seconds." Kurt said.
"Wow, I hate to have my soul mate near but not cross paths with them." Mercedes said. She, like Rachel already found her soul mate. Sam and her met on his first day at McKinley and it took a good spin. In fact, almost everyone around Kurt found their soul mate except him. He began to think he was never going to meet his soul mate. That they would never cross paths and they would die alone. It was a rare occasion when you never meet your soul mate - one in a million - and Kurt felt as if he was one of them. Especially right now as he thought about all his friends finding true love.
"Warblers!" Wes exclaimed, pounding his mallet on the sound block, "It has come to my attention that Regionals is just around the corner and we have yet to make a set list."
"Which is why we called you all here for an emergency meeting. We need to establish a set list and work on the routine." David added.
"Our first order of business, the competitors. I got the names in today of our rivals competing against us." Wes began, holding up a sheet of paper, "Our first competitors are Aural Intensity from Westvale High School." He read off the paper, "Our second competitors are the New Directions from William McKinley High School."
Blaine became alert at the name. It somehow appealed to him in an awkward sense he could not explain. Something just felt right about that Glee Club.
A round of applause circled around Blaine as he sat there thinking about it in a deep daze that he missed what Wes said next.
The Warblers around him departed on Wes command to leave. Blaine remained in his spot, not noticing the disappearance of the men around him.
"Blaine Warbler? Blaine Warbler?" Wes called again and again as he approached the tranced boy.
Wes hovered over Blaine and waved a hand in his face. Blaine blinked, taking himself out of his thoughts.
"Wh-Wh-What?" Blaine asked as he rapidly scanned the room.
"This is over. You may go now. We are heading to the Senior common room since it has a nice open space for choreography" Wes told the confused boy. Wes scrunched his eyebrows now noticing Blaines absent appearance, "Are you okay? You seem - lost?"
"Oh - Uh - Yeah, Im fine." Blaine assured as he stood up from his seat.
"I sure hope so." Wes gave Blaine a tight smile, "Ill see you, Blaine Warbler." He said before leaving Blaine alone in the empty common room.
"I have the list of our competition for Regionals!" Mister Schue announced as he walked into the choir room, waving a sheet of paper in the air.
"Who are we competing against this year, Mister Schue?" Tina asked in excitement.
"Okay, from Westvale High School, Aural Intensity." Mister Schue began as he read off the paper that had the competitors names on it.
"Theyre easy, we beat them last year." Mercedes said.
"Yes, we did win. But dont get too cocky. Aural Intensity is under a new director. Theyve improved. That, and our other competitors are the Warblers, from Dalton Academy."
Kurts heart stopped. He had no idea why but he felt something strange about the group. He ignored Santanas gay joke she made on the group; After all, Dalton was an all-boy-school. Kurt was too lost in his thoughts trying to figure out his feelings towards the competing group.
"Guys, theyre really good." Mister Schue said, snapping Kurt out of his daze.
"Sure, whats an all-boy a capella group full of homos have against us?" Santana remarked.
"Thats enough, Santana." Mister Schue snapped.
"Im just saying." Santana said, crossing her arms over her chest, "I could beat them in my sleep. We might be a small show choir group but I think we got this one in the bag."
"Thats a first." Mike said bluntly.
"Dont judge by what you hear." Kurt interrupted, "If Mister Schuester says theyre good then I would take his word on it."
"And the point Im trying to make with this list is that we need to work extra hard if we want to win. I do admit, we did very good last year but we have to be our best times ten if we want to go to Nationals and get first place. I know we can do it too. We just have to work hard and work together." Mister Schue encouraged.
The kids nodded and murmured their agreement knowing full well that their director sounded crazy but starting a fight with him wasnt going to solve anything.
Even Rachel was silent on the matter. All she cared about was getting the solos.
Blaine met up with his friends Trent and Jeff at a local coffee shop after school that Tuesday. Like always the group was discussing their thoughts on what should be in their set list. Blaine made sure he had his opinion too since he was the obvious one that was going to be singing lead on the songs. Of course they had no say in the song choices the underclassmen had a blast bickering about the set list together.
"You know what Ive always wanted to do?" Trent asked the small group sitting around the table they were at.
"What?" The other two asked in almost perfect unison.
"Tonights the Night. By: Outasight." Trent finished.
Blaine and Jeff looked at each other, "I dont think Wes would ever want to do that." Jeff said.
"Its just a thought." Trent assured, "But I wish we could have a say in what we sing."
"Oh, dont I know it!" Blaine scoffed, "As the one singing the songs itll be fun to sing the ones I want to do for once."
"Or have someone else sing them." Jeff mumbled to himself as he picked up his coffee cup to take a sip.
"What was that?" Blaine asked his friend.
"Oh, nothing. Nothing." Jeff assured, a sly smile forming on his lips before he finally took a sip of his coffee.
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows unsure with Jeff but quickly brushed it off. Today he didnt want to talk about the Warblers. Call him conceited but Blaine wanted to talk about Blaine.
"Whats it like finding your soul mate?" Blaine asked nonchalantly.
The two guys sitting with Blaine had already found their soul mate. Jeff found his soul mate when he first started Dalton. He was their fellow Warbler, Nick. Trent found his soul mate at his old school. Her name was Tiffany. Both boys were very happy with their soul mate and although Blaine didnt let it get to him he secretly hated how everyone around him was slowly finding their significant other. Wes had David. Thad had Maria. Blaine was left to wonder.
The two other boys looked at each other, telepathically figure out their answer to Blaines question.
"Magical!" Jeff answered in wonderment. Blaine agreed it had to be magical. He heard all about the wonder that happened when youve crossed paths with your soul mate.
"Magical indeed." Trent concurred.
"I bet." Blaine sighed in admiration as he stared down at his ring finger.
The two boys noticed the action and quickly reacted, "The scar does all the magic for you." Trent said with a smile.
"Finding your soul mate will simply be the greatest moment of your life." Jeff said.
"Indeed it will." Trent nodded, "Its full of merriment and wonder. But dont forget about you friends. Okay?"
Blaine chuckled as he brought his cup up to his lips, "Of course I wont." He then took a quick sip out of it before bringing it back down, "Why do you think I would?" Blaine then asked.
The two boys gave each other a quick glance before Jeff answered, "Youve been without your soul mate for a while. We know that when people first meet their soul mate theyll get too caught up in them. Its great for you to hang out with your soul mate and catch up on your loss time but please dont have them take over your life. Outside your soul mate you have friends and family who love and adore you and is here for you when youre having trouble. We are here to help with your soul mate and will be for many years to come, with the ups and the downs that come with your soul mate."
"Downs?" Blaine questioned Jeffs choice of words.
"Yes. Downs. Your soul mate isnt going to be all rainbows and sunshine. There will be some fighting. Your both human with different opinions. Youre gonna argue." Trent replied.
"We just wanna make sure were not forgotten." Jeff finished.
"Im not gonna let that happen." Blaine stated.
Trent and Jeff exchanged another look full of worry. They wanted to believe what their friend said was true but they couldnt be too optimistic. Could they?
"Kurt!" Rachel called from outside Kurts bedroom door, "Kurt!" She called again, this time in a more whiny voice, "Kurt!" Her voice rose as she called him once again.
Kurt groaned and rolled off his bed. That time of day again he guessed. He approached the door and opened it, revealing his bouncy best friend, "May I help you?" He asked querulously.
"Were going to Breadstix." Rachel announced as she grabbed Kurts hand and drug him out of his room and down the hall.
"I told you to butt out of my relationship life." Kurt whined as he was lugged down the stairs, "I can do this myself."
"This is not about your relationship." She said, stressing your
They continued our walk to Breadstix only breaking to sit at an appropriately placed bench to relax our aching feet. Kurt kept quiet until they got to the restaurant knowing that Rachel would rant to him everything that was on her mind.
The pair finally reached the little, Italian restaurant and walked inside. They were escorted to an empty booth where they waited for their waiter/waitress to come over and take their order. They always got the same thing.
"All right, tell me Rachel Berry, whats up?" Kurt started.
Rachel looked down at her menu placed in front of her and folded her hands on top of it. Now that she was here she felt hesitant to tell her best friend about her doubt.
Kurt noticed his friends uncertainty and placed a comforting hand over top of hers, "Its okay, Rach. You can tell me anything." He assured.
Rachel inhaled a fearful breath before speaking, "I think Finn might be proposing to me." She stated.
Kurt pulled his hand back, "Are you sure?" He asked cautiously.
Rachel nodded, "Hes been distant lately and hes seemed suspicious. Hes been going off and about with his friends. Hes been whispering things to them and acting very strange."
It all clicked together for Kurt. Why Rachel was always around Kurt. Why shes distant herself from Finn.
"Well, hes your soul mate. You are to get married to him someday." Was all Kurt could say.
"Of course, but not now." Rachel answered.
Kurt was about ready to reply when their waitress approached them, "Hi, Im Kathy and Ill be your server for today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" She gave a very cliché greeting that the pair would joke about if it wasnt for their situation.
"Two waters." Kurt replied quickly as he eyed his best friend who continued to stare at her entwined hands.
The waitress nodded as she wrote down their order then left the two.
"Rachel, theres nothing to be afraid of. If youre not ready then just tell him that you would like to wait."
"But I dont want to turn him down." Rachel admitted.
"Then accept it but string it out for a few years until youre ready." Kurt suggested. For the first time Rachel looked up at him with her big brown eyes.
Katy came back with their drinks and a side of bread sticks, "Are you ready to order?" She asked the two as she sat down the glasses and cup of bread sticks.
"Ill have the spaghetti platter." Kurt said.
Katy grabbed a pen and notepad out of the pocket of her apron and turned to the page with their order. She wrote down Kurts order and turned to Rachel.
"Can I get a tossed salad?" Rachel asked.
"Thats all?" Katy questioned.
"Okay." Katy nodded as she wrote down Rachels order. With that she left the pair again.
Rachel focused back on Kurt and their conversation, "I should." She nodded, "I might. Thank you." Rachel said wholeheartedly.
"Warblers!" Wes called as he pounded his gavel to silence the group of men gathered in the common room. The noise fell dead silent so Wes began, "I know weve had some constructive debate on our set list but after a brief meeting between the members of the Warbler council we settled our thoughts and came up with two worthy songs to sing for the competition."
"Yes, we voted and the three of us agreed to go back to the seventies." David announced.
The common room uproared in excitement.
"Through another vote we have selected Video Killed the Radio Star by: The Buggles and Killer Queen by: Queen." Thad finished.
Another uproar sounded. Blaine was the happiest of all. Knowing well enough that he was going to sing lead he was glad that the council select a good choice of songs. He loved Queen and couldnt get enough of The Buggles hit "Video Killed the Radio Star."
"And of course, the council has appointed Blaine Warbler to sing lead on both songs." Wes said, using a hand gesture to signify the man he was talking about. Blaine looked up at the ceiling proudly. He was excited to be performing the songs.
"Alright! New Directions! Its time to start planning for Regionals. Next week I want each of you to find a nice love song to be sung as our solo!" Mister Schue announced to the group of kids sitting in the plastic chairs on the choir room risers that Wednesday afternoon during their scheduled Glee rehearsal.
Rachel raised her hand and blurted out, "Mister Schue," as she did so.
Will pointed to his student, "Yes, Rachel?" He asked.
Rachel stood and spoke as she approached the center, "Since we all know Im getting solo here Ill save you the trouble and just give out my song suggestion."
Will took a seat on the empty chair in the far left corner as always, knowing where this was going.
Santana huffed and rolled her eyes, "Here we go."
Rachel ignored her and began singing:
Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walkin down the street, and I hardly know you
Its just like we were meant to be
Kurt looked down at his finger and studied Blaines name scarred on his finger. Already next week didnt sound too nice for him.
Holding hands with you when were out at night
Got a girlfriend, you say it isnt right
And Ive got someone waiting too
What if this is just the beginning
Were already wet, and were gonna go swimming
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
Why cant I speak whenever I talk about you
Its inevitable, its a fact that were gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
Isnt this the best part of breakin up
Finding someone else you cant get enough of
Someone who wants to be with you too
Its an itch we know we are gonna scratch
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
But wouldnt it be beautiful
Here we go, were at the beginning
We havent fucked yet, but my heads spinning
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
Why cant I speak whenever I talk about you
Its inevitable, its a fact that were gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
High enough for you to make me wonder
Where its goin
High enough for you to pull me under
Somethins growin
out of this that we can control
Baby I am dyin
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
Why cant I speak whenever I talk about you
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you
Why cant I speak whenever I talk about you
Its inevitable, its a fact that were gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about you?
The choir room cheered for her once she was finished. Mister Schue stood up and made his way back up to the front as he continued to clap.
Rachel smiled as she walked back to her seat.
"That was very good, Rachel." He praised her, "But I dont think its Regional material. So the lesson will go on as planned."
Rachel pouted but didnt say anything. Instead she looked at Finn for something which he gladly wrapped a comforting arm around his soul mates shoulder.
Usually Kurt wouldnt be opposed to doing a lesson or singing a love song but he knew that next week was going to be a room full of soul mates singing to each other while he sat back and wished that his was there with him as he was all alone.
The Warblers stood in their rows and began rehearsing their first number. They wanted to at least figure out how they were going to sing it before they added choreography.
"... and then I was thinking we could have Blaine join us at the chorus. You know, where the girls repeatedly sing, Video killed The radio star over and over." Wes suggested as he thought up the idea on how the songs should go, "And then well split up the vocals into two groups. Those who sing the, Video killed the radio star and those wholl sing the, "You are the radio star and Blaine could choose which side he wants to sing on or flip-flop between groups if hed like. "
Thad rose his hand and started speaking before Wes could acknowledge him, "I was thinking that just Blaine could sing the, You are the radio star part. It is a solo part after all."
"That doesnt please me. It doesnt feel right as a solo. It should be preformed as a group." Wes disagreed.
"When am I ever going to get any satisfaction?" Thad mumbled to himself.
"What?" Wes asked politely.
"I said, When am I ever going to get any satisfaction?" Thad spoke up in a raised voice. He stepped out of his placing.
"Thad, get back in line." Wes ordered.
"No, Im tired of you calling all the shots around here! Im just as much a part of the council as you and David are!" Thad protested:
I cant get no satisfaction
I cant get no satisfaction
Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I cant get no, I cant get no
When Im drivin in my car
And that man comes on the radio
And hes tellin me more and more
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination
I cant get no, oh no no no
Hey hey hey, thats what I say
I cant get no satisfaction
I cant get no satisfaction
Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I cant get no, I cant get no
When Im watchin my TV
And that man comes on to tell me
How white my shirts can be
But he cant be a man cause he doesnt smoke
The same cigarrettes as me
I cant get no, oh no no no
Hey hey hey, thats what I say
I cant get no satisfaction
I cant get no girl reaction
Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I cant get no, I cant get no
When Im ridin round the world
And Im doin this and Im signing that
And Im tryin to make some girl
Who tells me baby better come back later next week
Cause you see Im on losing streak
I cant get no, oh no no no
Hey hey hey, thats what I say
I cant get no, I cant get no
I cant get no satisfaction
No satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction.
With the song finished Trent stormed out of the room.
"Hell come back." Wes assured, "He just needs time to cool off."
"I have to agree with him, though." David spoke up.
Wes turned to look at the defiant man, "Whos side are you on?" He asked.
David shrugged "I just think what Thad suggested for Video Killed the Radio Star was the better option." He replied.
"Youre my soul mate! You should be choosing me!" Wes whined.
"I usually do. I just think Thad is right this time."
Wes shook his head, "You know what? Lets just drop it. Cmon Warblers, lets practice."
Blaine studied Kurts name after watching all that go down. He wondered if Kurt too had to put up with people bickering over songs. He also wondered if theyll fight like Wes and David. Blaine hoped not.
Kurt took a seat across from Rachel at the Lima Bean Thursday after school, "You wanted to talk to me?" He asked his friend.
Rachel pulled out the chain around her neck, revealing a small diamond ring that was hiding underneath her dress, "I said yes." She mumbled as she stared down at the little ring.
Kurts eyes widened in astonishment, "Rachel! You cant be serious!? He actually did propose!?" He asked, flabbergasted.
A large grin spread across Rachels face as she watched herself rub her thumb against the ring. She nodded, "Yeah!"
"But you did tell him to wait?" Kurt asked. He didnt give Rachel a chance to answer, "That doesnt matter! Hes my step-brother! He couldve told me! I can keep a secret!" He was outraged now.
"I thought youd be proud of us?" Rachel asked crossing her arms over her chest.
"I am!" Kurt exclaimed, "I just feel neglected by my own brother!"
Rachel looked up at the raging boy, still holding her ring, "Are you jealous?" She asked sincerely.
"What? No. I just feel betrayed." Kurt pouted.
"Maybe he was afraid youll tell me? Thats probably why he never told you?" Rachel said. Kurt looked down at the table, "But I still feel as if youre jealous. Like you wish you had your soul mate. That youll be marrying them."
Kurt was silent as he thought about Rachels words. Okay, maybe he was a little jealous. There was Rachel, his best friend getting married to her soul mate and he still had yet to meet Blaine. It was times like these that made Kurt doubt hell ever meet Blaine.
Blaine thanked God it was Friday. The week was slugging by with only seven weeks until Regionals and all the preparations they were doing for it. Plus, he was anxious to get car back. They were going to head out to pick it up today after classes were over.
Luckily, Thad and Wes made up, along with David and Wes. Also, because Wes was overruled two to one they went with Thads idea for "Video Killed the Radio Star" which meant there was only little bickering and more rehearsing.
Blaine went up to his room after practice to pack his school uniforms up to get dry cleaned over the weekend then left to meet his parents in the parking lot.
He found his parents car parked in the half-empty lot with his mom waiting for him. Blaine approached the car, threw his suitcase in the backseat and got into the passengers side. His mother greeted him and he nodded his head in reply.
"Can you drop me off at the shop to pick up my car? Then Ill just follow you home." Blaine asked as he buckled his seatbelt.
Margaret put the car into drive as she spoke, "Planned on it." She simply said, "I dont want you to be deprived of your baby Prius any longer."
Blaine scoffed as he placed his head in his hand that rested on the door and stared out the window, "I wish the universe would say the same thing about my soul mate." He said, mostly to himself but loud enough in hopes his mom did hear.
Margaret did listen and reached out to rub her sons thigh in a comforting manner as she used her left hand to drive, "Im sorry." Was all she could say - even if it wasnt her fault.
Blaine sighed and said nothing more. He instead just watched the objects as they passed them.
They finally reached the little repair shop; Hummel Tires and Lube.
Blaine stepped out of the car and grabbed his stuff. He nodded to his mother to signify that she could go. As she drove off Blaine stepped inside the building and felt something. Something sensational. Like the place had a key importance to Blaine, but all he needed was to retrieve his car. Thats the only thing important for Blaine about the place. Right?
Blaine walked to the back of the shop and found a man studying the contents under the hood of an old Ford Pick-up.
"Um... Excuse me?" Blaine asked hesitantly to get the mans attention. The man looked up at him. The man looked to be in his mid forties. He had a ball cap over him to cover his bald head and was wearing grease-stained overalls that had a name patch on it. It read Burt. Somehow he too seemed important to Blaine. And the way Burt looked at Blaine it seemed he was thinking the same thing.
Thats when Blaine looked down and noticed his glowing finger. Not the faint glow he used to get but a real powerful glow. His soul mate was very near. Blaine played with his ring finger using his thumb on the same hand as he fell into a daze.
"Can I help you?" Burt asked, pulling Blaine out of his distant thoughts.
Blaine snapped his head up to look at Burt, "Uh... Yes! Yes. Im here to pick up my Prius." Blaine answered.
Burt nodded his head towards the direction in which Blaines car waited for him, "Doors unlocked. Keys are on the dashboard." He said. Blaine gave him a head nod. Burt gave him one more thoughtful look as Blaine walked away.
Kurt came over to his dads shop for a while. He kept watching his finger as he walked into the store hoping itll glow again like it did earlier, ignoring the unusual sparking sensation the garage left off until he looked back up. The environment felt different from any other time he was there. Like he was late or something.
He found his dad busy at work, "Hey, dad." Kurt greeted.
"Hey, kiddo!" Burt acknowledged back as he continued to work.
"Hows your day?" Kurt asked.
His father stopped and looked up at his son, "Honestly, I dont know anymore. I thought I was fine but this boy came in and it got me thinking."
"Why? What did he say? What did he do? Oh, God, is he one of those crazies?" Kurt asked worriedly.
Burt shook his head in response, "He didnt say or do anything! There was just something strange about him. I - Just - He -" Burt shook his head again in a loss of words.
Kurt stepped back slightly in shock. It couldnt be. Could it?