Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine took the empty stool in the corner between the kitchen and the counter. It was a small sports bar at the corner of his neighborhood that he liked going to. Especially after the breakup. He soon became a regular that all the bartenders grew accustomed to knowing. The sit down immediately led to a Bud Light Beer (his usual) bottle being placed in front of him by one of his favorite bartenders, Jackie.
Jackie was a buff girl with long, blonde, curly hair that was always put up. She was a big-built girl who wore tight shirts and ripped jeans. Today she wore a tight, dark, red shirt that hugged her body like a corset with sleeves that just touched her shoulder, exposing her tattoo of a red heart that read her name in the middle on her right upper arm and her worn bell bottoms with large holes at her kneecaps.
Everyone loved Jackie. She was friendly and certainly "one of the dudes." She knew all her regular clientele and was great with them.
She was quick too. Was at a fight before it even got started. Had your drink ready before you finished your order. Has a snappy comeback to all your sentences right off the top of her head. At least, thats what it felt like.
Jackie like conversing with her favorite customers. Blaine was one of them.
"Thanks Jacks." Blaine said as he grabbed his bottle.
"No problem, sweetie." Jackie replied in her raspy voice from her active smoking. She smiled at Blaine and leaned in, her elbows rested on the counter, "This ones on the house."
Blaine sighed as he brought the beer bottle up to his lips. He took a quick swig as Jackie observed him, "Whats up? You look down. Like you were the first day you walked in here." She asked the man.
Blaine sat the bottle back down in front of him, "Its nothing." Blaine giggled uncertainly, "Its quite stupid, actually."
"Nothings stupid." Jackie assured. Blaine gave her a hesitant look, "Come on, you can tell me."
"I got married. On Monday." Blaine hesitated.
"But I thought you and Jonah broke it off before the wedding?" Jackie asked, lost.
"To a stranger. I got married to a stranger." Blaine corrected.
"Oh my!" Jackie gasped, "Honey, what happened?"
"Turns out it wasnt legal. We forgot a marriage license!"
"Really? So then what?"
"Then we went our separate ways. We still remain friends I just feel so fickle about this. I dont know rather to be mad or happy about it. Ive been switching back and forth."
"You love him, dont you?" Jackie asked, a knowing smile spreading across her face.
"What!? Of course not!" Blaine said, exasperated.
Jackie pursed her lips in frustration, "Yes you do."
"No, I dont!" Blaine exclaimed, outraged.
"Sure. You say that now." Jackie said. Blaine gave her death glare, "Love does strange things, Blaine. You should know this. Remember why you began coming here? You were so lovestruck that when Jonah left you you couldnt cope with it. Love made you want to try and drink it away. But you couldnt. Come on, after meeting this man when was the last you thought of Jonah?"
Blaine scanned his mind, trying to find the answer to Jackies question, "Now that you mentioned it the only time I thought of him was when I first met Kurt. I just casually brought it up and thats when we decided to marry one another."
"But with perfectly logical reasons"
"What perfectly logical reasons?" Jackie asked with a sly smile, knowing what the answer would be.
"I... Uh... Well..." Blaine stuttered then huffed when he couldnt say anything.
"And why did you come here today? Is your subconscious trying to wash away the love you still have for Jonah or are you trying to drink that fake marriage away from your brain?"
"Well... I - i-its because... I-" Blaine was again at a loss of words.
Jackie was about to speak when the pair heard the heavy door open. Their eyes turned to look at who came in. Blaine gasped in shock at who stood at the doorway. It was no other than Kurt Hummel himself.
Jackie leaned in closer to Blaine, "You know this guy?" She whispered, recognizing Blaines reaction.
Blaine nodded rapidly in reply, "Thats Kurt. The guy I thought I married." Blaine whispered back harshly.
Jackie moved back, "Yeesh!" She said in disgust, "Tough break."
They watched as Kurt approached them.
He took a seat next to Blaine, "Fancy seeing you here." Kurt smiled at Blaine.
"Well hello to you too stranger." Blaine smiled back, "But I do say, this does not seem like your kind of place."
"Its not. Its a bar. Its sports. Its a sports bar. But I needed a place to clear my head and I thought of you and agreed that I need to go to a bar to drink my pain away."
"Why do you need to drink your pain away?" Blaine asked, suspicious.
Kurt shrugged, "Why not?"
Jackie interrupted, "What can I get you sweetie?" She asked Kurt.
"Do you have any cocktails?" He asked.
"This is a bar sweetie. What do ya think?"
"Then Ill take a tropical sunset."
"Ah, right on it, sir." She said then left to tend to his drink.
Blaine hoped off his stool, "Excuse me." He said before making his way to where Jackie was now at. Jackie summoned him to come in onto the other side of the counter. Blaine joined her in the back, attaching him to her side.
"Why did you let that get away?" Jackie asked in a low whisper as she started preparing Kurts drink.
"Because we didnt work out." Blaine whispered back between clenched teeth.
"Probably because you need time to get to know each other?" Jackie asked.
"Why do you think we remained friends? To see how well work together!"
"I wanna see where this goes." Jackie whispered back. She glanced over to Kurt then back at Blaine, "Seriously though. Hes beautiful. You better get him before anyone else."
Blaine scoffed at the bartender before going back to his seat.
"I have a question for you." Kurt immediately chimed as Blaine hopped back onto his stool.
"What?" Blaine asked, taking another sip of his beer.
"Okay, so about your ex..." Kurt began, studying his entwined fingers, "I dont know if you would care if I maybe told my friends? They seem suspicious."
Blaine gave Kurt a wary look.
"Of course you dont have to agree with that. I was just wondering. They feel unsure about you and your alcoholism."
"I dont just tell people about my relationship." Blaine said as Jackie approached the two.
She scoffed upon hearing Blaines statement, "He knows. I know. The entire staff here knows." She said before sitting Kurts cocktail down.
"All right, I tell a lot of people." Blaine admitted.
"So, do you mind if I tell my friends?" Kurt asked again.
Blaine hesitated for a moment. He took his beer bottle in both hands and looked down at it, "I guess. If you want..."
Kurt looked at him in shock before nodding his head, "Cool." He didnt know what else to say.