June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
"When are you going to fly up to New York. The sooner you graduate the sooner we can rent an apartment together and out of the hair of Hummelberry and their sidekick Sir Eatsalot." Santana said to Brittany during their nightly Skype session.
"I don't know, but I'm really missing my sweet lady kisses."
"I know, I wants to get my mack on with you again." Santana threw her head back in dispear.
"I have an idea."
"What?" Santana said leaning closer to her laptop intrigued.
"Okay, close your eyes." Santana watched as her girlfriend closed her eyes. Santana did the same leaning back on the couch, "Now, picture the two of us after our first time, laying on that bed giving each other all those kisses, from butterfly ones, to Eskimo ones, then to the ones on the lips." Santana's stomach went wild with butterflies much like it did after they did it. Santana let out a big breath, almost like she held it in forever. She pictured the butterfly kisses and the Eskimo kisses and the lip on lip contact. A bright smile crawled slowly on her face.
"Thanks Britt," She said opening her eyes and looking at her girlfriends warm, welcoming smile, "you always no what to say when I need it."
"That's what I'm here for, now go to sleep." Santana kissed her hand and placed it over Brittany' s face before getting off of Skype, how Brittany got so smart when helping Santana, no one ever knew.
Blaine and Kurt have been friends for an entire week now and they decided to try something new. They went to the coffee house near 44th street as usual but instead of getting their usual coffee orders they got each other's. When they sat down they looked down at the coffee in their hands, "Are you just as scared as me?" Blaine asked his cheeks flushing to such a dark red you could mistake them as apples.
"Then, on the count of three we'll take a sip at the same time." Blaine said, "Ready?"
"I'm not sure..." Kurt said still staring at his coffee.
"Well you are now, 1...2...3!" At the same time Blaine and Kurt quickly took sip of their coffee looking at it in their hands, both, had really disgusted faces on them. They looked at each other and started laughing. They exchanged coffee cups gulping their original orders down, relieving the disgusting taste in their mouths, "How can you drink that? It was nasty." Blaine said chuckling a little again.
"Me, what about you, I have no idea how you continue drinking that stuff?" Kurt asked, his voice higher than usual. Just then Kurt's phone buzzed. Kurt looked down at the number then answered it, "Hello...... uh huh...... uh huh....... No, you can't cancel it tonight..... What if I can get you someone." Kurt directed his attention to Blaine at the last sentence. Blaine's eyes grew wide, he didn't know what was going on but he sure was scared, "I don't know, maybe, he does love musicals and he already went to see it one night. I'll review the lines with him...... alright, bye." Kurt hung up the phone and looked directly at Blaine, "Would you like to perform in 'Chicago' for a night?" He asked.
"Boy, would I. I've always wanted to be on Broadway."
"Cool, because both the guy playing Billy and his understudy called in sick and I told them you could do it for tonight." Blaine's heart leaped. He didn't know what to say to Kurt.
"Thank you." He managed to get out.
"Lets just go so we can practice your lines and the songs you have to sing." Blaine and Kurt grabbed their coffees and walked back to Kurt's apartment, both slightly nervous for what might happen tonight.