June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
"Guess who found a new boy?" Santana said to the image of Brittany.
"Please tell me your not breaking up with me again. I hate not having sweet lady kisses every time I visit New York." Brittany said stroking Lord Tubbmington's head. Santana looked at her with a disgusted face.
"No, not me, the man-woman I live with."
"Rachel? I thought she was a lady troll?"
"The other one Britts." Santana said getting impatient at her girlfriend.
"I thought he was with someone." Brittany said starting to feel very confused.
"They broke up before Hummel graduated."
"Oh, You never told me." Brittany said letting Lord Tubbmington out of her arms.
"I tell you all the time." Santana reminded her, "This is going to be the new headline for my blog." Santana had a blog that was updated weekly, she started it a year after her and Brittany got back together. She called it Ladyboy and Female Troll. The whole blog was about her roommates Kurt and Rachel and she updated it every week with the wacky, childish things they did. The first person she always went to was Brittany who was always changing the skin of the blog for the week's headline.
"Santana, I'm home. Santana... Santana, are you here." Rachel's voice called.
"Listen Britts I have to go, Trollberry' s here." Santana said before kissing her hand and placing it over Brittany' s face before logging off of Skype. Rachel peaked into the door of the bathroom where Santana sat at talking to Brittany. Santana didn't have a room so this is where she went for private time during the day.
"Oh good your here, is Kurt home yet?" Rachel asked staring at Santana.
"No, he's still out on that date with the other ladyboy he met last night." Santana said getting up.
"I really have to tell you two something." Rachel said. Just then Santana heard a loud crashing sound come from the other room.
"What was that?" Santana said charging to the door.
"That's what I need to tell you." Rachel said nervously while twiddling her fingers.
"Hey Rache, how much did this bowl cost?"