June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
Blaine woke up and took his phone off the nightstand. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at the phone. He had one new text message, Blaine smiled as he read the name Kurt, Blaine opened the text, Great! Now I have Blaine's number and he has mine ;). Blaine's heart did back flips as he stared down at the winky face on his screen, What did this mean?, He thought, Does he have a crush on me? Oh God, I hope so!
Blaine couldn't get the image of perfection out of his head. The blue eyes, the pale skin, the most gorgeous brown hair he's ever seen. Blaine rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, shuffling as he walked down the hallway. He fixed his hair in the mirror, adding a thick layer of hair gel to it and then shuffled back to his room stopping when he heard his name being called.
"Blaine, did you send a text message to your little friend?" It was Nick who said that as he watched Blaine shuffle by. Blaine looked at Nick who was hunched over a bowl of cereal.
"Yes I did and he texted me back." Blaine said happily.
"Cool." Nick said without the least bit of enthusiasm. Blaine continued to shuffle back to his room closing the door and leaning up against it, his eyes were closed as he thought about Kurt again.
Kurt walked out of the bathroom dressed in a dark blue button down shirt and black leather pants that hugged his legs real tight. He made his way to the table and sat staring at Rachel as she was finishing her smoothie, he started daydreaming about Blaine, forgetting the world entirely, "What?" She asked him after things began to feel creepy.Kurt snapped back to reality looking down at the table sighing, "It's that boy again Isn't it?" Rachel said with a smile.
"His name is Blaine and yes that would correct." Kurt said getting up and grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, "There's just something about him."
"You just met this boy last night and already you fell in love. For all you know he isn't even gay." Rachel said standing up and walking over to the sink setting her glass in it.
"Actually, we... we kind of already met, back in 2010, we went head to head with his glee club, the... th... the Warblers and for your information, I have a sixth sense, I already know he's gay." Kurt said, his cheeks turning red. Rachel rolled her eyes and walked over to her room. Kurt's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket to find a text from Blaine.
Thanks again for the number :), how are you?, a smile crawled across his face as he replied.
I'm doing amazing today now that I am talking to you., Kurt sent the text afraid that he sounded like he had a thing for Blaine (which he did of course but he didn't want Blaine to know, that could ruin their new relationship).