June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
Ladyboy and Female Troll > Trollberry
Trollberry, female troll or even Man hands Are just some things I call this girl. Her real name is Rachel Berry. She's very short and is in love with a freakishly tall man child with huge man boobs. They are constantly on and off again. I will keep you updated on their relationship statuses.
If anything comes up about this girl it will go under a different tab. This is just her introductory.
Blaine and Kurt sat down on a park bench. Blaine was trembling in fear, Kurt noticed. He wasn't sure why, he's been scared since they got to the park. Blaine closed his eyes and let out a large breath.
"Kurt, I love you." Blaine stated not opening his eyes and chuckled after saying that. Chuckling very sheepishly.
"That's why where friends, because we love each other." Kurt pointed out.
"No, like, in love." Blaine said feeling even more scared then he was before. Kurt looked at him. His eyes were wide open, "I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but, in a way without... admiring my love, so, I wouldn't scare you off. I realized, that, if... I wanted to tell you, I.... had to blankly admit it." He stuttered turning away from Kurt who he couldn't look at this very moment. Kurt took in a deep breath.
"Don't be scared Blaine, I've had the same feelings." Kurt said, his cheeks were flushing horribly red. Blaine finally drew up enough courage to look at the magnificent pale boy beside him.
"Really?" Blaine asked, his cheeks were flushing, a smile crossed his face and tears began to blur his vision.
"Of course." Kurt chuckled. He grabbed Blaine's hand and squeezed it, "I've been trying to tell you too."
"Do you wanna try things out?" Blaine asked looking down at his shoes.
"Absolutly!" Kurt beamed. The two boys stood up still hand in hand and walked back to Kurt's apartment. They were boyfriend and boyfriend and they honestly couldn't feel happier.