June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
Ladyboy and Female Troll > Lady Hummel
Lady Hummel
Lady Hummel or Ladyboy, maybe even Man-Woman are just some things I call this boy. His real name is Kurt Hummel. He, much like me is openly gay and proud. He is "fabulous" cough*dresses girly*cough. He works at Vogue.com and attends NYADA.
If anything comes up for him it will go under another column. This is just his introductory.
Kurt and Rachel were busy going through Rachel's clothes that they didn't hear the knock on the door.
"Hey, Kurt, Blaine's here." Finn stated at the doorway of Rachel and his' bedroom.
"Blaine! Oh I totally forgot about Blaine." Kurt shot up off the bed alarmed, "Wait, did he come alone?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just wondering." Kurt said as he sprinted out of the room. Rachel watched him with a huge smile on her face.
"What did you do?" Finn asked crossing the room to Rachel's bed.
"Nothin'" Rachel responded. Finn squinted his eyes.
"I may not be the brightest, but, I do know my girlfriend enough to know that she's up to something."
"There is something going on, but, I promised I couldn't say anything." Rachel said. Finn sighed, it will come out of her sometime, but, he knew it wasn't going to be right now.
"Where's Nick?" Kurt asked when Blaine came to view.
"At home, I thought instead of coffee we go for a walk." Blaine said as his heart spread up.
"Cool, I guess, but, this won't happen again Mr. Anderson."
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and dragged him out the door. Santana walked past them once they got outside.
"Where are you two going?" She asked rummaging through her purse. Kurt looked at Blaine.
"It's a surprise for Kurt." Blaine spoke up. Santana nodded.
"Where are you coming from?" Kurt asked.
"I quit my job, there's no point going, I'll be hanging with Britts everyday, so..." Santana trailed off. Kurt nodded then looked at Blaine telling him to go. Blaine started dragging Kurt again.
"Central Park?" Kurt question when they reached the park.
"Sure." Blaine shrugged, "It's the perfect place for a moment like this." Kurt scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.
What the Hell is Blaine up too, and why did he come alone, he always liked a little company with Nick, even back when it was just me and him at the coffee house, he always wished that Nick was there. Even if it was probably going to be fighting back and forth.....