June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
Ladyboy and Female Troll > Brittana
Readers, it was such a wonderful weekend. Yous know why too. If you don't, here's a refresher. BRITTANY CAME OVER FOR THE WEEKEND!!!!!! Yep, so we got to spend our time together catching up, making love and making out. Now, I'm sad, because, she's gone, and, I won't see her until May, when she graduates. THAT'S 2 MONTHS AWAY, I'LL NEVER SURVIVE!!!!
Well, check out the other pages for more relationships.
Over and out,
Blaine woke up and dragged himself out of bed. He made his way to Nick' s room to check if he was still sleeping. Blaine grew alarmed, he wasn't in his room. Blaine quickly got dressed then applied his gel and then brushed his teeth. He ran out of his apartment and down the stairs (so he didn't have to wait for the elevator) and out to his car.
He hopped in and put the key in the ignition and turned it. To his luck, the car wouldn't start. He rapidly turned the key back and forth then gave up and hopped back out and began running towards the coffee house. It was a long way there but he soon got there. He walked in and caught his breath as he scanned the place. Sure enough Nick was already there, but, Kurt wasn't. He sighed with relief then walked back out and leaned up against the wall of the building. He whipped out his phone and dialed Rachel's number that she gave him before they left the park.
"Rachel!" He shouted when Rachel picked up the phone.
"Well hello to you too." She said in a mock giddy voice.
"This isn't funny Rach!" Blaine exclaimed. Rachel just growled like a cat, "I'm serious! Now, is Kurt still there?!"
"Yes, he's still getting ready. Why do you ask?"
"Nick's at the shop. He got up before I did and now he's at the shop."
"Oh, my God!" Rachel said with panic in her voice.
"Yeah, now, keep Kurt stalled until I can get to your place."
"Alright, I'm heading out!" Blaine heard Kurt's voice holler on the other end.
"Hurry!" Blaine screamed panicky before hanging up. He began running down the sidewalk towards Kurt's apartment.
Rachel had to act fast. She sat her phone on her dresser and ran out into the room hollering Kurt's name. Kurt turned around.
"What Rach? Don't you know know I have to meet Blaine and Nick at the coffee shop, I'm already running late." Kurt said in a voice that was both pissed and impatient.
"No, no, no, I know, I know, I... I just want some help with... my wardrobe." Rachel said. Kurt's face lit up. He was still upset that he was running late, but, he always had time to spare when it came to fashion. He walked up to Rachel grabbing her by the arm and dragging her to her and Finn's room. When they walked in Rachel grabbed her cell and sat down on the bed as Kurt began dumping out her drawers. Rachel sent a quick text, Your man's stalled, might be even by the time you get here. We're on the topic of fashion, could take hours :).
It didn't take long for Blaine to text back, Fine By Me, as long as he's not heading to the coffee shop then we are good, I'll be there soon, I'm walking, long story, don't question.
Rachel texted back, ;) no probs.