Act 1
Scene 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Act 1: Scene 16

T - Words: 557 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: May 24, 2013 - Updated: Jun 11, 2013
183 0 0 0 0

"Hey, Britts!" Santana exclaimed as her girlfriend's face popped up on the screen.

"Hey, San!"

"How's the plane ride?"

"Better if you were here." Brittany said.

"It sucks, I know, I'm missing you, but, we get the rest of the day to ourselves."

"Really, how?"

"Hummelberry and Man boobs are out, for our privacy, of course."

"I've always loved Centeral Park." Kurt said kicking a rock.

"Pretty nice, probably the prettiest park I've ever seen." Blaine said slipping his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "Now that we're here, I thought it would be the perfect time to ask you something." Kurt stopped. Blaine looked at him.

"Yeah?" Kurt asked.

"Hey how's it going? Kurt, microscope is at it again." Nick said coming up to the two boys.

"What did he do now?" Kurt asked while giggling.

"He almost trampled over a little girl, luckily his miniature girl stopped him. You should've seen the look on that girls face." Nick laughed clutching his sides.

"Oh my God!" Kurt laughed out. Blaine shot a dead glare at Nick. Nick got the hint and turned to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" Kurt asked clutching Nick' s arm.

"Looks like Blaine wants alone time with you."

"Oh he can wait. Right Blaine? I have to make fun of him."

"Actualy, Ku-" Blaine couldn't finish because Kurt and Nick were already walking away. Blaine sighed and kicked a rock in front of him, "Because my question wasn't important anyway!" He hollered at the two sarcastically. With no response he sighed again then started heading toward his apartment.

"Hey, Finn, looks like you need to get your vision checked. Or, at least, lose a few inches." Kurt said walking up to Rachel and Finn who were sitting on a park bench.

"Not funny!" Finn said.

"It seems pretty funny to me!" Kurt exclaimed. Nick began chuckling again.

"Where's Blaine?" Rachel asked interrupting the three boys.

"Um, I don't know, I thought he was with us." Nick said looking around him.

"I thought he was too." Kurt said peeking behind his shoulder. Nick shrugged then continued making fun of Finn along with Kurt. Rachel got up and ran through the park shouting Blaine's name.

"Blaine, BLAINE!" Rachel hollered after Blaine who was now in her sight. Blaine kept walking for a little bit but sighed and turned to face Rachel. Rachel jogged up to him.

"Where were you going? The group's looking for you."

"Really, the group, or you?" Blaine asked sounding slightly pissed.

"What's up your ass?"

"Kurt's been ignoring me for Nick, that's what's up my ass." Blaine said.

"That's not true, Kurt loves you." Rachel said. Blaine flushed a little.

"Oh yeah, then why did he blow me off just now to go with Nick? I had a very important question to ask him." Blaine said. Rachel gasped.

"I know what that means." She said, her face beginning to glow. Blaine's face turned white.

"Please, don't tell anyone." Blaine said cautioning Rachel.

"Don't worry, Finn' s a horrible secret keeper, Santana will keep making fun of you, using extreme hints around Kurt, and, well, you have to tell Kurt. I love, love and I don't want to spoil it." Rachel said hugging Blaine, "Wait, does anyone else know?"

"Only Nick." Blaine shrugged.

"Well," Rachel began locking her arms in Blaine's as they began walking towards the group, "we'll have to keep Kurt and Nick separated until you tell him. The sooner the better."

"Agreed!" Blaine said before giving Rachel a kiss on the cheek.


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