June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
June 11, 2013, 12:11 p.m.
Santana hoped in bed and Brittany followed her grabbing Santana and pulling her in for a kiss. Santana laid Brittany down and sat between her legs. She kept the kisses going, never stopped for more than a few second just to take a breath.
"Wait!" Brittany hollered putting her hand on Santana's mouth.
"What's wrong Britts?" Santana said leaning for another kiss.
"We can't do this, not like this." Brittany said crawling her arm up Santana's arm. Santana smiled as she got the hint. She took off her shoot then reached for Brittany' s, "No, let me, this is one thing I know how to do." With that said Brittany pulled off her shirt and sat up attaching her lips to Santana's as they both began stripping out of their pants.
"Where's Blaine?" Kurt asked looking at Nick who was standing in front of him at the coffee house a coffee in his hand.
"I let him sleep in, I needed to talk to you alone." Nick said taking a seat across from Kurt. Kurt wasn't to satisfied that Blaine wasn't here. He never felt comfortable alone with Nick even if Blaine got up just to get a refill.
"What's this about?" Kurt asked looking down at his cup.
"Listen, I'm sorry I've been such a douche to you, turns out your a pretty cool guy. I've just hated the fact that you took a trophy from me. It was stupid to hold a grudge. Blaine loves you and it meant the world to him that I tried to be friendly with his new friend." Nick said looking straight at Kurt who was still looking down at his cup. Kurt remembered how many times Nick called him stupid, fat, ugly and creep when Blaine had his back turned. Kurt let out a shuddered breath.
"Thank you, I needed to hear that. You know, your not bad yourself. I understand you for holding a grudge of the first place winners of either Sectionals, Regionals and Nationals, especially your first. I still hold a grudge on Vocal Adrenaline for beating us at our first Regionals." After saying that Kurt finally looked up at his cup, obviously he was crying. Nick took his hand sympathetically as soon as Blaine walked in.
Blaine smiled and made his way to the table, "I was wondering where you were at this morning." Blaine said looking at Nick while taking his seat. Nick chuckled.
"I came here to apologize and make friends with Kurt." Nick said giving a small but warm smile in Kurt's direction. Kurt exchanged him the same smile.
"That's great, my two favorite New York boys are finally friends." Blaine said putting emphasis on New York for both boys knew that Blaine and Trent were the closest of friends. Blaine got up and walked over to the front counter to order his medium drip leaving Nick and Kurt to talk about Kurt's roommates, starting with Finn.
"Oh, Satan will forever be Satan, but that's why I love her." Kurt talked about Santana. Nick laughed.
"Now, what about the little brunette?" Nick asked.
"Rachel? Oh, the most important thing you need to know is that she is never told 'no'" Kurt laughed. Blaine sat back down, amused to find out what they were talking about. Nick and Kurt grabbed their coffee looking at each other, choking down their coffee through chuckles.
"What is going on?" Blaine asked, his voice was bright and high.
"Nothin'" Nick said, a huge smile grew across his face. Blaine rolled his eyes.
"Inside jokes already?" Blaine said. The two boys smiled. They were hiding a joke that Nick made about Finn' s height.
"The boy's so tall that it intimidates Blaine knowing that Finn has to use a microscope connected to a magnifying glass just to see him."
Knowing that neither of the boys were going to tell him what they thinking Blaine just sighed and looked down at his cup, "Can I come over to your place today?" Blaine asked desperately at Kurt who had his attention to Nick.
"Sure, if you bring Nick. Damn guy's funny as Hell." Kurt said. Blaine sighed again, he was losing Kurt, the person he loved more in this world to his roommate and friend from high school.