A Love I Once Knew
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Love I Once Knew: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,314 - Last Updated: Oct 13, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 02, 2014 - Updated: May 02, 2014
215 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Song- "Arms"

Artist- Christina Perri

That is all :)

"Thank you." I said to Kurt as he stood at his locker the next morning.

"For what?" Kurt asked.

"For what you did. For joining the New Directions."

"I only did what I thought was right."

"You made Rachel jealous." I smiled, "That means youre one of the best."

"Well I wouldnt call Rachel one of the best. A whiny, pampered, single child who know nothing about anything except on how to get what she wants is more like it." Kurt replied.

"But she is a good singer."

"And so are you and that Mercedes and everyone else in that Glee Club."


"Okay, from what I heard out of Finn he may need work but everyone in that little show choir can sing."

"But when Rachel gets jealous it means shes scared, and she knows youre good, and Mister Shue may even pick up on that."

Kurt chuckled as he closed his locker, "Ill keep that in mind." He smiled at me before heading off.

"Ill-Ill see you in Glee!" I called after Kurt.

"Do you think itll work?" Sam asked me as he sat down next to me at lunch.

"Why do you care so much!?" I asked becoming annoyed at my best friends persistence at the idea of getting a Junior in college.

"Because shes hot and all I want." Sam answered.

"You like a new girl like every other week and this girls too old for you." I answered.

"Nuh uh!" Sam tried protesting

"Your seventeen. Shes twenty-two."

"Sam added the numbers on his fingers, "Thats only a five year difference."

"Yes and the age difference is four years. To old."

"Not until Im eighteen."

Blaine sighed; frustrated, "When your eighteen then we can talk. But your not eighteen."

"Hey." I heard the familiar high-pitched voice behind me. I turned to see Kurt standing there holding his lunch tray.

"Hi, Kurt!" I exclaimed with a bright smile on my face.

"May I sit? He asked; gesturing to the empty seat on the other side of me.

"Sure!" I answered pleasantly. I even pulled the chair out for him to sit down on.

"Thanks." He said as he slid into the seat. He pulled himself in and began quietly eating his lunch.

I rested my head in my arm that was propped up on the table as I watched him as he ate, "What do you think about the history homework we were assigned?" I asked him.

He finished chewing the sandwich and swallowed before answering, "I find it unreasonable." He began, "Its a Friday. You shouldnt be given homework on weekends. Its stupid."

"I agree" I told him, "Is there any other classes handing out homework?"

"My math class." Kurt answered simply.

"Oh." I nodded, "Thats not fun."

"No. Its not." Kurt agreed.

"What were you planning to do with your weekend?" I asked, keeping him in a conversation with me.

Kurt shrugged, "I was thinking about going to help my father in the shop. I dont know..."

"Plus the homework." I pointed out.

"And the homework." Kurt sighed.

"Do you like bowling?" I asked. I had already planned a weekend with him.

"Yes." He answered.

"Do you like pizza?"


"And soda?"


"Do you like me?"

"Of course."

"Do you trust me?"

"I think?"

"Will you go bowling with me tomorrow?"

"As a date?" Kurt asked.

"Do you want it to be a date?"

Kurt shrugged, "Do I?"

"Do you?"


"Will you go out with me?" I asked as if it was compulsive.

Kurt looked at me in awe. Did I scare him?

"Will you?" I asked again.

"Okay." Kurt said in a slow whisper.

"So Saturdays a date then." I agreed.

"Did that just happen?" Sam, who has been quiet the entire time, asked.

I took Kurts hand and entwined my fingers with his, "Yes it did!" I grinned widely. I probably looked like a fool I was grinning so big but I felt like the happiest man ever and nothing was going to turn my boisterous grin upside down.

I looked over to Kurt who was smiling too; tears were noticeably forming in his eyes he was so happy.

"Alright, New Directions! Who has an idea for Regionals?" Mr. Shue asked as he walked into the choir room for an after school practice, "Nows the time to start planning... Wheres Kurt?" He noticed the missing pupil. Everyone except Sam and I looked around the choir.

Sam turned straight to me, "Yeah, Blaine. You out of anybody should know where hes at."

I rolled my eyes at him, "I may be dating him but Im not his keeper. I actually have no idea where hes at. He said he was coming so I would assume hes here." I answered.

"Then I guess well have to start class without him." Mr. Shue said; not paying attention to the few eyes that glued to me when I outed my new relationship with Kurt.

"When did you and pasty face begin dating?" Santana asked.

"At lunch. I saw the whole thing go down." Sam answered.

"That was my news." I told Sam.

"Yeah, I know. I just felt like sharing it." Sam said.

"Anyways..." Mr. Shue trailed off trying to forget the recent talk, "Does anybody have a song suggestion?"

Rachels hand jolted up within no time after the question was asked.

"Of course Berry has a song." Santana rolled her eyes.

Rachel stood up and made her way to the front, "I think this song will suit me and my voice."

I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start

Rachel began the song. Blaine will admit that she was good for this song. Christina Perris music just sounded right for Rachel.

You put your arms around me

And I believe that its easier for you to let me go

You put your arms around me and Im home

How many times will you let me change my mind and turn around?
I cant decide if Ill let you save my life or if Ill drown

I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me cause Im already falling
Ill never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and Im home

The world is coming down on me and I cant find a reason to be loved
I never wanna leave you but I cant make you bleed if Im alone

You put your arms around me
And I believe that its easier for you to let me go...

At this time Kurt snuck into the choir room and took a seat next to me.

I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, cause Im already falling
Ill never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and Im home

I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth
And Ive never opened up
Ive never truly loved til you put your arms around me
And I believe that its easier for you to let me go

I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, cause Im already falling
Ill never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and Im home

You put your arms around me and Im home

She finished the song with dramatic tears in her eyes. Mr. Shue and Finn clapped for her.

"Thank you, Rachel. Its a great song but I dont think its quite right for Regionals." Mr. Shue told her. Rachel look disappointed as she took her seat, "Thats your assignment. Find a good song for Regionals."

Kurt sighed. I elbowed him and he smiled at me, "More homework." I humored the situation.

"I would never imagine homework for Glee."

"Get used to it. Mister Shuester likes to give us these random lessons based on some sort of drama going on in our club. Its stupid but he thinks its a good way for us to learn." I told him, "Where were you?"

"I stayed after science to finish my project." He answered, "I didnt want more work this weekend but I guess Im not getting out of that."

"We can think about a song during bowling. And we can do our history homework together." I smiled. He wrapped himself around my arm and snuggled into me.



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