Can't Help Lovin' That Man
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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Can't Help Lovin' That Man: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,556 - Last Updated: Mar 18, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Mar 04, 2012 - Updated: Mar 18, 2012
1,732 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: Suprise! I was graced by my muse, so I pumped out this chapter pretty quick! Enjoy and please review if you can spare a moment :D

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you.
I've been running round in circles in my mind.
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl,
Cause you take me to the places,
That alone I'd never find.

And even as I wander,
I'm keeping you in sight.
You're a candle in the wind,
On a cold, dark winter's night.
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore.
I've forgotten what I started fighting for.
It's time to bring this ship into the shore,
And throw away the oars, forever.

- 'Can't Fight This Feeling' by REO Speedwagon

The faint strains of Wicked's 'For Good' coming from Kurt's phone awoke him from his calculus-induced stupor, and he quickly snatched it up from the desk and answered the call.

"Hello Rachel,"

"Oh thank goodness you answered your phone Kurt; I need to speak to you about this 'Blaine' nonsense!" Rachel's voice was higher and even more rushed than normal. Great, Kurt really wasn't in the mood for this.

"And what could you possibly have to say about that Rachel?" Kurt picked his pencil back up and began to work again, waiting for Rachel to formulate her answer.

"Tina told Mercedes who told me that you were planning on going out for coffee with him after school tomorrow!"

"Where, exactly, did Tina get this information?"

"That doesn't matter Kurt! The point is that you are going out with worst thing to come to McKinley since the slushy machine! He's bad news Kurt, bad news."

"Rachel, I have heard this from Mercedes and I don't need to hear it from you." Kurt spat, "I am old enough to make my own decisions about who I can and can't be go out with. And I really shouldn't be taking relationship advice from the girl who just had her fourth fight with her boyfriend in the past week."

Kurt knew it was low, but sometimes Rachel got a little too invested in her friend's lives and she needed to learn when to shutupjustshutup!

Rachel took a shaky breath before responding, "I'll have you know that Finn and I are very happy. And I think that I know a little more about relationships than the boy who's never been on a date in his life!"

That hurt. Because Kurt knew that, he knew that he had no right to be criticizing Rachel's relationship when his first kiss was from a closeted tormentor. He knew that it wasn't his place when he had never even been flirted with before Blaine, but there was just something about him. Something that Kurt couldn't quite figure out, but he wanted to, he needed to.

"I appreciate your concern Rachel, but I am going out with Blaine tomorrow, and there is nothing you can say to stop me. If things go wrong I give you full permission to say 'I told you so', but otherwise it would be nice to have some support."

Kurt heard Rachel take another breath in preparation for another retort, but he cut her off, "Now if you will excuse me, I have some homework to finish. Goodnight."

He clicked the 'end call' button, and then set the phone back on the desk. His head fell on to the hard surface and he let out an exasperated sigh.

'Maybe she's right. Maybe everyone is right. You shouldn't even go out with him tomorrow Kurt, save yourself the hurt and don't give Blaine the chance to prove them right.'

Carole's call for "Dinner time!" from downstairs cut through his thoughts; and Kurt exited his room, following Finn down the steps. Burt and Carole were both at the table by the time the brothers got there, and they quickly sat down and began to dish the casserole that Kurt's step-mother had made.

"So boys, how was school today?" Burt asked from the head of the table.

Kurt tuned Finn out as he launched into a long-winded story about his latest football exploits, choosing to turn to Carole instead and engage in a conversation about the shoes he's been trying to convince her to purchase.

He almost certain he had convinced her to buy them when he was interrupted by Burt's gruff voice, "Kurt, what's that on your neck?"

"Hmm?" Kurt turned to his father, "What did you say dad?"

"I asked about that hickey on your neck."

Kurt's eyes widened comically and he scrambled to come up with an answer, "I-it's not a hickey dad! It's, um, it's a bruise from when I got, uh, shoved into a locker today." Kurt's voice tapered off into a whisper, 'Shit, he thought that all of that stopped you idiot!'

"What! I thought you said that those boys had stopped messin' with you?" Burt was obviously angry, and Kurt wanted to punch himself for risking his dad's health.

"Dad! Your heart, please!"

"Damn my heart! My kid's getting pushed into lockers and I'm not doing anything about it!"

"Honey, calm down. Kurt's right, you can't afford to get worked up like this." Carole placed a hand on Burt's arm, attempting to calm her husband down.

Reluctantly, Burt unclenched his fists and attempted to take some deep breaths.

"I've already told the faculty, and they said they would do something about it. Please, dad, it's really not a big deal."

"Not a big deal my ass." Burt muttered, stabbing at his food angrily.

Thankfully, the conversation turned to safer topics, and Kurt breathed a sigh of relief.

"There. Two hundred dollars for two weeks' work."

"Thank you boys. Pleasure doing business with you."

Stuffing the envelope into his pocket and sauntering away from the school, Blaine couldn't help the smug grin that crept up onto his face.

'Easiest money I've ever made'

"Blaine, what's this?" Copper walked in to Blaine's room, the white envelope in his hands a stark contrast to his black button down.

Looking up from his guitar, Blaine answered, "It's that money I was telling you about. The hundred bucks a week thing."

A wide smile broke out on Cooper's face, "No way! I thought you were shitting me!" He flipped open the envelope and quickly rifled through the notes, counting under his breath, "One-eighty, two hundred! Blaine, this is awesome!"

Blaine barely had time to move his guitar out of the way before Cooper was rushing forward to scoop his brother up into his arms.

Chuckling and returning the embrace, Blaine replied, "It really isn't that much Coop. You make more than that working at Breadstix."

Cooper grabbed a handful of Blaine's hair a ruffled it affectionately, "Still, Blaine, you're bringing home money that we really need. It's like a… right of passage! You're officially a man! I thought this moment would never come."

Blaine ducked out of Cooper's arms and shoved his shoulder playfully, "I'm already more of a man than you are, dickwad."


"Oh shut up!"

"Never!" Cooper exclaimed, tackling Blaine into another overenthusiastic hug.

His hair was coiffed perfectly, he was wearing his new cologne, and he looked like a hundred bucks. Well, his shirt really did cost a hundred dollars, so Kurt thought that was actually a pretty accurate statement.

Striding into McKinley that morning, Kurt got the feeling that today was going to be a good day. A great day even.

"Hello gorgeous."

Kurt smiled at Blaine, matching his steps to his as they walked towards Kurt's locker.

"Good morning Blaine." Kurt gave Blaine a once-over, taking in his sinfully tight jeans and supple leather jacket, "You aren't looking too bad yourself."

Blaine stopped and leaned against the wall as Kurt exchanged his books, "I hope not. I have someone to impress later today."

Kurt felt the heat rise up his cheeks, since when did Blaine get so charming? "Well I hope that goes well for you hon." Kurt shut his locker and spun the lock once, then turned to face his companion, "Now If you'll excuse me, I must get to homeroom."

A warm pressure on Kurt's arm stopped him from walking away, and he turned to see Blaine with puppy-dog eyes of all things, "Did you get tired of my company already babe?"

"Well," Kurt paused for a moment, schooling his face into a look of contemplation, "I guess I wouldn't mind an escort…"

Blaine chuckled, stepping off of the wall and snaking an arm around Kurt's waist, "Well in that case, lead the way, handsome."

Kurt's smile grew as he and Blaine began to make their way down the hall; ignoring the stares and whispered conversations of their resident students, including those of Finn and Rachel.

The pair stood off to the side of the hallway; Finn was stooped down low in order to listen to Rachel, who was speaking rapidly into his ear. Finn looked confused for a moment, and lifted his head in order to watch Kurt and Blaine disappear around the corner, then leaned back down to listen to his girlfriend once again.

An uncomfortable look crossed his face once Rachel finished, but he nodded in agreement to whatever she had said. Rachel smiled widely and kissed Finn enthusiastically, completely oblivious to the rolled-eyes and fake gags that the students in the hallway performed in reaction to the obvious PDA.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully for Kurt, although the lack of pestering from his friends in the glee club regarding Blaine seemed rather odd. He chose to ignore it however, telling himself that they had stopped talking about him because had finally accepted his relationship with Blaine.

Well, the relationship that he hoped to have with Blaine.

And strange as it may seem, even to him, he hoped a lot. If someone had told him a week earlier that he would be sitting in class imagining Blaine's warm hazel eyes gazing at him across a candlelit Breadstix table orundermeonabedmaybethat'snice he would have scoffed in their face and asked them why he hadn't seen any news reports about hell freezing over yet.

Yet here he was, sitting in English with a dazed look on his face while Blaine undressed him from across the room and Mercedes shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Sure, he and Blaine didn't really know that much about each other, and yeah, Kurt saw him hanging out with the jocks once, but that's the point of dating right? To get to know each other, find out if you 'click'?

At least Kurt knew that there was no shortage in the attraction department, if Blaine's stares and his own constantly flushed cheeks were any indication.

As for Blaine's personality; Kurt already knew he liked music, he was complimentary, he was charming, and (most importantly of all) he was gay! As long as he didn't harbor a secret obsession with earwax or enjoy killing things or was (god forbid) secretly straight, Kurt was sure that they were in for a very rewarding relationship.

In glee club that day, Mr. Schuester announced that they would be doing another duet competition.

Kurt smiled; for the first time, he had a partner.

After saying goodbye to his friends in the New Directions, Kurt sped out of the choir room. He had already confirmed the coffee date with Blaine, and they were to meet at the Lima Bean in an hour.

Kurt had insisted for the extra time, obviously. He needed to make sure he looked good for his first date.

The words sounded foreign in his mind, first date. First date.

Foreign, but welcome.

Blaine smiled to himself as he watched Kurt strut out of the choir room. He had discovered early in his conversations with Kurt that the boy had no idea how attractive he was, which made the natural sway of his hips just that much more tantalizing.

He meandered slowly out of the classroom, catching snippets of conversation from his fellow glee club members as they all made their way to the parking lot. He walked up to his motorcycle and swung a leg over, quickly turning it on and speeding out of the parking lot.

Blaine loved riding his motorcycle. Yes, it was more dangerous than a car, but since when was he one to care about danger? Usually somebody that smokes on a regular basis isn't one to watch their health too carefully.

The feeling of wind on his face and the thrill that coursed through his body as he weaved in and out of traffic more than made up for any extra risks he might be taking. Not to mention the bike was the last thing he got from his parents before they died, so there was no way in hell he was going to sell it for some stupid BMW.

'You wish you could afford a BMW.'

Blaine frowned at the unwelcome comment that weaseled its way into his thoughts, but ignored it in favor of focusing on not dying please.

He pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex soon enough and he snatched up his keys and backpack before making his way up to the third floor. He went through the usual routine of forcing the door open with his shoulder, dropping his backpack on the floor, and walking in to the kitchen to grab something to drink.

Cooper is in the kitchen when Blaine walks in. He's leaning against the counter, looking over some papers that are filled with so much text that it hurts Blaine's brain just to look at them.

"Hey Coop."

"Oh, hey Blaine!" Cooper looks up from the papers, "How was school?"

Blaine scoffs, "School was school. What do you think?"

His brother shrugged, "So Blaine, what do you think about having a movie night tonight? You, me, and the entire Sean Connery 'James Bond' collection. You in?"

"As tempting as that sounds, I can't"

"But why?"

"I have," Blaine cleared his throat awkwardly, "Umm, I have a date."

Cooper's eyes widened so quickly it was almost comical, "You what?" Blaine opened his mouth to respond, but Cooper cut him off, "No, no. I know what you said, I just can't believe it!"

"Well thanks for the vote of confidence Coop. It's nice to know that someone in this great big world cares."

"Be quiet you little wanker, let me savor this moment." Cooper paused, closing his eyes, "Okay, savoring over. Tell me about him, I want to know everything."

Blaine chuckled, "Well he's a boy, his name is Kurt, and we're going out for coffee in twenty minutes."

"That's it? Oh come on Blaine. Don't leave a guy hanging! Tell me what he looks like!"

"What was that Coop? Did you just say that I better leave now if I don't want to be late? Why, I believe you're right! Thanks!"

Blaine scurried out of the room, grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys from his backpack. He was out the door and on his motorcycle before Cooper even registered that he had moved.

Kurt sat in his Navigator, on his way to the Lima Bean, primped and ready for his date with Blaine

"Okay Kurt, he already likes you. Just don't embarrass yourself and you'll be fine!" Kurt muttered to himself as he checked his hair in the rear view mirror.

He was only ten minutes away from the Lima Bean, and he had just stopped at a red light when his phone began to ring. He picked it up from the cup holder and checked the caller ID, 'Finn Hudson'.

"Hello, Finn?"

"Yeah Kurt, it's me." Finn's voice sounded strained, desperate almost.

"What's wrong Finn? Why do you sound like that?"

"You need to come home right now Kurt."


"Something's happened, i-it's bad. Just come home okay? I'll explain once you get here." Finn paused, taking a shaky breath, "Please Kurt."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but it's closing time."

A pause, "Yeah."

Two cups, filled with coffee, were thrown into the trash. Both were cold.


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Aww! The first 98% I was like yeah theyre pratically together! Then Finn calls and im like oh no! Eek it better be something really bad for him having to miss the date! So sad poor Blaine! Update soon this story is really good!!

I know! I felt kind of bad for suddenly throwing the angst at you guys, but I think a nice twist at the end is always a good suprise! Thank you ever so much for reading <3

Just when it gets interesting si his what I think Blaine leading Kurt on His getting paid to go out with Kurt....and I have a feeling Kurts dad mayb had a heart attack again or somthing ... But in have a feeling eventually Blaine will fall in love Kurt .Well that's my prediction and I love cooper

Those are all valid predictions, but I'm afraid I can't guarantee anything just yet! I'm glad you like Cooper, he's so much fun to write cause he's pretty much a giant goober :3 Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Thank-you so much! And as for heart breaking, mine did too :'( The last sentence just popped into my head and the masochist in me went 'Write it! NOW!"

Oh my goodness this story is really good! My heart totally broke at the very end of this chapter though haha. I can't wait to read more! =)