Can't Help Lovin' That Man
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Can't Help Lovin' That Man: Chapter 3

T - Words: 2,314 - Last Updated: Mar 18, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Mar 04, 2012 - Updated: Mar 18, 2012
821 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Sorry it took so long to update! I was experiencing a bit of writer's block. Hopefully I can make it up with this next chapter! I want to make sure to thank everyone who has favorited/reviewed/alerted this story, it means a lot to me.

There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell

- 'Drumming Song' Florence + the Machine


"He's staring at you again Kurt."

"Yes, Mercedes, I am very aware."

"I don't like it Kurt, he's not the kind of guy you should get involved with."

Kurt sighed and shifted in his chair. He was currently in English, one of the few classes he had with Mercedes. It was also the only class that he had with Blaine. Usually Kurt loved the class, but the combination of Blaine staring at him nonstop and Mercedes lecturing him about how dangerous he was made the class absolute torture.

Mercedes spoke up again from the desk next to Kurt, "I'm serious Kurt, you need to tell him to lay off."

"Weren't you just saying the other day that you wanted to, and I quote, 'tap that ass'?"

"Appreciating someone's ass is an entirely different matter from actually doing something with it!"

Kurt abandoned his worksheet in favor of turning to Mercedes with an incredulous look, "Ok, stop! Who said anything abut doing something with him?"

"Your eyes did when you were undressing him just now! Kurt, he's at your locker every morning, he's constantly smirking and winking at you, he makes lewd jokes, and every time you see him you turn as red as a tomato! Something tells me that you're interested in that boy."

"It's nice to finally have a guy treat me like I'm not carrying some sort of communicable disease! In case you haven't noticed, the only other gay person that I've ever met was a closet case who made my life a living hell!" Kurt paused, his gaze drifting over to Blaine, who was drawing on his worksheet. "He called me beautiful yesterday Mercedes, beautiful. The last time that word was associated with me was before my mother died."

Mercedes looked pained, and she reached out to place a warm hand on Kurt's shoulder. "I just want you to be happy, hon. You, of all people, deserve it. But I want you to be safe too, and I'm just not sure about that boy."

Kurt smiled softly at Mercedes, "I know."

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments but further conversation was interrupted by the shrill bell. Kurt quickly gathered his things as his English teacher shouted out some last minute instructions.

"See you in glee Mercedes!"

"Bye Kurt!"

Kurt quickly placed his work into his binder and slipped it into his satchel, then got up and made his way into the crowded hallways. He joined the mass of students making their way down the hallways, hoping to blend into the crowd and avoid a wayward shove or slushy.

Blaine was already leaning against Kurt's locker by the time he reached it. Kurt had come to expect to see Blaine standing there everyday, and while the attention had been incredibly annoying at first, Kurt had learned how to ignore it when he wasn't in the mood.

Today was one of the better days. Kurt was wearing his new McQueen jacket, he received a ninety-eight on his latest chemistry test, and he hadn't been bothered by the jocks for over a week. This caused Kurt to approach Blaine with a rare smile on his face as he spun the combination of his locker in with a practiced flick of his wrist.

"You're looking happy today," Blaine remarked, his eyes trailing over Kurt's face.

"I haven't been bothered by McKinley's resident bigots in over a week; I think that's as much of a cause for celebration as anything!"

Blaine chuckled, "Well, since you're in such a good mood, I was wondering if you would reconsider the offer I made yesterday."

"Blaine, look," Kurt sighed and shut his locker, "I appreciate the offer, but I'm looking for a little more, you know… romance."

"I thought dinner and a movie was romantic,"

Kurt chuckled, "Blaine, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you offered to 'go to see a movie, but not actually watch it'. If you think groping me in the back of a theatre is romantic, then you are sorely mistaken." Kurt pushed off of the row of lockers and began to walk to his next class, Blaine trailing closely behind him.

"I don't do romance babe,"

"Well if you want to do me, you better start,"



Blue ice covered Kurt's face and burned in his eyes. He felt somebody push him back into the lockers and he nearly slipped on the puddles covering the floor. He heard the jocks congratulating each other on another successful attack, but he was too busy making his way towards the bathrooms to notice.

He stumbled into the closest one and turned on the sink, thrusting his head under the stream of water in an attempt to wash the syrup off. School had ended ten minutes ago, and Kurt was making his way towards the choir room when he was cornered by members of the football team.

And to think that Kurt believed that they were actually leaving him alone. The thought seemed almost laughable now, but it's hard to laugh when your new McQueen jacket is covered in blue corn syrup.

Kurt pulled away from the sink once his hair and face were clean. He first pulled a towel from his bag to dry his face, and then he pulled out his phone to text Mercedes.


To: Mercedes

From: Kurt

I got slushied, going to be late.


To: Kurt

From: Mercedes

Do u need me 2 help clean up?

BTW Blaines here... :P


To: Mercedes

From: Kurt



To: Kurt

From: Mercedes

He was here, he just left.


Kurt sighed and put his phone bag in his bag, pulling out a spare shirt. He shrugged off the jacket (which would have to go to the dry cleaner's, no thanks to McKinley's testosterone-fueled population) and was half-way through unbuttoning his shirt when the door to the bathroom was flung open.

Kurt squeaked and his head shot up to see Blaine, of course, standing in the doorway.

"Blaine! What are you doing in here?"

Blaine smirked and sauntered over to Kurt, his eyes raking over the pale expanse of skin exposed by Kurt's open shirt. Kurt's skin burned under the heated gaze, and he moved to hold the sides of the shirt closed, but Blaine's calloused hand stopped him.

"I couldn't help but overhear Mercedes telling your friend Rachel that you were," Blaine paused, his free hand coming to rest over Kurt's chest, "what's the word… slushied."

Kurt was frozen. The cool ice sliding down his skin coupled with the warm weight of Blaine's hand on his chest was almost too much to handle. His lips worked to form words, but no sounds escaped his mouth.

Blaine smirked, that smug bastard. He knew what he was doing to Kurt, he was enjoying it.

"You told me earlier that you wanted romance. I figured rescuing the damsel in distress was romantic, not to mention heroic."

Kurt scoffed, "I'm hardly a damsel in distress, this has happened before." His attempt at sarcasm was ruined by the slight crack in his voice.

"Hmm," Blaine's eyes followed a piece of ice that was slowly traveling down Kurt's chest, leaving a long blue trail behind. Kurt saw him lick his lips hungrily, and suppressed a shiver threatening to run down his spine. "Doesn't mean I can't help you, clean up."

Blaine stressed the last two words of his whispered sentence, and Kurt's mind struggled to figure out what he could possibly mean when – oh.

A warm tongue was passing over the milky skin of Kurt's chest, following the trails left behind by the ice. This time Kurt couldn't help the shudder that ran down his body, and his found his hand involuntarily reaching up to grasp the unruly black curls before him.

Kurt felt Blaine's chuckle reverberate over his chest, but any retort that came to mind was cut off by a strangled moan when Blaine began to bite Kurt's exposed collarbone.

Waves of pleasure passed over Kurt, and when Blaine broke off with a loud smack momentsminuteshours later Kurt was reduced to putty in his hands.

"How's that for romance?" Hot breath ghosted over Kurt's ear, "Might want to put that shirt on, as much as I would love for everybody to see that fabulous hickey you're sporting, we really should get back to the choir room."

Blaine released his hold on Kurt, and thank god he was leaning against a wall otherwise he might have turned into a puddle on the floor, and left the bathroom.

'You just let Blaine debauch you in the public restroom Kurt. Where's your dignity?'

Kurt sighed and finished pulling his shirt off, replacing it with the v-neck and willing his conscience to kindly shut the fuck up please. He couldn't help but look into the mirror and see of 'Yup, Blaine was right. You have a nice big hickey right on your collarbone. Nice job Kurt.'

Picking his bag up off the floor and taking one last glance into the mirror, Kurt made his way to the choir room, willing himself to hold his shoulders high and forget that he ever let Blaine Anderson get the best of him.



"Okay! Now that everyone is here we might as well get started with our meeting." Mr. Schuester clapped his hands together and turned to address the glee club. "As you might have noticed, we have a prospective member here today! Blaine Anderson, will you please come to the front of the room?"

Mr. Schue stepped to the side to make room for Blaine, who walked up with an air of nonchalance. He surveyed the members around the room, most of which were either glaring at him or checking him out (in Santana's case).

"We let everyone into the glee club Blaine, but it is customary for you to perform an audition song for us. Would you like to do that now?"

"Yeah, I think I have the perfect song in mind."

Blaine turned to the members of the band a whispered his song choice to them. They nodded, and the bass player began to strum.

How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Just yet.

Blaine's voice was warm and deep, Kurt was surprised to hear. 'And just when I thought he couldn't get anymore attractive.'

The rest of the glee club seemed to appreciate his voice as well, nodding their heads to the beat and murmuring words of approval to the people sitting near them.

You gotta spend some time, love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.

Blaine had been making his way around the room, singing to some of the girls, but it was inevitable that he would stop in front of Kurt.

You reject my advances, And desperate pleas.
I won't let you let me down so easily.
So easily

It was obvious now that Blaine was singing to him, and Kurt felt his cheeks flush when he saw the stares of all the members of the glee club. He knew he would suffer their questions later, but right now his mind was more interested in the fact that Blaine had taken his hand and was currently staring intently into his eyes.

'Maybe he can be romantic, if he wants to that is' Kurt felt a smile creep up onto his face, and it only grew wider when Blaine winked and him before sauntering back to the center of the room.

You gotta spend some time, Love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.
I will possess your heart. I will possess your heart.

Blaine finished the song with an exaggerated bow, and the club erupted into enthusiastic applause and catcalls. Mr. Schue walked into the front of the room once again, patting Blaine on the back and ushering him into a seat.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that we have a very talented new member!"



After glee club, Kurt waited for everyone to leave the room before approaching Blaine.

"Why did you audition for the New Directions Blaine?"

Blaine zipped his backpack closed before turning to Kurt, "I figured it was obvious."

"Well it isn't obvious enough otherwise I would know."

"I joined so that I could have an excuse to stare at your ass in those tight jeans for an extra hour every day."

Kurt sighed, "You know that romance thing we talked about? You just took about three steps behind with that comment."

"Oh please, I serenaded you for my audition song. That's nothing if not romantic."

"You sang a song about possessing my heart, Blaine. There's a fine line between romancing someone and stalking someone." Kurt smirked and turned on his heel, beginning to make his way to the parking lot.

Blaine slung his backpack over his shoulder and followed closely behind, "Whether it was romantic or not, I know you're interested judging from your reaction in the bathroom earlier."

"I surely don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't?" Blaine growled, grabbing Kurt's shoulder and forcing him against the lockers, reminiscent of only an hour before, "How about now?" Blaine's hand pushed the collar of Kurt's shirt to the side, and he pressed his thumb into the bruise marring the skin underneath.

Kurt huffed out a breath and gazed into Blaine's eyes, "Maybe you can remind me."

Something flashed in Blaine's eyes, and he leaned in, his lips hovering over Kurt's.

"Not so fast tiger, I wasn't talking about right now." Kurt placed his palm on Blaine's chest a gently pushed him away. "But if you take me out for coffee tomorrow I might be a little more willing."

"You little tease," Blaine purred.

Kurt chuckled and stepped away from the lockers, beginning to walk towards the parking lot once again. "After Glee tomorrow, the Lima Bean. You're paying."

As he walked away from Blaine, Kurt couldn't help but smile at his own audacity. 'That might have been the stupidest thing you've ever done Kurt Hummel, I hope you don't regret it later.'


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I am rather liking this story, I have to say. ANd by rather liking I mean loving. Whatever Blaine had planned with the jocks is making me curious!