Can't Help Lovin' That Man
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Can't Help Lovin' That Man: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,857 - Last Updated: Mar 18, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Mar 04, 2012 - Updated: Mar 18, 2012
1,056 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I just wanted to thank everyone who read this story! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have time, I would love a comment! Also, my tumblr is I-love-scarves, so drop me a line if you're so inclined!

Do you really want
Do you really want me
Do you really want me dead or alive
To torture for my sins
Do you really want

Do you really want me
Do you really want me dead or alive

To live a lie

-  Hurricane, 30 Seconds to Mars

Blaine jiggled the lock on the door insistently, but it refused to budge. Cursing under his breath, he shrugged his backpack off and rammed his shoulder into the splintered wood. It opened with a groan after the third try and Blaine stumbled in. He was immediately greeted with the sight of his brother sprawled over the futon in their dilapidated apartment. Blaine also noticed that multiple beer cans covered the coffee table, and there was another one currently in his brother’s hand.

“I’m home Coop,” Blaine made his way into the kitchenette of the apartment, grabbing a can of Coke from the fridge.

“Yeah, I noticed,” Cooper’s voice had a slight slur to it, but if he wasn’t yelling at Blaine then he couldn’t be that drunk. “Did you get expelled from your new school yet?”

“You wish,” Blaine chuckled and walked over to the futon. He shoved his brother’s legs off and sat down, ignoring Cooper’s disgruntled noises. “You and I both know that I don’t run the risk of expulsion until at least the second day.”

Cooper frowned, sitting up and running a hand over his face. He was only twenty-six, but he looked like a man who had gone through a lot of shit; hell, he was a man who had gone through a lot of shit. He was still wearing his Breadstix uniform, although it was extremely wrinkled, and his hair had come out of its gel and now hung limply in front of his face. Blaine hated seeing his brother like this, but it was hard to look nice when you could barely afford heat and food.

“Blaine, you know that I care about you,” Blaine rolled his eyes; it was another one of those conversations. “But things have been really hard since mom and dad… died, and I really need you to help me as much as possible. Breadstix doesn’t pay very much, and I doubt I can get a better job with the little experience that I have. And it’s just important that you get an education so that you don’t end up li-“

“Stop, Cooper. I don’t need to hear another one of your speeches about ‘the importance of education’, or ‘you matter, Blaine’, or ‘I know you’ve been under some bad influences since mom and dad died’.” Blaine couldn’t help the bitterness that seeped into his voice.

“Blaine, just listen. Please-“

“I had a shitty day at McKinley and I don’t need for you to make it worse.” Blaine took a swig of his soda, “Besides, I came into some money today.”

Cooper’s eyes widened, “Blaine, you didn’t do anything… illegal to-“

Blaine scoffed, “Oh come on, Coop. Do you really think that low of me?”

“Well how did you get it then?”


Blaine leaned against the wall outside of McKinley’s gyms, watching the rain pour down from the roof in front of him. He inhaled deeply from his cigarette, closing his eyes and letting the taste coat his senses before slowly breathing it out. His eyes snapped open when he heard multiple pairs of footsteps approach.

“You Blaine Anderson?” There were five of them, all wearing red letterman jackets. They were all burly and looked incredibly dimwitted.

Blaine looked towards the one who had spoken, who was standing in front of the others. “Who wants to know?”

“I’m Jeff; and these are my friends Jesse, Kyle, Dylan, and Matt.”

“Hmm,” Blaine took another drag from his cigarette, “And why would you care who I am?"

Jeff shifted uncomfortably, “We’ve heard some rumors about you, and we were wondering if you wanted to do something for us.”

“Why would I ever want to do something for you dipshits?"

“Well, it’ll be fun. Plus, we’ll pay you,”

Blaine took a moment to think, he did need the money. “Tell me what you want me to do and I might consider it,” Blaine snuffed his cigarette out under his shoe and stepped towards the jocks.


Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his seat, fiddling with his Coke can. “Um, some guys at the school approached me, and asked me to do something for them. It might take a while so they’re going to pay me once a week.”

“Oh, god. You aren’t giving them blowjobs are you?”

There was a pregnant silence, interrupted when Blaine couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up out of his chest. “Holy shit Coop! That’s the first thing you thought of? Blowjobs? Seriously? I may like dick, but I’m not going to suck every single one that I see!”

Cooper was laughing too, and at least had the decency to look ashamed. “Sorry, I just… well, you are known for doing some unsavory things back at Dalton.” Their laughter died down and they sat in a comfortable silence. “So, are you going to tell me what they’re making you do?”


“Well…” Cooper sighed, “at least tell me how much they paid you.”

Blaine smirked, “Hundred bucks a week.”

“What!? You’re shitting me! What could they be making you do that would constitute one hundred dollars a week?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that Coop; just know that it’s practically like stealing candy from a baby.”


 The next morning found Kurt checking his hair one last time of his rearview mirror before stepping out of his car. He quickly joined the mass of students making their ways towards the entrance to the school, and found himself scanning the crowd for one of his friends as he was jostled to and fro.

 He had just finished critiquing one girl’s unfortunate outfit ‘Denim miniskirt with Uggs? Really?’ when his gaze locked on a flash of curly hair. He cursed himself for the slight rush of exhilaration he felt when he registered that the hair belonged to Blaine.

‘You promised yourself you wouldn’t talk to him anymore Kurt. Any relations you had with him ended yesterday when you dropped him off at the principal’s office.’ Kurt immediately dismissed the little voice in his head and continued to rake his eyes appreciatively down Blaine’s jean-clad legs. He was also wearing a worn out leather jacket; and while Kurt would usually disapprove of such a clichéd look, damn did Blaine look good.

This train of thought was interrupted, however, when Kurt noticed Blaine’s companions. He was walking with Jeff of all people, not to mention the rest of the Neanderthals that were currently crowded around Blaine. They were all laughing, and, wait; did Blaine just fist bump Jeff?

‘Whatever Kurt, he isn’t your friend, and it doesn’t really matter who he hangs out with. You have the glee club, you don’t need Blaine’ Kurt repeated this in his head as he pushed open the doors to McKinley and walked to his locker. And by the time first period ended, he had completely forgotten about Blaine and his friends.


Of course, forgetting about Blaine was hard to do when you were best friends with the top three school gossips. And of course, Blaine’s name was the one on everyone’s lips. So when lunch came around, the subsequent conversations about Blaine were inevitable.

Kurt has just begun picking at his salad when it started. “Have you heard about the new student” Rachel spoke in hushed tones from Kurt’s left, as if she were revealing some giant secret.

“Of course! I heard that he transferred here because he was expelled from Dalton Academy.” Mercedes answered.

“Do you know why he was expelled?” Tina questioned, taking a bit of her sandwich.

“I heard he was caught selling dope,”

“Well I heard that he was expelled because he got in a fight. Apparently he sent two people to the hospital.” Rachel spoke in haughty tones, as if she knew what happened first-hand.

“The dope is more probable, I mean, everybody says his parents died from a drug overdose,”

“Well either way, he is pretty fine, for a white-boy at least.” Tina hummed in agreement.

“Mercedes don’t tell me you like him! I saw him throwing nerds into the dumpster with the rest of the football team this morning!” Rachel said incredulously.

“I’m just saying I know a fine piece of ass when I see it, and that boy has a fine ass! Among other things…”

Kurt sighed, tuning out their inane prattling and instead gazing around the cafeteria. He registered the normal tables; the nerds, the pot-heads, the sports teams, and the Cheerios. He was about to turn back to his own table when he noticed something different. Blaine was sitting at the Cheerios table, with Santana sitting on his lap.

Blaine looked up at that moment, his eyes immediately locking onto Kurt’s. His gaze was intense, and Kurt felt a shiver run up his spine. A grin slowly spread across Blaine’s face, an ever so sexy grin and Kurt just wanted to walk over and ravish – ‘No Kurt! Remember; straight, friends with jocks, probably an asshole!’ Kurt blocked out the voice, and was seriously considering walking over to Blaine when Mercedes’ voice cut through his inner monologue.

“What have you heard about him Kurt?”

Kurt turned away from Blaine’s stare and looked to Mercedes. “Huh?”

“I asked what you’ve heard about Blaine. You know, the new student?”

“Oh, him. I-I haven’t heard anything,”

 Mercedes sent an ‘I know you’re hiding something’ look towards Kurt, but didn’t pursue the subject further. She instead turned back towards the other two girls, leaving Kurt to stare at his salad and think about the latest Vogue and not dreamy boys with hazel eyes who smelled like cigarettes and aftershave.


Kurt was standing at his locker later that day, exchanging one binder for another, when he felt a warm, solid body press up against him.

“Guess who,” A voice purred in his ear, and Kurt couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran up his entire body because fuck. The voice chuckled, “I saw you looking at me during lunch today.”

Blaine moved from behind Kurt and instead stood near his side, leaning against the lockers nonchalantly. Kurt moved to face him, and had to suppress a gasp, because Blaine was close, really close. Close enough that Kurt could count every fleck of gold in his eyes, close enough that Kurt could smell the mint of his gum, close enough that Kurt felt each hot breath fan across his cheeks.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kurt cursed the stutter in his voice, standing to his full height and trying to ignore the incredibly attractive boy in front of him as much as possible.

Blaine chuckled again, “Look Kurt, you can deny it all you want, but I know you want me,” He moved even closer to Kurt, placing a hand dangerously close to the waistband of Kurt’s jeans.

Kurt struggled for words, and he was sure his face was as red as a tomato, but he couldn’t force anything out except for a strangled “So?”

“So, I want you too Kurt,” Blaine took a moment to study Kurt’s flushed cheeks and parted lips. “I want you, and I get what I want.”

With that, Blaine pushed off from the lockers and positively strutted down the hallway. Leaving Kurt feeling completely and utterly debauched.


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Just finshed reading this and can't wait to see an update. :)

Thank-you for taking the time to read and review! I'm going to try and update sometime in the next week :)

I'm enjoying this. I hope that Blaine's "agreement" with the jocks doesn't invole anything Kurt-like!!! Love bad boy Blaine. Thanks for an enjoyable read.

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and taking the time to review! (and seriously, who doesn't love some badboy Blaine?)