You've got to hide your love away
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter three

E - Words: 2,670 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
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Author's Notes:

Tell me what you think! Reviews makes me very happy!

Also, what do you think it is that Kurt sees on his way to his car? Tell me what you think!

Kurt is rather happy when the weekend arrives, mostly because of his plans to have a musical marathon with Rachel and Mercedes. But while he does not admit it to himself, he kind of miss school a little bit. Which is a completely new feeling. And if Kurt would have analyzed the reason to that, he would only come up with one good answer; Mr Anderson. But of course Kurt does not think of it more than necessary, so the thoughts quickly leaves the boy's brain. Instead he tries talking about everything else with his friends. Anything to distract himself. Until the subject comes up.

”So what's that new teachers name?”, Mercedes asks and Kurt quickly turns his gaze towards her, feeling his heart start racing a little bit.

”Mr Anderson.”, Rachel quickly answers, ”I've heard that he is way too young for this job, and that he mostly gives out pop quizzes because he can't bother to do anything else.”

Mercedes laughs.

”That's not true!”, Kurt, to his surprise, quickly tells them. His voice loud and annoyed.

”Well I don't really know, i just heard someone talking about him at lunch the other day.”, Rachel shrugs, taking a bite of her cupcake.

”Well it is not true. I take his class and he is really committed to his work and he really cares about the students. And he really loves what he is doing, and we've taken like, one pop quiz so far, so that rumor you heard is clearly wrong.”, Kurt says, fully aware how bitter he sounds about that someone would say something like that about Mr Anderson. Because he is, why would anyone even make up a rumor about that Mr Anderson does not take his job seriously?

”Wow you don't have to get all overly protective, Kurt. It's just something that I heard, I did not say it was true.”, Rachel lifts an eyebrow at Kurt's sudden bitterness.

”Well, it's not.”, he snaps, breaking the eye contact to search for the remote, ”Let's just start watching the movies now, shall we?”

He feels Mercedes and Rachel giving him funny looks about his protective words about his teacher, but Kurt does not care. Because anyone would protect their favorite teacher if someone were to make up some rumor about them, right? 


Kurt is trying his very best to convince himself but he knows that maybe he did overreact a little. He starts thinking about how probably no one actually enjoys the company of a teacher as much as he does, and he feels embarrassed. He really needs to get this man out of his brain. 


He spends his Sunday evening with his Vogue magazine and a cup of coffee. He almost spits out his drink and feels his heart speed up at the sight of a little note when he flips the next page in his magazine. A tiny little note between two pages containing an article about how bowties are in fashion for fall this year. Kurt's hand shakes a little bit as he grabs the note to read it. Because he knows who read the magazine when Kurt forgot it at the hospital that evening. Mr Anderson.

Aha! Bowties are the new 'it' thing this fall! You did not expect Vogue to say that when you told me my bowtie was hideous, did you? (I couldn't help but reading your magazine when you left it at the hospital,Vogue is my bible)”, Kurt reads with an awfully large smile on his face. Okay so Mr Anderson likes vogue, and he is continuing their eternal conversations about bowties and coffee and all that. Once again, like he actually enjoys talking to Kurt. Joking with Kurt. And, flirting with Kurt? Because this whole thing still feels like flirting to him, but he knows that it is not. It can't be. Because Mr Anderson is Kurt's teacher and he does not know anything about him more than that he likes coffee, Vogue, and have a brother. That's it. And that's all he will ever get to know, Kurt thinks. He quickly shakes those thoughts away.


On a Monday a few weeks later, Kurt finds himself weirdly excited yet nervous for school. And while he pretends that he does not know why, he surely does. Because after a few weeks of arriving early to class to have just a bit too personal conversation with his English teacher about pretty much everything and anything, of course he feels excited to go to school. To actually have someone to talk to about things they both enjoy like Vogue, Musicals, New York, fashion and coffee, it feels amazing. And Kurt does not only enjoy their conversation because the man is gorgeous and the way his lips moves as he speaks is more than attractive. Because Kurt just really truly enjoys their little chats before class, that's all. Kurt puts his turtleneck on along with his blue cardigan, and seats himself in his car. 


”Good morning, Kurt!”, Kurt's heart drops at that familiar voice filling the empty classroom.

”Hi Mr Anderson, you seem awfully cheerful yet again. I mean, it is Monday after all.”, Kurt says because he simply can not seem to not start a conversation with his gorgeous teacher.

”Well, it is a lovely Monday! I can probably say that this is the best Monday of this whole week.”, the man smiles big and Kurt lifts an eyebrow. This man is so freaking adorable.

”That does not make any sense, Mr Anderson. I'm pretty sure this is the only Monday this week, thankfully.”, Kurt laughs and his teacher looks at him with happy, golden eyes.

”Well, I guess it kind of doesn't, but it does sound more positive, don't you think?”, Mr Anderson explains and Kurt's face almost hurts from smiling so big.

Oh yeah, this is definitely the most adorable sight Kurt have ever seen.

Too positive for a Monday morning.”, Kurt jokes and his teacher laughs, ”Seriously though, I wish i could get some of that positivity of yours.”, the boy continues with a smile.

”Well, you've just gotta be dramatic about it, like, overly dramatic positive.”, Mr Anderson grins.

”I thought you told me at the hospital that your brother was the drama queen in the family? I get a feeling that it might not be true.”, Kurt teases, causing his teacher to laugh again.

”Well what do you expect? I had dreams of becoming a Broadway star, of course you gotta be a bit of a drama queen to get there.”, Mr Anderson jokingly defends himself, looking at Kurt with amused, yet warm eyes.

”Of course.”, Kurt winks. And he should not be doing that. He should not be winking and talking about his teacher's family with him. Because those are inappropriate conversations and actions, but Kurt can not help it. He really can not. Because he can't remember the last time he enjoyed a conversation as much as he does with Mr Anderson. And why is that so wrong?

”But you know what i am talking about, right? Because from what i remember, you wrote on your note that first day of school, that you want to work as a musical theatre artist on Broadway.”, Mr Anderson winks and Kurt feels his face getting red. He is actually blushing, and Kurt never blushes. Maybe it's because of the fact that Mr Anderson actually remembers what Kurt wrote down on that note a few weeks ago, or it is because of how those hazel eyes are gluing to Kurt's bright blue ones.

”Well, I never said I wasn't a drama queen.”, Kurt says with a grin, ”But you know, in a good way.”

”I'm sure.”, Mr Anderson winks again. He winks! Towards Kurt! And the boy can feel their conversations getting more and more personal and inappropriate. But Kurt does not care by now, he really does not.

Yet again their gazes hold for too long. Like they have few times during the past few weeks. Hazel mixed with bright blue ones, and Kurt would lie if he did not said that that mix of hazel and gold is slowly becoming his favorite color. Because god, it is. And this eye contact feels way too intimate than what it actually is. Like it would not be physically possible to turn his faze somewhere else. And then reality hits him as the bell rings, causing them both to flinch a little, and Kurt sighs in frustration as the classroom is filled with other students.


Kurt has never been the one to not focus in his classes or to not give his very best at every assignment and test, at least not until they got their new English teacher. Because this lesson he just cant focus. He is way too distracted by the movement of Mr Anderson's lips and the shine in his hazel eyes. Kurt knows he shouldn't be so distracted by that, but he is. And he has been a few lessons now and this is really not good, the boy thinks.

”And that is it for today. Don't forget to at least start reading your books this week. You're supposed to be done with them in a month, so my suggestion is that you start reading them as soon as possible.”, Mr Anderson tries to get the students attention as they all start making their ways out of the the classroom. 

The teacher sighs a bit before taking a sip of his coffee and Kurt's eyes are stuck again because those lips. Those pink, perfectly shaped lips. Kurt shakes his head. He should not be thinking about them.

”How is your brother's ankle? I forgot to ask earlier.”, Kurt asks his teacher with a grin, not seeming to be able to not start a conversation with the man as fast as he gets the chance. Like he just can not help but to start talking about things not related to school, things that are too personal. Yet here he is, asking his teacher about his freaking family.

”Oh, he is just fine. He was just being a drama queen, remember?”, Mr Anderson answers with yet another discreet wink, and Kurt could be wrong but it still almost seems like Mr Anderson actually enjoys their conversations like Kurt does. Even though their conversations might be a bit too personal and therefor inappropriate, and normally these kind of conversations would probably make another teacher uncomfortable, but Mr Anderson isn't. And Kurt wonders why. 

”And how is your fathers-uhm, well I don't really know the reason he was there, but how is he?”, the teacher continues just as Kurt thought that the best thing to do was to leave.

”Well, he is fine, he is okay.”, Kurt tells him, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

”May I ask why he was there, or is that too personal?”, Mr Anderson then asks, a little hesitant.


So Mr Anderson knows that they're talking about too personal stuff. Yet he does not seem to do anything about it or to stop it. He still asks. 

”No it's okay. He uhm, he had a heart attack a year ago. So he just goes to the hospital for normal routine visits every other month. But he is okay.”, Kurt explains, feeling like he is about to scratch open some well hidden wound in him by talking about this. Because it always just makes him think about what could have happened. That he could have lost the only parent he have left.

”I'm really sorry to hear that Kurt.”, Mr Anderson says, sounding so genuinely honest and caring that Kurt just wants to tell him everything about it all, for hours. Open up to him in a way he never have opened up to anyone before. Because he trusts this man, he really does.

”It's okay. I mean he's fine now and is taking good care of himself. So he's fine, he really is.”, Kurt can feel his voice shaking a bit but quickly smiles to hide the fact that this is hard to talk about.

”Kurt, you can always, uhm, come and talk to me, you know. Not only if Karofsky and Azimio are bothering you, but you know, about these kind of things too. I mean, if you feel like you need support.”, Mr Anderson then says, yet again sounding a bit hesitant as he scratches his neck.

”Well I thought you were an English teacher, not the school counselor.”, Kurt jokes, thankful for his wittiness that always seems to be able to ease up situations and conversations like this.

”Oh come on.”, Mr Anderson laughs, ”I really mean it though, Kurt. Think of me as your mentor or something, alright? I want you to come and talk to me if there's something bothering you, I get the feeling that you could really use someone, uhm, a teacher, to help you with that.”

”That's really nice of you, Mr Anderson. I'll remember that, thank you.”, Kurt says and his voice might have come off weaker than he intended it to, but his teachers words are just so nice and full of honesty and heart, and Kurt doesn't really know how to handle it when people are being that nice to him.

”Have a good day, Kurt.”

”You too, Mr Anderson.”

And just like that, Kurt is out the door. Hands shaking. This needs to stop, Kurt thinks. Why does the only person he has ever connected so fast with, have to be his damn English teacher? It sucks. It really does. Because of course Kurt can't stop himself from looking a little too long at a man who shares his love for Broadway, fashion, coffee and Vogue. Who has the deepest, hazel eyes Kurt has ever seen. How is the young boy supposed to resist that? And Kurt is well aware of how silly it all is, he is. Because this is his teacher, and he probably isn't even gay. Although he haven't said a word about having a partner or anything like that. Kurt shakes those thoughts away quickly, because he should not be thinking about whether or not Mr Anderson has a partner or not. Whether


 he is gay or not. But one can dream, Kurt thinks. He can still look, and he can still talk to Mr Anderson. But that's all that there will ever be, Kurt knows that. He knows it as he sits in Glee club, listening to Rachel sing a solo. He knows it on the ride home. He knows it at dinner. Although he certainly does not know it when he falls asleep and the man shows up in his dreams again. But dreams does not count, Kurt thinks. Because you can't control what you dream, right? So maybe in his dreams, that's the once space Kurt gets to sort out his thoughts about Mr Anderson. And oh god, dreams about Mr Anderson teaching shirtless really does not help the whole ”do not think about him” deal that Kurt has with himself. Because of course he remembers the sight in his dreams the morning after, and clearly, his body remembers the sight too. Kurt groans into his pillow as his alarm goes off on Wednesday morning, but is quickly on his feet walking to the bathroom. His morning routine goes by pretty fast and a few hours later he is sitting in his last class of the day, French. The whole day have gone by so smoothly, so the boy is not prepared for the sight in front of him when he makes his way towards his car.


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