You've got to hide your love away
Chapter sixteen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter sixteen

E - Words: 4,931 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
128 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hmm, maybe it doesnt make sense that they sang two original songs and then a Beatles song, but just go with it haha!

Reviews makes me happy!!

While Kurt Hummel really do enjoy christmas and new years eve and all of that, he still is a bit relieved when the holidays are over for this time. And was happy when school started again a few weeks ago and that February finally arrived. And also, Regionals is coming up soon and the glee club have met up with Mr Schuester several times during the christmas break and after school to come up with the perfect setlist. And eventually, they did. So Kurt is very happy with his life at the moment, probably the happiest he have ever been. Because glee club is getting better and better everyday, he does not have to lie to his father and Carole anymore, and, of course, he have Blaine by his side. Blaine who he haven't had a private moment with for almost two weeks now. And it drives Kurt crazy. Because the last time they were sitting on that grey couch listening to vinyls, with Blaine kissing him, touching him, was two weeks ago after school. And after that, Kurt was sort of drowning in school work and Glee rehearsals. And Blaine have been busy with preparing new assignments and pop quizzes for his classes. So there haven't been a single moment for two weeks where they could just cuddle up on the couch together. 

Kurt sighs when he walks through the hallway, because he is missing Blaine. A lot. And watching him in class and receiving a smile from him in the hallway just isn't enough. Kurt bites his lip a little while walking towards the classroom where he knows Blaine is.

”New bowtie?”, Kurt smirks when he leans himself against the doorframe, making Blaine look up from his papers.

”Hey you.”, a calm smile appears on his face and Kurt can feel his heart racing, because this man always seem to have that affect on him.

”I miss you.”, Kurt sighs after closing the door behind him, taking a few steps towards Blaine's desk.

”I miss you too.”, Blaine stands up, shooting a quick glance towards the door before pulling the boy into a tight hug.

”Hey, I was thinking about something.”, Kurt says, pulling away from the embrace after a few seconds.

”About what?”, Blaine asks him with a calm smile.

”Regionals is in a few weeks. And I was just wondering if, uhm, if maybe you would like to come with us and watch us preform?”, Kurt says nervously, biting his lip a little when Blaine looks up at him.

God, those hazel eyes, Kurt is loosing his breath after one glance at them.

”I mean, if you don't want to that's fine, because I know it's a little risky and all, but I just, I- I would really love it if you would come and -”, Kurt continues his rambling before getting interrupted by a pair of soft lips against his own.

”Kurt, breathe.”, Blaine starts, laughing softly into the kiss, ”Of course I'm coming.”

”Really?”, Kurt asks, pulling away to bite his lip in a smile.

”Of course.”, Blaine laughs, slowly stroking Kurt's back, causing the boy to shiver.

”I'd never miss out on a chance to hear you sing.”, Blaine adds with a wink, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt's jaw.

”Hey, remember when you told me that you miss me?”, Blaine then asks and Kurt raises his eyebrows.

”I told you that like one minute ago?”, Kurt points out with a laugh and Blaine just grins.

”Exactly. And if you still do, I'd sure like to see you at my place after school.”, Blaine continues, still stroking the boy's back.

”You sound like a five year old, Blaine Anderson.”, Kurt teases and laughs when Blaine pouts towards him.

”I'll meet you at your place in about two hours.”, the boy continues with a grin and Blaine nods.

”So, are you going to class now?”, he asks Kurt after a quick glance at the clock.

”I don't know if I'm emotionally ready.”, Kurt says, biting his lip to hold back a grin and Blaine laughs loudly.

”Seriously, Kurt? Did you just quote Pretty In Pink?”, he looks at the boy with an amused smile on his face and Kurt is still laughing.

”Of course I am, I mean, you're named after that movie after all, so why wouldn't I quote it every chance I get?”, Kurt grins, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine let's out another laugh, ”You're a dork.”

”I'll see you in two hours.”, Kurt says casually, placing a quick kiss to Blaine's lips before walking out, and the man follows him with his eyes, biting his lip a bit.

Yeah, this boy is definitely the most perfect human being ever, he thinks to himself.



”So, what are you guys going to sing at Regionals?”, Blaine asks Kurt two hours later when they're finally alone together on Blaine's couch.

”We're actually doing original songs. And then I'm singing a solo, but not an original song. It's a surprise but you're gonna love it.”, Kurt smiles, kissing Blaine's knuckles.

”I'm sure I will.”, Blaine lets out a happy sigh, leaning his head against Kurt's shoulder.

Yeah, he had definitely been missing this, Blaine thinks.

He have been missing Kurt holding him, tasting his tongue, he have been missing the feeling of their fingers intertwined and the feeling of Kurt's hot breath against his neck. He have missed talking to Kurt for hours, making him laugh. And he have missed making Kurt moan Blaine's name while holding onto his body. Blaine smiles at the thought, looking down at their hands. Kurt is rubbing small circles with his thumb against Blaine's palm, and it's funny how such a simple, light touch can set such a fire in Blaine's heart and mind, he thinks. Because it does. The lightest, tiniest touch from Kurt's speeds up his heartbeat immediately, and while that can be a little frustrating sometimes, like when Kurt ‘accidentally' touches Blaine's hand on his way out of the classroom, it's still the greatest feeling in the world, he thinks.
And even though it is a little frightening that someone can make your body, mind and heart react so strongly when you're around them, Blaine wouldn't have it any other way. 

And then it hits him, that thought that both him and Kurt have been trying to push away so desperately. The thought of how Kurt most likely will get into NYADA in New York, and Blaine will be stuck here in Ohio, teaching high school students. Blaine swallows. Because he doesn't know what that means for them, when Kurt leaves. 

Well, somewhere in his mind, he sort of does know what it means, but he won't let himself think about it. Not now, not tomorrow, not for the next few months. 

He sighs loudly.

”What are you thinking about?”, Kurt asks him softly, as if he could hear Blaine's mind spinning with thoughts.

”Just about how amazing you are.”, Blaine tells him with a smile, and it's not a lie. Because he was thinking about that, too.

”So cheesy.”, Kurt laughs but presses a soft kiss to Blaine's neck, sucking the sensitive skin there gently.

”You like it.”, Blaine points out, leaning back against Kurt a little more.

”You've got that part right.”, the boy answers, still with his mouth attached to Blaine's neck.

The man shivers again when Kurt starts placing another few wet, open mouthed kisses onto it, and they stay in their position on that tiny little couch for many hours after that.



”If i have to do that dance one more time now, I swear I'm gonna punch his stupid face.”, Mercedes groans with a nod towards Mr Schuester, making Kurt laugh quietly during the rehearsal.

”Come on, we've got to get this right. Regionals is one week away.”, Kurt reminds her and Mercedes rolls her eyes.

”I know we'll kick ass anyway, we don't have to practice this stupid dance five million times for us to be good.”, she argues and Kurt just laughs again.

”If you say so.”

”I really look forward to it though, I can't wait to win that trophy.”, Mercedes smirks and Kurt smiles as he repeats the dance moves again.

”Hey, Kurt, did you know that Mr Anderson is coming with us to Regionals?”, Finn shows up beside them and Kurt hears himself swallow loudly.

”Really?”, he tries to sound casual when he finally responds. 

”Yeah. I thought that maybe you were the one who asked him, since he's your favorite teacher and all.”, Finn continues with a shrug and Kurt looks at Mercedes who is looking at him with suspicious eyes and Kurt doesn't like it. He gets that heavy feeling in his stomach again.

”Uhm, yeah, I told him that we were heading off to Regionals next week, and he said he'd like to see us preform. So I asked him if he wanted to join us.”, Kurt answers quickly with a look on Finn, ”Hey, do you think any of the other choirs will sing original songs?”, Kurt tries to change the subject and sighs in relief when Mr Shuester's voice asks them for their attention.

He is barely listening to what their teacher is saying, because Mercedes is still looking at him with suspicious eyes, that same kind of look that Kurt had seen in his fathers eyes a few months earlier. But Mercedes can't possibly have figured it out, Kurt thinks. Because she barely even knows that Kurt takes Mr Anderson's class. 

Sure, she was with him and Rachel when he got a little too protective when Rachel told them about the things some students were saying about Blaine, but other than that, she didn't know anything about him and Blaine. Because Kurt always managed to keep his mouth shut about it, even though it was a challenge to not be able to tell your best friends about your first boyfriend. But Kurt knows that he can't, at least not for another few months. He'll just explain it all to Mercedes after graduation, Kurt decides in his head, throwing another glance at Mercedes who, to his big relief, is not looking suspiciously at him anymore. 

Kurt lets out a silent sigh. He can see his hands shaking a little bit, but he just can't help but to tense up every time someone starts talking about Blaine, or well, Mr Anderson. Because he is so scared about anyone finding out, even if he's pretty sure they won't. Because Kurt never talks about his teacher with his friends, because no one can know. Not even his closest friends. At least not until graduation. But until then, he will continue hiding his love away, because he will never risk someone finding out the truth right now, because if someone would, he's scared that Blaine might freak out and leave him again. He closes his eyes with a sigh and pushes the thoughts away.
Don't think about it, and it won't happen, he assures himself.



”How can you even dance like that in those ridiculously tight pants of yours?”, a familiar voice appears behind Kurt a few hours later when he's rehearsing by himself in the choir room.

”I've got some serious skills.”, Kurt smiles when he turns around to meet those intense hazel eyes.

”I don't doubt that.”, Blaine says with a low voice as he walks closer to Kurt.

”How did you know I was in here?”, Kurt tilts his head while asking.

”Well, I heard someone jamming out to Single Ladies, and I just assumed that it couldn't possibly be anyone else but you.”, Blaine laughs and Kurt can feel himself blushing.

”What are you still doing here anyway? Didn't your last class finish like two hours ago?”, Blaine says, taking a final step towards Kurt before closing the gap between them with a hug.

”Just felt like rehearsing a bit by my self. Regionals is just around the corner, you know?”, Kurt smiles before receiving a soft kiss on his lips.

”I thought you said you were doing original songs? And yet, here I find you dancing to Single Ladies.”, Blaine teases with a laugh and Kurt rolls his eyes.

”I just felt like getting my inner Queen B on.”, he says and Blaine laughs again.

”You, are fantastic.”, the man says, a wide smile on his lips and his hazel eyes catching Kurt's bright blue ones, locking them together.

”Am I? Or are you just saying that because of my pants?”, Kurt teases, squeezing the man's hand gently. 

”Both.”, Blaine teases back with a laugh and Kurt rolls his eyes.

”Seriously though, I can't wait for you to be all fantastic and dance like that at regionals.”, Blaine sighs, closing the space between their faces in a quick kiss.

”Yeah, right.”, Kurt bites his lips, feeling that nervous feeling in his stomach when remembering Mercedes suspicious look when they talked about Blaine coming with them to regionals.

”You seem a little hesitant?”, Blaine looks .

”What? No, I-”, 

”Kurt. What is it?”, Blaine interrupts the boy, looking at him with concerned eyes.

”It's nothing.”, Kurt tries to assure him in a sigh but Blaine just raises his eyebrows, still with concern in his eyes.

”Tell me, please?”

”I'm serious, Blaine. It's nothing, it's just that in Glee, we talked about the fact that you're coming with us to Regionals, and I didn't say anything really, but then I caught Mercedes practically staring at me, looking really suspicious.”, Kurt tries to explain, his voice more high pitched and nervous than usual.

Because he really do not want anything to stand in their way now, they've been through this already, and then Blaine left town. And Kurt won't let that happen again. He won't.

”Okay, uhm do you, do you think she knows?”, the man finally answers after a few moments of silence.

”I don't think so. But I can't be sure.”, Kurt bites his lip.

”Well, in that case, why are you so nervous about it? Don't you want me to come to Regionals with you?”, Blaine asks him, voice soft and Kurt quickly shakes his head at the question.

”No! Of course I want you to be there, I just, I just don't want to risk anyone suspecting anything because I can't have you leaving me again.”, those last words are out of the boy's mouth before he can stop himself and Blaine looks at him with wide eyes.

”Kurt? I-”, the man starts.

”I'm sorry. I know we want to forget about that. Sorry for bringing it up.”, Kurt sighs with his eyes looking at the floor.

”No, Kurt.”, Blaine starts and Kurt looks up again, ”Don't say sorry. I just, It just scares me that you think that something like that will make me leave you again. And I can't stand the thought of me hurting you.”, Blaine intertwines their fingers while talking.

”But Kurt, please remember that I told you that I am willing to take the risks just to be with you. And I meant it. I want to be with you, I won't give up on this.”, he continues and Kurt swallows loudly with a nod.


Kurt is about to pull the man in for a hug but stops immediately when he hears the sound of another teacher's voice walking outside the room, down the hallway.

”Maybe we should talk more about this somewhere else.”, Blaine points out after hearing the sound too. 

”I guess you'll walk out first and I'll come after you five minutes later? Like usual?”, Kurt meant for it to come out as a joke but Blaine just looks at him with sad eyes and nods.

”I'm sorry that it has to be like this, Kurt.”, and then he leaves.

Kurt sighs. He can't deal with the two of them being too scared for the risks, doubting that they can keep hiding this away until graduation. And after that? What the hell will happen then? Because Kurt will go to college in New York, and Blaine will stay here, continuing his job at McKinley. Or wait, will he? Because they've never really had this conversation. Because they don't want to, they don't want reality to catch up with them. But sooner or later, reality will catch up with them and they can't just wait it all out and face it later on when it's actually happening. Kurt bites his lip. He knows he have been thinking about this too much lately. Because he wants to be with Blaine, and he wants to be in New York. And he doesn't know if he can have both, because he haven't asked yet. But he would never ask for Blaine to give up his job for him. He can't do that. Reality hits Kurt again when he can taste blood in his mouth after biting his lip a little too hard. He sighs and looks at the clock. Five minutes later, he leaves. 



”Hi.”, Kurt smiles as the familiar wooden door opens.

”Come in.”, Blaine takes his hand and pulls him along with him to the couch. 

”Are you doubting this?”, he asks as soon as Kurt is sitting down. 


”Are you doubting us, I mean.”, Blaine corrects himself and Kurt's eyes widens. 

”No! What I meant before was that Mercedes was suspicious, and that I can't handle losing you again if that would freak you out.”, Kurt answers quickly and Blaine feels guilty again, like he always does when they talk about when he left town after doubting what they had and if the risks were worth it.

”Kurt, if you think that she might know something, I don't have to come to Regionals, would that feel better?”, Blaine suggests, slowly pulling Kurt's hand up to kiss his knuckles. 

”No. I want you to come.”, Kurt sighs and leans his head back a little. 

”Okay. Then that's what I will do.”, Blaine nods.

”Are you sure? I mean because she could possibly know something, do you really want to take the risk?”

”I told you already, I'm willing to take the risks. I just want to be with you.”, Blaine says before adding, ”I also really want to see you dance in those pants.”

Kurt laughs loudly before placing a peck against his lips.

”You're a dork.”

”So we're still doing this?”, the boy continues, his voice low and more shy by now.

”We are.”, Blaine sighs, searching for Kurt's hand between them, 

”And you're still coming to Regionals?”, Kurt smiles widely and Blaine can't help but letting out a quiet laugh.

”I am.”

”Now come on, show me the dance moves you've planned for Regionals.”, Blaine continues with a smirk causing Kurt to laughs before clashing their eager lips together. 



Kurt wants to throw up. He wants to get out of the bus, go back home and just throw up out of nervousness. He swallows loudly as he sits himself down next to Mercedes in the bus. Everyone around him are singing and laughing loudly, everyone excited for Regionals. And so is Kurt, but this is the first time he have had a solo in front of a competition audience and he is pretty sure he's never been this nervous. He tries to push his thoughts away. He will be fine. He almost thinks that they can win this. He tries to boost his self esteem a little more before looking around in the bus at his cheerful friends. Mercedes next to Kurt, talking with Rachel and Sam about some impression the guy just made. Santana whispering something to Brittany, smirking at the girl while receiving a loud sigh from Quinn. Finn and Puck eating McDonalds food. Artie, Tina and Mike going over the dance moves. They're all here, and Kurt smiles at the sight of them all. Even though some of them might be more annoying or bitchy than the other, they still love each other and want the very best for each other. And Kurt really loves their little singing family. His smile grows even wider as Mr Schuester enters the bus with a familiar face behind him, hazel eyes meet blue ones. The boy can feel his heart start racing a bit, as always at that sight. And suddenly he just feels calm. About Regionals and about everything else. He shoots Blaine a quick smile before saying something to Mercedes, with his eyes still on the man. And Blaine smiles back, maybe for a little too long before turning around to discuss something with Mr Schuester.

”Okay, guys. How are you all feeling?”, Mr Schuester says after his pep talk to the group.

Blaine smiles, it's hard to find a relationship like this between students and teachers. A teacher who acts like they're all just friends and actually gives a damn about them, unless many other teachers. Because he does, Mr Schuester loves these kids, and they love him back. Blaine's smile widens when he thinks about it a little more, because he can hear Kurt's cheerful laugh while straightening his black tie. Blaine bites his lip. Kurt always looks good, but right now, in a tight black shirt, black tie, and black tight pants, Blaine's mind is traveling to somewhere completely different than the tiny rehearsal room they're in right now. He shakes his thoughts away, today he is here as Mr Anderson. Not Blaine. Not Kurt's boyfriend. He is here as some of the members teacher, and he is there to support all of them, he reminds himself.

He barely listens to Mr Schuester talking about them about their songs and going over dance moves,  because his eyes are glued to Kurt's bright ones. The boy smiles widely and shoots him a sarcastic wink, and Blaine has to bite back a grin. He glances down towards the boy's lips, and long for the competition to be over so he can bring Kurt home with him. But right now, he is here and he is going to support Kurt. Support the group, he corrects himself in his mind. 

Blaine makes sure to keep his distance from Kurt while walking towards the big auditorium, because they don't want to be seen talking too much to each other, or looking too much at each other. Especially not when Kurt's friend, that Mercedes girl, seems to be suspicious already. So Blaine sits himself three chairs away from Kurt, smiling a little towards the boy as he looks up at the stage with wide, bright eyes. 

”You'll be fine.”, Blaine mouths when Kurt meets his eyes and the boy smiles with a nod. 

It's quiet when the first choir preforms, and Blaine tries his best to chat with Mr Schuester every other minute, instead of walking over to Kurt, hold him tight and tell him than he'll be great. He has to fight the urge and tries to relax in his chair instead, until it's New Directions turn. 

”Good luck, everyone.”, Blaine smiles politely as some of the members walks pass him towards the backstage area, but makes sure to give Kurt's hand a light touch when the boy walks by. Kurt doesn't turn around, but Blaine can see the smile on his lips. Mr Schuester walks with his students backstage to prepare and to give them another one of his legendary pep talks.

He straightens his back a little when the speakers announce the next performance, he sees Kurt's short, loud friend and his stepbrother enter the stage together. Rachel and Finn, he remembers. And while he truly enjoys their romantic, sad duet, his eyes are searching for the chestnut haired boy backstage. He just wants to see him preform. And then the song comes to an end and the rest of the club joins the pair on the stage while a new, upbeat song starts playing. Blaine can not help but smile widely when Kurt dances around the stage, jumping and singing and shaking his hips. Blaine bites his lip and shakes his head, because the boy probably have no idea of how absolutely ridiculously hot he is. Blaine catches himself breathing way too loudly and his jaw is hanging by now. Because Kurt is dancing so smoothly and simple in his tight jeans and Blaine does not even know how he manage to do it. And the only thing on his mind right now is getting Kurt alone in his apartment. He licks his lips as he listens to the last verse on the second one of their songs. Somewhere in between everything, he meets Kurt's eyes, hazel mixed with blue. Glued together. Kurt stands in front of the stage, his friends behind him. And then Kurt starts singing. A familiar melody and Blaine forgets how to breathe. 

Here I stand head in hand. Turn my face to the wall. If hes gone I cant go on, feeling two-foot small. Everywhere people stare, each and every day. I can see them laugh at me, and I hear them say-”, Kurt is staring right at Blaine throughout the whole verse before tearing his eyes away, looking through the audience. 

Blaine has to remind himself to inhale properly and to sit up straight in his chair, but then Kurt's eyes meet his own again and his mind goes blank.

Hey, youve got to hide your love away. Hey, youve got to hide your love away.”, the boy continues his completely perfect singing, eyes glued to Blaine's wide ones again. 

How can I even try. I can never win. Hearing them, seeing them. In the state Im in. How could he say to me, love will find a way. Gather round all you clowns. Let me hear you say-”, it takes every little bit of energy and will in Blaine's short body to not run up to the stage and kiss Kurt.

He bites his lip hard, tasting blood, still with his eyes on the beautiful boy under the spotlight, his choir members behind him, humming along to the song.

Hey youve got to hide your love away. Hey youve got to hide your love away.”, the boy finishes his song and Blaine is probably the last one in the audience to stand up and applause, because all he seem to be able to do right now is to stare and to let his mouth hang open. 

He probably looks like a fool, he thinks before slowly standing up, applauding along with the rest of the audience. His heart seem to skip one or two beats when Kurt's face lights up in the widest smile Blaine has ever seen on the boy's gorgeous face. And by now, the man doesn't even remember what the hell he is doing. He manages to sit down at last, watching Kurt and the rest of the choir to leave the stage. 


And the winner is; New Direction from William McKinley, Lima, Ohio!”, the voice in the speakers says and Blaine is immediately on his feet, applauding louder than anyone else in the room. 

He can hear the screams of joy coming from the group as they receive their trophy, and Blaine isn't sure of when it happened but all of a sudden he finds himself walking out and towards the door leading backstage. His mind is completely blank and is spinning at the same time, he barely knows what the hell he is doing when he finally sees the group of familiar faces. From a distance, he can hear Mr Schuester gratulate them and Rachel is kissing the trophy like it was her child. And then there's Kurt, standing next to Mercedes with a huge, happy smile on his face, his blue eyes shining brighter than ever. Blaine sees Mr Schuester walking away to talk to one of the judges and he continues to walk towards the group.

”You were amazing.”, somehow Blaine manages to say it like it's meant for the whole group, but his eyes are glued to Kurt. 

One of the girls says ”thank you” and before Blaine can even think any further, he has taken one step forward, smashing his lips against Kurt's. He smiles into the kiss because he is so happy. Happy for Kurt that New Directions won, and happy for himself, for having someone like Kurt in his life. He's almost surprised when he can feel the boy tense up against his lips, pulling away with shocked, wide eyes. 


And then he remembers. And he looks up, hands shaking. Twelve pairs of wide, confused and shocked eyes are staring at him by now and Blaine feels like he might pass out any second.


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