You've got to hide your love away
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter six

E - Words: 3,099 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
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Author's Notes:

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The next three weeks remain peaceful as Karofsky is still suspended. And Azimio seems to be avoiding him along with the rest of the jocks, which Kurt does not mind at all. He is not used to feeling this calm and safe, he feels protected. And that's a feeling he has never felt at this school before. Not until Mr Anderson showed up. And as the weeks goes by, he continues his early arrivals at his English lessons, greeting Mr Anderson just to have innocent little conversations with him. Every time, getting a little too personal in the conversation. Kurt does not mind it at all though, but he is well aware of how he is in way too deep by now, but he can't seem to stop, because he can't resist the man. He does his very best to keep distracting himself though, to push away the thoughts of his teacher. He tries to keep all his focus on Glee club, for example. So on a Friday afternoon, Kurt sighs to himself while sitting in the choir room, listening to Rachel and Finn singing a cheesy duet. He laughs quietly after a quick glance at Mercedes who just looks like she's in pain, rolling her eyes towards the singing couple.

”You're enjoying this, I can tell.”, Kurt whispers and his friend rolls her eyes again.

”Hell no, i'm sick of these white, cheesy duets. How do you stand the two of them at home?”, she asks and Kurt bites his lip to hold in a laugh.

”I don't. That's why they're always at Rachel's house rehearsing their songs, because i've banned the two of them doing that at our house.”, he jokes and Mercedes laughs, a little too loud this time, causing Rachel to shoot them an annoyed look but keep singing. 

”I completely understand you. I wouldn't last a minute in that house with those two around all the time.”, she whispers.

”We still love them though.”

”We do.”

Kurt smiles wide towards his friend before turning his gaze to the singing couple again. Applauding along with his teammates and friends as Rachel and Finn finish their song, getting showered with compliments from Mr Schuester. Kurt rolls his eyes.

”Hey, Kurt? Is something going on with you? You just seem so happy these days.”, Mercedes suddenly says and Kurt shoots his eyebrows up.

”I do?”

”Yeah, and that's a little weird because you've been looking happier ever since Karofsky beat you up, and I don't know why the hell that would make you happier, but it seems like it does?”, she explains.

”God, no i'm not happier because of that. But I do feel safer in school now that Karofsky is suspended though, and that's not weird to be happy about, right?”, Kurt doesn't know why he tenses up at Mercedes question. Maybe because he haven't really told her, or any of his friends, about his little crush on his English teacher. And so he does not really want to tell her that that's exactly the reason to his newfound happiness. His English teacher.

”No, that makes perfect sense actually.”, Mercedes shrugs.

”Of course it does.”, Kurt nudges her shoulder with his own and smiles.

Somewhere in his mind, he really wants to discuss his new favorite teacher with Mercedes. But something holds him back, and he does not know what it is. Because it isn't like it's a huge chock that a student find their teacher hot. And kind, and, caring, and funny and absolutely irresistible. Because most students would probably agree with him, because Mr Anderson really is gorgeous. And cute, and hot. Kurt sighs. He really needs to stop thinking about the man. He really does. 

”That's it for today guys, and until next week I want you all to pick your favorite christmas song, and preform it to the rest of us. Sounds good?”, Mr Schuester ends their lesson and Kurt is quick on his feet to walk out. 


The hallways are usually empty by this time of the day. Glee Club on Fridays usually end a little late, so the rest of the students at this school have usually already finished their last class of the day. Kurt hums to himself after hugging Rachel and Mercedes goodbye when they make their ways out among the rest of the members of Glee. Kurt actually enjoys being alone in the big school though. When it's completely silent and completely empty. He takes his time as he packs his bag and puts his coat on. He is on his way out when a soft singing voice catch his attention. A lovely voice singing one of Kurt's favorite songs.

Take me for what I am. Who I was meant to be. And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.”, the voice causes him to shiver a bit, because the voice is stunning. Kurt smiles when hears the voice getting a little closer. 

”Oh, Kurt, Hi!”, Mr Anderson arrives around a corner with a huge, adorable smile on his face and Kurt just wants to reach out and touch those lips. But he doesn't, of course.

”Take Me Or Leave Me from Rent, I see. You've got good taste in music.”, Kurt can't help but to smile back and Mr Anderson, Blaine, laughs.

”Were you just lurking around in the hallways, hoping for me to walk by and burst into full on cheesy-musical-mood?”, Blaine jokes and Kurt bites his lip, grinning. 

Why do they keep doing this? Why do they keep teasing each other? Keep flirting with each other?

”I was actually just on my way from Glee club, but a familiar drama-queen-musical-freak voice caught my attention.”, Kurt teases.

”Wow, 'Drama-queen-musical-freak', really? That's what you're calling your English teacher?”, Blaine laughs and oh god Kurt have missed the sound of that. 

”Well, it does suit you perfectly, don't you think?”

”What I think is that you're just a tease.”

Kurt swallows loudly because now those intense hazel eyes are locked together with his bright blue ones and that familiar feeling hits him again. The feeling of comfort and safety. And home?

”You know I can't help it.”, Kurt manages to say with a wide smile.

”I know you can't.”, Blaine winks and Kurt is pretty sure that a whole freaking zoo of butterflies just moved into his stomach because that's the feeling he gets when the man looks at him the way he does now. When the man talks to him like he does now. With the teasing, and the winking and the flirting. 

”I really did enjoy your little musical solo, though. Rent is one of my favorite musicals.”, Kurt says after a few seconds of silence. 

”Mine too.”, Blaine says with a simple smile and Kurt shouldn't feel his heart race at that, but he does. 

How the hell does his freaking teacher have this affect on him? 

”I should probably start walking home now. Have a nice weekend, Mr Anderson.”, the boy smiles before slowly making his way towards the door.

”Are you really gonna walk home in this weather?”, Blaine looks like he hesitated to utter that sentence, and bites his lip a bit when Kurt turns around. 

”Well, I don't have my car here today, so I have no other choice.”, Kurt shrugs with a smile.

”Well, then you can just come with me! I think I've got enough space in my car for another musical theatre nerd.”, the man offers, his voice filled with that familiar teasing tone, and Kurt heart starts racing again.

”You don't have to do that.”

”No, of course I do! Come on, I can't let my student walk home in the rain and get a cold or a fever or something because of it.”, Blaine rambles with a laugh but Kurt can see something like hesitation and nervousness in his hazel eyes.

”I guess I can not say no to that offer.”, Kurt begins, biting his lip, ”Because like you said, I could easily get a cold or something from walking home in this weather, and then I wouldn't be able to show up at my presentation in French class next week. So I guess I just have to say yes.”, he jokes.

Blaine laughs at the boy's words, ”I guess you have to, yeah.”

Kurt isn't really sure why he feels so light headed as he makes his way to Mr Anderson's car along with the man. Because any teacher would offer their student a ride home, right? No, they wouldn't. Any teacher would care for their student like this, right? No, they wouldn't. And any teacher would talk to their student like Mr Anderson talks to Kurt, right? No, they wouldn't.

What the hell are you doing!? Blaine's mind screams to him as he seats himself in his car. Next to Kurt. His student. Why does he have to remind himself of that all the time? That Kurt Hummel is his student, and nothing else? Because lately he have been reminding himself of that almost every single day, when he catches himself thinking about the boy way too much. Thinking about his bright, deep eyes. His stunning smile and his perfect voice. God, that voice. Blaine wants to groan, but shoots a kind smile towards Kurt instead, before starting his car.

Tell him to get out, tell him you need to drive somewhere else and can't give him a ride home. Do it! His mind screams to him again and he almost tells his own mind to shut up, out loud. But of course he doesn't, because if he did, Kurt would probably think he was crazy. Wait, why should it matter what Kurt thinks of him? He tries to remind himself. This is just a student, so it shouldn't matter what he thinks of his teacher, but for some reason, it does matter to Blaine. He wants this boy to think highly of him, to think that he is a good teacher. Oh cut the crap, Blaine Anderson, he just wants Kurt to like him. As a person, not as s teacher. He wants to know if Kurt gets lost in Blaine's eyes, like he does in Kurt's bright, beautiful ones. He wants to know if Kurt can not help himself from glancing towards Blaine every now and then in the classroom, just like Blaine glances at Kurt. Too often. Blaine tries to push his thoughts away, because his mind is going crazy about all of this. He is just giving his student a ride home. Because it is raining outside. That's all. It's harmless.

”So, how was Glee club?”, Blaine finally manages to speak, trying to think of a subject to talk about that is school related, because their conversations can't keep getting too personal, like they always do.

”Oh, it was fine. Mr Schuester gave us an assignment until next week, so we're just going to pick out our favorite christmas song, and then preform it in front of the rest of the club.”, the boy shrugs a little beside him. 

Blaine mentally slaps at himself when he feel his heartbeat speeding up as he glances over towards the boy. The boy who is smiling a little, his blue eyes looking out of the window. God, this is the most beautiful creature Blaine Anderson have ever seen. He mentally slaps at himself again, because he shouldn't think that one of his students, is beautiful.

”Really? So, what song are you going to pick?”, Blaine asks out of curiosity, pleased with himself that they are keeping their conversation about school related stuff. Nothing too personal.

”I think I'm going to pick Baby It's Cold Outside.”, Kurt says and Blaine's can not help the huge smile that appears on his face. 

He also can't help himself from saying, ”Really? That's my favorite too.”

And there they go again. Their conversation is getting personal, of course. Why do they always end up here?

”It is?”, the boy smiles and Blaine is pretty sure he can feel himself shiver at the sight of those beautiful lips.

Why is he thinking about Kurt's lips? Stop it.

”Yeah, I remember wishing for my Glee club to preform it at the mall, when I was in high school. The club didn't like the song though, so I just ended up singing it to myself in my room instead.”, Blaine grins and he have got no clue about how his mind went from ”only talk about school related stuff” to talking about his life when he was in high school.

”Really? Wait, were you in a Glee club?”, Kurt asks, voice high and eyes bright.

”I was.”, Blaine chuckles.

”Here at McKinley?”

”No, at Dalton Academy. A private school in Westerville.”, Blaine shrugs, smiling a little at the memory.

”Wait, are you talking about The Warblers?”, Kurt then asks, his eyes wide and Blaine raises his eyebrows a little.

”Yeah, you know about them?

”Are you kidding with me? We've been competing against them for the last two years!”, the boy laughs and something warm settles in Blaine's chest and stomach at the sound. 

”Really? Are they still amazing?”, Blaine can not help the wink he shoots Kurt, but immediately regrets it. Because what teacher winks at their students? No one does.

”Nope. But they're still singing cheesy songs and are always wearing some awful blazers. Did you have to wear them when you went to Dalton too?”, Kurt grins and Blaine can not help it but to love it when Kurt teases him like that.

”Hey they weren't that bad. We looked classy.”, the man protests, causing the blue eyed boy to roll his eyes before laughing. 

”Nope. They're just hideous.”, the boy jokes, shooting Blaine another grin. 

”As hideous as that bowtie I wore that first day of my new job?”, Blaine suddenly can't help himself from saying and receives a shocked look from Kurt.

”God, I'm sorry for saying that.”, the boy groans and Blaine just laughs at the memory. Still wondering how their innocent start of the conversation ended up with talking about things like this, along with the teasing and the flirting, and oh God, what are they doing?

”You can turn to the left over there and then just keep driving forward along the street.”, Kurt then says and Blaine gets back to reality again at those words.

Because this isn't some kind of road trip where they are supposed to get to know each other better. This is just him, a teacher, driving his student home because of the rain. 

”Oh, right.”, he manages to say and mentally slaps himself for sounding so disappointed. Kurt is probably thinking that he is completely weird and creepy by now. 

”And here it is.”, Kurt says after a few more minutes and Blaine nods, not daring to answer anything if his voice comes out in that sad, disappointed tone again.

”Thank you so much for the ride, Mr Anderson, it was really nice of you.”, Kurt offers him a smile as he steps out of the car, getting hit by the rain immediately. 

Blaine manages to get out a quick sentence; ”It's nothing, of course i'll drive my students home if they're planning on walking home when the rain could literally drown them.”.

And then he can not help himself from staring at the boy. Because the rain is dripping in his face and onto his hair. Stubborn raindrops makes their way along Kurt's chin and over his laughing mouth. And Blaine is scared that his jaw might drop any second now, because wow, this is probably the most beautiful sight he have ever seen. And that scares the shit out of him. Because he shouldn't think that. 

”I'll see you next week. Bye Mr Anderson!”, the boy's voice rings beautifully in his ears and he isn't even sure if he managed to get out a ”goodbye” to Kurt before the boy closed the door behind him. Blaine drives away from the street quickly, scared that if he hadn't, he might have let himself linger on the street just to watch the boy as he walks inside. Because that was what his whole mind and body wanted to do. And that scares him. Because he shouldn't feel like this. At least not towards one of his students. This needs to stop. Whatever it is. It really needs to stop. And it shouldn't even have started in the first place. 


Blaine Anderson doesn't sleep that night. His thoughts does not leave him alone for one second, and all his thoughts are focused on is Kurt. Innocent, young Kurt Hummel with his beautiful smile and his bright eyes so deep that probably everyone gets lost in them if they look for too long. Blaine groans loudly into his pillow. What have he gotten himself into? Why the hell did his brain decide for Blaine to get a crush on the boy? 

Wait, is it a crush? 

Blaine groans again, louder this time. It isn't a crush. It can't be. Because teachers are not supposed to crush on their students, they're not supposed to feel anything towards their students. So why does this have to happen to Blaine? Why does he have to feel all of a sudden? Because Blaine Anderson have always been known for not feeling too deeply about anything, except from maybe musical theatre and bowties. And Blaine was perfectly fine with that title. It didn't bother him. At least not until Kurt Hummel decided to show up in his life. And that's all the man can think of for the rest of the weekend. He knows he shouldn't be thinking of it, but he is and god, how did this even happen? How did he get himself into this situation? 

Later that night, he decides that whatever it is, he will manage to get out of it, no matter what it takes. No matter if it means having to stop talking to Kurt. He will do anything, because this isn't the way it's supposed to be.

Or, it's exactly the way it's supposed to be. But of course, Blaine doesn't let himself think that. 


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