You've got to hide your love away
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter seven

E - Words: 3,988 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
137 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please tell me what you think, and where youd like the story to go after this!

Kurt slowly knocks on the door to the classroom after Glee club on a Friday afternoon. Because he needs to ask his teacher for another copy of Wuthering Heights. Not because he wanted to talk to Blaine. Even if that's what he wants too. He always want to talk to the man. Kurt bits his lips a little, shakes the thoughts away and walks in.

”Come in!”, a warm voice greets him.

Kurt smiles.

”Mr Anderson? Hi. I was just wondering about the book you gave us a few weeks ago? I forgot mine in my dad's car and now he is in Washington with work, so I won't be able to have it for another week or so. So I was wondering if maybe you have any copies left?”, Kurt says, feeling his heart stutter a bit at the sight of the hazel eyed man in his polo and skinny jeans.

”I'm not sure if I've got any copies left in here.”, Blaine says with a thoughtful look around the room, ”I don't think so unfortunately.”, he bites his lip.

”Oh okay, that's okay.”, Kurt simply says. 

”I think I've got a copy at home though, I, uhm, I could always bring it here?”, Blaine suggests.

”After the weekend?”, Kurt asks.

”Yeah. Or maybe that would be unfair since you'd loose two days where you could've read your book.”, Blaine starts, sounding like he is trying to convince himself about something and Kurt gives him a questioning look.

”I mean, then you would have less time to read and finish the book in comparison to your classmates.”, Blaine explains. 

Where is this going?

”So maybe the fair thing here would be if I gave it to you today?”, the teacher says at last.

”But you said the book was at your place?”, Kurt points out, still with eyebrows raised.

A moment of silence. Just two pairs of eyes locking together.

”Well, I mean, you could always come with me to the apartment-”, Kurt's heart stops, ”And get the book I mean, because uhm, that will give you as much time to read as the other students, you know?”, Blaine continues and almost looks a little timid as he waits for Kurt to answer.

”Well, that sounds fair.”, Kurt manages to answer without his voice sounding weak or shaky. Thank god for their acting exercises at Glee club, otherwise so many people would be able to see right trough his shield. 

”Great.”, Blaine breathes out with a smile and Kurt does not even know what to think anymore. Okay so maybe he is head over heels for this man, his teacher. His teacher who just freaking invited him over. Sure, just to get a book, but still. Kurt's heart feels like it might break free from his ribs to jump out of his chest.

”Now?”, Kurt asks.

”Sounds good.”

They both swallow, standing a few feet away from each other, gazes locked together. 

”So uhm, did you drive here today?”, Blaine starts.


”I mean, if you've got your car here and can drive by yourself, or if you want to come with me in my car.”, Blaine explains with a little laugh.

”No, I walked here today, actually.”, Kurt tells him, heart pounding in his chest.

”I guess you have to come with me in my car then.”, Blaine says, keeping Kurt's gaze and not even blinking for what seems like minutes.

”I guess I will.”, Kurt simply says. And there it is again. This endless flirting. This inappropriate, but amazing flirting that's always the highlights of Kurt's days.

Kurt is barely listening to Blaine talking about the book they're on their way to get, because he is way too focused on the fact that he is soon going to sit in Blaine's car next to the man, just to end up in Blaine's apartment. In his freaking home. Just to get a book for school, but still. And sure Kurt has been to Mr Schuester's place several times with the rest of the Glee club, but this is not like that, Kurt thinks. At least it doesn't feel like that.


”I love this song!”, Blaine burst out in the car as a familiar song appears on the radio.

”Beatles fan I see?”, Kurt asks with a smile as the man turns up the volume as I Want To Hold Your Hand starts playing.

”I can't see a reason why anyone wouldn't be.”, Blaine laughs.

”That's true, is this your favorite by them?”, Kurt asks out of pure curiosity.

”Not really, I think You've Got To Hide Your Love Away is my favorite actually.”, Blaine says, voice calm and with that oh so precious smile of his as he turns his eyes towards Kurt a little.


”Yeah. It is a really beautiful song.”, Kurt agrees, his heart dropping a bit as Blaine turns his gaze towards the road again.

”What about you?”, Blaine asks.

”I guess i would say Let It Be, but that is such a basic choice, so I would probably say that Blackbird is my second favorite.”, Kurt tells him.

”That's a really good choice. So, good taste in movies, and in music I see.”, Blaine smiles widely towards the boy who simply nods casually.

”I mean, what else did you expect?”, Kurt says and Blaine laughs again.

”You know, those little sassy comments of yours? I really enjoy them.”, Blaine finally says with a huge smile.

”Is that so?”, Kurt says, knowing he is taking this whole flirting thing to another level by those three words. And god, Kurt should not be flirting with his teacher, but he can't help it. He really can't.

Blaine swallows loudly and smiles a bit and Kurt almost believes for a second that his sentence did it's purpose. If he for once succeeded with one of his many attempts to flirt, But he can not think like that. Because it is probably not true. Because yet again he have remind himself that this is his teacher. And he should not be acting like this around him. They should not be acting like this around each other

”Here it is.”, Blaine says, pulling the car over to a apartment district.

Kurt looks around.

”Good to know that you can find a nice area with apartments like these in Ohio. It is a little New York-ish.”, Kurt points out while stepping out of the car.

”Well, why do you think that I chose this exact area to live in”, Blaine winks and Kurt laughs a little.

”Do you miss it?”, Kurt asks.

”Miss what?”, Blaine looks a little confused as he opens the door up for Kurt and they start making their way up the stairs.

”New York, I mean.”

”Almost every day.”, Blaine sighs.

”May I ask you why you didn't stay, or why the whole musical theatre thing did not work out for you?”, Kurt asks, anxious that he is hitting a sore spot.

”Well, I just felt a little lonely I guess. I couldn't really deliver my very best when it came to work, and I didn't really pour my heart in to it, you know? I was just twenty years old, so moving away from everything you've ever known, and into the worlds busiest but also loneliest city, maybe wasn't the greatest idea.”, Blaine tells him and Kurt is rather surprised about his honesty, but he can still feel that it is not the whole story. There is more to it, but Kurt does not ask because he does not want to overstep any boundaries. 

”I'm sorry to hear that. But haven't you thought about giving it another shot? To move back and try your wings there again now that you're older and all?”, Kurt suggests as they stop in front of a wooden door while Blaine fumbles with his keys.

”I don't know, I guess the whole situation the last time i was there, scarred me a little.”, Blaine shoots Kurt a kind smile as he unlocks the door.

”Well, that makes sense. I understand you.”, Kurt says, following his teacher into the apartment.

Kurt looks around with a smile. A studio apartment with brick walls and dark wooden floor. Large windows with a pretty boring view over the parking lot. A small, vintage kitchen. A grey couch with a record player next to it followed by a huge pile of vinyls. It's cozy, Kurt thinks. He would like an apartment just like this, when he moves to New York. 

”This is very New York-ish I must say.”, Kurt compliments with a smile.

”Well, I would lie if I would say that i haven't worked my ass off to get the New York vibe.”, Blaine laughs and god why did he have to mention his ass because now Kurt finds himself staring at Blaine's ass in those skinny jeans when he turns around. 

Stop it Hummel, he thinks to himself.

”Well you really succeeded. It's a really nice place.”, he says quickly to take his thoughts of the other man's ass.

”Good taste when it comes to interior design too, I see? You just get better and better.”, Blaine laughs, and Kurt does not know if it was supposed to be a sarcastic comment, but he can hear some sort of honesty in Blaine's voice at those last words and Kurt's heart swells. 

”Here's the book by the way.”, Blaine hands a copy of Wuthering Heights to Kurt.

”Thank you, I'll make sure not to ruin your personal copy.”, Kurt assures with a wink.

”Please don't spill coffee on it as revenge, okay?”, Blaine jokes, causing Kurt to laugh.

”And you said  that I'm the one who keeps bringing up the coffee incident.”, Kurt teases back.

”I just love how you have a name for the incident and all, like it is some historical moment or something.”, Blaine laughs, hazel eyes shining bright.

”Maybe it was.”, Kurt says casually, shrugging and smiling. Blaine smiles back, their gazes hold for too long. Again.

”Hey, uhm, would you like some tea or something?”, Blaine suddenly asks, scratching his back in a nervous way.

Kurt stops breathing.

Does Mr Anderson, Blaine, really want him to stay?

”I mean, I wouldn't risk giving you coffee because I don't know what kind of revenge you're planning.”, Blaine continues with a laugh. And oh, how Kurt loves their endless coffee jokes.

”I would definitely not say no to a cup of tea right now.”, Kurt says with a smile, trying to sound casual again but this doesn't feel casual or innocent. Because he is about to drink tea with his amazing, gorgeous teacher. In the same amazing, gorgeous teacher's apartment. This can't be normal. Not when it comes to student's with their teacher's at least.

”Well, sit down anywhere you'd like.”, Blaine says before making his way to the kitchen. 

Kurt watches the man's back before sitting down in the couch, curiously looking at the vinyls. There's The Beatles, Queen, soundtracks to movies like Breakfast At Tiffany's, vinyls with collections of all the songs in Wicked, Sound Of Music, and oh, Grease of course. Kurt smiles. This little vinyl collection is exactly what he would have himself if he owned a record player. 

”I really like your vinyls. You have great taste.”, Kurt compliments, not looking away from the vinyls in his hands.

”I'm glad you like them. You can play something if you want to.”, Blaine calls out from the kitchen and Kurt shoots him a discreet, admiring and oh so happy look.

He carefully places the Beatles vinyl on the record player g, and the first song starts playing.

”Good choice.”, Blaine shouts and Kurt laughs a bit, leaning back on the couch, looking around the apartment a little more. 

In the corner behind the couch there's a huge, messy bed, and Kurt just can't help but blushing as he is watching it. 

Do not think about what he is doing when he is in his bed, Kurt repeats to himself in his mind. 

”Here you go.”, Kurt is pulled out of his inappropriate thoughts as Blaine places a steaming cup of tea on the table in front of him.

”Thank you. And you didn't spill anything on me this time, good job.”, Kurt can't help himself from making yet another joke regarding the coffee incident and laughs a little as Blaine rolls his eyes with a smile on his lips. Those perfectly shaped lips. Kurt shivers. What is wrong with him? He needs to stop this.

”I forgot how much I enjoy this vinyl actually.”, Blaine blurts out and shakes his upper body to the music. Kurt laughs at the sight, even though it really is something of the hottest things he has ever seen.

”So I've never had tea with a teacher before.”, Kurt states casually after a few seconds, causing Blaine to tense up a little, and the boy immediately regrets his words.

Why did he say that?

”Not even with Mr Schuester? Because he told me about having the whole Glee club at his house several times, so you must have been there, right?”, Blaine shifts a little in the couch and Kurt can't be angrier with himself for bringing it up.

”That is true. He did not give us tea though.”, Kurt says quickly, searching for some witty comment to say to ease up the situation.

”He didn't?”, Blaine asks, relaxing a bit to Kurt's relief.

”No. He gave us beer.”, Kurt jokes with a wink, causing his teacher to smile. Discretely sighing over the fact that he managed to save the situation.

”Oh, so that's why you agreed to come here? You just thought you'd get free alcohol!”, Blaine teases, taking a sip of his tea.

”That's exactly the reason actually.”, Kurt answers with a smirk.

Blaine laughs once again and meets Kurt bright eyes. And then there is silence. Two pair of eyes, gazing into each other. Hazel mixed with bright blue ones. Silence. The smell of raspberry tea. The smell of Blaine's hair gel. The sound of Kurt swallowing a little too loudly. The record player starts playing You've Got To Hide Your Love Away and Kurt can't seem to let go of those hazel eyes. He can feel his heart pounding in his ears by now. There is still no sound except from the record player as one of the most famous bands in the world sings; ”Hey you've got to hide your love away. Hey you've got to hide your love away”. The comforting sound of the record player and the deep inhale of air Kurt takes are the only two things to be heard and he is still looking into those shiny eyes. He does not dare to even move a single finger. 

And then all of a sudden, Blaine presses his lips to Kurt's, cupping the boy's cheeks. Kurt's mind go blank. He can feel his heart in his throat and he is pretty sure that his stomach is exploding by now because Blaine's lips are still on his, and oh god, they are soft and they taste like raspberry tea. Kurt wants to fight back when he can feel the other mouth leaving his own. He manages to open his eyes and for a brief second hazel eyes meet bright blue ones again, before two pair of lips clashes together again. 

This can't be happening, Kurt thinks, mind spinning. But this is happening, and there are so many unspoken words and wishes exchanged in their next kiss. Lost, hidden words exchanging between lips that are working quickly and intense over each other. Blaine's hands are still cupping Kurt's cheek and the boy wraps his shaky arms around the man's neck. Their heavy breathing is echoing between the walls, and oh wow, now there's a tongue licking on Kurt's lower lip. Both of their mouths are eager on each other now, placing open mouthed kisses to swollen lips. Tongues are exploring something completely new between them and Kurt thinks to himself that his previous hopeless devotion to this man sure as hell is not going away after this. 

After what seems like minutes of heavy breathing and open mouthed kisses, Blaine pulls away, staring at Kurt with wide eyes.

”Shit- Holy shit, I- I am so sorry, Shit!”, Blaine gasps but Kurt barely even hear him because he is too focused on the way Blaine's breath hit Kurt's lips when he speaks.

Kurt certainly does know what to do in this situation, considering that he never have had a real kiss with anyone before. So he does what his teenage mind tells him to, so he pulls Blaine face to his own to capture the man's lips again. Kurt can feel two shaky hands on his waist when Blaine finally relaxes against Kurt's lips. And then there's that delicious tongue again, tracing over Kurt's lips and into his mouth, causing the boy's mind and heart to go completely crazy. But Kurt does not care right now. He does not care about his poor teenage heart or mind. He does not care about the rules. And he does not care about that he really can't do this with Mr Anderson, because this is Blaine. It is the person Blaine who has his lips glued to Kurt's and his hands grabbing Kurt's waist. This is short Blaine with his adorable smile, his love for coffee and bowties. Blaine who always laughs at Kurt's coffee jokes and witty comments.

”Shit.”, Blaine breathes out as he pulls away, jerking his hands away from Kurt's waist with wide, scared eyes looking at the boy.

And that one curse from Blaine's mouth shouldn't make Kurt crave Blaine's lips on his own even more, but it does. Kurt remains silent for a few seconds, simply just looking at the man's deep, scared eyes.

”I've been waiting for you to do that for months.”, Kurt then admits in a breath.

”Please don't say that. That does not make it right.”, Blaine panics and that is exactly what Kurt does not want to hear.

”Kiss me.”, Kurt says, looking Blaine straight in the eyes.

”Kurt, please don't.”


And that is all it takes to have Blaine's lips on his again after a broken groan left the man's mouth. Like he just gave up on the rules. Like he just can't resist it. Like he just lets his body take control, not giving a damn about what his mind shouts at him, just like Kurt does. Because this feels too good. Too good to be a bad thing. But it is. And they both know it but god, they do not care about that right now. Blaine's lips are tracing along Kurt's neck now and all Kurt can do is hiss out a shaky breath. This is wrong but god it feels so right. Their lips crash together harshly and Kurt almost whines when Blaine pulls away again, looking devastated.

”Kurt, we can't do this.”, he breaths out but Kurt can still hear the desperation in his voice. 

”I don't care.”, Kurt protests, eyes closed and with his forehead leaning against Blaine's.

”Shit.”, Blaine hisses, his voice cracking and Kurt wants to cry. This moment would be perfect  if there weren't any rules. But unfortunately, there are rules, and Kurt knows that he cant have this. Because this is against the law. A student should not be kissing his teacher and they both know it. But Kurt does not care. Not here and not now.

”I can't resist you anymore.”, Kurt then says and Blaine groans, sounding frustrated.

”I did not mean for this to happen, god.”

”But it happened.”

”I think you should leave.”

Kurt opens his eyes at Blaine's words. Blaine is looking down at his lap with watery eyes.

”Don't.”, Kurt begs and Blaine looks up.

”Just, please. You need to leave.”, Blaine's voice is shaking and Kurt knows that he should leave this gorgeous, clearly confused man to let him think, even if the last thing Kurt wants to do is to leave. But he does. He stands up and grabs his book.

”Uhm, thank you for the book.”, he says.

”I'm really sorry, Kurt.”

”Don't be.”, is Kurt's last words before he walks out the door and runs down the stairs.

Okay. So him and Mr Anderson just kissed. Him and Blaine. The young boy's heart ache at the thought and his lips crave more. He starts walking. He does not have a car and now is definitely not a good time to run up to Blaine and ask him for a ride home. He could feel all of what Blaine felt and wanted to say in that kiss, like they exchanged long, meaningful words in their kisses. So the boy does understand that Blaine needs to be alone and process this, because so does Kurt. He needs to process it too. The walk home is not awfully long, it takes him about twenty minutes and then he is back at his house.

The lights are off. Kurt raises his eyebrows. Right, Burt and Carole are in Washington, he remembers. He opens the door with a long breath and quickly makes his way up to his room. He does not bother to shower or to moisturize his face. He just instantly falls asleep, meeting Blaine again in his dreams. Because he can't shake off the feeling he got from meeting Blaine's lips, and it haunts him in his dreams but god, it is such a sweet, sweet dream. 


That same night, in another part of the city, a man with a fast beating heart is laying down on his couch with his hands covering his face. Intense thoughts are spinning around in his head, making it ache. Because that blue eyed boy makes him feel like a lost, eager, curious teenager again. 

”What am I doing?”, Blaine Anderson, the man with the fast beating heart, asks himself.

He pushes two fingers against his temples and groans. 

This is fucked up, he thinks. 

Because who wouldn't consider the situation fucked up when a teacher just had his tongue in his student's mouth. And who wouldn't think that it is fucked up when a teacher is spending more time with one particular student more than anyone else, including his own family and friends. And who wouldn't consider it fucked up that the teacher's heart speeds up a little as soon as he sees this young, bright eyed boy. And again, who wouldn't consider it fucked up when Blaine just kissed the boy until neither of them could breathe anymore. Blaine os thinking about Kurt again. The boy with some sort of intense, deep heartache and warmth reflected in his eyes, that Blaine saw the very first time he ever even talked to Kurt. At the first day of his new job, he already knew he was going to screw this whole thing up. Because it is not a good thing to feel your heart speed up when you look at one of your students. His feelings are getting way too deep and intense, Blaine thinks to himself in his loneliness. The whole situation is messed up, Blaine thinks. But god, he can not resist the boy anymore, because Kurt is the only thing right now, that makes him feel like sunshine is able to shine through the dark clouds in his life.


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