You've got to hide your love away
Chapter one Next Chapter Story
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter one

E - Words: 2,725 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
152 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

What do you think?


(Oh and English is not my first language, so i apologize for any misspelled words or anything like that)

Kurt Hummel is not that concerned about the fact that school is starting again after the summer break. The chestnut haired boy is more happy about the fact that this will be his last year at McKinley High. Sure, he will miss Glee club and his Glee friends, and Mr Schuester of course, but still. The thought of getting out Ohio and try his luck in New York city instead, keeps him more sane and happy than anything. He is quite happy in general, he really is. Sure, he feels lonely sometimes, but he is also aware of that he does not need anyone else to be happy. He does not need his happiness to depend on anyone else than himself. He sighs a little as he arrives in front of the school. He stops his car and slowly turns his head to look out. Students are running in and out from the main entrance, people are hugging and laughing after not seeing each other over the break. Kurt can spot Santana and Brittany a bit further away and decides to finally get out of his car.

”Hummel! I haven't seen you all summer, been busy have you?”, Santana smirks as Kurt arrives and lifts her eyebrows at those last words.

”If by busy you mean working my ass of to find the perfect college for me in New York and binge watching Sex And The City, then yes.”, Kurt rolls his eyes a bit before hugging his friends.

”And by ‘working your ass off' i assume you mean you actually have been getting a little boy on boy action this summer, haven't you? Congratulations Hummel, it is about time you loose the V card.”, Santana laughs along with Brittany who looks rather confused as Kurt again, rolls his eyes.

”Sorry, but i've got nothing to update you with when it comes to the sex stuff.”, Kurt winks, leaving Santana to sigh and shake her head.

”So you're just as big of a virgin as you were before summer? Come on Hummel.”, she tilts her head a bit and smirks at him.

”I'll see you in glee.”, Kurt ends their conversation.

He leaves his friends behind and starts making his way through the main entrance. He checks his brand new schedule one last time before walking towards his classroom. And while he is thankful that no one has slushied him so far, he is not that happy when he bumps into a hard shoulder before getting coffee all over him. Not that much better than being slushed, after all.

Really?”, Kurt hisses with clenched teeth as he looks down at the person bumping into him.

”I am so, so sorry! I really did not see you.”, the guy says and Kurt is too furious to notice how the guy is rather gorgeous. Dark hair gelled and hazel eyes concerned.

”Of course you didn't. Maybe you should spend more time watching where you're going instead of daydreaming of what hideous bowtie you should wear next.”, Kurt snaps, nodding towards the guys red little bowtie around his neck.

”God, i really do not have time for some freshman to ruin my day.”, Kurt continues, looking down on his ruined shirt.

When Kurt looks up again, the guy does not look sad or offended about Kurt's words, but instead looks a little chocked and, amused? Kurt quickly walks away before the guy has a chance to say anything else.

He makes his way into the bathroom, groaning when he sees the big stain of coffee on his brand new shirt. Days like these, he is very lucky that he never leaves the house without a change of clothes. He pulls up a clean, blue and white striped shirt and puts a white cardigan over it. That will do, he thinks to himself. He glances at the clock and tilts his head back in frustration as he realize that he will probably be late to his class because of that stupid coffee guy. Kurt shakes his head before quickly walking towards his classroom.

Kurt sighs a bit in relief as he spots the still opened door to the classroom and makes his way inside without looking up to meet the other students eyes on him. He sighs yet again as the only desk left is the one in front of the teachers desk, and nobody ever wants to sit there, not even Kurt. He quickly sits down, placing his leather bag on top of the table and then looks up. His mouth falls open in chock as he looks up towards the teacher, sitting on the desk in front of Kurt. The coffee guy. Kurt closes his mouth immediately as guy catches sight of Kurt and suddenly looks very amused. Great. The first impression the new teacher gets of me is that i said his bowtie was ugly when he accidentally spilled coffee on me. Just Great.”, Kurt thinks to himself as he buries his face in his hands for a brief second.

The guy continues to keep his eyes on a very embarrassed Kurt for another few seconds before turning his head away, still with that amused smile on his face.

”Good morning class. I am your new english teacher this year. So no more suspicions that i am a freshman.” the coffee guy, the teacher, starts, hazel eyes glancing towards Kurt at the last few words. 

”Now, you guys might not like me as much as your previous English teacher, but i will try my very best.”, he continues with a wink, laughing a little bit as one on the students blurts out ”Nobody liked Mrs Bolt anyway!”

”Okay, maybe i do not have that much pressure on me then.”, the new teacher continues with a grin on his face.

”Anyway, i am Mr Anderson and i will try my very best to make this year a piece of cake for you all.” he says, jumping of the desk to walk towards the whiteboard writing ”Mr Anderson” with blue letters.

”So, i i guess i can as well tell you a bit about myself then. I am twenty five years old, i live here in Ohio, but a few years ago i was living in the city of my dreams, New York, trying my luck in the musical theatre business. It didn't work out though, obviously. I mean, otherwise i would not be sitting here, teaching high school students, if i had the opportunity to live life as a famous performer instead.”, Mr Anderson winks again, smiling a bit as the class laughs. 

Kurt's mouth is still closed though. Feeling bad and embarrassed about before. How the hell could he insult a teacher!? To his defense, he did not know the guy was their teacher by then, but still. Kurt feels so uncomfortable that he does not even know where to look. 

”So that is that, and after i call your names out, i want you all to grab a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down your name, your hobbies and where you see yourself in ten years. Sounds alright?”, Mr Anderson asks before sitting down by his desk, the class nods and start talking to each other again. Kurt remains quiet.

”For hobbies, is it okay to write down drinking?”, some guy in the back shouts, causing some girls to laugh. Kurt rolls his eyes.

”Well if by drinking you mean drinking coffee or something like that, then fine.”, Mr Anderson answers jokingly with a smile, ”Actually, everyone add that to your notes, your favorite thing to drink!”

Kurt raises his eyebrows, that's a little odd, he thinks. What teacher cares about a students hobbies and favorite drink anyway? Kurt shakes his head.

Mr Anderson starts calling out students names, while scribbling something down on his paper after every student raises their hand when they hear their names.

”Kurt Hummel?”, Mr Anderson says at last, looking around the classroom.

Kurt swallows loudly before slowly raising his hand, still feeling too embarrassed to even meet the teachers eyes.

He dares to slowly look up as Mr Anderson catches sight of his raised arm, smiles, nods and writes something in his papers.

That's it, i'll have to change classes, this is way too awkward, Kurt thinks to himself.

He begins doing as he was told, grabbing a piece of paper to write on.

Kurt Hummel. My hobbies are Glee club, Broadway musicals and being the most fashionable kid at this school. And my favorite drink is coffee. I quite enjoy that a bit too much maybe.”, the boy scribbles down.

In ten years i see myself in New York. In a huge, luxury apartment. I'll be spending my days in different theaters at Broadway. And maybe i'll have somebody to come home to, that would be nice. And maybe a puppy too.”, he finishes off.

The embarrassment in him starts to fade away a bit, although he is still very ashamed of the previous happening. He manages to sit through the lesson but still is a bit relieved as the bells rings after an hour. But he feels like he needs to apologize. This is his teacher, and Kurt does not want someone in position of grading Kurt, to hate him. 

The classroom is quickly empty after the bell rings and Kurt is left alone in the classroom with Mr Anderson, who is now cleaning the whiteboard, facing away from Kurt.

Kurt awkwardly clears his throat to get Mr Anderson's attention.

”Yes?”, the teacher says as he turns around, meeting Kurt's eyes one second later.

”I just, uhm, i just wanted to say that i am really sorry about earlier. I really didn't mean to snap the way that I did, and I mean if I had known you were my teacher, I- I would never, but uhm I- I mean I wouldn't normally treat another student like that either and-”, Kurt feels himself rambling, gesturing with his hands to make his point.

”Hey, hey, calm down”, Mr Anderson says before Kurt's rambling reaches another level.

”It's okay, i swear. And I did not mean to ruin your shirt so i guess we can be equally sorry.”, Mr Anderson continues with a kind, yet amused smile on his lips.

”Okay, good. But I'm really sorry anyway, and your bowtie is not hideous by the way.”, Kurt answers quickly, causing his teacher to laugh. And for some reason that makes Kurt smile a bit.

”I wasn't that offended. I mean, sure i did spend a lot of time this morning to pick out the perfect bowtie, but hey, nobody's perfect.”, Mr Anderson grins, gesturing his arms out.

”It actually looks good with that shirt though so i wouldn't be worried if i were you.”, Kurt says, thankful that the embarrassment is now gone, and that his witty, sassy self is coming back to him.

”I trust your words then.”, Mr Anderson smiles, revealing his upper line of teeth. Really white, straight, clean teeth, Kurt thinks.

Kurt smiles a bit before walking towards the door.

”See you next lesson, Kurt.”, Mr Anderson smiles before Kurt is out of the classroom, and the boy quickly turns around with a smile before continuing his walk. 

Okay good, so now that little misunderstanding is solved and out the way, Kurt thinks.


The day flies by, and by the time Kurt is on his way to Glee club, he catches the sight of his new English teacher in the hallway. Kurt did not notice it before during the awkward circumstances, but Mr Anderson is quite short, and also, quite cute. And he sure does know how to dress, even regarding Kurt's comment about his bowtie in the morning. 

Refreshing with a cute teacher for once, Kurt thinks to himself, not even dreaming about the kinds of trouble a new, cute teacher can cause to a young mind.


A week goes by, full of catching up with friends, adjusting to life with school and homework and all of that. Kurt does not mind it though, he thinks that it is quite nice to get some structure and routines in his life again after the summer break. So he doesn't really mind it when Monday arrives and he have to be up at six o' clock. And Kurt doesn't really mind arriving early at school, and he really does not mind it at all when Mr Anderson walks in because wow, Kurt haven't really noticed the previous week exactly how gorgeous this teacher is. With his dark, tightly gelled hair. His long, dark eyelashes protecting his shiny hazel eyes. His bowties, and oh, his quite tight jeans. Kurt quickly shakes his thoughts away because who thinks about how good their teacher look in a pair of jeans? Kurt still glances discretely at the short man as he talks about Shakespeare's early life and work for an hour. The bell rings and Kurt is quick to pack his bag and begins to walk out among the rest of the students. He gives his teacher a quick glance, catching him looking at Kurt too, with a cup by his mouth.

”Don't worry, i'm not gonna spill my coffee all over you again.”, Mr Anderson says with a wink as he becomes aware of Kurt's bright eyes on him. Kurt laughs a little.

”Well i appreciate that, if you would have just handed me a cup instead of pouring one over me that first day, i'd been more than happy.”, Kurt jokes, not minding staying in the classroom a little for a brief conversation with his teacher.

”Noted.”, Mr Anderson laughs with him before putting down his cup, ”I read on your note that you wrote on the first day that your favorite drink is coffee, you saw the irony in that before you handed it in right?”, his teacher continues with a big grin, showing of his perfect, white teeth.

”Well i would lie if i'd say that i didn't write that down intentionally, just to make the whole coffee situation less awkward.”, Kurt explains, enjoying this light conversation with the short man maybe a bit too much.

”The ‘coffee situation', was it really that remarkable?”, Mr Anderson quotes and laughs again.

”Well if you would have been the one calling your teacher's bowtie ugly, you wouldn't be so confident after that right?”, Kurt points out, voice sarcastic and with a quick wink.

”It's not like i will give you an F just because you called my fashion hideous.”, his teacher answers, still with a big smile on his face and with bright eyes looking at Kurt.

And that bright smile and that genuine laugh does something inside Kurt's chest because Kurt isn't used to this, he is not used to someone appreciating his wittiness like this, especially not a teacher. Not even Mr Schuester laughs at Kurt's witty, sassy comments. 

”Well i wouldn't be surprised, you did look a little offended after that comment.”, Kurt says.

”You're witty.”, Mr Anderson states with another huge smile.

”I am glad you appreciate it.”, Kurt winks again. He actually winks? Towards his teacher

”I am also late for my next class.”, Kurt then states after a quick look at the clock.

”I'll see you tomorrow then, Kurt.”, Mr Anderson answers with a calm smile, watching Kurt as he walks out the door and then turns his attention to his cup of coffee again.

That was.. unusual, Kurt thinks to himself. Are student's really supposed to talk to their teachers like that? Sure he have had numerous deep conversations with Mr Shuester before, but that is different. Because Kurt sure as hell does not comment on Mr Schuester's fashion or wink at him.

But whatever, Kurt thinks, he just appreciates conversation with people who seem to actually find him funny. It's harmless, even the winks, Kurt thinks to himself later that day.


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