You've got to hide your love away
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter nine

E - Words: 3,740 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Id love it if youd tell me what you think and what you would like to see in future chapters!

Kurt walks into school the next day, almost feeling embarrassed about how overly excited he is to see Blaine. And to Kurt's big relief, the man is not ignoring him or trying to give Kurt some space or whatever, instead Blaine smiles when Kurt arrives early to the classroom, as usual. 

”Hey you.”, he simply says with kind eyes and a wide smile on his lips. Those perfect lips. Kurt sighs.

”Hey.”, Kurt breathes out, wondering how on earth Blaine has the power to not only make Kurt blush, but also make him completely speechless. Because he is never the one to keep his mouth shut, no matter how tense and awkward a situation may be. He always find his way to that sassiness and those witty comments. That's just how it is. But with Blaine it's different, Kurt just can't seem to keep up that shield when he's around Blaine. Instead he is just looking at the man with heart eyes and a huge genuine smile. He wishes he could just walk over to Blaine and kiss him and hold him. But he can't. Because they're in a classroom. In school.

”I wish I could kiss you.”, Blaine suddenly says, as if he just read Kurt's mind.

”Me too.”, Kurt nods, knowing that in situations like this, they will both be frustrated. But they will not touch each other here, because that means that they're risking it all, risking getting caught. Risking not being able to kiss, touch or even speak to each other ever again. Outside of school or not.

”You look wonderful.”, Blaine says, as if he read Kurt's mind again and is now trying to talk about something else instead. To distract them.

”Oh yeah? Don't you recognize this shirt?”, Kurt says, tugging a little at the hem of his white shirt with a grin.

”Wait-”, Blaine starts and Kurt laughs with a nod, ”Don't say that that's the shirt you yelled at me for spilling coffee on!”, Blaine laughs.

”Well, I never said you ruined it completely.”, Kurt teases, rolling his eyes.

”Well, you sure did act like it.”, Blaine teases back with a wink and the boy smiles.

”What can I say? I told you I have a drama queen deep inside of me.”, Kurt jokes causing the man to laugh again. That laugh, god, Kurt haven't ever heard a more beautiful sound, he thinks.

”God, I really wish I could kiss you.”, Blaine groans again and Kurt's stomach shouldn't feel funny at the comment and his eyes shouldn't darken, but they do.

”Please kiss me.”, Kurt locks their eyes together.


And then the bell rings and the door to the classroom opens. Kurt wants to groan and shout to the other students to get out and he wants to shout to the bell to shut up. But instead he puts his bag down along with himself by his desk and rolls his eyes. But they are going to make this work, he thinks to himself. He knows it. They will make this perfect even if it's in secret. Whatever it is that they have together. And then the classroom is filled with loud students making their ways to their places, but somewhere in between all of that, a pair of bright blue eyes meets hazel ones, and this classroom won't ever feel the same. 


”Kurt? Where are you going?”, Rachel says showing up beside him in the hallway the next Friday.

”Hello on you too.”, Kurt rolls his eyes.

”I was just wondering if you'll show up at Glee practice today? Just considering that you've been gone the past three times or something.”, Rachel points out with a suspicious look on her face.

”I've just been busy. Homework and stuff, you know?”, Kurt tries but Rachel shoots him another suspicious look and he rolls his eyes yet again.

”Homework and stuff? Really?”, she crosses her arms, ”I mean, I was almost thinking that you're mad at me or something.”

”What?”, Kurt says, sounding confused.

”I mean, ever since you, me and Mercedes hung out and I brought up those rumors and you got all protective over Mr Anderson or something, you've barely been talking to me! Or any of the others in Glee.”, she raises her voice a little and Kurt is quick to pull her with him by her elbow to a corner of the hallway.

”Okay first of all, stop screaming.”, Kurt hisses.

”I'm not screaming?”

”Just- ugh, I don't why you're making this such a big deal.”, Kurt rolls his eyes before continuing, ”And I am not pissed at you. I really have been busy, I'm not lying about that. My dad and Carole are out of town, you know? So I'm the one that have to take care of the house, cleaning and washing dishes and cooking and all. And Finn isn't exactly to much help since he is always at your house.”, he points out.

”Fine.”, she sighs.

”Okay? So that's that, and I really don't know why you're thinking about that conversation about Mr Anderson so much.”, Kurt says, lowering his voice a little.

”I don't know, you just seemed pissed after that incident.”, she shrugs.

”Well i'm not. And I am coming to Glee rehearsal today, okay? I've just been busy lately, like I told you.”, he continues his lies until Rachel nods.

”We're missing you, Kurt, that's why I might have been overreacting, okay?”, she hugs him.

”Well i'm kind of used to you being a drama queen.”, Kurt winks and Rachel rolls her eyes before laughing, ”And i've missed you too. Come on, let's go to rehearsal.”


And so Kurt does what he promised. He shows up at Glee rehearsal, realizing that he actually have been missing it quite a lot. And he is relieved when nobody asks him a bunch of questions about his absence lately, like Rachel did. He suddenly remembers exactly how much enjoy sitting on one of the red plastic chairs in the choir room, biting back a grin as Mr Schuester shows them a few dance moves they could try. Yeah, he definitely missed this. He missed the endless arguing about songs and solos, he missed Santana's bitchy comments and Sam's confused face. He missed looking at Mercedes and rolling his eyes when Rachel sang yet another solo. He really missed it all and he is thrilled when the others ask him to sing, and that's something he will never say no to. So he starts singing Blackbird, by The Beatles. Singing his heart out because he really missed that, he haven't had a chance to do that in a while. And he is too busy with smiling and bowing when receiving an applause from his friends, that he does not notice the man who is discreetly standing by the slightly open door. He does not see the man smiling widely after his jaw just dropped in chock. Because the man, Blaine, had no idea that such a sweet, magnificent singing voice could come from that boy's mouth. Although, deep inside he kind of already knew the boy would sound good singing, regarding his sweet, soft voice in general, but he never thought that he would hear him like this. Singing his heart and soul out. Blaine is absolutely stunned. Oh yeah, this boy is definitely the most beautiful and amazing creature he have ever laid his eyes on, in every single way. 


Those little flirts in the classroom before the rest of the students shows up, and those gentle gazes in the hallway continues during the week, and on Friday afternoon, they both find themselves sitting on Blaine's couch. With Kurt's head on the mans shoulder and Blaine's arm around the boy. With those regular cups of raspberry tea in their hands, and that same record player playing vinyl after vinyl. 

”You have a brilliant singing voice.”, Blaine suddenly tells Kurt, stroking the boy's hair.

”What?”, Kurt looks confused, sitting up.

”I heard you sing Blackbird.”, Blaine simply says, a calm smile on his lips and a happy look in his eyes. Still stroking Kurt's dark hair.

”What- when?”, Kurt shifts on the couch so that he is sitting with his gaze on Blaine again.

”Well a few days ago, I was on my way home, and I heard this beautiful sound from inside of a classroom. The door was slightly open, so I peaked inside and i saw you standing there. In Glee club.”, Blaine explains, laughing a little as the boy's hands flies up to cover his face.

”What? You did sound amazing. You really did”, Blaine says with a smile and Kurt groans.

”Well thank you, Mr Stalker.”, Kurt teases, nudging his knee against Blaine's.

”Hey! The door was open!”, Blaine laughs, holding his hands up in defense in front of Kurt.

”I'm sure.”, Kurt winks, still with that teasing tone in his soft voice.


”Do you really think that though?”, Kurt says after a few more minutes of teasing and flirting.

”Think what?”

”What you just said?”

”That I think that Breadstix is overrated?”, Blaine looks at him confused.

”No dummy. I meant, what you said about my singing voice?”, Kurt says with a laugh.

”Of course I do.”

”For real? You're not only saying that to be a gentleman?”, Kurt teases.

”Hey i'm still a gentleman, even if I wouldn't have said that! But no, i'm not only saying that to seem sweet. I really mean it.”


”Really. With that voice, I don't think that getting a job on Broadway will be an issue. I mean, who wouldn't want to cast you!”

”You're such a sweet little thing.”, Kurt smiles.

”And here we go with the height jokes again.”, Blaine laughs, rolling his eyes.

”That's not what I meant, Mister.”, Kurt laughs, moving a little closer to the man to reach his lips. Kurt feels his stomach tickling like it always does when their lips meet like this. It's sweet, calm and tender. 

The boy pulls away slowly and he can hear a frustrated sigh escaping Blaine's lips at the loss. Kurt laughs, ”I just wanted to look at your eyes for a minute.”

”Such a gentleman.”, Blaine lets out a quiet laugh and captures Kurt's gaze again.

”You are stunning.”, the boy can't help himself from saying. 


”No, really. You are.”

”And you're beautiful.”, Blaine eventually sighs, placing a kiss to Kurt's temple before leaning back against the couch.

”So you can't really blame me, or any student, for developing a crush on you.”, Kurt jokes.

”You are so endearing.”, Blaine laughs, tilting his head back a little.

Kurt rolls his eyes.

”Just trying to make this situation a little easier, you know?”, the boy shrugs and Blaine laughs.

”And to think that you were going to hate me after that little coffee incident on the first day.”, the shorter man says with a wink. 

”Well you wouldn't particularly start liking someone the second after they spilled out their coffee on your Marc Jacobs shirt.”, Kurt teases.

”Hey, had I known that was Marc Jacobs, I would have felt way more bad about it.”, Blaine teases back, tilting his head a little while looking at the boy with kind eyes.

”You should have known it was Marc Jacobs, what kind of gay are you?”, Kurt jokes and receives another laugh from the other man.

”I'm just breaking stereotypes here.”, Blaine shrugs and Kurt shivers when he looks into those deep hazel eyes again.

”But wait, did you really feel bad about it? Like even just a little?”, Kurt then asks with a laugh.

”Well, you do not exactly feel like you've accomplished something good when you make a student furious on your very first day at work.”, Blaine admits with a smile, ”and having them tell you that your bowtie is hideous.”. Blaine laughs.

”God, I'm sorry about that. That bowtie was not hideous i swear.”

”Well anyway, I still was kind of glad that you were the first student I talked to at the school, i mean, I wouldn't waste my precious coffee on anyone else.”, Blaine winks.

”Even though I yelled at you, and called your fashion choices hideous?”

They both laugh.

”I wouldn't have picked anyone else to yell at me.”, the man teases, nudging Kurt's shoulder a little with his own. 

”In my defense, I thought you were a student. I mean, who would ever yell at their teacher like that?”

”I figured.”

Kurt smiles and tangles his fingers into Blaine's hair again. Feeling his heart race when the man leans into his touch.

”I really am crazy about you.”, Blaine sighs, eyes closed.

”And you're making my heart go kind of crazy.”, Kurt smiles, stroking the dark hair carefully.

”When did we become so cheesy?”, he continues and before feeling Blaine's lips in a smile against his own.

”I know you like it.”, the man answers with a grin.

”That I do.”, Kurt says and pulls Blaine's face closer to his again. 

Blaine's hands settles around Kurt's waist and Kurt's hands are still cupping the man's cheeks. And then there is heavy breathing echoing between the walls and hearts beating loudly. Blaine shifts his position and all of a sudden he is on top of Kurt who is now laying down with his back against the tiny couch. Kurt clings onto Blaine's steady body, almost desperate and he is dangerously close to moaning as Blaine's tongue makes it's way into Kurt's mouth again. He is tangling his legs around the short body over him and does not have anything else in his mind right now except from that he never wants Blaine's lips to leave his. That is all he thinks about. Until they both hear the door opening. 

”Hey- whoa- uhm, sorry!”, an unfamiliar voice says and by this time Blaine's body is standing up, leaving Kurt a little breathless, his eyes shocked, and still with his back against the couch.

”Cooper? What are you doing here?”, Blaine's says, voice filled with panic.

Oh right, Blaine's brother. Kurt remembered him now.

”I was coming here to tell you that I just got a call about a casting for a new movie,”, the other man, Cooper, begins, eyes on Kurt, ”But you're a little busy, I see”. 

Kurt sighs in relief at the sight of Blaine's brother's grin on his face. Because if this would have been someone they both knew, this whole thing would be ruined. But this is Blaine's brother and he does not know Kurt, and everything should be fine, the boy thinks.

”Well I am, you should've just called me.”, Blaine says, also sounding a little relieved.

”Why do I recognize you?”, Cooper suddenly says, tilting his head with his eyes on Kurt.

”Bye, Coop.”, Blaine says quickly, almost pushing his brother out the door.

”Okay, so that was... a little bit nerve wracking.”, Kurt starts once the door is closed again.

”God.”, Blaine groans, slowly walking towards the couch.

Kurt nods. As if he agrees with the groan. 

”We're lucky that it was just Coop. If it would have been someone else-”, Blaine begins, sitting down on the couch again.

”Maybe we should think of locking the door next time.”, Kurt suggests before Blaine finishes his sentence.

”Well, yeah. I guess I forgot that today because I was a little distracted.”, Blaine winks, making Kurt laugh.

”So cheesy. I like it.”

”I know you do.”

”I have a question.”, Kurt says.


”Would it be weird if, if you know, if we would hang out at my house some time? I mean like when nobody else is home obviously because I would not be thrilled if Finn came in and saw you on our couch and-”, Kurt rambles before getting interrupted by Blaine's soft lips.

”You don't have to make it sound so dramatic and dangerous.”, Blaine smiles against Kurt's mouth and Kurt shivers as he feels the other man's warm breath against him.

”Well, that's because it could easily get dramatic and dangerous.”

”Don't remind me.”, Blaine sighs and Kurt cups his cheeks when their eyes meet.

And then You've Got To Hide Your Love Away starts playing on the record player and Kurt laughs a little, softly humming along with the song.

”And now i'm distracted again.”, Blaine whispers, leaning in to kiss Kurt again with smiling lips.

And Kurt could do this forever, he thinks. Just sitting here on Blaine's tiny couch, in his New York inspired apartment, listening to old records and kissing. Letting their lips explore every inch of their faces, and their tongues trace over lips and teeth. And then Blaine slowly starts singing along with the song, quiet against Kurt's lips, and Kurt's heart drops. He tries to catch his breath, causing the other man to smile while singing against his lips.

”Please tell me why the hell it didn't work out for you with becoming a musical theatre performer? Or a singer or whatever? You're voice is magical.”, Kurt breathes and Blaine laughs a little before slowly pulling away enough to meet his bright blue eyes.

”I've already told you about that.”, Blaine tries to remind him, bur Kurt shakes his head.

”Yes I remember that, but I also remember thinking that you did not tell the whole story. Like you left an important part out.”, Blaine raises his eyebrows at Kurt's words.

”Like I told you, New York is a very busy city, and I guess I just couldn't keep up with everything. It's very different from Lima, you know?”, Blaine sighs, leaning the side of his head against his fist.

”Tell me.”, Kurt tries again.

”Fine.”, Blaine begins with a sigh and Kurt's heartbeat speed up a little.

”Like I told you, I was lonely and I was sad and I just couldn't keep up with everything so I couldn't focus on work and my studies and just- just everything. I guess. And there's nothing more to the story.”, he finishes, looking into Kurt's eyes again.

”Why were you sad?”, the boy carefully asks.

”Do you remember what I said after the Karofsky incident? I told you about dealing with bullying in high school too, right?”, he answers and Kurt nods.

”Well, it was kind of, really, really bad. And I got really sad and depressed because of it all, and I guess it was just hard to work for a dream to come true when I just remembered all those people telling me that I was wrong, and disgusting, and that I suck and-”, Blaine tells him, gesturing with his arms before getting interrupted by the boy.

”Hey, shh, it's okay.”, Kurt pulls Blaine into his arms because after that confession he knows that he did hit a sore spot. Blaine is breathing fast, shaking his head a little.

”I'm sorry, I just-, there's so many memories.”, Blaine sighs, letting himself relax into Kurt's embrace, leaning his head against the boy's chest.

”I understand that.”, Kurt says, nodding before placing a kiss to Blaine's gelled hair.

”But it is not too late to give it another try, you know.”, Kurt points out softly only to hear Blaine sigh in his arms.

”I'm not that young anymore, I guess i'm stuck with teaching for the rest of my life.”

”You make it sound like you are fifty or something.”, Kurt laughs, ”And no, you are not stuck with teaching forever, you just gotta take that step again. Maybe it'll be a little easier now, now that you're a little older and wiser, I mean.”

”Maybe. I don't know.”, Blaine smiles in Kurt's arms, pulling Kurt's hand up just to give it a kiss.

”Did you ever tell anyone?”, Kurt then says.

”Tell anyone what?”

”About the bullying.”


”Did you?”

”I tried.”, Blaine says, tensing up a little bit and Kurt wraps his arms tighter around Blaine.

”And nobody listened?”, Kurt asks softly. Blaine nods.

”So you might understand now why I got so protective and involved after the Karofsky incident.”, Blaine looks up at Kurt with a smile, but Kurt can see that his hazel eyes are a little watery by now.

”I understand.”

”So it wasn't only because I adored you already, but also because I would never want that to happen to you, you know?”, the man says with a quiet voice and Kurt nods his head.

”I remember that day.”, Kurt says.

”That day with the Karofsky incident?”

Kurt nods.

”I remember getting all light headed and everything, obviously. And I remember you pulling my head up in your lap, and I remember you accidentally saying your first name, Blaine, but you did not think that i heard it. But I did.”, Kurt smiles towards Blaine who is basically lying in his lap now.

”Yeah, you were laying just like this.”, Blaine states regarding their position in the couch right now.

”Just like this.”, Kurt agrees.


And then there's that mix of hazel and light blue again. There are calm smiles and racing hearts. This is what he wants, Kurt thinks. He could lay like this forever. And neither of them meant for them to fall asleep on Blaine's couch later that night, but they did. Tangled together. The record player still playing in the background. And even while sleeping, they're both clinging together. Holding on to each others bodies tightly. As if there is nothing more horrible they can think of, than letting go.


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