You've got to hide your love away
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You've got to hide your love away: Bonus chapter

E - Words: 2,762 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
133 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes:

What do you think? Did their future end up like you thoguht it would?

Please write me a review or send a mail to and tell me what you thought about the bonus chapter, and also if youd like more of these. 


September 2019

The light hits the brick wall so perfectly in the sunrise. It reflects a golden glow against it, making it look like it is sparkling. 

Kurt smiles and buries his head further into his pillow and snuggles up against the body next to him. It's been way too long since he had the time to sleep in like this. And together with Blaine. 

Because both of their schedules have been crazy lately. Kurt has been working late hours at the office, and Blaine has spent all his time to prepare for his third Broadway show. So their lives have been busy lately, so late nights and late mornings aren't something they have as much time for anymore. 

But today, they have. 

Another golden glow catches Kurt's attention, but it isn't from the sun, but from the pair of hazel eyes that just opened next to him. 

”Hi.”, the raspy voice against his ear sends a shiver down his spine. 

”Morning.”, Kurt snuggles his face into Blaine's neck, inhaling the scent of his soft skin. 

A thumb strokes slow circles against Kurt's back, and he cannot help but to sigh at the touch. 

In moments like this, he feels like he's still a teenager. Still young, confused and in love and back in Ohio. So much has changed now, eight years later. Almost everything. Everything except the love he felt back then and still feels today. 

”How do you feel today?”, Kurt asks, his voice low and sleepy. 

”Fantastic. I didn't expect the opening night to pass by so smoothly and perfect.”, Blaine answers and Kurt can feel him smiling into Kurt's hair before placing a kiss there.

”Well what else would you expect from yourself? You're Blaine Anderson Broadway Star now, remember?”, Kurt teases and Blaine laughs while pulling him closer. 

”I've missed this.”, Blaine says while kissing Kurt's knuckles gently. 

Kurt doesn't answer but lets out a quiet sigh as Blaine intertwines their fingers under the covers. 

”Sometimes I forget about this.”, Blaine's breath hits his ear as Kurt can feel him touching the ring on Kurt's finger. 

”Really? How could you forget something you spent years looking at before you had the courage to actually buy it.”, Kurt teases and Blaine muffles his laughs against the pillow.

”I just wanted to make sure I got the perfect one, okay?”, Blaine tries with a grin on his sleepy face.

”Sure you did.”

Kurt laughs while teasing Blaine about his struggle with finding the perfect ring.  But Kurt can listen to that story over and over every day. 

After the proposal four years ago, Blaine admitted that he had been eyeing the very ring he gave to Kurt for over a year. He knew all along it was perfect, but he didn't have the courage to buy it because he thought that his proposal speech didn't mach the beauty of the ring. 

Kurt had been laughing for minutes when Blaine told him that the night after the proposal. ”but you were an English teacher? Why the hell did you think that your speech wouldn't be any good?”, Kurt had asked him after Blaine's confession and the man just shrugged. He had shrugged and said to Kurt ”I guess I tend to go a little speechless around you. No English teacher or poet in the world would have the right words to give to you.”. And it was the moment that those words left Blaine's mouth, that Kurt knew that he had done the right choice when he said yes. 

Kurt smiles at the memory. It was one of the most magical nights of his whole life. The proposal itself was completely magical, but the time the two of them shared together afterwards was even better. They had been curled up on their bed, talking all night. About what marriage would mean to both of them, and it was one of those conversation where they really saw right through each other. Gazing into each others eyes, the mirror to their souls. They could almost hear everything the other one was thinking, and those particular conversations was something that both of them valued so much. 

Kurt's smile grows wider at the thought.

”What are you thinking about?”, Blaine asks him, as if he can hear his husband's brain working inside his head. 

Kurt starts laughing. 

”What?”, Blaine asks, the confused look on his face is so adorable that Kurt has to bite back a grin. 

”I just thought of it all.”

”It all?”, Blaine echoes in a question.

”Of how it all started and so on.”, Kurt explains, eyes never leaving the pair of hazel ones. 

”Yeah?”, Blaine's genuine, teeth-showing, kind smile still makes Kurt's heart skip a beat or two.

”We've come such a long way.”, Kurt smiles to himself. 

After all of their struggles, somewhere in the back of his mind he always knew that this was how it was supposed to be like. Him and Blaine together, sleeping in on a weekend morning. 

”We have.”, Blaine reaches up to cup Kurt's cheeks. 

”-and speaking of coming, yesterday was our last night alone in the apartment. At least for a while.”, Blaine grins and Kurt cannot help the laugh that escapes his lips. 

”You're a jerk.”, he starts, kissing Blaine's nose, ”But I guess you're right. The last time for at least a few years.”

Blaine's smile immediately reaches his eyes and Kurt feels a shiver down his spine at the sight. 

Those beautiful, deep eyes that never fails to make Kurt feel speechless. 

”Let's make the best out of our last hours alone then.”. Blaine says with a grin before letting his hands travel up and down Kurt's naked body. 

”You're a sex addicted dork and I love you.”, Kurt teases before fumbling with his hands under the covers, kissing Blaine fiercely as he feels the man's skin against his fingers. 

And holy hell he will never get tired of the feeling of Blaine's smooth skin under his touch. 

The skin that shivers when Kurt kiss it. The skin that bruise when Kurt sucks it. The skin that smells like spices and home. 

”I love you too. I love you. I love you.”, Blaine repeats like a mantra as Kurt's lips works down his neck and chest. 

Licking his way down Blaine's stomach, dipping his tongue in his belly button, Kurt never lets his gaze let go of Blaine's. His blue eyes shines brightly, glued to his husband's wide hazel ones. 

”Kiss me.”, Blaine begs as he pulls Kurt's face back up, swiping his tongue over his lips. 

They've been doing this for years now, but it is something that they are forever learning. And Kurt is constantly counting all the places on Blaine's soft body that he haven't kissed yet. 

But he doesn't think that there is any parts left that haven't been marked by Kurt's lips by now. Because Kurt has made sure to explore it all.

Their naked bodies motions together in a perfect pace they seem to find faster every single time. Blaine's breaths are uneven and heavy against Kurt's ear as he drags his nails up his bare back.
Without any hesitation, Kurt pulls Blaine over to roll them around, smiling when he feels Blaine's weight over him. 

”You're gorgeous.”, soft words leaves Blaine's swollen lips and all Kurt can do is to gasp as a respond. 

When Blaine straddles him, Kurt strokes Blaine's thighs slowly, digging his nails into the skin. 

It doesn't take more than a few minutes until the hazel eyed man straddling Kurt is stretched open and sinking down onto Kurt's throbbing length.

Kurt wraps his arms tighter around Blaine, forcing him to sink down with all his weight, rocking in Kurt's lap. 

”Shit. I love you.”, Blaine moans a little breathlessly into the thick air.

Blaine always tells him he loves Kurt during sex. And before. And after. And during any other time of the day. Because after being forced to hide their love eight years ago, Blaine now wastes no time without telling the world about their love. Whispering quiet I love you's into Kurt's ear on repeat in every moment he possibly can. 

”Faster.”, Blaine whispers as he quickens his pace in Kurt's lap and all the blue eyed man can do is to wrap his arms tighter and to dig his nails deeper into Blaine's sweaty back. 

Kurt manages to tilt his head up just a bit to glance into those dreamy hazel eyes and then his orgasm hits him from nowhere as he feels Blaine coming onto his hand. 

”God, I love you.”, Blaine showers Kurt's neck with quick, wet kisses and Kurt smiles in respond.

”I love you too. Always.”


The sky is particularly bright today. Not one single cloud can be seen and Blaine's hand feels as soft and warm as ever in Kurt's own. The sun is reflected in his hazel eyes and it reminds Kurt about the very first time he saw those eyes. Not the very first time they actually met, when the coffee incident happened, but several weeks later. When Kurt actually saw him for the first time. 

Saw the intense shine and passion in his hazel eyes. Saw how perfectly his lips shaped meaningful words about nothing and everything, making everything he said sound important and interesting, no matter the subject.

Kurt smiles because even until this very day, there hasn't been a moment where Kurt did not see it. Where he did not see the shine and depth in those hazel eyes. The way Blaine made everything sound so important and like everything has a meaning. He never failed to make Kurt's heart speed up. Never

And sure, the road may have had a few bumps in it since they first met each other at McKinley High. Because moving in together and build a life together in the world busiest city while still learning how to love every part of each other, is a challenge. But they've made it through all of that, and they are still standing. 

”This reminds me of our first day together in New York.”, Blaine's voice catches his attention.


”The day we arrived here. We walked around the city with our heavy bags for hours, and you couldn't stop looking at the buildings and all the surroundings, and I couldn't stop looking at you.”, Blaine squeezes his hand tighter. 

”Such a romantic, Blaine Anderson.”, Kurt teases, his lips pressed against Blaine's chin. 

Kurt loves the ticklish feeling when he nuzzles his face against Blaine's fresh stubble. 

It feels familiar and safe. Like home. And it did all the way back when they first moved here, and to Kurt that was enough to make him forget about how he missed his family back in Ohio. Because at least he had the scent of Blaine around him. 

Blaine's presence around him.

”You used to talk so much when you got nervous. Nowadays you're just quiet when you're nervous about something.”, Blaine shoots him a loving smile after a few moments of silence.

”I tend to get a little too caught up in my thoughts I guess.”, Kurt shrugs, ”But I'm not nervous. At least I don't think I am.”

”I am nervous.”, Blaine says it as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

”I mean, why wouldn't I be? This is going to be something that will change our lives forever.”, he continues and Kurt looks at him under fluttering eyelashes.

”I guess. But I just keep thinking about how it will end up bad if I let myself be nervous about it.”, Kurt bites his lip before relaxing from the feeling of Blaine squeezing his hand again.

”Everyone would be nervous about something this. And just because we might be a little anxious right now, that doesn't mean that everything won't feel perfect later, right?”, Blaine tries to assure him and Kurt believes him.

”How are you so good with words?”, Kurt teases with a grin. 

”I was an English teacher, remember?”, Blaine winks and smiles at the sound of Kurt's cheerful laugh. 

”Sorry. I forgot, Mr Anderson.”

”Dork.”, Blaine nudges Kurt's shoulder with his own. 

”You still love me though.”, Blaine tiptoes to reach Kurt's lips. 

”That I do.”, Kurt wraps his arms around him and gets drunk on scent of Blaine's natural scent. 

”What do you say about some coffee and a bagel?”, his husband asks and Kurt smiles against the crook of his neck.

”We're doing a Breakfast at Tiffany's?”, Kurt grins as he wraps his arms tighter around Blaine. 

”Of course we are.”, Blaine's smile almost reaches his ears and Kurt wonders what the hell he ever did to get the chance to meet this wonderful human being. 

”You know me so well.”, Kurt grabs Blaine by the hand and pulls him along with him when they cross the road.


”Are you nervous yet?”, Blaine tilts his head in front of Kurt, watching him with concern in his eyes. 

”I've been nervous since almost a year back.”, Kurt lets out a hesitant chuckle. 

”We'll be fine, right?”, Blaine asks him, biting his lip like he always does when he is nervous. 

”We'll be great.”, Kurt corrects him with a tiny smile and Blaine squeezes his hand in a way he knows makes Kurt relax. 

”Do you think we're ready now?”, Blaine hooks his head over Kurt's shoulder, kissing his ear. 

”Is anyone ever ready for something like this?”, Kurt breathes out, leaning into Blaine's touch. 

”I suppose not.”, Blaine's chuckle against his ear makes him calmer instantly as he gazes towards the huge building. 

Blaine stands beside him now, holding out his hand towards his nervous husband. 

”Let's do this.”


The hallways are too bright. It feels empty yet crowded and Kurt's heart is racing in a different way than ever before. 

He squeezes Blaine so hard that it must hurt, but he cannot bother to think about that right now. He straightens Blaine's red bowtie and brushes some dust of his blazer. 

A man in green clothes are showing them the right way, trying to have a small talk during the walk, and Blaine answers politely, but Kurt cannot manage to get out one single word.

He squeezes Blaine's hand harder again and he thinks that if his grip tightens even a little bit more now, the bones in his husband's hand will probably break. 

But he doesn't let go. He holds onto Blaine's hand as if his life depends on it. 

And maybe it does. 

The man in the green clothes keeps his gaze on the papers in his hands as he opens a wide, white door. Gesturing to the two men to be quiet. 

Kurt stops breathing and his heart is pounding so loud and fast if feels like it might collapse. 

But then Blaine's hand squeezes his own again, and Kurt remembers to breathe. He turns his head to meet Blaine's shiny gaze and he nods.

This is it. 

The man in the green clothes leans over a tiny bed that looks a little bit like a plastic box on legs, but all Kurt can focus on is the white blanket in the man's arms as he hands the papers away to a woman with similar green clothes. 

”Mr and Mr Anderson Hummel, do you have a name yet?”, the man rocks the blanket in his arms slowly and Kurt cannot tear his gaze away as he opens his arms. 

”Yes. Audrey Hummel Anderson.”, Kurt says without a doubt, and when he finally manages to tear his gaze away from the baby in the doctor's arms, he meets Blaine's crying eyes as the doctor hands the wrapped up baby to him.


And from that moment, Kurt knows that this is how it's all supposed to be. 


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