Save Tonight
Chapter seven Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Save Tonight: Chapter seven

E - Words: 3,004 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 14, 2016 - Updated: Jan 14, 2016
140 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked it!

What do you think will happen from here, will they manage to be just friends?

Let me know!

As three weeks pass, Kurt and Blaine barely talks. They sit together in the most strained silence in their office five days a week, but they don't talk. 

Not really.

Sure they can say things like ”I'm getting off early” or ”did you call this client?”, but there's no real conversations. No conversation about music, about movies, food, high school, about space and eternity. Nothing like that. And Kurt would lie if he'd say he didn't miss it. 

Because he does. 

He miss everything about Blaine. His stupid goofy, adorable smile, His burning hazel eyes. His laugh and how addictive his voice becomes to Kurt when the man talks about something he's passionate about.

Kurt is thinking about him, something he promised himself three weeks ago that he wouldn't do. But somehow Blaine seems to always be on his mind in some way. Kurt is probably thinking more about him now than what he was when they actually talked and were friends and all that.


Kurt wants to laugh. They were never really friends, they were always something more. Maybe if the first thing you to with each other is sleeping together several times one night, it can be a little bit hard to be just friends after that. And maybe Kurt was naive to think that they could be just that. 

Just friends.

Just colleagues. 

Even though Kurt wants more too. Just like Blaine does, or did. Kurt wants Blaine in more ways than he has ever wanted anyone or anything. And it's almost like this crazy intense connection possesses them; making them completely addicted to each other.

And Kurt can still feel it as he catches Blaine staring at him in the office every now and then. Shooting Kurt an apologizing smile the second he realizes that Kurt is looking back at him. So Blaine must still feel it too, Kurt thinks. Even though Blaine went on another date with that guy, whose name Kurt forgot, and then another and another. 

Kurt saw the guy picking Blaine up outside work. There was a quick hug, but nothing more than that. Not even a kiss, and Kurt shouldn't be relieved that it wasn't, but he is. He really is.


”You're late.”, Kurt states as Santana walks into the cafeteria at work. 

”And you're grumpy.”, she snaps back, sitting down in front of him.

”Seriously Hummel, you've been acting all weird and sad and grumpy for like a month now. What is going on?”, her tone isn't harsh, but determined. 

”I'm not acting weird.”, Kurt protests, staring down at his salad.

”You are. And I miss that sass of yours.”, she starts before a grin appears on her face, ”I think it's time for you to go out with me again. I'll find you another hook up!”

Kurt wants to groan in frustration and cry because did she have to mention that? Mention something that reminds him of how he met Blaine? Blaine who is still probably in their office, avoiding to eat lunch at the same time as Kurt.

Because that is just what they've been doing these past few weeks.

Avoiding each other.

”No way.”, Kurt answers.

”Why not? You look like you could need it.”, she points out, eyebrows raised. 

”I don't want to, okay? Please just forget about it.”, he groans.

”Is this about Gay Anderson?”, she snaps, shooting him a suspicious look.


”No.”, Kurt says abruptly, dropping his fork. 

”Yeah, right.”, she starts, her smile fades, ”You need to get over that piece of ass. So you had sex once or twice? Why does that matter? Why can't you just ignore him and forget about what you two ever did that one night?”

Kurt wants to scream in her face, he wants to stand up and scream his heart out. Like he used to do in his teenage years. But he's not a teenager anymore, he reminds himself. He's an adult.

”I can't just forget about him.”, Kurt starts, clenching his teeth.

”Why? He was just a one night stand for god's sake! And then he just happened to become our coworker too, but why does that even matter?”, she says and that's when Kurt realizes that she really doesn't get it. 

Santana hasn't been in a relationship since high school, she told him once. With one of her cheerleading friends. Things didn't work out after graduating, and after that she just had casual sex as much as she possibly could. It was never anything serious, so of course she didn't understand what was going on in Kurt's mind.

”He wasn't just a one night stand, shit, Santana! I cared about him, I still do! Hell, I was falling for him!”, he sputters quietly, leaning towards her over the table so that no one else can hear their conversation. 

”You got your ass way too deep into this mess, Hummel.”, Santana groans, leaning her forehead against her fist. 

”It's all a mess only because of that stupid work policy.”, Kurt realizes that he probably sounds like a grumpy teenager when he says that, crossing his arms as he speaks. But he doesn't care. 

”No, but it could easily become a mess if you two got together and that man could end up ruining your career and all your goals in life.”, she tries to remind him but Kurt just shakes his head. 

”I want him.”, he suddenly breathes out.

Santana raises her eyebrows again, ”Okay, fine. So maybe you two could hook up again, to get it out of your systems.”

”It isn't like that!”, a scream leaves Kurt lips. 

”I don't want him for sex. I- It's something completely different than that. Some weird connection and attraction that I can't even explain. It drives me crazy.”, he continues, lowering his voice again.

”You sound like a naive teenager who believes in soulmates or something like that.”, she spits, crossing her arms. 

”Maybe I do. I just know that I don't want another hook up, I want him. I want Blaine. And I can't have him.”, and with that, Kurt stands up, leaving the girl alone at the table as he starts walking towards his office again. 

Completely unaware of the pair of hazel eyes watching him walk out from another table in the big hall. 


”You mind if I put on some music?”, Blaine's voice surprises Kurt after another hour of working in silence. 

”Uhm, sure?”, Kurt says, almost a little hesitant, because Blaine doesn't talk to him like that anymore. They haven't talked in a month except from when they absolutely have to discuss work related stuff.

”Great.”, Blaine shoots him a wide smile, his hazel eyes shining and Kurt is more than confused.

His chest aches a little as he hears the soundtrack to Moulin Rogue starting. 

”This okay?”, Blaine asks, even though he knows the answer, because plenty of their conversations together have been about musicals and especially about Moulin Rogue.

”Yeah.”, Kurt says, biting his lip because even the silence was less awkward than this conversation they're having right now. A conversation that would feel completely normal and natural if this would have been a  few weeks ago. 

”We never watched this movie together, did we?”, Blaine continues and Kurt shoots his eyebrows up.

”Uhm, no?”, he says, knowing he sounds rude, but he can't help it right now. 

What is going on with Blaine?

”We should do that some time!”, a wide smile takes over Blaine's face and that's all it takes for Kurt's mind to get too confused to focus on anything.

”What is going on?”, Kurt can't help himself from asking. 

”Nothing? I'm just talking about my favorite musical that I happen to know is your favorite musical too.”, Blaine says casually, shrugging a little.

”You haven't talked to me like this for three weeks.”, Kurt points out.

”Three weeks and two days. And you haven't talked to me either.”, Blaine bites his lip, the smile being replaced by a sad look instead.

Kurt wants to kiss it away.

”I miss you, Kurt. Okay?”, Blaine eventually sighs after a moment of silence.

Kurt wants to cry.

”I want us to be friends.”, Blaine continues, chewing hard on his lower lip.

”And I-”, he tries to continue, his hazel eyes focused on Kurt's confused look on his face.

”Just stop talking.”, Kurt interrupts him and Blaine's eyes widens.

”We have been acting crazy.”, Kurt sighs, running a hand through his hair.

”What do you mean?”, Blaine asks, even though Kurt is pretty sure that the man knows exactly what he means. 

”We've been ignoring each other for weeks. Three weeks and two days. And for what reason? Because we're scared of how we feel?”, Kurt says under a breath, scared when he realizes the truth and tells Blaine about it.

”We're just people. And you are not some monster that have the power to ruin my career, like I have been acting like you are. You're just a person that I care deeply about, and I think that we have been acting crazy for trying to push it all away.”, he continues. 

”So yes. I agree with you, we should be friends.”, Kurt sighs out, ending his little speech, leaving Blaine looking at him with wide, shocked yet happy eyes.

”I care about you too.”, is all Blaine answers, his hazel eyes glued to Kurt's, and that perfect blend of hazel and blue and that insane connection between them sends a shiver down Kurt's back.

”Good. Then we should be friends.”, Kurt can't seem to let go of those eyes.

”So what is the name of that guy of yours?”, Kurt starts, knowing right away that he shouldn't ask Blaine that the first thing he does. 

”You mean Daniel?”, Blaine bites his lip.

”Yeah, Daniel. How are things going between you two?”, Kurt can hear the bitter tone in his own voice.

”Kurt-”, Blaine starts, eyes on the floor.

”What? Isn't that what friends are supposed to ask each other?”

”Kurt.”, Blaine repeats, eyes on Kurt this time, voice harsher and more determined. 

”Fine. I'm sorry.”, Kurt sighs, ”But I really do hope things are good between you two.”

Blaine shoots him a look in disbelief but Kurt doesn't even care about it. 

”I feel like taking a walk home today. Will you accompany my?”, Blaine asks, changing the subject to Kurt's relief. 

”Sure.”, the smile on Kurt's lips isn't completely forced. Because even though he is trying to suppress his feelings for Blaine and the fact that it hurts to look into his eyes sometimes, he is still happy about the fact that they will give the whole friendship thing another shot. 


The sun is setting by the time they end their workday. The sky is orange and looks like it's on fire, just like Blaine's eyes. Those eyes that shoots Kurt happy glances every now and then during their walk. 

Shit, Kurt really needs to stop feeling like this. 

”Are you excited for winter?”, Blaine starts as they walk down the sidewalk, side by side. 

”I do. New York turns magical in the winter.”, Kurt smiles, hands in his pockets. 

”I agree. New York can make anything happen by the time winter arrives.”, Blaine answers, and there is something like hope shining in his glowing eyes and Kurt can hear himself swallow too loudly. 

”Yeah.”, he agrees.

”Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?”, Blaine asks and Kurt raises his eyebrows. 

”Are you sure that's a good idea?”, Kurt says a little hesitant, biting his lip when he sees a disappointed look in Blaine's eyes. 

”Why not? Friends go out to dinner together all the time, right?”, Blaine assures him.

”Will, uhm, will Daniel be okay with that?”, Kurt can't help to ask. 

”Why wouldn't he?”, Blaine says quietly, even though he knows exactly what Kurt means.

”Does he know about, uhm, about our, history?”, Kurt tries.

”No.”, Blaine sighs and Kurt nods.

No, why would Blaine tell his new boyfriend about a guy he hooked up with two months ago?

Does it even matter?

”It's not, uhm, I- I just don't think it's necessary for him to know yet.”, Blaine tries to explain, chewing on the inside of his chin.

Kurt shoots him a questioning look but doesn't question it. Because they don't need any complications tonight. They're just two friends going out for dinner, and starting off with awkward conversations might just give them an awful new start.

So Kurt keeps quiet about the subject. 


”So, are you going home to Ohio for christmas?”, Blaine is the first one to start the conversation as they sit down in the closest restaurant. 

”No, I'm not getting off work until the twenty fourth, so I'll just stay home on christmas day.”, Kurt shrugs, taking a sip of his red wine, ”What about you?”

”I'm not going home either. And my family were too busy to be able to come here.”, Blaine says with a nod, a look of disappointment and abandonment in his eyes, but Kurt doesn't dare to ask him about it.

”Maybe we could watch Moulin Rogue on christmas eve or something? So that we don't have to be all alone on christmas, I mean?”, Blaine suggests a little hesitant.

”Yeah, but what about Daniel?”, Kurt can't help to ask. Because who wouldn't rather spend their christmas day with their boyfriend instead of their coworker?

”Don't worry about it.”, a strained smile appears on Blaine's face.

”Okay.”, Kurt says, biting his lip before watching the waitress arrive with their food. 

”This place kind of reminds me of Breadstix.”, Blaine points out, a quiet laugh escaping his lips and just like that, the weird tension hanging over them disappears. 

”God, don't even remind me of that place.”, Kurt laughs, feeling his heart swell a little as a happy smile tugs Blaine's lips.

”My friends made me go there almost every week. I hated it.”

”Same. And those breadstix weren't even good. They were pretty awful to be honest.”, Kurt says, grinning widely.

”I know right? Why even name a restaurant after the worst thing on your menu?”, Blaine asks, his hazel eyes burning into Kurt's. 

Does Blaine know what kind of power those eyes have on him? How they make Kurt feel lightheaded and makes his legs start shaking? Kurt shouldn't feel it, but he does. Because he is pretty sure that he is becoming addicted to those eyes on his own. It's like they put Kurt in a trance, making him forget about his surroundings and time.

”You've got gorgeous eyes.”, Blaine suddenly says, as if he just read Kurt's mind.

Or maybe he saw him stare. 

”Blaine-”, Kurt starts, eyes wide.

”What? Can't friends compliment each other?”, he answers quickly, shrugging a little, trying to look innocent and like it didn't mean anything.

But Kurt knows it did. Because Kurt recognized that longing, lusting tone in Blaine's voice. He has heard it a couple of times before, but only when the two of them slept together, when Blaine lets himself spill out all kinds of compliments and loving words into Kurt's ear. 

”You have a boyfriend.”, Kurt reminds him, as if Blaine doesn't already know.

Blaine rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. Why does he act like this when Kurt asks him about his new boyfriend? Rolling his eyes, ignoring the questions, not saying a word about this mysterious guy? Because when you meet a new love, that's pretty much all you talk about, Kurt thinks. At least that's how it usually is, so why is Blaine acting like the complete opposite?

”We should just go back to talking about Ohio, right?”, Kurt suggests in a sigh and sees Blaine's eyes light up a little.

Holy shit this man is beautiful.

”Not that Ohio is worth talking about, but yes, we probably should.”, Blaine jokes, receiving a chuckle from Kurt.

”What was your favorite part of living there?”, Kurt asks.

”This might sound really cliché, but there was this park behind The Lima Bean, and there was an empty field right next to it, with just one single tree on it. And I always went there as a kid with my parents, and then in high school I continued to go there. To read and write, and to do homework sometimes. It was just a very calm and peaceful place. I miss it.”, Blaine tells him, his glowing eyes staring into Kurt's the whole time.

Kurt swallows.

”Yeah, I know that field. I went there all the time.”, he says under a breath.

”You did?”, Blaine asks, his dark eyebrows raised.

”Yeah. It was pretty much the most peaceful and beautiful place in all of Ohio. I went there all the time and listened to my iPod.”, Kurt says with a chuckle and Blaine's eyes widens.

”I can't believe we never met there.”, Blaine shakes his head and Kurt nods, biting his lip harshly.

Kurt can't stop himself from drowning in those hazel eyes again and he is so lost now. He is falling for Blaine so hard and so fast is physically hurts. 




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