Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Kurt Hummel: On my way to Quinn's with my amazing boyfriend Blaine Anderson. Can't wait to start the party!
Blaine Anderson and 12 people like this
Puck Puckerman: Hurry up dude! This party has already started!
Kurt Hummel: Do not call me dude -_-
Puck Puckerman: Must you use the bitch face Hummel?
Kurt Hummel: Yes, I must, now we're here so let's get off Facebook and start to draaaank!
Blaine Anderson: Am I the only one who is really excited to see drunk Kurt?
Finn Hudson: No, trust me dude, you are most definitely not… That's why I don't mind being the DD, it's fun to see how our friends are when they are wasted! Are you drinking bro?
Blaine Anderson: No, I have been awarded the DD position as well, but that's okay. I would rather not have a repeat of the last time I drank with you guys… O_O
Finn Hudson: I know what you mean…
Kurt Hummel to Blaine Anderson: ! Come bak hereeeeeeeeeeee, I so so sooorrrry!
Blaine Anderson: Where are you, I am coming to find you then we are going home.
Kurt Hummel: Immmm in Quinnnnnies room! Come cuuudddle wip mee!
Blaine Anderson: No Kurt, I don't want to cuddle with you after you just made out with another GUY! We are leaving!
Kurt Hummel: BlainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneEE! pwwwweeasse donnt be maddddz it wasssnt my faauuultt! Iz told himmm tooo get offffff butt he saiiid NOooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoO! PWEEASSSE fogiiive me?
Blaine Anderson: Fine, let's just go back to Dalton, we can talk about it tomorrow when you're SOBER!
(Private Message between Puck and Blaine)
Puck Puckerman: Blaine dude, I am so sorry about last night, I don't know what got into me. I'm not even GAY! We were just really drunk, please don't be mad at Kurt, he did try to stop me. I am very sorry, but could we please no even mention this again, like EVER.
Blaine Anderson: Yah Puck, no worries, it just hurt, but we talked this morning when he was sober and I just over reacted last night, we cool?
Puck Puckerman: We are most definitely cool bro!
Kurt Hummel: Is never going to ever drink again!
Artie Freakin Abrahms: Blame it on the goose, Got you feeling loose, Blame it on Patron, Got you in the zone, Blame it on th alcohol, Blame it on th alcohol
Wes Montgomery: Ay she say she usually don't but I know that she front cause shawty know what she want but she don't wanna seem like she easy…
Brittany : I ain't saying what you wont do but you know we probably gonna do what you been feeninn deep inside don't lie now
Jeff Sterling: Girl what you drinking ? gonna let sink in here for the weekend thinking
we can
Nick Duval: See what we can be if we press fast forward just one more round and you're down I know it fill another cup up feeling on yo butt what ? you don't even care now I was unaware how fine you were before my buzz set in, before my buzz set in...
Quinn Fabray: Blame it on the goose Got you feeling loose Blame it on Patron
Got you in the zone Blame it on th alcohol Blame it on th alcohol Blame it on the vodka Blame it on the henny Blame it on the blue top Got you feeling dizzy Blame it on th alcohol Blame it on th alcohol
Tina Cohen Chang: I feel like I'm going to die.
Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry and 22 others like this.