Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Kurt and Blaine and Facebook: Kurtie Bear Cuddle Time
T - Words: 1,023 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013 Story: Closed - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 01, 2013 866 0 0 0 0
Blaine Anderson: I wish homework didn't exist!
Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Liam Seelo and 349 others like this
Wes Montgomery; Why does it cut in to Kurtie bear cuddle time? (;
Kurt Hummel: Kurtie Bear Cuddle Time? Wow..
David Thomson: Just go with it Kurite Bear..!
Kurt Hummel likes this
Blaine Anderson: Yes as a matter of fact. It does, and I would really appreciate if math would grow up and solve its own problems because I am tired of doing it myself.
Too many people to count like this
Jeff Sterling: Just do what I do and don't do it!
Blaine Anderson: I would, but I have a 3.9 grade point average and you have like a 2 so, I would rather not…
Nick Duval, Wes Montgomery and David Thomson like this
Jeff Sterling: NICK! Why did you like that! :(
Nick Duval: Sorry babe, but's true (;
Blaine Anderson likes this
Blaine Anderson: Might point exactly…
Hey baby, what are you doing? – Blaine
Out for coffee with the girls, what about you? LTT – Kurt
Homework :( Do you wanna play a game? – Blaine
Sure, I guess… What game? – Kurt
Would you rather? – Blaine
Sure! You ask first! – Kurt
Okay, Would you rather kiss Puck or Artie :p – Blaine
Puck, I always did like a badass :p, Would you rather kiss Wes or David – Kurt
*Shudders* David I guess but preferably neither, would you rather have a boy or a girl – Blaine
Girl, their clothes are so much cuter than guy clothes, but I would love a boy too, would you
rather live in New York or Ohio? – Kurt
New York, Ohio sucks… Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten? – Blaine
Kitten, I hate dogs! – Kurt
Why :s? – Blaine
When I was really little my mom took me to the park one day and then out of nowhere some strangers dog came and attacked me, I had to get 50 stiches on my legs! – Kurt
Oh baby! I am so so sorry! – Blaine
It's okay now, I just always hated dogs because of it… - Kurt
:( - Blaine
Anyways… Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten? :p – Kurt
Kitten, because a dog hurt you! - Blaine
Awwwh, that's sweet baby! – Kurt
(; Would you rather stay out with the girls or come home and cuddle and watch Friends re-runs with me – Blaine
I'm already on my way home, does that answer your question? – Kurt
Faaaaaantastic, I'm ordering Chinese for dinner, is that okay? – Blaine
Sure thing baby, see you soon! Love you xoxxox – Kurt
I'll be waiting LTT Love you too! xoxxox – Blaine
You Stealer! – Mercedes
May I ask what I stole? – Blaine
You stole my Kurt time! – Mercedes
Oh haha, sorry M but I needed help – Blaine
With what -_- - Mercedes
Uhmmm…. French homework – Blaine
Mhmm, sure thing white boy. – Mercedes
Sorry Cedes, got to go though Kurt's home! – Blaine
I will get you one day Anderson, just wait for it – Mercedes
Looking forward to it ;p – Blaine
Kurt Hummel: Friends re-runs and Chinese with a hot guy… what a great night!
Rachel Berrym Nick Duval, Cam Coopson and 28 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Who's this hot guy you're talking about? Should I be jealous?
Kurt Hummel: Yes, you should… He's short but super attractive and he's romantic, sweet and great with his hands!
Blaine Anderson likes this
Finn Hudson: O-O Good with his hands? How so…
Kurt Hummel: He plays checkers well…
Finn Hudson: Oh okay!
Wes Montgomery: Looks like ObliviBlaine has a new friend! ObliviFinn!
Kurt Hummel, David Thomson, Blaine Anderson and Rachel Berry like this
Blaine Anderson: YAY!
Finn Hudson: You guys make no sense..
Kurt Hummel: Oh but we do Finny, we do!
Cooper Anderson posted on Blaine Anderson's wall: Hey little bro! I'll be in town tomorrow, how about you and the beau have lunch with me?
Blaine Anderson, Wes Montgomery and 4 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Sure Coop, Breadstix at noon?
Cooper Anderson: See you then!
Wes Montgomery: Coop! Long time no see!
Cooper Anderson: I know PM me!
(Private Messaging between Wes and Cooper)
Wes – Thanks for executing phase one of our plan Coop…. Now while you guys are out for lunch tomorrow the rest of the warblers and I are going to set up the stuff for Kurt's 18 Birthday party! And I am going to post in a sec that Warblers rehearsal is cancelled and Blaine's going to distract Kurt until 7 when you guys get back until everyone gets there!
Cooper – Anything for Blaine's boyfriend!
Wes Mongtomery: Warbler's rehearsal is cancelled for tomorrow! I repeat! Warblers Rehearsal is cancelled tomorrow!
Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval, Trent Haldwood and 13 others like this
Wes Montgomery: -_-
Kurt Hummel: Why is practice cancelled?
Wes Montgomery: I have other duties that need to be tended too..
Kurt Hummel: :s okay then !
Burt Hummel posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: Hey son, are you coming home for the weekend so we can celebrate you're birthday?
Kurt Hummel: Yah, Blaine and I are going to drive down on Saturday we're just going to stay in and relax tomorrow because my birthday isn't until Sunday!
Burt Hummel likes this
Burt Hummel: Okay! Sounds good!
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson like this