Kurt and Blaine and Facebook
More than one way to use the Dalton tie Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Kurt and Blaine and Facebook: More than one way to use the Dalton tie

T - Words: 1,314 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 01, 2013
714 0 0 0 0

Kurt Hummel: Last week of Summer D: How's everyone spending it? Blaine and I are going to stay in and relax together!


Tina Cohen-Chang, Artie Freakin' Abrahms and 29 others like this


Rachel Berry: Finn and I are going to 6 Flags, and then we're going back to school clothes shopping!


Blaine Anderson: Poor Finn :'(


Finn Hudson and Kurt Hummel like this


Rachel Berry: -_-


Wes Montgomery: David and I are going to Columbus on Tuesday, then we have to start making the Warbler rehearsal schedules!


David Thomson like this


Kurt Hummel: But rehearsals don't start for two weeks! Why are you starting so early?


Wes Montgomery: Because the faster we get it done then the sooner we can hold rehearsals!


Kurt Hummel: O.O


Blaine Anderson likes this


Blaine Anderson: Poor Kurtsie, still so young and so innocent, he hasn't even been exposed too Wes for a year! Don't take his innocence!


Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval and 37 others like this


Kurt Hummel: Babe, I'm pretty sure you already took that -_^


Finn Hudson: My baby brother has been defiled! *grabs shotgun*


Kurt Hummel: Finn, I am 4 months older than you! And that is for me to know and for you too NEVER find out! And remember, I have seen your browser history -_- So do not push my buttons, because I may or may not have a photo of it ready to show Dad and Mom at any moment!


Finn Hudson: *gulp* Fine.


Blaine Anderson: -_^ LTT


Burt Hummel: You guys really need to be careful what you post on Facebook, remember you all have PARENTS!


Naomi Anderson, Carole Hummel, LeRoy Berry and 45 others like this




Blaine Anderson: Beauty and the beast tonight with Kurt Hummel!


Kurt Hummel: You're the beast to my beauty! LTT


Blaine Anderson likes this


Blaine Anderson: You're the Kurt to my Blaine..


Kurt Hummel: You win, that was so sweet!


Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Puck Puckerman and 42 others like this




Kurt Hummel: The awesome moment when your Dad gets you and your supermegafoxyawesomehot boyfriend Broadway tickets! #BestDadEver


Blaine Anderson likes this


Blaine Anderson: So, I'm supermegafoxyawesomehot? (;


Jeff Sterling: Keep the sexcapades for the bedroom ladies!


Blaine Anderson: Well, if you insist!


Kurt Hummel: 1) we are NOT ladies. 2) there will be no sexcapades so you can calm your boner Jeff!


Blaine Anderson: :(


Kurt Hummel: PM me!




(Private Messaging between Blaine and Kurt)


Blaine – hey sexy (;


Kurt – hi, where are you right now?


Blaine – Wes' room… he's making me and David help him give Gavel McBang Bang a bath! :( But you said you didn't want to come, did you change your mind? I can come and pick you up..


Kurt – I know how to get to Wes' room by myself thank you though, but no I don't want to go to Wes' room…


Blaine – Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, are you trying to seduce me?


Kurt - *O* What, I am doing no such thing (;


Blaine – Well, it was super fucking hot (;


Kurt - Okay now who's the one seducing who?


Blaine – I'm coming back to our dorm Kurt, are you there?


Kurt – Cumming already? Well that was no fun :(


Blaine – !


Kurt – you like that?


Blaine – nmpgh!


Kurt – See you soon!


Blaine – You Mr. Hummel are evil!


Kurt – Thank you!




Blaine Anderson: Well, it's official. The Kurt Hummel that is 'Sexy as a baby penguin' has officially died!


Kurt Hummel, Wes Montgomery and 238 like this


Wes Montgomery: Well, if the sounds coming from your room were any indication then he died a long and painful death (;


Blaine Anderson likes this


Jeff Sterling: What happened! (;


Blaine Anderson: Let's just say we found more than one use for the Dalton tie….


Santana Lopez: I just died from all this W_A_N_K_Y!


Kurt Hummel likes this


Kurt Hummel: Tell Satan I said hey!


Santana Lopez: Haha, funny Hummel, have fun limping around tomorrow!


Kurt Hummel: I have no idea what you are talking about!


Puck Puckerman: He fucked you so hard you blacked out? Damn Anderson…


Blaine Anderson likes this




Kurt Hummel: Let's go outside he told me… It will be fun he said…


Carole Hummel: What happened honey, did someone hurt you?


Kurt Hummel: No mom, Blaine wanted to go for a walk in the courtyard and we sat in the sun for a bit, but we fell asleep and now I have major sunburn.


Carole Hummel: Oh honey, do you want me to bring you some aloe vera and some aspirin..?


Kurt Hummel: Thanks, but No. Blaine already went to get me some from the drugstore.


Rachel Berry, Tina Cohen-Chang, Quinn Fabray and 3 others like this


Carole Hummel: okay text me if it hurts too much! Love you!


Kurt Hummel: Thanks and I will, I love you too! Tell Dad I love him too!


Carole Hummel likes this




Kurt Hummel uploaded a picture to the album 'My Love;'


I sent Blaine for Aloe Vera and he comes back with Roses too! How did I get so lucky!


Rachel Berry, Brittany , Santana Lopez and 34 others like this


Quinn Fabray: awwwh, Kurt you are so lucky!


Kurt Hummel: That's what I thought! (;


Blaine Anderson: I'm so sorry Kurt, I didn't mean for us to fall asleep and it's my fault that you got burnt…


Kurt Hummel: Shut it Anderson, I am fine and you are perfect!


Blaine Anderson likes this




Finn Hudson wrote on Blaine Anderson's wall: Blaine, on behalf of all the New Directions guys I have come to ask for your help…


Blaine Anderson: What do you guys need help with Finny? =D


Finn Hudson: We have all planned for going on dates with our girlfriends to this really fancy place and they have insisted we gel our hair to look formal and shit, but the problem is none of know how to use gel without looking like complete asshats! That is where you come in!


Tina Cohen-Chang, Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray like this


Blaine Anderson: I fear another master class is in need…


Sam Evans: Please!


Blaine Anderson: Okay, ND guys tomorrow in the Hummel-Hudson backyard Kurt as the person I will be showing you guys on and I will hold my 'How to gel your hair without looking like an asshat' Master Class, be there or suffer the wrath of your girlfriends.


Rachel Berry: Kurt's going to let you touch his hair?


Mercedes Jones: And put stuff in his hair?


Tina Cohen-Chang: In front of people?


Kurt Hummel: You guys are so funny… hahaha And Yes, he's my boyfriend, he is allowed to do whatever he wants to me..


Puck Puckerman: WHIPPED!


Finn Hudson likes this




Kurt Hummel: -_-


Blaine Anderson likes this


Mike Chang: On my way to the Hudmels for Blaine Anderson's master gel class!


Kurt Hummel likes this


Kurt Hummel: let my torture begin!


Blaine Anderson likes this



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