Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Kurt Hummel: Dinner with Blaine and the ladies, then videogames with Blaine and the guys!
Blaine Anderson, Naomi Anderson, David Thomson and 34 others like this
Sebastian Smythe: That's a lot of Blaine you got there, sure you can handle it? (;
Blaine Anderson: How are you even commenting on this, we both blocked you! And to answer your question, YES, he can without any interference from you.
Kurt Hummel likes this
Sebastian Smythe: Geez just having a little bit of fun -_-
Kurt Hummel: Oh hell no. You did not just use my face!
Sebastian Smythe: So what if I did, what are you going to do about it, your skinny little muscle less ass can't touch me.
Blaine Anderson: That's it I will not have you talking to my boyfriend like that, I am not for sale nor will I ever be because Kurt and I are forever. So get the fuck over it and leave us the hell alone.
Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson, Mike Chang, Sam Evans and 15 others like this
Finn Hudson: No one gets to talk to my brothers like that so leave them alone before we find you and make you leave them alone.
Sam Evans: Yah what he said.
Kurt Hummel: Thanks guys for all the support I just got a notification saying that his account has been suspended because someone reported he was cyber bullying Blaine and I.
Quinn Fabray: That would be me, no one talk to my boys like that!
Blaine Anderson, Will Schuester, Kurt Hummel and 26 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Quinn (:
Rachel Berry: Now that this…ordeal is over can we get going, the reservations at Breadstix is for 6 and it's already 5:45!
Blaine Anderson: Already on our way (;
Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray and 3 others like this
Puck Puckerman: Just waiting on Kurt and his boy toy to show up so we can start game night!
Blaine Anderson: His 'boy toy' has a name.
Puck Puckerman: I know but it's fun to see Kurt blush and get all flustered when I call you his boy toy, so his boy toy you shall be.
Kurt Hummel: Welcome to the club of people I've disowned Puckerman; you know Finn, Cam, David, Wes, Nick and Jeff right?
Puck Puckerman: Dammit.
Cam Coopson: Welcome to the club dude.
Finn Hudson: Finally someone I know! Hooray!
Wes Thomson: You know us Finnegan; we're your BFFH's! LTT
Finn Hudson: Fine let me correct that earlier statement; finally someone I know who isn't insane. Better?
David Thomson: Much!
Kurt Hummel: Anyways are we going to play COD or am I going home to make out with my incredibly hot and talented (in more ways than one I might add) boyfriend?
Blaine Anderson likes this
Sam Evans: COD
Blaine Anderson: Dammit! I can never catch a break! (';
Kurt Hummel likes this
Mercedes Jones uploaded a video to 'Stuff Kurt Hummel Doesn't Know We Filmed'
Kurt is probably going to hate me for this but I had no choice, it was screaming at me to be added to this album, also because of how Sexy Kurt is in this video, it is dedicated to the and only Blaine Anderson; Enjoy (:
Kurt Hummel: I. Hate. You.
Finn Hudson: You taped Single Ladies? Why has this not been posted on the internet until now?
Wes Montgomery: Maybe because people are too scared to face the wrath that is Kurt Hummel!
Kurt Hummel likes this
Blaine Anderson: Kurt. Football. Tight Pants.
Santana Lopez likes this
Santana Lopez: I might possibly die from all this W-A-N-K-Y!
Kurt Hummel: You okay there Blaine?
Blaine Anderson: Kurt, come home. NOW!
Kurt Hummel: But I'm at Mercedes house having a sleepover silly! (;
Blaine Anderson: …
(Private Messaging between Kurt and Blaine)
Kurt: So you liked the video baby?
Blaine: Kurt!
Kurt: Yes Blaine? (;
Blaine: Kurt I'm watching football with your Dad and now thanks to you and that video I can't get up!
Kurt: ?
Blaine: Oh for god sakes I'm fricken hard as a rock!
Kurt: Well looks like you're caught between a rock and a hard place (No Pun Intended)
Blaine: It's your fault! Come and fix it!
Kurt: Oh I don't know about that…
Blaine: Kurt are you really going to make me beg because I will.. :p
Kurt: I guess not, I'll be home in a little bit, sit tight till then!
Blaine: The things you do to me…
Blaine Anderson: I get a real, real, real good feeling way down inside knowing you're in love with me. It's so hard to be away from you, baby only makes me want you more. You're so good to me, baby it makes it hard to walk out that door but, oh, the things you do to me, I made my promise now, darling and I'm gonna do what needs be done, yes I am. You've made me understand, baby that hearts ain't made from stone and, oh, the things you do to me.
Mercedes Jones: Oh calm your hormones he's on his way, he just ditched our sleepover… (;
Blaine Anderson: I'm Sorry =D
Mercedes Jones: Liar, liar pants on fire!
Finn Hudson: I lie all the time and my pants never catch on fire.
Carol Hummel: Excuse me?
Kurt Hummel: BUSTED!
Rachel Berry: Excuse me?
Finn Hudson: Shut up Kurt!
Burt Hummel: Place nice kids!
Kurt Hummel: Yes Daddy! *bats eyelashes*
Finn Hudson: No fair dude.
Kurt Hummel: :p
Burt Hummel posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: Kurt the cat died today LOL
Burt Hummel: It's not!
Kurt Hummel: Dad, LOL means laugh out loud…
Burt Hummel: OH! I thought it meant Lots of Love :( Sorry
Kurt Hummel: *facepalm* Poor Pavi :(
Blaine Anderson: Cause you make me feel like I'm living a TEENAGE DREAM tonight LTT So excited! Kurt got us tickets to see Katy Perry live tonight! I think I might faint and pass out!
Carol Hummel, Naomi Anderson, Rachel Berry and 34 others like this
Kurt Hummel: You are so cute when you're nervous!
Mike Chang: Because we got backstage passes, so we are going to get to meet her!
Rachel Berry: O.M.G Have fun!
Blaine Anderson: Thanks! We plan on it!