Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Kurt Hummel: Eating breakfast for dinner #YOLO
Santana Lopez, Sam Evans, Blaine Anderson and 46 others like this
Blaine Anderson: We are so cool
Kurt Hummel: Coolest people I know..
Mike Chang: Kurt you are a little biased.
Kurt Hummel: -_-
Mike Chang: Nuff Said.
Blaine Anderson: Baby you can drive my car, cause baby I love you.. :)
Kurt Hummel likes this
Kurt Hummel: How thoughtful of you considering we're going to your grandparents…
Blaine Anderson: That's just little ol'me being thoughtful :}
Kurt Hummel: Mhmm,
Burt Hummel is now friends with Wes Montgomery, Jeff Sterling and 13 others from The Dalton Academy Warblers
Kurt Hummel: Why must you add my father on facebook? -_-
Nick Duval: YOLO
Kurt Hummel: I hate you all.
Blaine Anderson likes this
Wes Montgomery: No you don't Kurtsie! LTT
Kurt Hummel: Fine, but I REALLY want to..
David Thomson: Are you and Blaine still coming to the cottage this weekend with me and Wessy?
Blaine Anderson: Kurt fell asleep :( But YES we are definitely still going, how long does it take to get to there, Burt wanted me to ask?
Wes Montgomery: It's like an hour and a half away, and we'll be back Monday afternoon!
Blaine Anderson: Gotcha! Thanks again for inviting us!
Wes Montgomery: No problem Warbler Blaine =D
Blaine Anderson uploaded a picture to the album 'My Teenage Dream Forever'
Kurt sleeping, he is so adorable! LTT
Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, Burt Hummel, and 4 others like this
Rachel Berry: Don't you think this is a little bit creepy?
Mercedes Jones: Oh shut up Rachel, it's adorable (;
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Cedes and its creepiness will be determined at a later time, he was just so cute, I couldn't help myself!
Rachel Berry likes this
Wes Montgomery: I'm with the little Jewish girl, this is fucking creepy dude.
Kurt Hummel: Even though I am extremely un-attractive in this picture it is NOT creepy so get over it.
Blaine Anderson: You are beautiful baby.
Santana Lopez, Brittany and 34 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Whatever you say darling…
Kurt Hummel posted a picture on Mercedes Jones's wall:
Which outfit? Red shorts and red and white striped tee or Blue shorts with purple V-neck? HELP!
Mercedes Jones: Blue shorts with purple V-Neck and those Black flip flops Blaine got you… Speak of the devil why didn't you just ask him?
Kurt Hummel: Thank Mer, and he is packing our stuff for the weekend in his car, we're going to Wes' cottage and I didn't know which outfit looked better!
Mercedes Jones: Oh I see, have fun! Love you guys xoxoxoxoxo (;
Kurt Hummel: We love you too (; xox
Kurt Hummel: My boyfriend is a real live Katy Perry CD. =D
Jeff Sterling: You're telling me. I was his roommate before you came and he kicked me out and once he met you I swear he sang Teenage Dream on loop for months… It was the horrible.
Blaine Anderson: I did not kick you out.. I just strongly urged you to move in with Nick.
Nick Duval: No dude, you kicked him out.
Blaine Anderson: -_-
Puck Puckerman: You know it doesn't have the same effect when other people besides Kurt do it..
Kurt Hummel: -_-
Pucker Puckerman: AHHHHHHHHHH!
Kurt Hummel: =D
Kurt Hummel: Je m'engage par la présente de prendre la parole en français toute la journée parce que je sais qu'il entraîne mon copain fou. (; (I hereby pledge to speak in french all day because I know it drives my boyfriend crazy.)
Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, Nick Duval and 3 others like this
Blaine Anderson: That's fine, two can play at this game sweet cheeks (;
Kurt Hummel: What ever do you mean? =D
Blaine Anderson: Voglio dire, se avete intenzione di farmi impazzire, parlando francese quando sai che non posso rapireperché siamo con Wes David e poi vado a parlare con voi in italiano perché so che ti spinge pazzesco! (; (I mean, if you are going to drive me crazy by speaking french when you know I can't ravish you because we are with Wes and David then I am going to speak to you in Italian because I know that drives you crazy)
Kurt Hummel: You win.
Blaine Anderson: Questo è quello che ho pensato. (That's what I thought.)