Kurt and Blaine and Facebook
Love/Hate Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Kurt and Blaine and Facebook: Love/Hate

T - Words: 1,214 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 01, 2013
857 0 0 0 0

Kurt Hummel: Letters start with ABC, Numbers start with 123, Music starts with Do Ray Mi, and Love starts with YOU and ME! I love you Blaine Anderson


Blaine Anderson: How is it possible that I found the perfect, sweetest, chivalrous, talented, cutest, adorable, funny, kind, genuine and loving man on the face of the planet?


Kurt Hummel: It isn't because I have found him…


David Thomson: *pukes Klainebows*


Wes Montgomery: where's my KLAINEex? I am crying this is so cute.


Blaine Anderson: Oh have you now Kurt? Should I be jealous? :p and Wes what the hell is KLAINEex?

Mike Chang: Kurt + Blaine = Klaine, Facial Tissues = Kleenex …


Kurt Hummel: Oh dear Cheesus, I do not like where this is going…


Sugar Motta: Klaine + Kleenex = KLAINEex!


Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry and 67 others like this


Rachel Berry: never again will I say Kleenex… :D


David Karofsky: hey porcelain you fucking homo, get this shit off facebook, there is children on here!


Blaine Anderson: 1) you will not be speaking like that to my boyfriend, and if you EVER do again, I will personally make sure to end you. 2) We ALL blocked you so how can you comment on this?


Puck Puckerman: GTFO Karofsky, before we go all bad ass on your face.


Santana Lopez: Dave, Yo soy de Lima Heights Adjacent, ¿sabe usted lo que sucede en Lima Heights Adjacent? Las cosas malas! (Dave, I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent, do you know what happens in Lima Heights Adjacent? Bad things!)


Kurt Hummel: Guys calm down, I reported him and it suspended his FB account, but thanks for your support, Blaine? Can you come home a little early from Thad's? I really need you right now.


Blaine Anderson: I left as soon as he posted that comment love, I'm 5 minutes away, I'll see you soon.


Kurt Hummel: Thanks my love.


Blaine Anderson: Anytime, anywhere.


Quinn Fabray, Mercedes Jones and 45 others like this



Tina Cohen – Chang posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: Kurt! Are you okay, I heard what happened, Please let us know…


Rachel Berry posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: omg Kurt! Please answer us, we just want to know if you are alright….


Quinn Fabray posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: Kurt boo, are you alright?




Mercedes Jones posted on Kurt Hummel's wall: Do I have to cut a bitch?


Kurt Hummel: Ladies, calm yourselves! I am fine Blaine and I were … busy. And Britt boo, I didn't die! I love you all and I am fine, got to go Blaine just woke up.




Kurt Hummel uploaded a photo to the album 'Love;'


Blaine just waking up, he is so adorable! :)


Artie Freakin' Abrahms: Is he wearing pants? :s


Kurt Hummel: maybe (;


Burt Hummel: I thought we had a rule that pants must ALWAYS be worn in my house…


Finn Hudson: Busted :p


Kurt Hummel: I was just kidding Dad, of course he IS wearing pants! and Finn -_-


Finn Hudson: *shudders* Kurt! What are you doing… Kurt No Kurt !


Carole Hummel: Kurt, where did you put your brother…?


Kurt Hummel: No where… *evilly snickers*


Blaine Anderson: I found him, he was in the closet.


Puck Puckerman, Sam Evans, Azimio Dosen and 320 others like this


Finn Hudson: BLAINE!

Blaine Anderson: Right, probably should have worded that differently, Kurt stuffed him in a coat closet and I retrieved him from said closet… Happy Finn?


Finn Hudson likes this


Blaine Anderson: And Kurt, you are lucky you are cute because this is a terrible photo of me… lessthanthree


Kurt Hummel and Carole Hummel like this


Kurt Hummel: Yes, but I am adorable as you have said in the past so you can't be mad at me… *smiles innocently with puppy dog eyes I know Blaine cannot resist*


Blaine Anderson: Very very true my darling…




Finn Hudson: I am too big to be in the closet by the way.




Blaine Anderson: T.V. Marathon with my beautiful, charming, strong, masculine, dashing, adorable, loving boyfriend Kurt Hummel. What to watch, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (MY FAVOURITE) or Angel (KURT'S FAVOURITE)


Mercedes Jones: Angel, he is much hotter!

Rachel Berry: Buffy! SHE IS MY ROLE MODEL!

Finn Hudson: Angel's kick ass!


Sam Evans: Angel all the way.


Wes Montgomery: David Boreanaz is one of the hottest men alive, Other than Davie of course.


David Thomson like this


Tina Cohen – Chang: Buffy! more vampires! ^_^


Blaine Anderson: Well after much consideration and all of your votes we have decided to watch Angel because David Boreanaz is really hot! (But not as hot as Kurt!)


Kurt Hummel: *blushes*


Blaine Anderson: *smiles because after 10 months he can still make his gorgeous boyfriend blush*


45 people like this




Kurt Hummel: he was my friend,

iWas never alone,

he dug a hole,

and he buried his bone,

but then there was one night,

that iStill cant recall,

when i got really drunk,

and my dog licked my balls,

my dog licked my balls,

my dog licked my balls,

he was jus one foot tall,

that dog licked my balls,

iFell to the floor,

all that booze made me faint,

he was scared iWas hurt,

stuck his nose in my taint,

iWoke with a start,

iCouldnt pretend,

cause iJus hooked up,

with my very bestfriend,

my dog licked my balls,

my dog licked my balls,

iPicked him up at tha mall,

whod knew one day that he'd lick my balls,

and one day he died,

and iSat there and cried,

all alone in my house iSat,

and iWent out and bought me a cat,

and that cat licked my balls,

that pussy licked my balls,

he choked on a hairball cause he took it all,

man it really made me miss my dog,

because my dog licked my boss,

the dog licked my balls,

my dog licked my balls,

iMiss him so much because my dog licked my balls.!




Blaine Anderson: Oh dear lord please let this be another bad attack from the frapers of Dalton Acedmy.


Kurt Hummel: Okay Wevid, Niff it was funny the first time and I got a chuckle out of it the second time, but this really!


Wes Montgomery: iloveblaine15 is not s secure password this is entirely your fault, choose better passwords!


Kurt Hummel: I hate you all. (except Blaine)




Kurt Hummel: I just wanted everyone to know that I have disowned the following people: Wes Montgomery, David Thomson, Jeff Turtle sterling, and Nick Bunny Duval.


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Thad Haldwood: Welcome to the club…



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