Kurt and Blaine and Facebook
Willow and Tara Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Kurt and Blaine and Facebook: Willow and Tara

T - Words: 1,083 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 01, 2013
868 0 0 0 0

Wes Montgomery: So bored :| Let's play truth or dare, like this status if you're playing. Truth, you comment on the Question and Dare you post a photo of you doing it okay!


Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, David Thomson and 8 others like this


Kurt Hummel: Me first! David truth or dare?


David Thomson: Truth, the New Directions told me that you come up with legendary (but really embarrassing) dares so I am not quite ready to take my chances :p


Kurt Hummel: Fine : Are you and Wes really dating, if so how did it happen?


David Thomson: Yes, we ARE actually dating, and well, you guys fraped him and that got me thinking. And it's something that I had been thinking about for a while. So I finally grew some balls and told him how I felt. Now we're happy!


Wes Montgomery, Quinn Fabray and 48 others like this


David Thomson: Blaine truth or dare?


Blaine Anderson: I know that I will probably regret this but dare!


David Thomson: Bwahaha! Okay, go get a can of whip cream from the kitchen and put it all over Kurt's chest, then slowly lick it off.


Blaine Anderson: Okay!


Blaine Anderson uploaded a photo to the album 'My Teenage Dream"


Dare Completed!


Artie Freakin' Abrahms: Wow, you really went to town!


Kurt Hummel: We may have gotten carried away! *winks*


Rachel Berry: We were wondering what took you so long.


Blaine Anderson: Well, like I said, we may have gotten carried away.




Blaine Anderson: Rachel truth or dare?


Rachel Berry: Dare! I'm not a wimp!


Blaine Anderson: Okay, sext Mike!


Rachel Berry: If Tina tries to kill me with her vampire fangs it's all your fault.


Blaine Anderson: That is a chance that I am willing to take!


Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans and Jeff Sterling like this


Rachel Berry uploaded a photo


Just an ordinary conversation between me and Mike Chang.


Dare Completed!


Tina Cohen-Chang: RACHEL! I thought we were friends! And Mike how could you cheat on me and put it on Facebook! :'(


Mike Chang: It was just a dare babe, and I didn't sext her back, I only sext you (;


Kurt Hummel: TMI


Wes Montgomery: Agreed!


Tina Cohen-Chang: Not cool Rachel :|


Rachel Berry: Blame Blaine!


Blaine Anderson: That rhyme was a crime.


Rachel Berry: I know it was lame and I'm ashamed.


David Thomson: Back to the game people!




Rachel Berry: Nick truth or dare?


Nick Duval: Truth!


Puck Puckerman: Pussy!


Jeff Sterling: Nick Duval is not a pussy, trust me (;


Rachel Berry: Anyway, are you in love with Jeff?


Nick Duval: …


Jeff Sterling: :(


Nick Duval: I am just kidding, of course I'm in love with Jeff!


Jeff Sterling, Santana Lopez and 67 others like this


Nick Duval: Santana truth or dare?


Santana Lopez: Truth…


Nick Duval: Are you straight?


Santana Lopez: The only straight I am is a straight up bitch!


Nick Duval, Brittany and 89 others like this




Santana Lopez: It's like 4 in the morning so this is the last one and it's for Kurt :p Truth or dare sweet cheeks?


Kurt Hummel: Truth.


Santana Lopez: What are you doing right now? Like exactly! Upload a pic!


Kurt Hummel uploaded a photo:


Blaine and I in bed snuggling watching Lion King… Dare Completed?


Puck Puckerman, Trent Haldwood and 78 others like this


Puck Puckerman: Get some Hummel!


Blaine Anderson: Too late


Burt Hummel: …




Kurt Hummel: Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful.


Blaine Anderson: 1D! I love harry! (like Darren Criss' chest!)


Kurt Hummel: Sadly dear, you are wrong because Liam is the best 1D member and I am the biggest One Directioner there is…


Mercedes Jones likes this


Mercedes Jones: Blaine, just drop it, I have already had this fight with him but you are never going to win.


Kurt Hummel likes this


Blaine Anderson: Fine :| But Harry is still the hottest man alive (other than Kurt)


Kurt Hummel: You are lucky I don't disown you for that comment!


Wes Montgomery: Ladies and Gentlemen and Klaine (; you are clogging up my newsfeed please STOP THAT thanks!


Brittany : Boo! Did I scare you, because I scared me!


Artie Freakin' Abrahms: Maybe you should come over and we can teach you some more about life.


Brittany : Okay!




Blaine Anderson:

Of all the things I've believed in

I just want to get it over with

Tears form behind my eyes

But I do not cry

Counting the days that pass me by


I've been searching deep down in my soul

Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old

It feels like I'm starting all over again

The last three years were just pretend

And I said,


Goodbye to you

Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

You were the one I loved

The one thing that I tried to hold on to

The one thing that I tried to hold on to


Kurt Hummel: Blaine baby? Is there something you are trying to tell me :'(


Blaine Anderson: No! Kurt it's not that!


Kurt Hummel: Phew! But what is it?


Blaine Anderson: Tara and Willow! *sobs for dramatic effect*


Kurt Hummel: What about them sweetie?


Blaine Anderson: THEY BROKE UP!


Kurt Hummel: Really Blaine! You are crying over to fictional characters breaking up?


Blaine Anderson: Don't laugh! They were perfect for each other!


Kurt Hummel: wait! Blaine? Are you a fan-boy?


Blaine Anderson: …


Kurt Hummel: Blaine Evertt Anderson!


Blaine Anderson: maybe… Okay YES


Kurt Hummel: Oh dear Cheesus I'm dating a Buffy fan-boy! *facepalm*


Wes Montgomery: Now you know his darkest secret, there's no turning back now!


Kurt Hummel: Oh crap!


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