May 30, 2012, 9:19 a.m.
May 30, 2012, 9:19 a.m.
Kurt heard the doorbell ring downstairs—muffled voices as Carole greeted the visitor. Then the pounding of feet as someone scaled the stairs at an alarmingly fast pace.
"KURT!" Blaine's voice rang out from the hallway, making Kurt jump so much that he nearly fell onto the floor. A second passed, and his bedroom door flew open, Blaine gripping his laptop under one arm as his eyes darted wildly around the room.
"Blaine, what are you-?" Kurt watched with concern as his boyfriend dashed forward, reaching over Kurt to push the power button on the old desktop computer Kurt hardly ever used.
"Get your laptop out," Blaine commanded, setting his own on the bed and turning it on, "Get your laptop, Kurt!" Blaine repeated with urgency. Kurt obeyed, pressing the power button as Blaine stared hungrily at the screen in front of him, eyes wild.
"Blaine, are you okay?" Kurt asked cautiously.
"Fine," Blaine replied, sounding worlds away.
"…may I ask what we're doing with three computers?"
"Pottermore," Blaine whispered reverently.
"Potter…what?" Kurt shook his head in confusion.
"POTTERMORE," Blaine repeated, typing furiously as his Internet finally loaded, "Only the greatest website that the world will ever know! An online, interactive Harry Potter experience! We're going to get Sorted," Blaine breathed, "Sorted into our Hogwarts Houses by J.K. Rowling herself…"
"Okay," Kurt said slowly, "and why are we so frantic about things right now?"
"Get on the Internet. Do the desktop too. Sometime on July 31, it's supposed to open and some people are going to get in early. The rest of us have to wait until October. And I do not want to wait until October. I can't, Kurt."
"Blaine, it's only July 30th…"
"Not in the UK!"
Kurt rolled his eyes, but smiled, typing in the URL. His boyfriend's inner nerd was no longer a surprise to him, especially after he had dragged Kurt along to the midnight premiere of Deathly Hallows Part 2, dressed up in full Hogwarts uniform, and then cried for three hours on Kurt's shoulder after the credits rolled.
"Due to overwhelming demand, you cannot access Pottermore right now." Kurt read aloud. Blaine stared at his screen hungrily, taking a deep breath.
"OH, IT'S HOPELESS! IT'S JUST LIKE MY ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY, KURT!" Blaine cried forty-five minutes later, "Do you know how long I waited for my Hogwarts letter? The letter that never came…? I'll never get into Pottermore now. I'm just a stupid Muggle!"
He groaned, flopping onto Kurt's bed in defeat. Smiling fondly, Kurt got out of his chair and crossed the room to the bed. He sat beside Blaine's dejected form, running a hand through his ungelled curls.
"It'll be okay," he promised.