May 30, 2012, 9:19 a.m.
May 30, 2012, 9:19 a.m.
Kurt had spent his evening over his biology textbook, willing himself to memorize as much of Chapter 3 as he could before the exam tomorrow. His binder was laying open on his desk, old worksheets spread across the surface. He glanced over at the clock. 11:48. Where on earth had the time gone?
Groaning, he got up from his desk and hastily changed into his pajamas. After a shortened moisturizing routine, he started to gather up his papers and place them back in the binder. He was exhausted from his cram session, and organization of his schoolwork was not at the top of his priority list at the moment. Haphazardly shoving things back into his schoolbag, Kurt accidentally knocked his calendar to the floor. He reached down to pick it up, drawing an X through today’s date as he set it back on the desk.
Something caught his eye.
In the box with tomorrow’s date, September 15, Kurt’s had written, “6-month Anniversary,” complete with a red heart. For the first time in a few hours, a smile spread across his face. He set his bag on the chair and crossed the room to his bed, turning off the light as he went. The covers were warm and inviting, and it took all of Kurt’s willpower to stay awake as he watched the clock.
From his bedside table, his phone began to vibrate. Kurt reached over and grabbed it, realizing he’d never turned it off. Blaine was calling. He pressed “Accept” and held the phone to his ear.
“Kurt? Did I wake you up? I’m so sorry,” Blaine apologized quickly, “I was just gonna leave you a voicemail. I didn’t know your phone was on.”
“Honey, it’s fine,” Kurt assured him, “I just went to bed anyway. I’ve been studying for that biology test all night.”
“Oh. Good,” he paused, “Well, as long as you’re still awake—Happy Anniversary.” Kurt could hear the smile in Blaine’s voice. It was infectious. Kurt grinned into the darkness.
“Happy Anniversary,” Kurt replied, “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“We both got pretty lucky, I think.”
“Yeah,” Kurt stifled a yawn.
“You need to sleep,” Blaine said, “I love you.”
“I love you, too. So much.”
“Kurt, put the phone on speaker, and put it back on the table.”
“Why?” Kurt asked.
“Just do it. I’ll end the call; don’t worry about it.”
Confused, Kurt obeyed, pushing the speaker button as he slid the phone back onto the table. “Okay, Blaine.”
A few seconds passed, and Blaine’s voice began to come through the small speaker. He was singing. A slow version of “Teenage Dream,” their song. Even through the rough quality of the cell phone, Kurt could hear the tender emotions in his boyfriend’s voice.
He closed his eyes with a heart so full it nearly ached, Blaine’s lullaby drifting him into a peaceful sleep…