Calling For Love
The Callback Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.

Calling For Love: The Callback

T - Words: 2,613 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 22, 2013 - Updated: Sep 22, 2013
140 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for your lovely comments. :)

Here comes Chapter 2. I hope to be able to upload a Chapter per day. 


The next morning, Kurt got up extraordinarily early. His callback was at 10, but he didn't want to be late because he overslept or the train was delayed or Rachel had barricaded herself in the bathroom again.

So he did some yoga (he had to be more flexible for his dance lessons), got through his morning skin care routine (there was always time for that), had some breakfast, went through the script one last time, dressed himself in a way he thought was callback-George-appropriate, did his hair with even more care than usual and went out early enough to get himself some coffee before the audition.

He was waiting in front of the dance room (as if he wasn't nervous enough, they had to add the Ms.-July-empire-factor) with three more nervous-looking guys around his age. He glanced at them discreetly while pretending to scroll through the messages in his phone.

It was exceptionally rare to see so many guys who weren't overly confident and obnoxious. To Kurt's dismay, they all seemed to fit the description of George rather well, at least outwardly. Kurt also couldn't help but notice that he was the most flamboyant of the mix. Though he had dressed down significantly in his black slacks, white button up with dark grey vest and air plane brooch, he still felt slightly overdressed in comparison.

But George was gay. There was shy and unassuming and then there was boring. And Kurt refused to be boring, even if it would cost him the part.

The door opened and all potential George's looked up.

A guy in an outfit Kurt wanted to burn immediately grinned at them. Kurt remembered him from his first audition.

"Good morning, George's. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Tim, the screen writer of this awesome play. I know you all can't wait for us to start the auditions, but unfortunately, our other lead, the amazing Max, is running late and we had hoped he would go through the scene with yo-"

He broke off and grinned even brighter when he saw a guy run down the corridor, his satchel bouncing off his hip with each leap he took to avoid crashing into someone on his way.

"And there he is, great. We'll call the first one in in a second."

The guy heaved in a few deep breaths and looked so apologetic it was nearly funny. He said something to Tim Kurt couldn't make out before walking into the room with him.

Kurt bit his lip, couldn't help but take a glance at his ass when he went into the room.

So this would be his Max, should he get the role. The Max George first meets through a sex hotline before running into him in a coffee shop and then falling in love with him later on.

Kurt wasn't sure if he thought the play was brilliant or stupid. Meeting through a sex hotline seemed so terribly clichéd and how much of a coincidence would it be to meet someone in real life after that?

But he actually liked the story of the sexual awakening of George, how he learns that love and sex go hand in hand and he wouldn't have to give up love after moving to the big lonely city. As a bonus there would be singing and stage experience and the role fit him like a glove.

And now- well, Kurt wouldn't complain if he had to play with this Max guy.

He was shorter and seemed dorkier and less sophisticated than Kurt had imagined when he went through the scene.

But he was gorgeous nonetheless with his dark hair and amber eyes and that ass.

No, really, Kurt wouldn't complain.

He was taken out of his reverie when the door opened again and Tim asked "Kurt Hummel? You're up first."

Kurt pushed himself off the wall, smoothed out his shirt and took his bag from the floor before following Tim inside the dance hall.

The other two who made up the jury, a girl named Kalinda who was responsible for costume design and a man called James who was the director, were sitting on desks in front of the windows. To the side sat the guy who would be playing Max. He smiled reassuringly at Kurt when he stood in front of the jury while Tim sat down next to Kalinda.
Kurt tried to look less nervous and put his bag down beside him.

"You're Kurt Hummel, right?" Tim asked again but when Kurt opened his mouth to introduce himself, James talked right over him.

"Right, Kurt. You know the drill. After we've heard you sing last time, we would like you to read through the scene with Blaine here."

He gestured to the short black-haired guy who gave a little dorky wave in response. Kurt smiled in response.

"We have luckily already cast him so we want to find out who has the greatest chemistry with Blaine. Or- with Max. So just go through the scene and take it from there. Are you ready?"

Kurt only nodded and Blaine jumped up from his chair, taking his script and standing in front of Kurt, still smiling enthusiastically.

"Alright then. Off you go. From the top."

Blaine grinned at Kurt and looked down at his script.

"Well hello there, Sexy."

And Kurt.


Because he knew this voice. He knew it because he had already heard him say this exact sentence. He had undressed to this voice and touched himself to this voice and-

Oh. God.

Blaine looked up, seemingly confused as to why Kurt wasn't reading his line and instead stared at him, horrified.

His face didn't seem to know whether it wanted to lose all its blood or circulate it all through his cheeks.

He felt faint.

"Kurt, are you ok? Should we start again? You look- pale."

Right. Apparently it had decided to lose all its blood. And apparently his dick still remembered this voice and approved when Max- no, when Blaine said his name. Well, at least his blood had found someplace to go to.

"I-", but no sound came after that. How could he explain this? How was this possible? Maybe his mind just played tricks on him. Yes. That had to be it.

James sighed, clearly annoyed.

"Just go from the top. And Kurt? It would be awesome if you could take part in this, too? We already know how Blaine plays this part."

Kurt nodded mutely and tried to pull himself together.

Blaine still looked concerned but after a moment he repeated: "Well hello there, Sexy."

And Kurt took a deep breath and responded.

"Hi, ahem, hi there."

Blaine's eyes shot up to his and yes, no, it had definitely been Blaine on the phone yesterday. If Blaine's shocked wide eyes and scarlet cheeks were anything to go by.

After a second's hesitation and an annoyed throat clearing from James, Blaine continued with the scene and the rest of the audition went by without a hitch.

It seemed that once the two of them had gotten over their initial shock, their chemistry was enough to make the scene both stumbling awkward and really, really hot.

Hot enough that Kurt was more than relieved when it was over.

All three jury members seemed reasonably impressed and Blaine openly grinned at him, apparently ignoring that this whole situation was more than awkward.

"Thank you, Kurt. That was really great. You will hear from us on Friday at the latest. If you don't hear from us, you can figure out what it means."

Kurt saw Blaine frown at the jury but he ignored it, smiling gratefully instead. It was over. He could go to his next class and just ignore what it would mean if he actually got chosen.

He would have to see Blaine at least twice a week. They would take part in a play, in a love story that was freakishly similar to their own encounter.



Now that the audition was over, Kurt all but wanted to run from the room, endlessly embarrassed. Where was the next bathroom? Would he make it before he had to throw up?

"Thank you", he said demurely, shooting a fleeting look at Blaine, who still stared at him.

"I look forward to hearing from you. Have a good day."

And with that he was out of the door and free at last.

The other George's looked slightly panic-y when they saw Kurt emerge. Probably because he was pale as a ghost and looked close to fainting.

"Break a leg", he murmured, hurrying down the hall and into the next restroom.

He groaned when he saw himself in the mirror and splashed some cold water in his face in the hope that he would gain some more color in his cheeks.

After a moment of seriously considering drowning himself in the toilet, Kurt straightened his back and his clothes.

He was Kurt Hummel. He was determined. He had nailed his audition (if he ignored the beginning, which he would) and he would get this part. And if not- well, then he would pick himself up and audition for the next part he would stumble upon.

With one last glance in the mirror and a last sweep of his hair, Kurt made his way to his 11.30 class. With any luck he would be able to catch a cup of coffee beforehand to help him through a boring 1 ½ hours of Theatre History.

As luck would have it, Kurt saw Blaine on campus multiple times over the next few days. He saw him in his favorite coffee shop, in one of the main libraries, in hallways, everywhere.

Luckily, Kurt had become quite adapt in the art of dodging-people-you-don't-want-to-see and managed to flee the scene before Blaine could catch him each and every time.

There were upsides to dealing with the McKinley Neanderthals for four years after all. He was the master of avoidance. Not that he thought Blaine would locker-check him. Or, god forbid, shlushie him.


It still embarrassed him. And Kurt didn't want to talk about it. Even less think about it. Which was why it came as such a shock to see the email of James in his inbox on Friday morning.

He had honestly not even considered that he might get the part. He had been so nervous and so traumatized that he really couldn't even remember reading the scene. How could he have been any good?

But there it was. And to shatter any delusions he might still have before opening it (maybe they want someone to help with costume design, maybe I forgot my scarf, maybe I was so bad that they want to give me some advice for the future), the subject line clearly stated: Congratulations: You are our George!

Was it too late to throw up after all? The clock above the door read 10 in the morning and Kurt would have to leave soon for his costume design class and he couldn't stop staring at the subject line that was mocking him on his laptop screen.

Rachel leaned over him to take a look at what he was staring at; he knew he shouldn't have brought his laptop to the kitchen table.

"Oh my god, Kurt, that's so great, congratulations! I knew you would make it, I knew it!"

And then he was shoved out of his chair and pulled into a tight hug and Rachel was rocking him from one side to the other, still holding on tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, your first big role. As the leading man. Kurt!"

And sometimes Kurt just loved Rachel. Because until then he had only been able to think Blaine Blaine shit Blaine shit shit! but seriously, he had just scored his first lead.

Coming out of his panic induced haze, Kurt gripped at Rachel just as tightly and the two of them squealed for a good two minutes, jumping up and down like they had done when Rachel had gotten her Fanny callback.

"Oh my god. I'm the lead. I'm going to be in the play. As the lead. The male lead."

He was still disbelieving, grinning manically at Rachel who grinned back just as manically.

"I find it kind of freaky that you need to point out that it's the male lead", Santana muttered, grabbing a cup from one of the cupboards. "But congratulations, Tinkerbell. We will be at the opening; your biggest fans."
She fluttered her eyelashes at him but he could see that her smile was genuine. After a year of living together, Kurt was quite fluent in ignore-everything-biting-from-Santana-she-actually-cares-about-you.

So he just smiled in return. "Thank you, Santana. I'll be sure to get the two of you tickets in the front row. And now excuse me, I have to call my dad. And then go to class. Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

Both girls agreed and told him not to worry about it; they would buy him some celebratory Indian food and blueberry cheesecake.

Kurt smiled even brighter and let the excitement of his friends and his dad carry him away from any uncomfortable thoughts he had had.

Only hours later, when he sat in his theatre history class, he remembered that he had never actually opened the email. Surreptitiously checking if anyone paid any attention to what he was doing, Kurt opened the email on his phone.

Well hello there, Kurt.

Yes, you got the part. Congratulations. Though you performed less than stellar in the beginning (do that on opening night and I might come onto the stage and stab you), we all decided that your chemistry with our other leading man could not be denied. If you play the part like you did at the end of your audition, I might actually not regret deciding to give you this chance.

Blaine seemed to agree with us. Please let me know that you are still interested and will come to rehearsal this afternoon, 4pm in room I106, where we will give you the complete script and you will get the chance to meet the rest of the cast.

You should also know that we have organized a little get together tomorrow at Callbacks, some karaoke and drinks to get to know each other. It might be a good idea to be social and friendly if we want to avoid wanting to kill each other by the end of rehearsals.

I'll see you this afternoon. Congrats again.


(Director of Calling for Love)

Kurt groaned as quietly as possible and dropped his phone back into his back pocket. He had hoped that he would be able to go home after his classes. To enjoy these news. Instead he would have to deal with rehearsals and Blaine.
And what was that about? Blaine seemed to agree with us. Why would James say that? What did he know? If Blaine had told him, Kurt would have to kill him. And he wasn't even kidding. Kurt hadn't even told Rachel or Santana about his little incident.

After a moment of pretending to listen to the professor, Kurt took his phone back out of his pocket.

Hey James,

Thank you so much, your news absolutely made my week. I promise I will not let you down, don't worry. Though it would certainly be a dramatic plot twist if the play ended with you coming onto stage and stabbing me. I will of course come to rehearsal today. I might come a couple of minutes later because my last class doesn't end until 4pm but I will try to be on time.

I already have plans to meet some friends tomorrow night, would it be ok if I brought them?

See you later and thanks again

Kurt Hummel

Kurt didn't have a class after this one. He also wasn't meeting any friends tomorrow. But there was no way he was going to Callbacks without reinforcements. And there was no way he would give Blaine a chance to talk to him today before rehearsals. He would be a few minutes late and then he would bail as soon as rehearsal let out.

Everything would be ok.



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