March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.
March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.
And here it is. All that's still missing is the Epilogue. Thank you so much for reading!
When Kurt wakes up the first thing he notices is that he’s not in his bed. The second thing he notices is that wherever he is, it smellsreally good. It smells like strawberries and something musky and familiar and-
Kurt opens his eyes, just slightly, and realizes that he’s alone. There is no body pressed against his. He tries to stifle the disappointment rising in him but it’s useless.
“Kurt? Are you awake?”
For a second, Kurt ponders whether it would be feasible to fake sleeping but he’s already tensed up and he knows that Blaine knows that he’s awake. Reluctantly, he opens his eyes fully and sits up a little, praying that his hair isn’t sticking up in all directions.
Blaine is sitting on his desk chair, two coffee cups in front of him, dressed in painfully tight maroon pants and a black polo. His hair is already gelled back and he looks so awake that the first thing that leaves Kurt’s mouth is: “What time is it?”
Blaine grins, nods to the clock above the door that reads 10 o’clock and offers one of the cups to Kurt. It’s enough of an incentive for Kurt to sit up properly. He only notices that he’s still bare-chested when the blanket falls from his shoulders and pools in his lap. Blaine’s glance drops down for a second before he looks up and into Kurt’s eyes again and they are both blushing, of course.
One hand around the cup, Kurt uses his free hand to hold up the blanket to cover him more fully.
“Thank you”, he murmurs and takes a sip of the still hot and much too sugary Non-Fat Mocha. He winces and hopes Blaine won’t notice. It’s really sweet that Blaine remembers his regular coffee order and he can’t know that in the mornings, Kurt prefers his first coffee black and non-sweetened.
They sip their coffees for a moment, apparently both out of their depths. And of course they are; Kurt knows they have both never been in this situation.
When he can’t take the silence anymore, Kurt decides that it’s best to face any awkwardness head on instead of waiting for more trouble.
“So. Did you only sleep with me to finally get it over with?”
Kurt is pretty sure that Blaine’s rapid change of facial expressions would be comical if his last expression after amused and shocked wasn’t hurt.
“Do you really think I would do that?”
At Kurt’s raised eyebrow, Blaine amends with an eye roll, “To you. Do you really think I would do that to you?”
He sounds genuinely hurt but Kurt can’t really take it back because he has thought exactly that. And it’s not like the idea is outrageous, given their last talk on the matter. Which is what he says.
“The last time we talked about it you literally said that you wanted to get it “over with” to finally attract more experienced guys. And it’s not like we were completely sober yesterday. I’m sorry, but it is something that did cross mind.”
Blaine drops his chin to his chest and exhales soundly.
“Well. I guess I can’t be angry with you for thinking that. But- no. No, I didn’t do anything yesterday because I wanted to get it over with. I did it because I wanted to. Because I wanted you.”
Kurt and his heart may never recover and he silently curses Blaine for his endearing ways. The only way to quell the hope rising in his chest like a balloon is to surge ahead.
“Why did you suddenly want me? I thought you wanted James or some faceless experienced guy.”
And for the first time since they’ve begun talking this morning, Blaine is squirming in his seat, embarrassed.
“Okay. After what happened last night, I still don’t know if this is something you wanted or if you only pitied me or were drunk and I was there and willing but- but we’re friends and I think maybe it’s best if I just- put myself out there and hope for the best.”
Kurt doesn’t understand, can only watch and listen and sip his coffee because Blaine is nervous and what reason does he have to be this nervous?
“I- I really like you. I’ve liked you for a long time now, probably since we first met. I liked you when we met through this stupid phone call and then I met you in real life and I started to like the real you. But you are so- out of my league. And I know that. But I couldn’t really stop myself from liking you and we are friends so I hope I’m not completely destroying this friendship. Last night was- amazing. Incredible. I think you are incredible. And I know I’m just a stupid freshman who gets drunk too easily and just came here from Ohio and has never even been on a date, but I think I could be a really good boyfriend if you let me. I would bring you coffee before your early morning classes. And serenade you. And go dancing with you.”
Blaine looks at him and winces. “I’ve kind of been practicing this sales pitch when I got us coffee. It didn’t sound so desperate in my head. But. There it is.”
Kurt just stares at him, uncomprehending. “Now would be a really good time to say something, anything, to put me out of my misery, Kurt. I could get you another coffee if that would help?”
And he looks so helpful and earnest and Kurt huffs out a laugh, finally accepting that Blaine really did just say all that.
“Blaine. I just, I don’t understand. You realize I’m from Ohio too, right?”
And maybe it’s a weird thing to focus on from Blaine’s little speech but Kurt is just floored that Blaine, of all people, would really think that he’s out of Kurt’s league. Has he really been so stand-off-ish that Blaine thought he didn’t stand a chance with him?
But Blaine just rolls his eyes. “I know you are but you’ve been here for over a year and even dated back in Ohio, of course you did, while I- haven’t.”
It hurts Kurt’s heart to hear Blaine talk like this and he moves forward a little, taking Blaine’s hand and shaking his head.
“Oh god, Blaine. You thought I was the experienced one you would only stand a chance with if you slept with James?”
Blaine blushes, eyes focused on Kurt’s hand on his, a small hopeful smile starting to spread on his face despite his embarrassment.
“It wasn’t really one of my better ideas, clearly.”
Kurt laughs, still shaking his head. It’s only now that he can fully grasp the extent of their misunderstandings.
“It really wasn’t. Why didn’t you just ask me out? I would have said yes.”
Blaine finally looks up at that, disbelieving. “I did ask you out, after the first rehearsal. You shot me down.”
And Kurt remembers; thinking that Blaine only wanted to date him to ensure their stage chemistry or to get off with him because of the phone call.
“I didn’t- I didn’t think you were actually interested in me. And I didn’t know you then. I do know you now, though.”
They both grin at each other and Blaine squeezes his hand carefully. “And now that you know me, you want to go out with me?”
He sounds so hopeful and Kurt’s answering grin is so delighted that they both probably look ridiculous. Kurt can’t care, not when he finally feels so light he could float.
“I would actually love to take you out, seeing as it would be your first date. Let me take you out, after this week is over and we’ve finished the play. And please, never ever speak of my boyfriend like he is less than perfect again.”
Blaine nods, looking a little choked up. And Kurt knows that they need to talk some more, about all the things that have gone wrong between them, because Blaine shouldn’t believe ever that Kurt is out of his league. But that can wait.
For now, there’s this boy that he desperately needs to kiss.