Calling For Love
Coffee Apologies Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.

Calling For Love: Coffee Apologies

T - Words: 841 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 22, 2013 - Updated: Sep 22, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I suck at the daily-update thing. I have WRITTEN the chapters, I should be able to actually manage to update them... 

Here you go, thank you for reading. All feedback is appreciated! :)

Monday morning came bright and early. For once, Kurt was excited for the new week. Rehearsals were starting, he had finished his essay for his drama class with plenty of time to spare. And if he was lucky, he would have enough time today to drop in at

While 8.30 classes on a Monday morning weren't exactly what he would have chosen for a perfect week, Kurt still liked being up before his roommates could have their first fights over soy milk and bathroom time and Rachel secretly eating all of Santana's chocolate covered strawberries ("they are for seduction purposes only, Berry. You have the choice between buying new ones right now or putting out." Even more headache-inducing, Rachel had looked contemplative. Kurt tried not to think about it.)

When Kurt arrived at his class, he was surprised to find a dark-haired, bow-tied, red pants wearing Blaine The Sex Voice Anderson next to the door for his class, coffee cup in hand, sleepy eyes on the floor.

"Good morning"

Blaine's eyes were comically wide when he looked up, clearly startled from his half-sleepy state. Kurt grinned at the memory of a sleepy drunk Blaine clutching his arm while they were walking to the subway station. He made a valiant effort to tone down his grin.

Blaine, for his part, looked relieved and smiled a little brighter while offering a still hoarse sounding "good morning".

Kurt looked at him for a moment, but when Blaine didn't follow up with an explanation to why he was at Kurt's class, he asked "What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure you're not in this class."

Blaine's beaming smile diminished some and he scratched the back of his neck bashfully but didn't lower his eyes. Instead, he held out the coffee cup to Kurt like a virgin offering.

"I brought you this."

Kurt looked down at the cup, uncomprehending.

"It's a "I'm sorry I was drunk and stupid please forgive me and forget whatever I may have said" coffee", Blaine explained when Kurt made no move to take the coffee.

"I don't know what kind of coffee you drink so I got you a latte, I hope that's okay."

Kurt looked up again to see Blaine glance at the coffee cup in Kurt's hand and groan.

"And of course you already have a coffee. Because it's Monday morning. And I'm an idiot."

Finally over his shock, Kurt stopped Blaine from taking the offered cup back and grabbed onto his wrist.

"It's Introduction to Play Analysis. I don't think there's enough coffee in the world for that. And mine is nearly empty anyways, so thank you."

Which was a lie, his coffee had been too hot to drink until now, but he was kind enough to not let Blaine know this.

"But there's no need to apologize. It was funny. And I might not have met Hailey if you hadn't introduced us. So really, I had a great evening. Not that I don't always appreciate free coffee."

Blaine smiled again, though he winced at the "funny" part. Kurt let go of Blaine's wrist and took the other coffee cup, now holding one in both of his hands. He just hoped his professor wouldn't take this as an insult to his teaching methods.

"Good. I'm glad. I worried, yesterday, that I had made a less than stellar impression on you. Again."

Kurt shrugged, his bag slipping a bit on his shoulder. "It's fine. I mean, at least I know now that you don't drink regularly or you wouldn't have been that drunk. And you weren't too bad. Nothing too embarrassing, I promise."

Blaine rolled his eyes but grinned nonetheless. "Not too embarrassing, that's just what I want to hear. Well, I'm glad we are okay. I had a good night, too, by the way. I mean, other than my hangover the next morning, it was great. With the singing and the talking. Though I didn't do much talking, if I remember correctly."

Kurt let out a soft laugh and wondered how he got to be so comfortable talking to Blaine when it had only been last week that he had been avoiding him at all costs. He was nearly sorry to see his teacher glare at him from inside, indicating that it was time to get his ass into the classroom.

"Well, I'm glad you remember it, so at least you weren't too drunk. I've got to go now or my professor will take it out on me. And I'm sure you have to hurry too if you don't want to be too late to your own class."

Blaine bit his lip and if Kurt wasn't mistaken he was blushing a pretty pink. "Yes, right. Class. Well. I'll see you at rehearsal. Enjoy your coffee-s."

He nodded to the coffee cups that were still warming Kurt's hands. Kurt grinned and took a step into the direction of the classroom. "Thanks for the coffee, Blaine. I'll see you later."

It was only when he was sitting in his class, sipping his latte and humming contently, that he realized that he had no idea how Blaine even knew that he was in this class.



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