March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.
March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.
The next night, Kurt was standing in front of Callbacks, reluctant to go in but too cold to stay outside for much longer.
Even though it was still September, it was freezing at night and Kurt's jacket was more an addition to his outfit than a heating device.
With a sigh, he pushed the door open. He had received a slightly threatening email from James that he was not allowed to bring any friends since it would stop him from bonding with his cast mates. Kurt shuddered at the thought of "bonding" more than necessary with James.
When Kurt entered the bar, he immediately saw the table Tim had reserved for them. Most of the cast was there already but Kurt made a beeline for the bar to get a drink first. He would be sociable in a minute. For now, he needed to prepare himself mentally one more time. He would see the whole Blaine-situation with humor and ignore his own embarrassment. It wasn't so bad. And it wasn't Blaine's fault. So he would be friendly. And forget about the whole phone sex situation.
He was still trying to get the bartender's attention when someone poked him in the side. It was Blaine. Of course.
"Hi there, Kurt", he beamed, looking loose and happy in a way that spoke of alcohol consumption.
"Hi Blaine", Kurt replied slightly weary. Who on earth had bought Blaine alcohol? He didn't really know the guy but after having met him sober he knew that adding alcohol to the mix was probably not a good idea.
Blaine swayed a bit on the spot and slung his arm around Kurt's waist to stay upright.
"I'm so glad you're here. I was beginning to think you wouldn't come. That maybe you were avoiding me. You're not avoiding me, Kurt, are you?"
Kurt laughed softly, looking down at Blaine who was watching his every move with wide innocent eyes. He had two options now. Be annoyed that Blaine had absolutely no concept of how to not crowd a strangers' personal space or enjoy that a hot guy was all over him.
Kurt didn't like being in a bad mood so he decided that drunken Blaine was adorable and hilarious.
"I am not avoiding you. I just had dinner with some friends before coming here."
Which- was not a lie. He had had dinner with Santana before he came here. Though his decision for the late dinner was kind of related to his wish to spend as little time here as possible.
"Great. Dinner is great. I'm sure your friends are great. Because you. You are really great, Kurt."
Again with the earnest eyes. Kurt rolled his in return and smiled at Blaine, carefully untangling himself from this half-hug they were in.
"Thanks, Blaine. You are drunk", he answered drily. Blaine laughed loudly, like Kurt had made the joke of the century and a few people turned their heads in their direction. Kurt blushed and looked apologetically at them.
"I'm not drunk. I mean, I had a beer. Or two. James bought me a beer. Or two. Nice guy, James, you know? But I'm not drunk."
He shook his head for emphasis and Kurt frowned in the direction of the table at James.
"Alright then", he relented, "can I buy you a drink? Some water, maybe?"
Kurt looked at the bartender again and waved to get his attention. He tried to not startle too visibly when he felt Blaine's hand on his waist and his breath on his neck.
"You want to buy me a drink? That's so nice! You're so nice, Kurt, you know? Like, really nice. I would love some water, Kurt", he breathed into his ear and Kurt pressed his lips together. Having Blaine's voice so close was.. dangerous.
After a minute, he finally managed to get the bartender's attention and ordered some water for Blaine and a virgin strawberry daiquiri for himself.
Blaine seemed to be content just latching onto him and watching the other people in the bar.
"This is so nice, isn't it?" he asked while they were making their way over to the table. Kurt was carrying both their drinks while Blaine was holding onto Kurt's waist.
"All these people, here to sing and be happy and sing! I love New York. Do you love New York, Kurt?"
Kurt set both drinks onto the table and gave a little wave to the people sitting there in greeting. Most only smiled in return, already preoccupied with their own conversations. Kurt didn't mind.
"Yes, I love New York. It's great. You know what else is great? Water. You should have some."
He nudged the glass in Blaine's direction and sat down on a bench. Though there wasn't much space next to him, Blaine crawled onto it, pressing his side into Kurt's.
"Cheers", he murmured, raising his glass in Kurt's direction. Kurt took a sip of his daiquiri and smiled into his drink. So far, this evening wasn't so bad.
"You know, I think drinking water was an excellent idea, Kurt. Your ideas are excellent. Water is delicious. What are you drinking though, Kurt? Is it also delicious? I'm sure it is. I'm sure whatever you do and drink is delicious. You know why, Kurt? Because you are-"
"Blaine! There you are!"
It was Hailey and Kurt had never been so happy to see another person in his life. Wherever Blaine had been going with his sentence, Kurt was sure it would have been embarrassing.
"Hailey! Hailey, look who I found! It's Kurt! Do you know Kurt? You should! You are great, Hailey. And Kurt is great. I think you should be friends. I think we should all be friends!"
Blaine's hand was on his knee and Kurt ignored it pointedly, shaking Hailey's offered hand. She was laughing at Blaine and shook her head at him.
"I hope you actually know Blaine already and he hasn't just crowded your personal space like this without permission. It seems it wasn't such a good idea to give him alcohol."
Hailey winked at him and Kurt grinned while Blaine pouted.
"You think?" he asked in return, but his amusement was shining through.
Blaine continued to pout, sipping his water. Hailey grabbed the glass out of his hand and sniffed at it.
"It's just water. I thought it might be a good idea to hydrate him", Kurt assured her and she smiled gratefully at him.
"That's good, thank you. James has been handing him drinks whenever I was looking the other way, I have a feeling he's hoping to take him home tonight. Which won't happen, right, Blaine?"
Blaine looked at her when he heard his name and shook his head emphatically.
"No, I don't want to go home with him. I can go home with you. Or with Kurt. Because you are awesome."
Kurt blushed and glanced at James, who was watching Blaine like a hawk his prey. Kurt couldn't help but wiggle a little closer to Blaine, who smiled brilliantly at him in return.
Hailey was watching them with raised eyebrows. "Okay, then", she muttered and took a sip of her own drink.
"So, how do you two know each other?" Kurt asked, not wanting to give Hailey the wrong impression.
It turned out that the two were actually living together witch another guy, Wes, off campus. Hailey was Wes' girlfriend and they knew each other from school.
Hailey and Kurt carried most of the conversation, talking about growing up in Ohio and living in New York and going to NYADA. Blaine intervened here and there but seemed happy watching them, sipping his water and relaxing further and further into Kurt's side.
But Kurt didn't mind. Blaine was sweet and unassuming and it didn't feel like he was coming onto him, he was just comfortable.
And Hailey was just wonderful. Funny, clever and nearly as sarcastic as Kurt himself. Which was always appreciated.
The night ended when one of the small freshman chorus girls threw up in the restrooms and the rest decided to call it a night.
After he had said his goodbyes, Kurt was surprised he had really enjoyed himself.
He had sung a couple of times, with Blaine, Hailey and a sophomore, Trevor.
But mostly, he had been talking and laughing with Hailey and Blaine.
Smiling, Kurt skipped the last few steps up to their loft, glad that he had gotten over himself.