Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
Monday October 8th 2012
Rachel ran off the stage crying. She ran back down the hallways trying to contain her sobs. Luckily for her the cab she took from the airport was still there.
“Back to the airport please….” Finally within the safety of the cab she let her tears escape. She picked up her phone and called Kurt.
“Isabella Wright’s office, this is Kurt speaking.” Rachel noticed how tired Kurt was by his voice.
“Its, over…..I did it….” Rachel started sobbing again. Kurt’s breath hitched. Had he known she was flying back to Lima to see Finn he would’ve gone and talked to Blaine. But still some small part of him didn’t want to speak to him right now.
“Oh sweetie…..are you about to fly back?? Because if you are you and I are having a girls night in…”
“Yes…dads didn’t know I came back…so mums the word ok?”
“Alright. I’ll pick you up when your flight lands. Rachel?”
“Yes Kurt?”
“I’ll still love you.”
“Thanks Kurt…gotta go now.” Rachel hung up and tried to fix her face before walking into the airport.
After Kurt hung up with Rachel he pulled out his cell phone and saw that he had numerous texts from Blaine. They all said the same thing. That he was sorry, and that he never meant to hurt him. Kurt sighed and opened up a new message. “Blaine, I know that you’re sorry. And that you didn’t mean to hurt me. But you did. I think what is best for us right now is for us to step back and examine what is left of our relationship. During this time we should both focus on us. I’m not saying that we need to break-up, just look at what’s left. I’ll let you get back to class. Talk to you later.” Kurt took a deep breath and hit send. He put his phone back in his bag and went on about his day. About an hour later his phone went off again.
This time however it was Rachel. “Hey, my flight will be landing in an hour. See you soon.” He was about to hit reply when he got a message from Blaine. He hit send on Rachel’s message then checked Blaine’s.
“OK, I can respect that. The only thing I ask, is that maybe over Thanksgiving Break we could get together and talk things through? I’ll talk you later. And Kurt? No matter what may happen to us….know that I will always love you.” Kurt blinked back tears and typed back a quick ‘ok, sure ttyl’ he knew that he couldn’t say that he loved Blaine back, not right now. He did some more work before telling Isabella that he needed to leave to go pick up Rachel.
“Ok Kurt, that’s fine. Are you OK? You’ve seemed off….” Kurt sighed and shook his head. He knew that if he opened up now the dam wouldn’t stop. “I’ll tell you tomorrow ok?” and with that he ran from the office and pulled up his cab app to get a cab. On the way to the airport he dried his face and blew his nose.
He waited for Rachel; finally he saw her come walking up from her terminal. She ran to him and into his arms openly sobbing. “Come on Rachel, pull your self together until were in the cab. Please, for my sake…because if you start I won’t be able to stop.”
“OK” was all that she could supply. Finally when they were in the safety of the cab she broke down along with him. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way! This was supposed to be our year! What are we going to do now?”
Kurt just held her as his tears fell. He didn’t know how many more tears he had left in him. “I don’t know Rachel, I just don’t know.”
******3 Days Earlier******
Friday October 5th 2012
Finn had just walked out of the apartment. Kurt sighed and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only four in the morning. He knew that sleeping was of no use, so he went to work. He straightened up his room while Blaine slept; every time he looked at him his emotions did a summersault. Blaine still had tear marks on his face. Half of Kurt wanted to get a warm cloth and wipe them off, while another part wanted to slap the shit out of him. But a small part in Kurt’s mind, the smart part, knew that if he hit him once he didn’t know if he could stop. He hadn’t felt this angry with a person since Karofsky kissed him in his junior year against his will.
Kurt shook his head and started packing Blaine’s suitcase. Once he was done he got a hamper ready for laundry day. Afterward he went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Once the coffee was done he toasted a bagel and sat down at the small kitchen table and pulled out his iPad and started reading his work emails. He heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Blaine standing there in his clothes from last night.
“Morning. How did you sleep?” Blaine looked timid. It wasn’t like Kurt was going to hit him. But he wasn’t entirely sure at the moment.
“I didn’t. Your stuff is packed. When does your flight leave?” Kurt almost looked bored.
“Not until tomorrow. I thought maybe we could go by your office?”
“Did you now. Well Blaine, hate to break it to you, but plans have changed. I’m not saying you need to go home, but what I am saying, is that you can not stay here another night.” Kurt finished his bagel and washed the plate.
“Ok, then I guess I’ll be going.” Blaine walked back to Kurt’s room grabbed his bag and walked to the door. “Goodbye Kurt. I’ll….uh…talk to you later?”
“Goodbye Blaine.” Kurt shut the door before Blaine had the chance to say much else. He slid down the shut door and started sobbing again. A short time later he heard Rachel get up.
“When did he leave?”
“Early, around four. I haven’t slept, Blaine just left.” Rachel stormed off to her room and tried to call Finn. All he could hear was her blasting Finn in a voice mail.
******A few hours later******
Friday October 5th 2012 later that evening
Blaine walked into his empty house. His parents were gone away gone for some business meeting. Ever since he returned from Dalton that’s all they ever did. He was used to it by now. He grabbed a snack from the kitchen and went up to his to un-pack and watch a movie. While waiting for the movie to start Blaine pulled up his Facebook account on his computer. He immediately wished he hadn’t.
Eli had been blowing up his inbox. Basically asking when they could get back together again. Blaine sighed and felt tears well up in his eyes. He hastily replied no, that he would never under any circumstances ever see him again, and that it would be best to forget all about him. Blaine logged out of Facebook and his laptop.
He pulled out his phone and called the one person who he knew would answer.
“Hey little bro! How’s it going?” Cooper waited for Blaine to speak, Blaine was sobbing trying to get his breathing under control. “Blaine, are you there? Hello? BLAINE!”
“I’ve messed up real bad Coop. Real bad.”
“What happened Blaine?”
“Kurt didn’t get into NYADA, so he tried to stay here until I graduated but I told him that he needed to be in New York. So I let him go, he found a job internship that took up most of his time. I realize now how selfish I was being. When he stopped answering my calls I thought that he had found somebody new and had forgotten about me, so I….” Blaine couldn’t finish as new sobs racked his body
“You…..what did you do Blaine?” Cooper sounded concerned, not mad, or judging.
“I went out and had a hook-up!” Blaine screeched then started sobbing again.
“Oh Blaine….”
“I know I know. I’m a lousy boyfriend. Kurt’s mad; he probably won’t ever speak to me again. What have I done Coop? How can I fix this?”
“I don’t know Blaine. I just don’t know. Maybe you should use this time apart from Kurt to focus on school and you. Y’all have been together since your sophomore year. You haven’t been single in a while. This can be good. Are mom and dad home?”
“No, they are gone once again.” Coop could hear the loneliness in his voice. Coop looked at his calendar; he wasn’t needed on set for a while so maybe he could be there for his brother this one time.
“Ok, try to get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow; I stay with you for a while. I’m not needed on set for a while anyways. And I haven’t seen you since last spring. We have some catching up to do.”
“Coop, you don’t have to waste your money to fly out here to see me. I won’t be good company anyways.”
It’s too late. I’ll see you tomorrow. Now, go get some rest. Pop in a movie, and rest. And Blaine?”
“Yes Coop?”
“Just remember that mom, dad, and I love you.”
“Love you too Coop. See you tomorrow.” Blaine hung up the phone and wiped his eyes and popped in his favorite Disney movie. And tried to get some rest.
****4 weeks later****
Thursday November 1st 2012
Kurt was finishing up some last minute things at work before going home for the evening. His work phone flashed Isabella’s name. “Yes?”
“Can you come back to my office? We need to talk.”
Kurt swallowed hard “Yes.” He hung up the phone, locked his computer and grabbed his phone. He walked to her office.
“Shut the door please.” Kurt tried to read her face, but was unable to. “Ok. I’ve noticed that for the past month you’ve seemed distant. What’s up?”
Kurt sighed and went into the details of what happened. “So, does this mean I’m fired? Because honestly I don’t know how much more stress I can add in my life right now.” With that Kurt finally broke down in front of the woman he swore he would never break down in front of. Isabella just got up from her desk, grabbed a box of tissues, pulled him from his seat and pulled him over to the couch.
“Kurt, you will have a job here for as long as you like. I’m not going to fire you because your personal life is hell. Just open up more here at work ok? Maybe you should take this week off? Go see New York.” Isabella looked sympathetic.
“I can’t, there’s so much I have to do here. Not just for you but for all of the others here.” Kurt just sat there not sure what to say. Isabella just looked at him straightened out his shirt and pulled him into a hug.
“I’ll see you in a week Kurt. I don’t want to see you here until then ok? Now, get home and rest!” Kurt sighed and shook his head. He loved her dearly; he just didn’t know what he was going to do with his week off. Maybe he could use this time to tour NYADA with Rachel. Kurt stopped by his desk, answered a few more emails, checked his voicemails, and cleaned up his desk.
Kurt grabbed his bag, jacket, and scarf. He pulled out his phone and launched his cab app, once he had secured a cab he called Rachel.
“Hey, Kurt are you staying late again?”
“Nope, she actually gave me the week off. So I’m heading home. What is our dinner plan? Or are you and Brody going out again? Speaking of, when are y’all going to make it official?”
“Yes, were going out again, and not any time soon. He understands that Finn and me are broken up, but I just can’t date anybody right now. Listen I still have my voice conditioning class then I’ll be home to change real quick. See you soon dear.”
“Ok.” Kurt sighed and hung up. “Looks like another night home alone.” Kurt asked the cabby to take him to the nearest grocery story so that he could get some items for dinner. As he waited in line for check out he heard a voice behind him.
“Chandler. Is that you?”
“Kurt? How are you doing man? How’s that guy your seeing?” Kurt’s face fell a little.
“I’ve uh…been better. We’re not really speaking at the moment. Not long after I came to New York he revealed to me that he had cheated on me. And I haven’t spoken to him in a while. How about you?”
“Oh ya know…struggling through my first semester of college. I’m so sorry to hear about you and Blaine was it?”
“Hey, I know it’s sudden, but my room mate is out to dinner with his girlfriend. Wanna grab a bite?” Chandler looked at Kurt expectedly. Kurt thought it over. Part of him was screaming NO how could he do this to Blaine? But the other, more dominant part of him screamed right back, why the hell not? He cheated on you! Karma is a bitch, and Blaine needs to realize it.
“Sure, beats dinner by myself.” Kurt paid for his items and told Chandler where he was living now, and that he would see him in an hour or so. Kurt had just finished getting ready when Rachel flew through the door tossing items left and right, all while trying to change clothes.
“Rachel, do you need any help?”
“Um, yes?”
“I thought it was a yes or no question……what’s confusing about help?” Kurt raised a perfectly waxed eyebrow
“Yes, please….he’ll be here in like no time. I have no clue what to wear….why are you dressed up?” Rachel was parading around in her underwear, Kurt was glad that it no longer affected him to see her like this.
“You act like all I ever do is sit at home and mope.”
“Which you do…….”
“Look, do you want my help or not?” Kurt wasn’t in the mood to start a fight with her.
“Yes, I’m sorry for snapping….but why are you all dressed up?” While she was redoing her hair Kurt found the perfect outfit for her. A simple black dress, black panty hose, and simple but elegant heels.
“I have a dinner date with Chandler.”
“The guy that nearly caused you and Blaine to break up last spring?”
“Yes, sorta….Blaine caused most of that however….regardless, Blaine and I are on a hiatus so I’m allowed to do what I want, since he already did….” Kurt didn’t really want to get into with Rachel right now over whether or not he had the right to do this to Blaine. It wasn’t like she was being faithful to Finn before they broke up. “Look, I never said anything was going to come of this. It’s just a way for us to catch up with each other. I’m not even sure if we’ll have another. But I owe this to my self. All I’ve done is sit here and watch you go out and try to hold myself together. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to go grab a jacket, because chandler will be here shortly. You look nice.” Kurt walked out of Rachel’s room and back into his own to grab a jacket and his phone.
****Later that evening****
Kurt walked into the apartment and sighed. Rachel still wasn’t back and he, for some odd reason, felt guilty about dinner that night. Maybe it was because Chandler offered to pay, or maybe because they shared a hot kiss before Chandler disappeared, or maybe it was because they agreed to do dinner again on Saturday. Either way Kurt felt like crap. And that was before the video.
He had just sat down on the couch, with the intent of watching some mind numbing television when his phone went off. It was a text message from Finn.
“Hey bro, thought you might want to see this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXW3eCHG4Oo” Kurt was frozen to his seat while he watched Blaine pour his heart into the song. He felt tears pool in his eyes when he got to the end of the video. He picked up his phone and called Finn.
“Why would you send me that? I was doing fine! I….” Kurt started sobbing into the phone, and Finns ear.
“Look, I know your hurting over what he did. Trust me. He is as well. He isn’t even fighting over solos anymore. Were all really worried about him. Would it kill you to call him?”
Kurt knew he shouldn’t take the offensive side but Finn knew how Kurt would feel about this. “Look Finn I will talk to Blaine when I’m good and ready. I would think somebody like you, whose had TWO of his girls cheat on him WITH the same guy would understand where I’m coming from!”
“There was no need to bring them into this….”
“You’re the one who sent the video.” Kurt heard Rachel and Brody out side the door he knew that in mere moments they would come bursting through the door. “Look, I’ve got to go.”
“Rachel’s out with him again isn’t she?
“If you know the answer to the question why ask?” Kurt sighed hoping that Finn would hang up already.
“I guess she’s fine with our breakup.”
Kurt sighed and rubbed his eyes, he heard Rachel put her key in the lock. He quickly got off the couch and into his bedroom for more privacy. “Look Finn, just because she is going out with Brody almost every night doesn’t mean that she isn’t hurting. You have no idea what it was like that day after she left you in Lima. She cried nonstop for two days. She attempted to get rid of everything you ever gave her. Including the engagement ring. All of that is hidden in my room. Ill try to bring home what I can at Thanksgiving.”
“Ok, oh by the way you and Rachel should attempt to come to the musical. It’s Thanksgiving weekend. Gotta go bye.” Before Kurt could even finish the goodbye Finn had hung up. He sat around in his room for a little while longer before coming out to see if they still had company.
When he walked out Rachel was just walking out of her room in some sweat pants. Kurt was just about to ask how Rachel’s evening went and come clean about his own when he phone went off again. He sighed thinking it was either Chandler to confirm another date, Finn need to say more, or Blaine. He however did not expect to see a California number popup.
“This is Kurt right? This is Cooper” Kurt gasped and paled.
Love it!! Can we have more pretty pleaseeee you really need to get my boys back together ;)
The second part(i plan for three if not more) is almost done....be on the lookout!