Feb. 10, 2013, 1:25 p.m.
Feb. 10, 2013, 1:25 p.m.
Blaine looked in the mirror and smiled,"Hi, I'm Blaine, pleasure to meet you!"
Nah, too cheesy.
"Hi, I'm Blaine, nice to meet you, sir."
I have to remember my manners.
Blaine sighed and went back into his bedroom. He was already dressed in a nice dress shirt with his signature bow tie. His hair was gelled back, but not too much. You could actually see some of his curls.
It was 6:35. He was meeting Kurt's parents in half an hour, he was a nervous wreck. Only one thing could calm him down.
"Kurt?" Blaine said into the phone.
"Yes, honey?" Kurt replied. Blaine's nerves instantly calmed as soon as he called him honey. He loved how he did that to him.
"I'm scared," Blaine said with a shaky voice. He hated himself for sounding like such a whimp.
"Blaine. There is nothing to be scared of! They're going to love you. I know I do..." Kurt said.
There was a long pause and then Blaine's heart stopped. He sat down on his bed before he passed out.
Kurt Hummel just indirectly told me he loves me.
"Blaine?..." Kurt asked. He was confused as to why there was no voice coming from the other end. Then he realized what he just said...
"OH MY GOD BLAINE. I am so sorry! I didn't mean... I mean I do, but I-I.. I wanted it to be in person and more romantic, now I've just ruined everything!" Kurt started panicking from the other end. He couldn't believe he just told Blaine he loved him... on the phone! What scared Kurt even more was that Blaine still wasn't speaking.
"Blaine?... Are you still there?" Kurt asked with worry.
Blaine was still in shock and couldn't do anything but sit still on his bed. Hand still clutching the phone tightly. Everything from then on was a blur, he heard some rushed apologies on the other line, some screaming, and then some sobs. Then, a long beep.
The next morning
You're such an idiot, why didn't you just say it ? You love him don't you?!
Actually, Blaine did love him, he loved him a lot. But doesn't everyone love each other too soon? They just have to hold the words in for a while until it's not awkward to say it anymore. Maybe he was just scared to admit hewasin love.
Are you mad at me? -Kurt
Okay, I know it was a little too soon but seriously? You're scaring me. -Kurt
Is this your way of telling me you don't love me? -Kurt
So mature. -Kurt
Blaine cried into his pillow. He didn't go over for dinner, his parents probably hate him now, he hates him now. He hasn't called or even texted Kurt back.
What is wrong with you? Man up.
He just didn't know what to say.
Meet me at the theater 4:00pm -Blaine
Blaine was shaking with nerves and after-tears. He stood behind the theater, next to the secret entrance he used on their first date. he was terrified by the thought that maybe Kurt wasn't ever going to come. He took a deep breath and waited.
"Blaine?" Kurt came walking around the corner and spotted Blaine curled up into a ball on the stairway.
"Kurt!" Blaine shouted, he ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug he could force. He never wanted to let go. He just sobbed and sobbed.
"Blaine, don't cry," Kurt said, rubbing Blaine's back for comfort.
"I'm so s-sorry Kurt, I shouldn't have ignored you like that. I was just so scared, I didn't even think about how scared you were. Please forgive me, oh my God, you're the only thing that can keep me sane. I was such a jerk for leaving you hanging like that,"Blaine apologized to Kurt. He stared him right into those bright blue eyes that he loved so much. Tears were pouring hot down his face and he wiped them away as best he could.
"I didn't even come to dinner, I'm such an idiot," Blaine said,"you hate me now, I hate me now."
Kurt grabbed his hands and held them close to his heart.
"There is no way on Earth I could ever hate you, Blaine Anderson." Kurt said. Blaine looked up at him and smiled. He pulled him into another tight hug, both boys held on tight like their lives depended on it.
"Kurt," Blaine whispered, after he pulled away.
"Yes, Blaine?" Kurt asked.
"I love you so much," Blaine whispered against his lips. Kurt couldn't catch the tear that fell down his face.
"I love you too," he said.
And they kissed for what could have been hours.
Are you ready? xx -Kurt
I'm on my way :) -Blaine
The doorbell barely rang once and Kurt was at the door.
"Hi," Blaine smiled at him.
"Hi, are you ready?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, a little nervous, but I'm ready,"Blaine said, with all the confidence that he usually carries. Kurt grinned at him and gestured for him to come inside. Blaine already knew the house well, he would often sneak over to see Kurt. (Shhh) At least he didn't have to feel guilty this time.
As he followed Kurt into the living room, he smelled something wonderful coming from the kitchen. He saw a serious, bald man sitting on the couch watching T.V. and a little woman cooking away in the kitchen. As soon as the man saw Kurt walk in, he stood up and made his way over to Blaine.
"Dad, this is Blaine, my boyfriend," Kurt told him, proudly.
"Hi, Mr. Hummel, pleasure to meet you," Blaine said in his usual dapper tone.
"Please, kid, call me Burt." Burt sneaked a wink at Kurt and went back to the couch to sit down. Carole came out of the kitchen and ran over to meet Blaine.
"Hello, honey! So nice to meet you!" Carole attacked him with kisses and hugs. Blaine giggled at how energetic she was.
"Nice to meet you too," Blaine smiled.
"Come, make yourself at home, dinner's almost ready and then we can watch a movie!" Carole burst with excitement.
Blaine followed Kurt to a spot on the couch. Burt held the remote and was looking for a game to watch.
"So Blaine, Ohio State Buckeyes game or the Wolverines?" Burt asked him. Oh no. This was the moment Blaine was dreading, he hoped Burt wouldn't ask him about football. If he chose right, Burt and him would start off with the best relationship. If he chose wrong... bye Kurt.
"...Dad..." Kurt groaned into Blaine's shoulder,"You don't have to answer this, he's just trying to scare you."
"Kurt, let the boy answer," Burt said. His face was unreadable. Blaine knew the only way to have a real relationship with Burt was to be honest.
"Ummm... uh.. I'll have to say, the Buckeyes?..." Blaine winced and held his breath for the blow. Burt stared at him with such intensity, the whole room was silent. Then he chuckled.Chuckled.
"Good choice!" Burt said. Blaine let go of the biggest breath he had ever held. He laughed nervously and Kurt reached over to grab his hand. They watched the game in silence while waiting for dinner. Kurt snuggling into Blaine's arms, Burt looked over at them to make sure they didn't do anything else. He analyzed Blaine's every move and reaction. Blaine was terrified when Kurt started to cuddle closer and Burt's glare held for even longer. Luckily...
"Dinner is served!" Carole called from the kitchen. Blaine jumped up from the seat and smiled with relief. They sat around the dinner table, Kurt and Blaine on one side and Carole and Burt on the other. Carole made them a delicious meal of spaghetti with homemade sauce and garlic bread.
The dinner wasn't awkward, but it was silent at some moments. Carole kept the conversation flowing about Blaine, and Burt asked him some serious questions about his priorities and his schoolwork. They made small talk and enjoyed their dinner. Kurt looked over at Blaine at some point and giggled.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" Blaine whispered. He was so worried that Kurt couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he was with that little smudge of sauce on his cheek.
"Yeah, you do," Kurt answered, trying not to laugh.
"Oh my God, Kurt, get it off!" Blaine whispered loudly. Carole and Burt started to stare at the boys with growing confusion.
"I will, hold on, don't move!" Kurt replied, still holding in his laughter. He grabbed a napkin and reached over to wipe off the sauce. He kinda got distracted by the huge saucer eyes Blaine was giving him. They stayed like that for a few moments and then Burt coughed awkwardly. Both boys snapped back to reality and pulled back to focus on their dinner. Carole noticed and giggled.
"You definitely got a cutie, Kurt," Carole said in a teasing tone. Blaine blushed so hard he thought he was becoming the pasta sauce. Kurt blushed a little too and reached over to hold Blaine's hand under the table.
"I know," Kurt smiled back at Carole.
They were watching a movie, well, more like Carole and Kurt were watching a movie. Burt was watching Blaine, Blaine was watching Kurt. How was Blaine supposed to concentrate on the movie when Kurt was sitting right there, so close to him. With those little kissable cheeks, and...
Come on Blaine, pull yourself together! Movie's almost over!
Just as the credits were rolling down and everyone stood up to say goodnight, Blaine realized Kurt was asleep on his chest. He didn't want to wake Kurt up so he just lay there, stuck. Burt walked over and laughed silently.
"Blaine, thank you for caring for my son, I can tell he's been a hell lot happier since he's met you." Burt said, his eyes were filled with sincerity.
"Mr. Hum- I mean Burt, really, I couldn't imagine what I would do without him."
"Well, I'm really glad you two found each other," Burt said.
"Me too."