Feb. 10, 2013, 1:25 p.m.
Feb. 10, 2013, 1:25 p.m.
Good Morning boyfriend, I hope u slept well :) -Kurt
Good Morning boyfriend (I will never get sick of this name) I actually couldn't sleep at all cause I was thinking about you How are you? -Blaine
I'm doing wonderful, cause of you. Oh my friend Mercedes says hi! -Kurt
Hi Mercedes! :) I'm Kurt's boyfriend -Blaine
Yeah I know, Kurt won't shut up about you he just goes on and onnnnn (-Mercedes)
I'm sorry, Mercedes took my phone! -Kurt
It's okay, I like Mercedes ;) I hear you've been talking about me... -Blaine
Oh gosh... -Kurt
Guess what song I'm listening to?! -Blaine
What? -Kurt
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face -Blaine
Awwww -Kurt
You give the best kisses :* -Kurt
No... you! -Blaine
No... you! -Kurt
No... you! -Blaine
Okay I have to go now before Mercedes takes away my phone! :( -Kurt
I just ugh, you're too perfect -Blaine
No, I'm not really, I don't know what you see in me -Kurt
Unlock your window... NOW. -Blaine
(Not in text)
Kurt looks at the text message in confusion, he walks over to his window and sees Blaine in the cold, in his pajamas. He gapes at him and opens the window.
"What are you doi-"
"I have no idea what in the world makes you think you're the least bit unperfect, your gorgeous eyes, your adorable smile, the way you blush just a little every time I say something about you. You're are so incredibly and unbelievably perfect that I don't know what I have to do to let you know that. You drive me insane Kurt, every time I look at you. If anything, it's me who isn't enough for you. I'm crazy about you and your personality is so flawless. You may not think so, but you're better than anyone in the world. I see all of this in you, so don't you dare wonder what I see in you."
Kurt's eyes were misty and he tried to hold back tears but failed miserably. Hot tears came pouring down his face and he sobbed into his pillows. Blaine climbed through the window and walked over to Kurt. He hugged him tight and comforted him.
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay," Blaine said, rubbing little circles on his back. With every sob he heard, his heart broke into more and more pieces.
(1 week later)
Movie night? -Kurt
Yes please! -Blaine
When I see you smiling I go: OH OH OOOHHH Yesterday my life was duller, now everything's techincolo-oo-o-o-r!
Maybe we should have picked a different movie... -Kurt
Whatever, you know you love it. Either way I still would've been kissing my bestfriend in the end ;) -Blaine
You're what my dreams are made of, Blaine -Kurt
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (Yay now I'm not the only cheesy one!) -Blaine
Lol, goodnight boyfriend xx -Kurt
Goodnight boyfriend xxxxxxxxxxxx -Blaine