New Year's Eve
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New Year's Eve: First Date

M - Words: 2,185 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 10, 2013 - Updated: Feb 10, 2013
224 0 0 0 0

Blaine had no idea where all that confidence and romance came from at the party. He thought it must have been Kurt. He knew Kurt was special the second he sat down with him. Now he couldn't get him out of his head.

Blaine pulled into his driveway, exhausted but still in a trance from the unbelievable experience he had with Kurt. He walked inside and tried to make as little noise as possible, so he wouldn't wake up his parents. He slowly walked up the stairs and climbed into his bedroom. He dressed into his pajamas and looked at the time.

1:38 A.M.

He climbed into his bed with a large sigh and wondered when Kurt was going to call him, or text.

He's probably too tired to text you right now, Blaine!

His sad thought was interrupted by the buzz of his cell phone. As tired as he was, he jumped out of bed and ran to go look for it. It was still sort of dark so he ended up tripping on the carpet and landing on the floor with a loudthud.He groaned and got up from the floor, his foot was throbbing but he didn't care, his heart was beating too fast at the fact that maybe the message was from Kurt.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, Blaine I hope you got home safe xx -Kurt"

Blaine had to slap his hand over his mouth to stop the loud squeal that escaped his throat. He jumped up and down and flung himself on the bed.

Yup, I'm definitely a 13 year old girl,Blaine thought.

Now all Blaine had to do was text Kurt back. Oh gosh.

Thanks, I had a wonderful time too! :) -Blaine

Blaine stared at the message for a few seconds before pressing send. Not a minute later, there was a response.

You have an amazing voice btw ;) -Kurt

Blaine screamed into the nearest pillow and kicked his feet, until he realized how much his foot still hurt.

I'm blushing... I would love to hear yours though. Are you free tomorrow? -Blaine

Yes I am, what do you have planned? -Kurt

Pick you up for lunch? -Blaine

Sounds like a date! Goodnight Blaine xx -Kurt

Goodnight Kurt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Blaine

Blaine giggled at his own romantic cheesiness, and just a few miles away, Kurt was doing the same thing.

Blaine's bedroom was scattered with billions of different bow ties as he frantically searched for the right one. His stomach exploded with butterflies every time he thought about the date. After he found the right one, he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. He was thankful his parents didn't ask any questions as to why he was leaving, especially on New Years Day.

Blaine got into his car and headed towards the supermarket to pick up some needed things for his date. He wanted it to be special, but not too serious since they have only just met. He planned to get some lunch and have a little picnic on the actual stage of the theater, he was hoping maybe he could get Kurt to sing with him.

As he walked out the exit of the supermarket he saw a stand selling flowers. He bought one single rose.

Blaine's hands were shaking as they pulled into Kurt's driveway. He looked at himself in the mirror one last time and opened the door of his car. He grabbed the single rose and walked up to the front door, rang the doorbell, and waited patiently. After a few seconds he heard some footsteps and the door opened.

Kurt looked as amazing as ever in a simple button down white shirt, blue jeans and an adorable grin. Blaine's heart jumped over fifty times.

"Hey," Blaine said,"you ready?" He hid the rose behind his back. He couldn't take his eyes off of Kurt, he was so stunning.

"Yeah! Let me just get my coat and we can go," Kurt answered. He smiled and turned away. Blaine couldn't help but sneak a glance at his ass, I mean come on.

As soon as Kurt came back out, Blaine handed him the rose.

"For me?! Aww thank you..." Kurt blushed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Blaine walked him to the car, he opened the door on the passenger side and let Kurt in. Kurt smiled at him in return.

Blaine walked around and got in the car, he realized that his nerves were gone completely, but the fluttery little feelings in his stomach didn't go away. What was Kurt doing to him?

He started the car and drove for a few minutes and then he asked,"Do you want to listen to some music?"

"Sure," Kurt answered with the cutest smile Blaine had ever seen, he just stared at him in awe. He couldn't help but stare at the way his lips moved when he talked, the same lips had kissed just the night before. Then he remembered that he should turn on the radio.

Katy Perry started playing through the speakers,"I love this song!" Blaine said, unable to contain his excitement. Kurt giggled at how cute he was.

Before he could stop himself, Blaine started belting out the lyrics to the song:

"You make me feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream, the way you turn me on!"

Kurt couldn't help but laugh at how Blaine was so into the song. "Oh I'm sorry," Blaine laughed nervously and blushed.

So this is what first dates were all about? The awkward glances, the blushing and giggling.

"No, keep going," Kurt looked over at him, this time he started to sing along too.

Blaine pulled up to the local theater just as the song ended. Of course he got up and opened the door for Kurt, making sure to remain a gentleman.

"Thank you," Kurt said, looking Blaine right in the eyes.

Blaine felt his knees go weak when he looked into Kurt's beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh my God, youreyesarebeautiful," Blaine rushed out.

Did you really just say that? Nice going, Blaine, you're already creeping him out on the first date.

"Uh- I mean... Your eyes are really ni-" Blaine stammered but thankfully was interrupted by Kurt.

"Thank you," Kurt laughed, blushing furiously. He looked down at his feet shyly.

"Come on, let's go," Blaine said.

"Ummm, are we watching a show here? Nothing's playing today, Blaine," Kurt said hesitantly. Blaine's heart skipped when he heard Kurt say his name.

"I know, I have a way of getting in," Blaine said in a low whisper.

"Wow, such a rebel huh?" Kurt joked teasingly.

Now Kurt was really killing him.

They walked quietly through a back door and Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand to lead him through the dark hallway.

"You're not going to murder me, are you?" Kurt asked.

Blaine sputtered and got all nervous,"No way, what?! Trust me I would ne-"

"I'm joking!" Kurt said.

"Oh..." Blaine laughed nervously,"here we are..."

Blaine led Kurt onto the stage that had a nicely set up table and lunch, he looked at everything in awe. The lights were hung in a dim light, not too eery but just enough that it was romantic.

Blaine pulled out a chair and gestured Kurt to sit down.

"Blaine this is... amazing," Kurt said.

"I'm glad you like it, I thought it might have been a little too much, I mean the lights are little over the top but-"

"Blaine, you're rambling again."

"Oh, right sorry," Blaine rubbed the back of his neck and blushed.

They sat and ate their lunch comfortably together. Peeking a few quick glances at each other in between bites. They laughed, they shared stories, so far it was the best date either of them had ever been on. After a while their conversation got more serious.

"How long have you been out?" Blaine asks, eyebrows furrowed and a certain intensity in his eyes.

"Since I was 16, my dad's really accepting about all of it," Kurt replied.

"What about your mom?" Blaine asks curiously.

"She died when I was 8," Kurt said silently.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Kurt," Blaine said in a low whisper. He reached over and grabbed Kurt's hand for comfort.

"No, it's okay, people say she was a pretty understanding person, so I'm sure she would've accepted me too," Kurt said,"Now what about you? How did you come out?"

"Well, my mother is pretty open to it I guess, but my father wasn't too thrilled... He actually made me help him fix a car one summer in hopes that I would stop being gay."

"Wow, that's terrible," Kurt said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I mean now home is just a place I sleep. Ever since I told them, they don't really talk to me anymore. That's why I was able to go out on New Years.

Kurt frowned at him.

"Well, c'mon I think it's time to hear you sing..." Blaine said, raising his eyebrows at Kurt.

"Oh no... I am not singing in front of you!" Kurt was shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Please, you heard me sing!" Blaine pulled out the puppy eyes and pouted his lips. Kurt couldn't resist with Blaine staring at him like that.

"Oh, alright... but promise you won't make anymore puppy faces, or else you might convince me to do something dangerous."

"I won't make any promises on that..." Blaine said flirtatiously.

He walked backstage and connected his iPod to a stereo. Kurt heard music coming from the speakers and laughed instantly. He heard a familiar Ellie Goulding song.

"Really, Blaine?" Kurt laughed, but started to sing along.

I had a way then losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping up the strength I need to push me

Blaine came out to dance with him but froze when he heard Kurt sing. How could anyone sing sobeautiful?Kurt turned around and saw Blaine staring, he stopped singing and looked at him questioningly.

Wow he even looked cute when he was confused,Blaine thought. He shook his head and forced himself to speak.

"Your voice... it's amazing," Blaine could barely speak, he was in a deep trance,"Please, keep singing."

Kurt smiled and sang the opening chorus.

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine It when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone

Soon enough Blaine walked next to Kurt and grabbed his hands. He started to move his body along to the rhythm. (This was extremely hard because Kurt's face almost paralyzed him.) They were both dancing and singing together now. They were laughing and jumping and behaving like idiots.




Blaine and Kurt were on their way home from their amazing day together, Blaine popped in an old Britney CD and they were screaming (not singing) along to the song.

"GIMME A SIGN, HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!" Blaine screamed the last part and they burst into a fit of laughter.

Blaine pulled into Kurt's driveway and opened the door for Kurt. He was taken aback by the sudden force that jumped on him. Kurt pulled Blaine into a tight hug and whispered into his ear,"That was so much fun."

Blaine smiled against his neck (which smelled amazing by the way).

Kurt pulled away reluctantly and didn't let go of his hand until they got to the door. Kurt fumbled through his keys and unlocked the door. He turned around to face Blaine,"Well, I'll see you later, call me."

Kurt let go of his hands and walked backwards toward the doorway.

"I definitely will," Blaine said dreamily as he leaned against the doorway so he wouldn't collapse. His eyes were probably bulging out of his head but he didn't care, he was so lost in Kurt's eyes.

Kurt waved goodbye and shut the door slowly. He leaned against the door and cursed himself for not kissing Blaine. On the other side of the door, Blaine was walking towards his car, looking goofy and lovestruck.

Lovestruck?! Wait...what?...

He froze and turned around, he ran for the door and rang the bell. Kurt jumped up from his position against the door and opened it quickly.

"Ummm, Kurt, you forgot something..." Blaine said, keeping his eyes glued to Kurt's.

They stared at each other like that for a few seconds then they both attacked each other's lips at the same time. It was so magical, this one was completely different from the midnight kiss, this one was all them, they were alone and it was more special. By this time, Blaine had no idea were he was, all he knew was that Kurt's lips were on his and boy did they feel amazing. He felt like he was floating. And then Kurt's fingers combed through his hair and he completely lost it.

Kurt pulled back, much to Blaine's disappointment. Blaine's eyes were still closed and he was confused as to why everything stopped. He opened his eyes and Kurt was face to face with him.

"Goodnight, Blaine," Kurt whispered.

"Goodnight Kurt," Blaine replied, he probably sounded drunk. Kurt closed the door and screamed all the way up to his room.

Blaine tried his best to drive home safely without daydreaming about Kurt again.

Blaine? -Kurt

Yes Kurt? :) -Blaine

Does this mean... are you my boyfriend now? -Kurt

Blaine kicked his pillow across the room and squealed.

If you want me to be... -Blaine

Then, hi boyfriend -Kurt

HI! -Blaine

Lol, goodnight boyfriend xx -Kurt

Goodnight boyfriend xxxxxxxxxxxxx -Blaine


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