The Happiest Days of Our Lives
Give Birth to a Smile Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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April 13, 2012, 2:08 a.m.

The Happiest Days of Our Lives: Give Birth to a Smile

E - Words: 2,465 - Last Updated: Apr 13, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Feb 06, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2012
303 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: So this one is a bit longer than the previous one. Santana makes an appearence but i havent decided if i want to make her a prominent character in the story. So I'm dead tired and this chapter is also a bit stiff but I think its pretty good.WARNING: sexual content. I will give no other warning after this
Kurt was having the most weird dream, no the most wonderful dream.
Blaine was on top of him, panting in his ear, whispering hoarsely “ Kurt” over and over again.
Everything was fuzzy; one of the few things that Kurt could make out was that he and Blaine were rutting against each other and that he was hard as a rock and as aroused as he had ever been in his life.
Then suddenly Blaine was below him and above him at the same time, he was everywhere and god it was so hot in here. Blaine’s hands covered Kurt’s neck, hands, chest and cock all at the same time. He was having trouble breathing with all the sensations that were streaming through is body all at the same time.

It was all too much and oh god he was just so close.
But then suddenly Blaine’s angle changed, he was gripping him. Kurt felt his strong hands around his biceps shaking him and not in a good way, if you could shake someone in a good way that is.

Kurt woke up with a start, Blaine above him with the most serious and worried look donned his beautiful face.
“What the hell?” Kurt asked, he had just been having the most wonderful dream and was quite frankly a little bit pissed off that Blaine had to interrupt.
“Calm down, you were having a nightmare. You were all over the bed, panting and sweating and whimpering. I was just trying to help you out.” Blaine replied in a defensive tone.

Kurt blushed furiously because he had not been having a nightmare at all but one of the best dreams of his life, only if Blaine hadn’t interrupted. He had been so close.
Upon thinking that Kurt realized that he was still very much aroused. And sure enough when Kurt looked down he could see that he was still sporting a very prominent erection.

How the hell had Kurt gotten into this position, he was lying in the bed that belonged to the boy he liked, with said boy straddling his hips and looking down at him with the most curious expression while having an erection tucked in his underwear that Kurt was sure Blaine could feel if he would pay attention.
And surly enough Blaine’s eyes traveled in the same path that Kurt’s had taken.
“Oh god” Kurt thought. This was definitely on his top three list of the most embarrassing things that had ever happened to him, it even toped that time he laughed at his great uncles funeral.

Kurt cautioned a look at Blaine’s face and was surprised to see that he was blushing; witch was something that Kurt had only seen happen on very few occasions. Blaine quietly cursed in Icelandic, it sounded rough and beautiful and shit; Kurt got even more turned on.
“Oh” Blaine finally said “I thought that you were having some sort of nightmare about me”
Fuck could this get more uncomfortable?
Kurt was torn between tucking his face under the covers and never coming out again or bucking his hips up too meet Blaine’s that were resting so tauntingly on his.
Kurt opted for the first option as he drew the covers over his face as he wined in his embarrassment and somehow pushed Blaine off at the same time.

Blaine who was suddenly howling with laughter beside him, why the hell was he laughing? Couldn’t he see just how mortified Kurt was?

“Oh common Kurt!” he said in between fits of laughter “cant you see how funny this is?”
“Funny ?!” Kurt replied a little bit more than pissed off “ I’m completely and totally mortified, I’ll never be able to look you in the eyes again!” Okay maybe he was being a bit dramatic. But still that’s how he felt.
Blaine gave away one last chuckle before he lifted the covers off Kurt and instructed him to sit up. When Kurt wouldn’t look up Blaine sighed and put a finger under Kurt’s chin and gently encouraged Kurt to look up.

“Kurt, everyone has dreams like that, hell I have dreams like that every other night. Were teenage boys what else is to be expected?” Blaine said with a shrug
“And if it just so happens that I star in one of those dreams, well then I’m flattered.” Blaine was smiling at him with the sweetest smile so it was hard for Kurt not to smile back, which he of course did.

“Now!” Blaine said as he got up “We went to sleep way too late and it’s already three in the afternoon. I’m going to take a shower, I’ll probably take a long one so you can, um, take care of your problem. Wipes are in the nightstand drawer, knock your self out!” With that he closed the door to the bathroom and within a minuet Kurt could hear the water running.

Should he like Blaine said, take car of his problem? He knew he wouldn’t take long considering that dream and shirtless Blaine supplied him with enough to think about to get off within 2 minuets.

“Oh fuck it” Kurt muttered to him self as he reached over into the nightstand and found not only wipes but lube as well, and next to the bottle was an open box of condoms. Kurt avoided thinking about Blaine having sex with other men and instead opened his mind to thinking about Blaine having sex with him.

Kurt lubed his hand up and lowered his underwear down to his knees and started thinking about his dream. Soon he became fully erect again and began stroking his cock up and down in steady motions. In his mind it was Blaine’s hand on his dick in stead of his own, Blaine was whispering dirty little things in his ear while quickening his pace, he kept breathing in his ear so it tickled and sent jolts of electricity down to his already excided cock.

Kurt could almost hear him say “God Kurt I want to fuck you so bad” as his hand traveled to Kurt’s plucked hole and teased it with a lubed finger.
Within a matter of minuets Kurt had become a whimpering mess; he was tossing on Blaine’s messy bed with one hand furiously pumping his cock and the other teased is hole. Just as let one finger inside he came with a burst, he came so hard that he almost saw stars and somehow he didn’t know how, it was most certainly not with permission from him, he moaned Blaine’s name. Loud.

But fortunately the water was still running and chances were that the occupant of the shower hadn’t heard a thing, and If he did Kurt knew he wouldn’t bring it up.
After Kurt was done cleaning himself off and rinsing his hands in the kitchen sink he began heating up the coffee and lighting a cigarette, because really there was nothing better after having an orgasm.

Kurt let his mind wander as he drew in puffs and sipped on his coffee. Just when Kurt had gotten into deep thought about how origami was invented Blaine walked into the kitchen; wet curls sprawling across is forehead and body dressed in a white v-neck shirt and black well fitted jeans.

“Did you have fun without me?” Blaine asked and smirked before he took a sip of his coffee.

“It was alright” Kurt replied; trying to maintain composure. “But I noticed that you are running out of wipes Blaine, for whatever do you use so many wipes?” Yes! Kurt one Blaine Zero Kurt thought as Blaine chocked a bit on his coffee.

But Blaine recovered quickly and plastered a mischievous smile on his face “Well you know Kurt, sometimes a guy gets lonely” He said way to innocently for the content of the sentence.

Kurt wanted to reply with something like “well I can help you out with that” or “ You don’t have to be” But instead he decided to be extra brave, or extra cowardly, it really depends on how you look at it “ ‘Can’t argue with that, I got lonely just a few minuets ago”

They looked at each other for a few seconds before they both fell into fits of laughter, Blaine saying something like “okay you won, you won” when he found time to form words in between laughs.

This was mostly what they did. Sit and drink coffee, smoke cigarettes and joke around; those were some of the happiest moments of Kurt’s life. Even though Kurt thought about it differently than Blaine did, and Blaine could maybe never return the feeling that Kurt felt for him but he had decided to just enjoy the moments with his best friend in stead of the guy he was hopelessly in love with.
At five Blaine had to get into work.

Blaine worked at a bar near his place that served as a coffee house during the afternoons but at night it was one of the craziest clubs in Reykjav�k. Kurt and Blaine often went there during the weekends and oh man the scandalous things that happened there were ridiculous, that place even had a no camera policy so customers would feel secure there.

At a quarter to five they stumble out of the apartment, laughing over some story that Blaine had been telling and made their way towards the bar. This time they didn’t hold hands, Blaine wasn’t drunk and they weren’t together. But they did brush shoulders and fingers on they way. Every time Blaine’s fingers would graze his Kurt would get little jolts of thrills up his spine and smile even brighter, which made Blaine smile more. It really was an endless circle.

Kurt had made arrangements to meet up with a friend that was also an exchange student while Blaine worked, he felt a little bit uncomfortable just sitting there and drinking his free coffee.

Her name was Santana and she was from Manchester England and just had the most wonderful accent, almost as wonderful as the very slight Icelandic accent Kurt could sometimes make out when Blaine was tired.

Santana had already arrived when they arrived. She was sitting at the corner of the bar sipping on red wine. Kurt sat down opposite from her and greeter her with a kiss on the cheek. He walked up to the bar where Blaine was working. God he looked good, his curls had gotten a little bit too long so they fell to his eyes when he looked down. He was wearing a black apron around his waist with a white washcloth hanging from it.

Kurt snapped his head up when he realized that Blaine had been talking to him while Kurt just stood there; staring at his crotch.
“Earth to Kurt” Blaine said as he waved the washcloth in front of his face “ You okay man? “
“What? Yeah , yeah I’m okay, just tired”
“Well yeah, that’s to be expected. You were tossing and turning all night” Blaine said as he occupied himself with cleaning a glass but it didn’t slip Kurt’s notice that he gave him a very subtle wink.

Even thought Kurt couldn’t help his body’s response by blushing but he could answer with a witty remark “Yeah, I was just having such a terrible, terrible nightmare.”
Blaine laughed a bit and said something in Icelandic that Kurt couldn’t quite make out, that always annoyed Kurt and Blaine knew that.

“Yeah, yeah laugh now but soon I will be fluent and you can’t speak your secret language in front of me anymore!”
Blaine just laughed and said something else in Icelandic. Kurt secretly had a fetish for the language and especially when Blaine spoke it. It was rough but somehow melodic at the same time. It made him even more sexy that usual, and that was saying a lot.

But Blaine could never know what affect he had on him when he spoke it so Kurt pushed his dirty thoughts away that mostly revolved around Blaine taking him hard and fast behind the counter after closing and cursing hoarsely in Icelandic.

“What ever Blaine just get me a glass of white wine”
It was true Kurt usually didn’t drink but after the day and the night that he had had he just felt like relaxing.
“Coming up, just sit down I’ll bring it to you”
“Thanks” Kurt said with a smile
Kurt walked over with his table with a little more swag in his hips, just in case Blaine was watching.
“So, how’s it going with you two?” Santana asked with a knowing smile on her face
“How’s what going, were just friends”
“Oh com on Kurt, the air around you reeks of sexual tension. It must be killing you, even I’m getting frustrated and I just got some last night” Santana said as she wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive way.
Okay so maybe there was something more between them than just friendship and honestly he was relived that Santana could see it because Kurt was starting to believe that he was making it all up in his head.

“Yeah I mean of course I’m attracted to him, but how could anyone not be” He said and gestured to Blaine that was behind the bar pouring that glass of wine for Kurt, facing away so you could get a good look at his beautiful ass.
“Yeah you’ve got a point there”
Kurt still hadn’t taken his eyes off Blaine, even as he started walking towards them, glass in hand.

“What are you guys talking about, you look so serious…?”
“Hopes, dreams and the purpose of life” Kurt replied as he took the glass from Blaine.
“Hmm” Blaine said an pretended to look deep in thought “ I’ve Never thought of that, I really should give it a try”

“Nah just leave it alone, it just makes life even more unbearable” Santana shot in bitterly.
“Oh well clearly” Blaine said “ Hey it’s a slow night as you can see” He gestured around the bar where there were only five other people.
“I’m thinking that since we woke up so late we may want to stay out late again. What do you guys say to staying here after closing and we could have a couple of beers and discuss anything else than the purpose if life since it seems to make you two so grumpy”

“Yeah sure I’m in” Santana said offhandedly “Kurt?”

“Mhmmmm, yeah I will have to go home first because my host parents are expecting me home for dinner in an hour or so, lets all meet up here at midnight when the bar
closes, kay?”

They all agreed, Blaine went back to working while Kurt and Santana talked until Kurt had to go home for dinner.
Kurt had no idea as he said his goodbye to Blaine and Santana what the night had in store for him.

End Notes: So I need to know from you, do you want the next chapter to be from Blaines point of veiw or should i just stick with Kurt?Reveiws are greatly appreciated (please?)


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I'd love to hear from Blaine's POV