The Awakening
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Awakening: Chapter 20

E - Words: 6,564 - Last Updated: Dec 26, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Jul 25, 2014 - Updated: Jul 25, 2014
211 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I hope to see you all again in a few days for the epilogue. If I can't update before then, Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it. Hope you have a wonderful holiday full of love and joy :)

Thank you so much for reading!



Blaine fell against the pillows and immediately cuddled up against his husband. His husband.

It felt so good to finally think about Kurt as his husband without feeling guilty about it.

Kurt hummed, still trying to catch his breath but obviously satisfied beyond words and wrapped an arm around Blaine's back lazily, as Blaine pressed a kiss on his naked chest, right where his heart was still beating wildly.

They had stayed outside watching the flames lapping at the papers and consuming them, until it seemed like the fire had started burning inside of them, and then Blaine had taken Kurt's hand and guided him back inside, removing layer after layer of clothing until they were naked in bed together, holding each other like they never wanted to let go.

Making love felt like a completely different experience, as if what they had talked about and decided that night had turned a whole new page in their story. It was sweet but intense, slow but desperate. Kurt had chased the little drops of sweat pooling on Blaine's collarbone with his tongue; Blaine had traced every contour of his body with his fingertips. They gave and took and shared until the love they felt for each other exploded in the best way possible.

They didn't say anything, simply held onto each other, while they waited for their breathing to go back to normal. Blaine found that perfect spot in Kurt's neck that he had always loved, and pressed his face against it, where the scent of Kurt's skin was sweeter, heavier, more intoxicating.

Kurt's head shifted on the pillow and his blue eyes fell on the clock on the nightstand, and he sighed. “Oh god. The alarm is going to go off in just a little over four hours…”

Blaine felt a pang of sadness – it didn't matter that he had finally taken a step forward, their relationship was still complicated, and long-distance. He nuzzled against Kurt's neck and held him a little tighter. “Wish you didn't have to go. But maybe I can visit you in a few weeks?”

Kurt bit his lip and looked down at him, causing Blaine to leave his little nest of warmth and love. “Okay, I… I have something to tell you.”

Blaine quirked an eyebrow and forced himself not to worry. He sat up a little and leaned over Kurt to watch him. “Okay… is something wrong?”

“No, not at all,” Kurt replied, and the way a smile bloomed on his face relaxed Blaine instantly. “It's just that… I kind of have news. I've known for a few days, but I wasn't sure if telling you was a good idea, because I didn't want it to sound like I was pushing you.”

Blaine frowned. “What kind of news?”

“I got offered a promotion at work. Fashion Editor,” Kurt said, and his cheeks reddened, but he was obviously proud.

“Fashion Ed…- Kurt! That's amazing!” Blaine exclaimed, practically tackling him into a hug. “Congratulations!”

Kurt grinned brightly. “Thanks. I'm very excited. That's not all, though. Uhm, it involves our living situation…”

“I guess we're really unusual husbands, huh?” Blaine murmured sheepishly. “We need to solve that. I could move to New York, if you…”

“No,” Kurt cut him off immediately, pressing his fingertips against Blaine's lips. “Listen to me, okay? Isabelle called the other day and told me about there being an opening in a couple of weeks for a new Fashion Editor, and she told me it was perfect for me and mine for the taking if I wanted it… and she pushed for me to be the number one candidate because it's not in the New York offices.”

Blaine frowned again, and worry began pooling in his stomach even if he tried to stop it. “Is it… is it outside the country?”

Kurt cupped his face in his hand, still smiling. “No. It's here, Blaine, in Los Angeles,” he answered. “I think Isabelle got tired of seeing me moping around the office, so…”

“Wait,” Blaine looked deep into Kurt's eyes, making sure he wasn't dreaming, that Kurt was actually talking about coming to Los Angeles… for good? “Does this mean what I think it means?”

“I assume you telling me you're ready to be my husband means you're ready for us to live in the same city? Hopefully in the same house?” Kurt bit his lip, and though it was clear he was joking, there was an edge of fear in his voice.

“Of course I am, but I…” Blaine was having trouble processing what was happening. It was too good to be true. “Kurt, your whole life is in New York. Are you sure you want to come to Los Angeles just for me? I can follow you wherever you want to go…”

“What about being somewhere we want to be, instead?” Kurt proposed softly. “I think that's what a marriage is supposed to be about, right? Making decisions together?”

“Yes, but…”

Kurt interrupted again. “Blaine I love it here, in Los Angeles. I like how different it is from New York. I like that despite being in a big city, you can find beautiful quiet places like this beach to get away from the madness and just... be. I love that we have family here, that we can spend time with our nieces. I have a great career opportunity, and the man I love already lives here.” Kurt shrugged, because it was just that simple. “Unless you have your heart set on living elsewhere, I think I'd like to come here and find a home to share with you.”

Blaine was speechless. He had been worrying for months about how they would resolve their living situation. He had tried to focus on the present instead of the future, but it was always there, in the background. He had had a great time visiting Kurt in New York, but he was comfortable here in Los Angeles. He had always assumed he would be the one to relocate, and learn how to navigate the city, because of Kurt's career. But now...

“Are you a hundred percent sure that's what you want?” Blaine asked, because he needed him to be sure.

“Yes. I want this job, and I want to be somewhere we can both be comfortable,” Kurt replied quietly. “Maybe in a few years we'll both decide we want something different, and we'll deal with that when the time comes, but now… now Los Angeles is our home.”

Blaine couldn't stop the laughter bubbling from deep within him, so he let it out as he launched himself at his husband to kiss him. Kurt squealed in surprise, but welcomed the kiss anyway, burying his fingers in Blaine's messy hair to pull him even closer. “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” Kurt said with a happy sigh.

“Marry me,” Blaine murmured into the kiss.

Kurt pulled away and chuckled. “Sweetheart, it's a little late for a proposal…”

“No, wait. I'm serious,” Blaine said, cupping his face with one hand, as he placed the other over Kurt's heart. “I want a wedding – I want to say my vows, and dance with you, and have a ceremony we can both remember without regrets or shame or…” Blaine shook his head. He still remembered their inebriated state when they were saying I do in a little Vegas chapel. “I want wedding pictures and a cake, and you. I want you, now and forever.”

“You already have me,” Kurt assured him softly, with a tender look on his face. His eyes were filling with tears and he bit his lip to try to stop his watery smile, unsuccessfully. He nodded. “Okay. Okay, I wanna marry you, too.”

“Really?” Blaine asked, grinning widely, as overflowing happiness filled him, like a balloon about to burst.

“Really,” Kurt answered, and Blaine kissed him again.

It seemed like the perfect moment to rehearse for their wedding night.


On their way to the airport the next morning, Kurt was clutching the biggest cup of coffee Blaine had managed to find in the first coffee place they came across after leaving the house. He breathed in the scent of caffeine and sighed in contentment, while Blaine drove through the heavy LA morning traffic.

Maybe staying up most of the night hadn't been the wisest decision, but they hadn't been able to take their hands and mouths off each other.

“Are you sure you want to get a cab back to Cooper's? I could have driven to the airport myself and returned the rental car…” Kurt mumbled after a particularly long sip of coffee.

“Sweetheart, no offense, but I wouldn't trust you with a car right now,” Blaine chuckled. “At least you can nap on the plane.”

“I don't understand how you're so awake right now,” Kurt protested. He sighed. “I guess just thinking about everything I have to do this week is making me tired.”

“I could come along, and help you...” Blaine offered, but Kurt shook his head.

“Darling, you have more than enough to do here,” he said, as Blaine changed lanes. “Let me know what Cooper says once you talk to him.”

“I will. And you let me know when you hear back from the house's owner. I really hope he might rent the place for longer.” Blaine muttered. He loved that beach house. It felt like home already. They had talked long into the night, and agreed they would love to live there until they found their own place. But with everything they had to do to plan Kurt's move and their wedding, they wanted to keep where they lived simple.

Kurt let his head rest against his seat and turned to look at Blaine with a happy smile. “I can't believe we're doing this.”

Blaine drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, unable to contain his excitement. “I know. We're a little crazy, aren't we?”

“Mm, I'm crazy for you…” Kurt murmured and immediately scrunched his face. “God, that was so cheesy. I need more coffee.”

Blaine laughed, but refrained from saying he was crazy for him, too.

They arrived at the airport with enough time to spare, and Kurt checked in before they walked towards his gate. They stood to the side, and Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist, pulling him closer. Kurt rested his forehead on his shoulder and they simply enjoyed the few minutes they still had to be together.

“I know I'm coming back very soon, why is this so hard?” Kurt mumbled and Blaine tightened his hold.

“I don't know. I'm gonna miss you,” he kissed his temple and let his lips pressed there for a little longer than necessary. “But when you come back next time, you will be here to stay.”

“Can't wait,” Kurt said, and then pulled away to kiss him. He rested his forehead against Blaine's. He took a deep breath and looked into his hazel eyes. “I… I have something for you.”

“You do?” Blaine asked, curiously. “What is it?”

Kurt pulled away and took something from his pocket. It only took Blaine a second to realize what it was. “I bought them on a whim some time ago and I've kept them with me, but I wasn't sure when to tell you about them. I was going to wait until our wedding, or vows renewal ceremony, but… I would love to wear it while I'm in New York, like a reminder, or a promise that I'll get to be with you permanently very soon.”

Blaine smiled and did his best not to cry, even though he was very close to. “Oh god…”

“So…” Kurt took another deep breath and then opened the little velvet box, revealing two beautiful rings with stunning golden designs around them. “Do you like them?”

“Kurt… they're gorgeous,” Blaine muttered, touched.

“This one's yours,” Kurt said, grabbing one. He reached for Blaine's left hand. “Oh, but read the inscription first!”

Blaine chuckled, and accepted the ring, loving the weight and texture, impatient to place it on his finger. But when he read the inscription, his heart almost stopped. “Fearlessly and forever? Oh Kurt...”

He launched himself into his husband's arms. He could feel the tears spilling down his face. He couldn't care less that they were in a crowded airport. He was in love with Kurt Hummel – Kurt Hummel-Anderson? – and he never wanted to hide or silence that love again.

“It's perfect. You are perfect,” Blaine said quietly as he pulled away, and Kurt grabbed his hand again and slid the ring onto his finger. Blaine did the same, holding Kurt's hand in his and kissing the center of his palm before putting the ring on the finger where he expected to see it for many, many years to come.

A disembodied voice announced through the speakers that it was time for Kurt to board his plane, but they hugged each other for a couple more minutes.

“This should have been more romantic, shouldn't it?” Kurt asked, laughing and biting his lip shyly. “I didn't mean to ruin it. I'm sorry.”

“No. I don't need perfect fairy tale moments, Kurt,” Blaine assured him softly. “I want a life with you, and that includes random romantic gestures in the middle of crowded airports.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and chuckled, before giving him one last quick kiss. “I love you. I'll see you in a few days, okay?”

“Alright. Call me when you land. I love you, too,” Blaine replied, forcing himself to step out of his husband's arms.

Kurt waved at him before disappearing through the gate, and Blaine looked down at the brand new shiny ring on his finger – this beautiful piece of metal that he had craved for so many years and was finally there to stay.

He smiled and turned on his heels to leave. He had a new life to start planning.


“Looks like someone had a great time.”

Blaine looked up from the salad he was mixing in a bowl and found Madison leaning with her hip against the counter and smiling at him knowingly.

He grinned back at her. “I definitely did.”

“Are you going to say anything about that ring on your finger? Because I've been dying for you to tell me what happened since you got back home,” she said, causing him to laugh.

“You noticed that, did you?” He murmured, glancing down at the ring lovingly.

“What, you staring at it every two minutes with a look of utter adoration on your face?” She teased. “Yes, I did.”

Blaine rolled his eyes, but he was too happy and it wasn't very effective. “Well… I have news, but I would like to wait until Cooper gets home to tell you. Would that be okay?”

“Of course,” she smiled gently and squeezed his arm. “I've waited all day. I guess I can wait twenty more minutes.”

Blaine laughed again, and went back to the task at hand, and Madison began telling him what the girls had been up to while he was away with Kurt. Dinner was ready and they were setting the table when Cooper got home, his arrival announced by the excited welcoming squeal from the twins, who had been watching a movie in the living room

Blaine took the food to the table while Madison greeted her husband. They gathered at the table and sat down to enjoy some family time, and a good meal.

“Oh, Blaine, I think I have a new kid for you to coach,” Cooper said, as he stuffed his face with mashed potatoes and steak. “She's eleven years old and she sings better than Adele. I'm gonna make that girl a star.”

“She sounds amazing,” Blaine said with a big smile. “Can't wait to meet her. Did you set up a schedule for her coaching yet?”

“No, I thought you may want to get to know her first. We need to work on her confidence – she's a little shy,” Cooper explained. He swallowed and took a sip of water. “How are you? Did you take Kurt to the airport?”

“I did, yeah,” Blaine said, and just the mention of his husband made the happiness bubble inside of him, impatient to come out in any way it could.

“You look too happy for someone who is not going to see his man for a while. Or did he make you C-O-M-E so much that you're still a little dumb?”

“Cooper!” Madison exclaimed severely, glancing at the kids.

“What! I spelled it, they can't spell yet!” He protested.

Blaine cleared his throat, trying to get their attention before their bickering went further. “Uh, guys? I kind of have news.”

Both Cooper and Madison turned to him; his brother seemed confused but interested, while Madison seemed on the verge of tackling him to the floor and force the information out of him if he didn't spill already.

“Kurt and I have decided that we are ready to really be together,” he announced, and then he raised his hand, showing his ring, before adding, “as husbands.”

“Aw!” Madison was out of her chair and hugging Blaine in a second. “Blaine, I'm so happy for you!”

Cooper, surprisingly, reacted calmly, but there was a peaceful joy in his eyes, like he had been waiting for his brother to look this excited and happy for a very long time. “That's amazing, Blaine.”

“We want to have a wedding,” Blaine continued, as his smile grew more and more. “Or a vows renewal ceremony, so I was hoping…”

Blaine's words were interrupted by a loud sob, followed by a second one. The three adults looked at the twins, who were crying inconsolably.

“Hey, hey… girls, what's going on?” Cooper asked, reaching for his daughters immediately.

“A-are you going to m-move really far like U-uncle Kurt?” Ava asked, as her lower lip trembled.

“I-I don't want you to go away, Uncle Blaine!” Olivia whined, hiding her face behind her hands.

“Oh, girls…” Blaine smiled at them softly. He extended his hand towards them. “Come here. Come on.”

Both girls climbed onto his lap, one on each leg, and Blaine squeezed them tightly, placing a kiss to each of their heads. Olivia rested her head against his shoulder but Ava looked at him expectantly.

“You won't stop seeing me,” he reassured them. “I won't be living here with you much longer, but I'll still be close by and we'll see each other all the time. Uncle Kurt and I want to get a house near the beach, and you guys can come visit every weekend, to swim and eat ice-cream with us.”


“Wait, Kurt is moving here?” Cooper asked, shocked, but there was an edge of relief in his voice, like he had been scared he would have to say goodbye to his little brother.

“Yes. Vogue is transferring him to their offices here for a promotion,” Blaine explained. “We both like Los Angeles, and he really wanted me to stay close to my family. Our family.”

Cooper smiled at him across the table. “That's so great, Blaine…”

“Does that mean you'll take us to Disney again?” Olivia asked shyly.

“Of course we will,” Blaine answered, smiling at his nieces. “We'll take you anywhere you want. I'm sure your Mom and Dad will be glad to count on two new babysitters who are eager to spend time with you…”

“Oh, hallelujah! When is Kurt coming back?” Cooper said, earning a pat on the head from Madison, while Olivia and Ava squealed in excitement.

It had been a very long time since Blaine had felt positive about whatever was about to come, but now, as he sat in his brother's dining room hugging his nieces and talking to his brother and sister-in-law about his and his husband's plans, he looked into his future and saw nothing but happiness.


Kurt's flight was awful – there were, not one, but three babies crying pretty much since they departed until they landed, and by the time Kurt caught a cab to his apartment, he was about ready to drop dead.

After giving the driver his address, he grabbed his phone and typed a quick text for Blaine.

To: Blaine

Hey sweetie. Landed safely. On my way to my apartment now. Dead tired. Call you tomorrow?

Blaine replied only seconds later, which brought a tired but content smile to his face.

From: Blaine

Of course. Get some rest. Love you.

Kurt replied back with a “love you too” and then watched the city passing by the window, knowing his days in New York now had an expiration date. He thought he would feel at least a little sadness when thinking about leaving behind the city where he had grown up so much, where he had learnt, lived, laughed and cried. But there wasn't sadness – he was too excited about what was to come.

As soon as he arrived at his apartment, he dropped his luggage in the living room and went straight to his bedroom, taking off his clothes as he went. He was exhausted and had no idea how he had managed to stay awake for so long, but then he collapsed on his bed and groaned in appreciation, hugging his pillow closely. It was still early to go to sleep, but he didn't care – he simply let his exhaustion pull him under, and he drifted off immediately.

He woke up hours later, completely disoriented and reaching blindly for Blaine, only to remember he was back in his apartment in New York, and that his husband was still in Los Angeles. He sighed in disappointment and allowed himself a few more minutes of laziness in bed – it was way too early to start getting ready for work, barely past four in the morning. He rolled around hoping he would fall asleep again, but now that he had gotten some rest, his brain was active and running at full speed, thinking about everything he had to do in the next few days.

Thinking about his imminent move filled him with a sudden rush of energy, so he got out of bed, put the coffee pot on, and grabbed his suitcase from where he had left it in the living room. He opened it and started sorting his clothes – some he hadn't used but needed ironing; others went straight to the laundry pile. He was already sipping his first cup of coffee while putting the first batch of clothes into the washing machine.

Kurt realized then just how hungry he was – he hadn't eaten anything since he had had breakfast with Blaine before leaving for the airport and a crazy amount of caffeine. Now that he felt rested he was aware of how loudly his stomach was growling. His fridge was bare, after being away for two weeks, but he found some frozen waffles, and grabbed a notepad while he waited for them to toast. He sat at the kitchen table and started writing down a very meticulous list of his belongings that he would absolutely need to take with him to Los Angeles – there was furniture he would have to sell, but there were pieces he was fond of or that meant something to him, and he would have to take care of shipping them across the country before he left. He also needed to contact a realtor to sell the apartment and he would have to go through a million meetings at work before he would be ready to leave his position to someone else.

Kurt Hummel had never been so impulsive in his life before – dropping everything he knew and everything he had in just a matter of days to start all over on the opposite coast to be with the boy he had fallen in love with when he was seventeen.

He also had never felt so alive.

After breakfast, he washed the dishes and then checked in his office, sure he had left some empty boxes there once. He found only three, but they were enough to get started, so he opened his kitchen cabinets and started packing everything he knew he wouldn't need in the next couple of weeks in two of the boxes, and everything he wouldn't be taking with him in the other one. He would have a lot of things to donate once he was done, so he needed to find time to take the donations somewhere as well.

He took a shower and had another cup of coffee when he was done, and then glanced at the clock – time had flown while he kept himself busy. It was eight in the morning and he needed to leave for work soon, but there was something he really wanted to do first.

Kurt dialed his father's number, knowing Burt would be settling at the office in the garage with a cup of coffee of his own (hopefully decaf and with a granola bar). Burt had taken over the admin work at the garage almost full time – he had been instructed not to do anything that required much effort after his last health scare, and, fortunately, he had complied without as many complaints as Kurt and Carole had expected. He only helped with minor tasks, and then dedicated the rest of his time to inventory, dealing with customers and paperwork. Kurt knew it probably drove him mad to be away from the cars, but Burt had learnt to pick his battles. He wasn't a kid anymore.

His dad answered the call a few seconds later, and Kurt could hear the sounds of the garage in the background. It felt comforting and familiar. “Hey kiddo!”

“Hi, Dad. How are you?” He asked, sitting on the couch and smiling fondly.

“I'm good. What about you? You're calling awfully early…” Burt commented, with an edge of worry in his voice.

“Oh, everything's fine. I'm back in New York, but my internal clock is a little messed up. I woke up at four in the morning,” Kurt explained. “The flight back was terrible, and I was tired.”

“Well, I'm glad you made it back okay. Do you have to go back to work today?” Burt asked, and Kurt could hear him closing the door to his office behind him, drowning out the sounds of the guys working.

“Yeah, I'm leaving in a few,” Kurt replied, checking the clock again just in case he lost track of time. “I got promoted actually. I'm taking over for the Fashion Editor in a couple of weeks.”

“What? Kurt, that's amazing! Congratulations, kiddo!” Burt exclaimed, and the warm pride in his voice was just as good as his hugs.

“Thank you. I'm very, very excited. I honestly thought I would have to kill someone to get to that kind of position, but they just offered it to me…” Kurt said, unable to hide his happiness. He was proud of everything he had accomplished, and he would never be ashamed to show it. He had worked his ass off for everything he got.

“That's because you're damn good at what you do. Now, I never understood much about all this fashion stuff, but I can recognize talent and passion, and you have plenty of both, Kurt.”

Kurt hummed, contented. “Thanks, Dad.”

“No problem. I'm sure you'll be great.” There was a pause in which they both seemed to be taking a sip of their coffees. If Kurt closed his eyes, he could imagine he was sitting at the other side of his Dad's desk, sharing a morning coffee with him. “How's Blaine?”

Kurt's smiled went wider, brighter, sappier. “He's perfect,” he sighed. “The past two weeks were absolutely wonderful.”

“I bet they were,” Burt said teasingly, and Kurt groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead. Burt laughed. “Oh, I'm old but I'm not stupid, Kurt.”

“Yes, yes, you know everything,” Kurt muttered, desperate for a change of topic. No matter how old they were, he still didn't feel comfortable talking about his sex life with his father. “Anyway, I was wondering if you have any plans in two weeks or so?”

Kurt was sure he could hear his dad frowning thoughtfully all the way from Ohio. “Mm, no, I don't think so. Why? Are you coming for a visit?”

“No. Actually, I was hoping you and Carole could take a little trip to Los Angeles and watch me and Blaine get married…”

There was a moment of silence, and then his father was screaming – and Kurt would swear he was crying as well. Kurt laughed and cried at his reaction, because happiness had never felt so real and so close, and he got to share it with the people he loved the most.


Kurt slipped into his apartment with barely enough time to spare to take his shoes off and walk to his bedroom to turn his laptop on before it was time for his Skype date with Blaine. He was tired – there were plenty of reasons to be tired this week – but he was in a fantastic mood.

He was changing his shirt for something comfier when the call connected, and Blaine's first words were: “Well, isn't that a wonderful greeting…”

Kurt pulled the old Henley down his chest and narrowed his eyes at Blaine playfully. “What is this? Objectifying a married man? That's not acceptable, Blaine.”

Blaine laughed. His hazel eyes were twinkling with joy. He rested his chin in his hand and stared at Kurt lovingly through the screen. “I can't be blamed. You truly are beautiful.”

Kurt sighed in contentment and pulled the computer to his lap. “Stop it. You're just making me miss you more,” he pouted.

“Aw, I miss you, too, sweetheart. But… only a few more days!” Blaine said, practically squealing in excitement.

“I know. I can't wait,” Kurt replied softly, looking at him fondly. “I just had dinner with Finn and Rachel and told them.”

“Oh, how did it go?” Blaine asked with his full attention on Kurt.

“They were really happy for us,” Kurt answered. “Well, Rachel almost sobbed all over my Armani shirt when I told her I'm moving to Los Angeles, but then I told her I would be coming to New York once a month or so for meetings and she recovered. I'll have the chance to see Chester and spend time with my brother when I come for those meetings, so that's great. Isabelle is a saint. She really did get me the best position with all the perks imaginable…”

“Oh please, you deserve that promotion,” Blaine retorted firmly. “This didn't fall into your lap, Kurt. You earned it with years of dedicated work.”

“Oh, I know. I'm fabulous, Blaine,” Kurt said, causing Blaine to laugh and nod in agreement. “But, you know… she knew that I had very specific needs. I have a husband in Los Angeles and a baby nephew in New York that I would like to see grow up. She truly is my fairy godmother.”

“Well, I'm glad you found her all those years ago. And I'm glad she's still looking after you and trying to help you to get exactly where you need to get,” Blaine murmured, and then they both went silent and simply stared at each other adoringly for a minute or two.

Kurt shook himself out of it when the longing began to grow inside of him – he missed Blaine, but he didn't want to be sad. The distance would be gone in just a few more days. “Alright! So, I heard back from the house's owner.”

Blaine sat up, vibrating with excitement. “What did he say?”

“He says he can rent the house to us for about two months, but that it's booked for someone else then, so we'll have to move out,” Kurt said, and before Blaine's face could fall, he continued. “But, he says he has another property very similar to that one that will be available soon, and he would be willing to either rent it or sell it. We can go check it out whenever we want to.”

“Kurt, that's amazing! Is it at the beach, too?” Blaine asked, full of enthusiasm.

“Yes, not far from the one we stayed at. We could take the house for the next two months and then move to the other one once it's ready,” Kurt said, but he didn't admit he was already planning color palettes for the dining room. “What do you think?”

“Well, it's better than moving into a hotel room for the time being,” Blaine replied thoughtfully. “It'll be a hassle to move twice in such short time, but we were so comfortable in that house…”

“Okay,” Kurt nodded. He wrote a reminder in his phone as he talked to Blaine. “I'll give him a call tomorrow and tell him I'll be back in California in a few days and that we'll take a look at the other house maybe next week?” There was so much to be done but Kurt didn't mind being busy, as long as what was keeping them busy was planning their life together.

“I love you,” Blaine interrupted.

Kurt looked back up at the screen, caught off guard. His face softened as he watched Blaine's face. “I love you, too.” Once again, they were silent and looking at each other for a few minutes, until Kurt decided to go back to the task at hand. “So… have you asked Madison and Cooper if they'll help with the wedding? Carole is on board with the cooking, and Finn said he'll help set everything up.”

“Madison said she'll make the cake,” Blaine answered and his eyes glazed over for a moment. “God, her cakes are so good…”

Kurt arched an eyebrow. “Would you prefer to marry her cakes instead?”

Blaine chuckled. “Of course not, silly…” he murmured, and then went strangely quiet.

Kurt frowned in confusion and concern. “Hey. What is it?”

“Just…” Blaine looked down at his keyboard instead of at the screen and Kurt wished they were closer so he could cup his face and make him meet his eyes. “Are you sure you're okay with having a homemade wedding? It all sounds so simple and unlike you, and I still remember the kind of weddings you planned when we were younger…”

“Blaine,” Kurt interrupted gently. “Look at me.” Blaine did, although a little reluctantly. “I don't care if the wedding is simple. I don't care if it'll only be us and our family. I don't care if you walk down the aisle wearing your hideous Ramones t-shirt…” Blaine chuckled bashfully at that and Kurt smiled at him. “All I care about is that you're the one I get to do this with. Okay?”

Blaine's smile was watery and his voice cracked when he spoke again. “Okay.”

Kurt was convinced that he didn't need a fairy tale wedding in order to get his happily ever after. All he needed was the prince – and that prince was looking at him through a computer screen with the brightest, most beautiful pair of hazel eyes he had ever seen.

He touched the ring in his finger gently, and sighed in absolute contentment. “Okay.”


Kurt Hummel looked around his office – most of his belongings were packed, and the space was almost ready for the next Web Content Editor to take over. He had been training the person who would take his spot for a couple of days and was confident that his position would be in very good hands. Today was his very last day in the New York offices, the place where he had found his first job; the one that had launched him professionally. If only he had known how far he would get when he had that interview with Isabelle all those years ago and told her where he pictured himself in the future…

He sat at his computer and checked his emails. He still had a few messages to send. His goodbye-party had taken place during lunch time, and he would be going back to his apartment with a large piece of chocolate cake that he planned to indulge in that night.

His apartment was on the market and he would be notified when it was sold, and Blaine had received all the things he had shipped to Los Angeles that morning. Everything was ready. He just needed to get on the plane and go back into his husband's arms.

Kurt was so ecstatic that he could barely stand himself.

There was a quick knock on the door and he looked up to find Clara standing there with a smile.

“Hey, I just have a last file for you to review before you leave,” she said, walking into the office and putting it on the desk. She swayed on her heels for a moment and then added, “and I really wanted to thank you for these past couple of years. It was a pleasure being your secretary.”

“Aw, honey, I couldn't have asked for a better secretary,” Kurt said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “You'll do great, though. Erica will be a fantastic boss, you'll see.”

“No one is as fabulous as you, though,” Clara rolled her eyes fondly. “But I'm happy for you, Mr. Hummel,” she teased, as she turned around to leave the office.

“Thank you, sweetie.” He looked at his screen. His background picture was one of him and Blaine sitting on the sand at the beach just a couple of weeks ago. Blaine's lips were pressed against his cheek and Kurt's face was scrunched in a huge, happy smile. “Oh, and Clara?” He called, before she had the chance to leave. Clara looked over her shoulder curiously. He grinned, and the weight of the ring on his finger was warm and comforting, like the best of certainties and the purest of truths. "Its Hummel-Anderson.”



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