Sitting Waiting Wishing
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Sitting Waiting Wishing: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,872 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Aug 14, 2015 - Updated: Aug 14, 2015
217 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Don't you guys want to just squeal at Blaine Anderson forever? I know I do.

Please review and let me know what you thought of this!

Have an amazing week!



Sweat and come were cooling off on his skin, and Kurt had never felt so disgusting and so damn satisfied before in his life.

Blaine was panting next to him, with a hand on his naked chest and a blissed-out expression. If he could moved at all, Kurt would kiss that ecstatic smile off his lips.

“That was… that was…” Blaine tried to say more, but he didn't seem conscious enough to find the right words.

Kurt patted his shoulder lazily. “I know what you mean.”

Blaine shifted his head on the pillow until he could look straight into Kurt's eyes. “You're amazing.”

Kurt couldn't help the smile that bloomed on his face. “It takes two to tango, my dear.”

Blaine chuckled and let out an enormous sigh. “Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you're the best dance partner I've ever had.”

“Mm,” Kurt hummed happily, already feeling how sleep was tugging him closer. “Let's just say we're both great in bed and call it a tie.”

“Deal,” Blaine murmured, leaning closer to kiss Kurt's collarbone. “You can sleep, if you want. I'll use your bathroom for a sec and be on my way…”

“You sure you don't want to stay?” Kurt asked, letting his eyes slip closed, loving the feeling of Blaine's lips on his skin.

“I can't. I have to be up too early for work tomorrow, and I don't want to wake you,” Blaine replied, sitting up and reaching for his clothes. “It's just better if I go home now.”

“Okay,” Kurt agreed, not paying much attention. He curled himself around a pillow and fell asleep.

He might have dreamed that Blaine pressed the sweetest little kiss to his lips before he left, closing the door gently behind himself.


Kurt stood up hastily when he saw Tanya walking into the coffee shop. She hadn't seen him yet, so he waved her over with a huge smile.

“Hi Kurt!” She said as she reached the table. “I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. I was halfway to the bus stop when I had to pee. Again. This baby loves playing with my bladder.”

“It's fine, I haven't been here long,” Kurt said, unable to stop himself from glancing down at her belly every couple of seconds. They sat down across from each other, and he immediately pushed a tray towards her. “I got you a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and green tea. I hope you like it. I heard it's really good for the baby's…”

Tanya laughed as she accepted the tray, and Kurt stopped talking, worrying he had overstepped. “You sure are eager. That's a good sign, though,” she patted his hand reassuringly. “And I eat pretty much anything at this point. I'm always hungry, so thank you.”

Kurt watched her take a huge bite off the bagel as he sipped his coffee carefully. “How are you?”

“Tired, but good,” she answered with a smile. “I've been picking up extra shifts at work. I always try to work more during the summer to make up for the days I have to miss when I have exams.”

“You never told me what you do,” Kurt said, worrying about Tanya working too much.

“Oh, I'm a waitress. I'm a bit of a cliché, aren't I?” She said lightly. She was like a breath of fresh air. “But it's only temporary. I'm hoping to get an internship this year.”

“That would be amazing. You learn so much on internships. They're hard work, but they are always worth it,” Kurt said, leaning back on his seat. “There are times when you wonder why the hell you're working your ass off for pretty much no money at all, but the truth is they are helpful. They give you first-hand experience and let you glance into the world you want to step into.”

“That's true,” she nodded, sipping at her tea. “How's work? You said you're very busy.”

“Oh, I got hired for another wedding this morning, so I have a few very hectic months ahead,” he replied. “I'm currently working with four different clients, so yeah… I'm busy, but it's good. I can handle it.”

“I can't imagine you have much time to have fun,” she observed frowning.

Kurt felt his heartbeat picking up. “If you're concerned about me not having enough time for the baby, I…”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Tanya immediately stopped him, reaching for his hand and squeezing softly. “Don't freak out. I'm not here to test you on your parenting skills. It was just a comment. I'm sorry if I sounded critical…”

“You didn't. I'm sorry,” Kurt laughed awkwardly, hiding his face behind his hand. “It's just… I've wanted to be a dad for a while now, and I'm still having a hard time believing it's actually going to happen. I don't want to screw this up.”

“You won't. I'm here as… your friend, let's say. The truth is, I don't have a lot of good friends right now,” she shrugged as if it didn't matter. “And you seem like a wonderful guy. That's why I asked you out for coffee.” She started rummaging through her bag. “Plus, I thought you might be interested in seeing some sonograms…”

Kurt almost squealed in excitement. “Oh yes! I would love to!”

Tanya laughed as she passed them along. Kurt's eyes filled with tears as he looked at the blurry black and white pictures. That tiny little thing right there was his son or daughter.

Holy shit.

“I have another one scheduled in a few of weeks,” she said. “Would you like to come with me?”

Kurt looked up at her, shocked. “Are you serious?”

She nodded, hesitantly. “It's okay if you don't want to. But I was thinking… I'm doing this on my own, and once the baby is born, you're going to be doing it on your own. So why don't we team up for now?”

Kurt grabbed her hand. “I would love to. Thank you, Tanya.”

“You're welcome,” she grinned.

“You know, I'm actually glad you called me. I was about to call the agency this week. I want to help out with the medical bills. They can't be cheap, and I…”

“Oh! Oh, god, no, it's okay…” she blushed profusely. “I couldn't ask you to pay for any of it…”

“You're not asking. I'm offering,” Kurt insisted, looking right into her eyes. “Tanya, it's the least I could do. Please. You don't have to do this on your own. We're a team now, aren't we?”

Kurt could tell from her sigh that she was relieved. Her situation was probably more difficult than she admitted.

“Fine,” she agreed. She looked at him for a moment. “So… are you seeing anyone? You didn't mention that in your interview.”

Kurt's mind immediately flashed to heated memories of Blaine, the taste of his skin and the sound of the bed banging against the wall. He licked his lips, recalling the saltiness of his skin on his tongue. God, he hoped he didn't look as flustered as he felt.

“No, I'm not. I just haven't found the right person, yet,” Kurt said, and shrugged as if it didn't matter. “I decided to start a family on my own because you can't rely on fate or luck to find the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Isn't it silly to wait for someone else in order to live your life?”

“It really is,” Tanya said, as she played with the lid on her cup. “You're a very smart guy, Kurt Hummel. I like you.”

Kurt patted her hand softly. “What a coincidence, Tanya, dear… I like you, too.”


When Kurt got home later that day, he put one of the sonogram pictures up on the refrigerator door, holding it up with a heart-shaped magnet.

He smiled like an idiot every time he went looking for a glass of water.


If Kurt had thought Cooper Anderson was a difficult customer, it was only because he hadn't yet met the future Mrs. Lawrence. She was a force to be reckoned with, and Kurt eyed very carefully the list she handed him of every single thing she demanded to have at her wedding. Her fiancé was a quiet man, who spent most of their meeting replying to emails on his phone. He only joined the conversation when they started discussing the budget, and Kurt knew immediately that the only way in which this man was going to be involved in the wedding planning would be by writing checks.

The rest of Kurt's day was spent contacting some of his vendors and visiting venues that would meet the couples' numerous requirements. Kurt could foresee many headaches in his future. He still had other weddings to work on, but he realized that this one was going to be a new challenge.

By the time he finally got home that night, Kurt was more than ready to relax with a glass of wine. He had promised to email the budget to Mr. Lawrence the following day, though, so his glass of wine would have to be accompanied with a side of more work.

Kurt changed into his comfiest yoga pants and a black tank top, and decided to order some Chinese food to make his working night more bearable. He rolled his neck to get rid of some of the tension of the day while he placed his order with his favorite Chinese restaurant, knowing he was ordering more food than he would be able to eat, but also knowing he would end up needing the leftovers at some point later this week. He barely had time to cook anymore.

He opened a bottle of his favorite red wine and poured himself a generous amount, taking a sip and letting the luscious, silky liquid caress his tongue. Oh yes, this was exactly what he needed right now.

He settled on the couch with his glass of wine, his laptop and a big file where he had been gathering information for the budget. Mr. Lawrence didn't strike him as a guy who would have issues paying the bills, but some of the requests his fiancée had included in the list were a little extravagant, so Kurt didn't want to bump into an unpleasant surprise. Budgets were sacred for every wedding, no matter how rich the client was. People were usually pretty touchy when it came to having to open their wallets.

Kurt scanned the list, frowning at each item. “God, why do people insist on weird ice sculptures and tropical flowers that will be dead before they even get to cut the cake?”

After having planned so many weddings, it was obvious for Kurt to have his dream wedding down to a T. He had seen his fair share of extravagant, news-worthy weddings, but when it came to his own personal taste… he always surprised everyone by admitting that the simpler the wedding, the better. He had seen many couples spend millions in a wedding only to get divorced a few months later. He didn't care if the cake topper wasn't an exact replica of him and his future husband, or if the cake wasn't covered with edible gold. All he wanted from his wedding day was to stand next to the man he loved and could see himself spending the rest of his life with, and say the magic words that would make him his forever.

Kurt sighed. Oh well. Maybe he would never get to have his dream wedding, but he sure as hell was going to plan the best birthday parties for his son or daughter.

He was busy replying to an email from a venue, when he was surprised by the doorbell. He was starving, though, so he was definitely glad that the delivery man had brought his food so quickly.

“Just a minute!” He called, as he searched through his bag for his wallet. He padded barefoot across the living room, counting the money as he went, and pulled the door open.

However, he didn't find a delivery man standing at his doorstep. He was definitely not expecting to find Blaine there, holding a bouquet of beautiful daisies and smiling tentatively.

“Hi,” Blaine said.

“Blaine, hi!” Kurt answered, his eyes widening a little.

“I'm sorry if this is a bad time,” Blaine continued, scratching his neck subconsciously. “I'm afraid I don't have your phone number.”

Kurt leaned against the doorway. Blaine's eyes travelled down his body quickly, and Kurt had to remind himself that Blaine had seen him naked, so there was nothing wrong about him seeing him in his comfiest, least fashionable clothes. He still wished he had put on something a little more flattering. “It's not a bad time. I'm just working a little. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Blaine took a deep breath and finally extended the bouquet to him. “These are for you.”

“Oh Blaine,” Kurt murmured, accepting them, knowing he was blushing a little. “You didn't have to. They are so beautiful…”

“I really wanted to see you,” Blaine muttered bashfully. His hazel eyes were fixed on the flowers, and Kurt couldn't help but think that Blaine was awfully adorable when he was nervous. “I… I haven't been able to stop thinking about you…”

Kurt's heart did a funny little jolt inside his chest, and he bit his lip, fighting a smile. “That is definitely a very nice thing to hear at the end of a very long day,” he said. He tilted his head towards the inside of his apartment. “Would you like to come in? I just opened a bottle of wine, if you'd like to have a glass…”

“I would love to,” Blaine agreed, smiling brightly.

Kurt gestured for him to come in. “Make yourself at home. I'm just going to find a vase for the flowers and get another glass.”

Blaine took a seat on the couch, on the little space not covered with files and brochures. Kurt found a nice vase for the daisies and put them in water, arranging them slightly until they were just perfect. Then he grabbed a glass form the cupboard and carried both things into the living room. He handed Blaine his glass, and then cleaned up a bit of his work to make room for the flowers on the coffee table.

“They're beautiful. Thank you so much,” Kurt said warmly, tidying his paperwork before taking a seat next to Blaine.

“You're welcome,” Blaine grinned at him, and then they simply stared at each other for a moment. They were clearly not sure about what to say next. Blaine chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I'm sorry if this is weird, I just… you're pretty amazing, Kurt. I wanted to see you again.”

“Well, I do tend to have that effect on people,” Kurt said pompously, to make Blaine laugh again.

“So… would you like to tell me about that very long day you had?” Blaine asked, shifting a bit so he could face Kurt.

God, it had been so long since he had had someone around to talk about his day over a glass of wine. And Rachel, Santana and Dani definitely didn't count. This was… different. It was nice.

“I'm currently working with four clients, and the last couple I accepted is difficult,” Kurt said, as he poured some wine into Blaine's glass. “Like, seriously, look at this list. Some women want fairy tale weddings, but this is straight out of Alice in Wonderland. And I do not mean that as a compliment…”

“I don't know, I've seen you in action,” Blaine shrugged, nonchalantly. “I think you can handle it…”

Kurt narrowed his eyes at him playfully. “I never said I couldn't. I'm just appalled at some people's bad taste…”

Blaine laughed, and the sound was so low and rough that it made Kurt's skin rise in goose bumps. “You really are something else…”

Kurt smiled into his wine. “Mm. And are you going to tell me exactly why you decided to drop by tonight? Because I'm pretty sure it wasn't just to pay me some very nice compliments…”

Blaine became bashful again and oh, he could go from devastatingly hot to ridiculously adorable in just a second, and how was that fair? “Well, I do believe I already told you why I'm here,” he looked right into Kurt's eyes, and Kurt was certain that all the air had been sucked out of the room, because he suddenly couldn't breathe. “I couldn't stop thinking about you, and I just had to see you.”

Kurt chuckled as he traced the rim of his glass with a finger. “You know, I wouldn't have pegged you for the unexpectedly romantic type when I first met you…”

“Yeah, most people's first impression of me is quite the opposite,” Blaine muttered, looking away, a little uncomfortable. “I wouldn't say I'm romantic, though…”

“Oh, come on,” Kurt nudged him with his foot. “You came to my apartment with a bouquet of flowers to tell me you couldn't stop thinking about me. That is pretty swoon-worthy, my friend.”

“I was just hoping you wouldn't think I'm creepy, to be honest,” Blaine admitted, biting his lip. “Because I really, really, really want to ask you out.”

Kurt's body was vibrating. He didn't know if it was because of the idea of going out with Blaine, or because his skin missed Blaine's touch. It could have been a combination of both. “You're asking me on a date?”

“Yes,” Blaine said, without a second's hesitation. “It's okay if you don't want to, but… I just thought I'd ask.”

Kurt chuckled and took his time putting his glass of wine on the coffee table, before he glanced back at Blaine. “You know, I just realized that I know next to nothing about you…”

“I thought the whole purpose of a date was to get to know someone,” Blaine replied, arching an eyebrow teasingly.

Kurt shook his head. He had no idea what he was doing, but Blaine made his judgment vanish. He just wanted to pull him against his body and kiss him senseless.

Before he could answer, the doorbell rang again, and Kurt knew it was the food this time. The sound startled him, though, because he had been focused solely on Blaine for a while now, and had almost forgotten that the rest of the world existed.

“That's the take out,” he said a little awkwardly, reaching for his wallet once again. “I barely had time for lunch today, and I couldn't bear to go through all this work without eating something…”

He knew he was babbling, but he was suddenly very aware of how unusual this was. Blaine had been supposed to be just a one-night-stand. Then they bumped into each other at that club and couldn't resist getting together again. But was going on a date one step too far? Kurt wasn't sure what the protocol was in a situation like this. He liked Blaine – he seemed like a really great guy, when he wasn't glaring at his brother or random strangers who tried to flirt with Kurt in bars.

Santana's voice echoed in his head, telling him he needed to stop worrying so much and just enjoy himself. And he certainly enjoyed himself when he was with Blaine…

The guy had even brought him flowers, for god's sake. How could Kurt even doubt this?

He paid for the take out and turned back to the living room, but found Blaine standing there, clearly getting ready to leave.

“So… I should probably get going,” he muttered, and he looked clearly uncomfortable.

“Oh! But you can stay for dinner, if you want,” Kurt offered. “I bought enough food for two.”

“I don't want to impose any longer,” Blaine said, overly polite.

Ah, Kurt thought, realizing what was truly going on, he thinks I'm rejecting him. What an adorable idiot. “Blaine,” he said, stopping him just as he was reaching the door.


“I would love to go on a date with you,” Kurt smiled.

Blaine's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?”

“Of course,” Kurt put the take out down on a side table and stepped closer to Blaine. “I'm free this weekend.”

“That's great,” Blaine mumbled, his eyes suddenly shifting to Kurt's lips.

“Let me give you my number and we can talk about the details later this week.” Kurt extended his hand, and it only took Blaine a few seconds to realize he was asking for his phone. He handed it over and Kurt entered his information, sending himself a message so he could have Blaine's number as well. “Done.”

“Thank you,” Blaine whispered, and wow, they were so close…

“Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?” Kurt asked, and now he was also glancing back and forth between Blaine's stunning eyes and his tempting lips.

“You have a lot of work,” Blaine said. It almost sounded like a whine. “I truly don't want to impose. And I do have to be up early tomorrow…”

“Well, that's a pity,” Kurt muttered, sighing in disappointment. “But you're right. I do have to get all of this done for tomorrow…”

“Then I'll let you get to it,” Blaine said softly, and then forced himself to snap out of it. He cleared his throat and straightened out, putting a bit of distance between them. “I'll text you later this week, okay?”

“Sure,” Kurt nodded. He took a deep breath and walked back to the door, holding it open for Blaine. “I'm looking forward to it.”

Blaine's eyes swept over Kurt's body once again.  He didn't seem to mind Kurt's extremely casual clothes, if the hunger in his gaze was any indication. “Me too.”

Kurt watched him walk down the hallway and disappear down the stairs. He closed the door quietly and leaned against it, forgetting about work and dinner for a moment. Blaine's visit had been the best surprise after such a frustratingly long day. He had no idea what was going to happen in that date, but for now… for now Kurt was more than happy to revel in the silly joy that Blaine had left in his wake and made his heart flutter.

Swoon-worthy, indeed.




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