June 19, 2016, 7 p.m.
June 19, 2016, 7 p.m.
So, what do you think of Blaine's first chapter? Did he do alright? ;)
Keep the reviews coming – they make my day/week! Let me know what you think!
Have an amazing week, and I will be seeing you guys again as soon as possible!
The news had spread through his family and friends like a wildfire. Burt had burst into tears on the phone, while Carole asked questions about Tanya and her pregnancy, and Finn simply congratulated him in awe. Rachel, Santana and Dani took him out for drinks the first chance they got. As they celebrated, Kurt sat there, completely stunned and overwhelmed. In just five short months, his life was going to change radically.
He was so damn busy with work that he forced himself to push his excitement to the back of his mind – he promised himself he would freak out and dance around his apartment as his own private celebration, but for now… he needed to stop swooning every time he walked by a baby clothing store and cooing at teddy bears. As soon as he was done with the two weddings that were stressing him out, in just a few short weeks, he would start worrying about looking for a new place and decorating his baby's nursery.
His baby.
Holy shit.
He had the last meeting with the future Mr. and Mrs. Carter on a Wednesday afternoon, to make sure they were in tune about every single detail. Their wedding was on Friday, so he wanted them to relax until then. Cooper's wedding was the following week, and he certainly was looking forward to getting that one over with – he didn't want to give Cooper any more chances to change anything.
He left his office after his clients were sufficiently assured and smiling, and immediately bumped into Santana, who was standing on the sidewalk, wearing a short red dress and ridiculously tall heels.
“There you are,” she said, visibly annoyed. “I was about to go in there and drag you out. You need to stop working so late.”
“Excuse me for having to work,” he replied as he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here anyway? Did we have plans and I forgot? Did you have a fight with Dani?”
“Please, we don't fight. All our arguments are solely based on the fact that we get to have make up sex right after,” Santana arched an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. “And no, we didn't have plans. But we do now, because I'm taking you out for a drink.”
“Again? We went out yesterday, and I have to…” Kurt gestured vaguely towards the binders he was carrying, thinking of the million things he needed to double check before Friday.
“Hummel,” she interrupted, grabbing him by the shoulders. Her long nails dug into the light fabric of his white linen blazer. “You only have five months of freedom. In five months, you're going to be too busy wiping poop from a baby's ass in order to hang out with us. You'll be cancelling plans with us every other day in order to stay home and coo at the little bastard as he or she burps and throws up all over your Versace suits.” She fixed him with a pointed glare. “You are free for the next five months, so that means you have to hurry up and live.”
Kurt blinked at her, curiously. “Santana Lopez, is this your way of telling me you'll miss me if I can't hang out with you guys just as much as I do now?”
“What I'm saying, Lady Lips, is that this is your only chance to go fucking nuts and do whatever you want before you become a boring grown up…”
“I'm thirty, Santana. I've been a grown man for a while now…”
“Yes, and you've been boring even longer. Come on. Loosen up. Live a little,” she insisted, already dragging him down the street.
“And going out for drinks with you qualifies as living?” Kurt asked with a snort.
“It sure as hell is a start,” she answered.
She took him to one of their favorite bars. Drinks were decently priced and delicious, and they loved sitting at the booth by the corner, where they had a perfect view of the entire bar but could still chat peacefully. The music was always good – there was an old U2 song playing when they arrived – and the bartender seemed to like them, since he always gave them one or two free drinks without them needing to even ask for them.
Kurt sipped his rum and coke for a minute or two in silence before he glanced at Santana with a quirked eyebrow. “So? Happy now? I'm having a drink with you on a Wednesday night. It's life-changing. I'll never be the same again. I'll regret having a kid every time I remember how thrilling this night was,” he deadpanned. “Can I go now? I have a lot of work.”
“No can do, my friend,” she shook her head stubbornly. “Next step is to get you laid…”
“What?” Kurt squeaked, setting his glass down a little more forcefully than necessary.
“You heard me. Your days of sleeping around and having a fulfilling sex life are coming to an end. You're going to fuck your way through every single gay guy in this town before your little bundle of boredom and doom arrives,” Santana explained calmly, leaning over the table towards him.
“Okay, first of all, I am not sleeping with every single gay guy in New York. I don't want my penis to fall off,” Kurt said, narrowing his eyes at her. “Second, please stop talking about my unborn child like that.”
“Third, please stop being such an old lady and get some action,” Santana added, sighing in exasperation. “I'm serious. You're going to need this. If you don't spend the next few months having a little fun and worrying a little less, there will come a day when you'll wonder what the hell you did while you were still young.”
Behind all the snarky comments and the insults, Kurt found real concern. Santana always played the part of the hard, cold hearted bitch, but she really did love her friends, deep down inside. He knew she meant well – she just didn't know how to express that without slipping in a few hurtful and crude remarks.
Kurt sighed and leaned back on his seat, looking around the bar. The pile of binders next to him on the booth seemed to pull his attention every time he fixed his eyes on an attractive guy. He ran a hand through his hair and finally turned back to his friend.
“Fine,” he agreed. Santana grinned triumphantly. “But not tonight,” he added immediately. “I really do have too much to do this week. I'll be a lot happier to skip around town and let you be my wing-woman once these two weddings are over. Let me finish with this, and then I promise you I'll relax and have more fun.”
Santana scoffed, but ended up nodding as she sipped her beer. “Okay. But if I don't see you glowing with the satisfaction of a few orgasms in the next two weeks, I'm hiring a male prostitute and tying him to your bed.”
Kurt's face scrunched in disgust. “For the love of God, Santana, do not even think about doing that. I'm perfectly capable of finding a guy myself.”
“You know, I'm not so sure about that,” Santana said pointedly.
Kurt downed the rest of his drink and gathered his stuff. “I'm going home. You should do the same. And stop being so invested in my sex life. It's a little creepy.”
Santana waved him off vaguely, already bored with him and not paying him any attention. Kurt walked down to the subway station with her words swirling around in his head like the summer breeze.
Kurt arrived with plenty of time to the Anderson's rehearsal to make sure everything was ready, but as the day advanced, the more problems he encountered.
A traffic jam made both Cooper and Michelle late. Cooper's brother was nowhere to be seen, and despite how many times Cooper and his mother tried to call him and ask him when he would arrive, the younger Anderson never picked up the phone. Michelle stumbled to the ground after one of her heels broke, straining with her wrist. Luckily, she wasn't seriously injured, but she was sore for the rest of the evening.
Kurt had a huge headache by the time they were all ready to go to dinner. He was sure this wedding would end up being a disaster. He had never failed at planning a wedding before, but he had never had such bad luck during one either. This didn't look good.
Once they had finished eating, Kurt approached Cooper quietly.
“Cooper, do we know for sure if your brother will be able to make it to the wedding?” He asked, wishing this wasn't even a question. Where the hell was that bastard? He had missed every fitting for the suits and every meeting ever since.
“Of course he will!” Cooper replied brightly. “He's my kid brother. He wouldn't miss my wedding!” He laughed, but there was something awkward and slightly aching in it. “I'm sure he's just too busy working on his best man's speech. He must have so many stories he wants to include… I'm sure he just lost the track of time…”
Kurt nodded and slipped away as quietly as he had arrived. It seemed this was a complicated topic and he didn't want to upset Cooper, but he was worried. If his brother didn't show up, they would need to find an emergency best man. Kurt scanned the room, focusing on each of Cooper's friends, trying to find a possible candidate, and writing down a few notes about them just in case.
He took a deep breath and hoped the actual wedding day would go a lot better.
Kurt was a perpetually busy man, but on wedding days, he was frenetic.
Despite having very trustworthy employees that were perfectly capable of taking over in some areas, Kurt was a perfectionist and liked to do as much as he could himself. He had created this company from scratch, worked his ass off to get it to succeed, and he didn't like taking a step aside and letting others be in charge.
The Anderson wedding was no exception, especially since Cooper was an extremely demanding client. Kurt couldn't help but feel bad for his future wife, but every time he looked at Michelle, he saw how in love she really was, so he guessed she would deal with it just fine. He didn't know Cooper outside of the whole wedding madness – maybe he wasn't such a lunatic under normal circumstances.
The wedding was still a couple of hours away, but Kurt was already at the venue. He was outside making sure that the last delivery of flowers was handled carefully as it was carried into the building. He checked his list to make sure everything was in order before he walked towards the entrance himself, only to stop when he found the door blocked by a man.
His back was to Kurt, but he was wearing a perfectly tailored black suit. Kurt couldn't help but sweep his eyes over the shape of his shoulders, broad and strong, and the way his body narrowed towards the waist. His pants highlighted the curve of his ass and his firm thighs, and Kurt tried to stop himself from drooling all over this stranger. He cleared his throat loudly, making him turn around.
He was suddenly met by a wonderful pair of hazel eyes that fixed on him intensely, leaving him speechless for a few seconds.
“Hi!” He finally managed to say. “If you're here for the wedding, you're a little early. Are you on the bride's or the groom's side?”
The stranger parted his lips – pink, plump, tantalizing lips – and ran a hand subconsciously through his dark curls, looking away for a moment before he actually answered. “I'm the best man.”
Kurt's eyes widened in surprise for a moment. So this was the elusive younger Anderson. “Oh! Cooper's brother! It's so nice to meet you at last!” He extended his hand towards him.
The man accepted it. His hands were strong and warm, a little on the callused side, and they sent shivers down Kurt's spine. “You are…”
“I'm Kurt. Kurt Hummel, the wedding planner,” Kurt replied, reluctantly pulling his hand away once the handshake continued for an awkwardly long moment. “Your name's Blaine, right?”
“Yes, that's me,” Blaine nodded.
“Well, let me tell you very quickly how this is going to go down, okay?” Kurt said, glad to have the opportunity to do a final run down with him before the actual wedding. “Let me show you the venue so you know your way around…”
Blaine hesitated for an instant before he followed him inside. Kurt showed him around, telling him who he was going to be paired with and where he was supposed to stand. Blaine remained oddly quiet through it all, and Kurt wasn't sure if he was even listening. He didn't look particularly invested in this whole thing, to be honest.
One of Kurt's assistants came looking for him a few minutes later with a new emergency about the music for the ceremony. Kurt sighed in frustration and rubbed at his temples for a second before he looked back at Blaine, excused himself and left him there so he could see what this was all about.
He would have sworn Blaine's eyes were burning the back of his suit as he walked away, but didn't risk looking back at him.
Kurt didn't stay to see all of the wedding ceremony, choosing to leave one of his assistants there instead to make sure everything went smoothly, as he went to the reception venue to go through a final check and get everything ready for the guests that would be arriving soon.
He was relieved to see things were going perfectly. The crew they were working with tonight was a beautifully well-oiled machine that functioned precisely and effortlessly. The catering company was already done with the appetizers and starting on the main courses, the cake was safe in the huge walk in fridge, and the champagne that was supposed to flow freely all night was already cooling down and ready.
The band had just finished setting up when the first guests began to arrive. Kurt helped some of them find their seats at the round tables distributed around the dance floor. There was a large, rectangular table opposite the stage reserved for the wedding party, and Kurt helped Michelle's grandfather to his place, since the man could barely stand on his own feet. The old man smiled brightly at him when Kurt spoke effortlessly in French, and chatted back for a few moments, before Kurt had to leave him to help someone else.
Most people were already situated when he saw Blaine standing awkwardly near the entrance. Kurt smiled and approached him, ready to help.
“Hi, do you need help finding your seat? You're at the long table in the back, first seat on the right, next to your parents,” he informed him politely.
Blaine simply nodded, but he looked like he didn't want to go inside. He let his eyes wander over the room, hesitantly, before setting them back on Kurt. “Thank you. I'm just… not entirely sure I'll stay much longer.”
Kurt frowned, taken aback. Blaine wasn't staying at his own brother's wedding? He was the best man. “Are you sure? Cooper said…”
“Cooper says a lot of things,” Blaine interrupted rather brusquely, before looking at Kurt sheepishly when he saw the shock on his face. “I'm sorry. Thanks for your help. I can find my seat on my own.”
Kurt nodded, acknowledging the dismissal for what it was. He didn't have time to dwell on his confusion and curiosity, though, and immediately turned to the next person in need of help.
After that, he went back to the kitchen since the chef had a few questions for him. By the time he exited back to the main room, Cooper and Michelle were making their entrance.
Food and drinks were served abundantly, and for a while Kurt had nothing to worry about. He stood on the edge of the room, watching and waiting to be needed again, eyes like a hawk's as he searched for any kind of trouble that could arise. He noticed Blaine had taken his seat, but wasn't involved in any kind of conversation. For someone so gorgeous, he was incredibly stoic.
Soon it was time for the toasts, and Kurt saw Mr. Anderson practically pushing Blaine to his feet as Cooper lifted his gaze at him in expectant excitement. He looked like a kid about to receive the best Christmas present ever.
Blaine grabbed his glass and looked around the room for a moment before setting his eyes back down on his hands. “Hello. I'm Blaine, Cooper's brother,” he introduced himself quietly. “I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Michelle to the family, and congratulate the happy couple on their marriage.”
Kurt's eyebrows shot up to his hairline when Blaine simply sat back down. That was it? Everyone seemed as surprised and confused as he was, but the look of utter disappointment and hurt on Cooper's face couldn't be compared. There was a story there, something had happened to those two brothers to make Blaine so reluctant to participate in Cooper's wedding.
He saw Mrs. Anderson lean in towards her younger son and scold him discretely, but Blaine didn't seem to care. He downed the rest of his wine and gestured the waiter to pour more for him.
The perfectionist in Kurt wanted to approach the man and ask if there was anything he could do to make this night better for everyone, but it was none of his business.
Kurt urgently signalled the band to start playing, and the bride and groom's first dance put a smile back on Cooper's face. After twirling his new wife around for a few songs, Cooper excused himself and jumped onto the stage, taking over the microphone.
“Hi! Thank you everyone for coming. I hope you're enjoying yourselves!” Cooper said, beaming. “I would like to sing a song for Michelle, my wife. Like all of you know, I'm currently playing the leading role in the revival of South Pacific. That's why I want to sing a song I get to perform on the show, called Some Enchanted Evening…”
Kurt was familiar with the song – it was one of the most romantic Broadway tunes of all time – and he practically swooned when Cooper began to sing. However, something caught his eye.
In a little corner of the room, by himself, Blaine Anderson was looking at the stage bitterly, a glass of wine gripped tightly in his hand, and clearly staying away from the cheerful crowd that celebrated his brother and sister in law's love.
Kurt didn't know what exactly pushed him to go towards him. There was something in Blaine's face that made him move, and before he knew it, Kurt was standing by his side, trying to find something in his hazel eyes, even though he had no idea what he was searching for.
Blaine didn't seem to notice he was there until Kurt placed his hand on his arm carefully, trying not to startle him. Blaine turned to him, his eyes dark and dull, and Kurt felt an aching tug deep down inside of him.
“Hey,” he murmured quietly. “I'm sorry to bother you, I just… are you okay?”
Blaine seemed surprised by the question, but he hid it quickly. “Yes, I'm fine.”
Even though he knew he shouldn't push, Kurt still asked, “Are you sure? Can I get you anything?”
The corner of Blaine's mouth curled up in an incredulous, confused smirk. “I'm sure you're busy enough catering to my brother's every whim.”
Kurt hummed, buying himself some time. “I guess he's a little difficult to deal with, huh?”
Blaine snorted. “Understatement of the century. But yes. I'm sure you've experienced that yourself, working with him…”
“It's certainly been… interesting,” Kurt said, choosing his words carefully. “I wasn't sure if it was just the wedding hype or…”
“Oh, no. He's always like this. Self-absorbed asshole…” Blaine muttered under his breath. “I kinda feel bad for his wife. I hope she knows what she's doing.”
Kurt was a little shocked at Blaine's blunt remark. “Uhm. So you two don't really get along?”
“He likes to think everything's just wonderful, but he has a tendency to live in his own little head,” Blaine shrugged and sipped at his drink. “Some of us can't afford that luxury.”
When Blaine looked straight at him, Kurt couldn't help but gasp at the fire he found in the other man's eyes. He hadn't seen someone so dangerously attractive in his life. It was like Blaine melted all his senses, leaving him bare and vulnerable.
Blaine licked his lips and shifted to lean on the wall so he was facing Kurt. “So, Kurt…” Oh god, the way he said his name made his knees turn to jelly… “What do you do when you're not making other people's dreams come true?”
Kurt chuckled, feeling a nervous shiver run down his spine. God, he was almost breaking out in a sweat. He hadn't met a man who affected him like this in a very long time. “Oh, well. I work a lot, to be honest. I'm not a very exciting man.”
Blaine turned a little more, almost trapping Kurt against the wall. “I find that hard to believe. You look very exciting to me, Kurt Hummel.”
Not knowing what he was doing, Kurt's hands held onto Blaine's forearms. He let out a shaky breath. “Oh, I…”
Blaine's eyes moved down to his lips and back up to his own eyes again. There was something hungry and slightly desperate in that look. “Would you like to dance with me?”
Kurt knew he was gaping like a fish and that was probably the least attractive thing in the whole world, but he was completely short-circuiting thanks to Blaine's proximity. He looked around. Cooper had finished his song and everyone seemed to be having a great time, not paying them any attention. Kurt was always very strict about staying professional, but something about Blaine made him want to break all the rules he had created for himself.
He nodded.
Every rhythm seemed to be the perfect excuse to stay very close to each other. Fast songs had them gyrating their hips with their arms around each other and sweat dripping down the collar of their shirts. Slow songs had them dancing cheek to cheek, feeling each other's warmth and the rise and fall of each other's chests as they breathed. Either way, it was such an erotic experience that Kurt felt dizzy by the time he forced himself to pull away and get back to work.
Dancing with Blaine was a more intimate experience that some of the sex he had had in his life.
Kurt walked into the restroom and allowed himself a moment to pull himself together before he went to the kitchen to check everything was still in order. Luckily, no one had noticed his misstep. He didn't want his employees gossiping behind his back.
Blaine was nowhere to be found by the time Cooper and Michelle cut the cake. Kurt ignored the little pang of disappointment he felt when he noticed his absence, but then focused back on his work. The reception would be over in another hour or two, probably, but he had to stay and supervise that everything was taken care of and the venue was left spotless. He would probably get home right as the sun came out.
“Hey, Kurt!”
Kurt turned around and found Cooper coming towards him. Most of the guests were already gathering near the exit to see the happy couple out.
“Cooper, what's up?” He asked with a gentle smile.
“I just wanted to thank you,” Cooper replied, squeezing his shoulder. “You've been amazing, and you made our day so special. I'm glad we asked you to plan our wedding. I can't imagine a better day…”
“I'm glad you two had a nice time. I wish you all the best,” Kurt said, and then squeaked in surprise when Cooper pulled him into a tight hug. “Have fun on the honeymoon.”
“Thanks,” Cooper grinned at him and then stepped away. “I'll call you when we get back. Maybe we can get together for a drink or something?”
Kurt had no idea why Cooper was so convinced they could be good friends, but he simply nodded and watched him go. He heard the cheers of their family and friends as he and his wife made their way outside to the carriage that would take them to the hotel where they would spend their first night as a married couple.
Once the guests started filing out of the venue and the night was officially over, Kurt sighed in relief. He was already dreaming of his comfortable, soft bed and a late start the next morning. The crew began to pick up dirty dishes and take down decorations and Kurt was about to go into the kitchen to check on something with the chef when he heard footsteps and a voice calling his name.
He wasn't expecting to find Blaine there.
“Hey,” Kurt said, eyes a little wide. “I thought you'd left.”
“Nah, I was just outside getting some fresh air,” Blaine shrugged. He stopped when he reached Kurt, standing very closely to him. “I was actually wondering… would you like to go out for a drink? Or maybe just hang out with me for a while?”
The way Blaine was looking at him told Kurt that the offer involved more than a drink or simply hanging out. The offer hinted at naked bodies, damp sheets, and long moans that would echo against the walls. He felt a little breathless just thinking about it.
He was going to decline. There was no way he would do this. Kurt rarely had one night stands – he preferred to at least go on a date or two with someone instead of picking up random strangers and taking them home. Plus he never slept with people he worked with. And though Blaine was his client's brother, the rule still applied to him.
But then Santana's voice seemed to fill his head. She had told him he only had a few months to do whatever he wanted, to go a little crazy, to let go and focus on himself. In five months, one night stands would actually sound tempting, but he would have absolutely no time for guys and sex. His life would be devoted his baby.
And that's how Kurt ended up doing something he had never done before.
“Hey, Lori,” he called over his shoulder, and one of his assistants turned to him. “Can you take over for the night? I'm heading home early.”
Lori seemed surprised, aware that her boss liked to stay around to make sure everything was spotless once the party was over. “Sure!” She said either way.
When he looked back at Blaine, the attraction he felt for this man seemed to be burning his insides. Even though it was completely out of character for him, Kurt said, “My place isn't too far from here.”
Blaine's golden eyes fixed on Kurt's lips for just one lingering moment. “Lead the way.”
The walk to Kurt's apartment was relatively silent and filled with furtive glances. Every time Kurt looked at Blaine, he found him looking back. Their hands brushed against each other's a couple of times as they walked and Kurt could feel the electricity that sent a shock all over his body at the touch. And when Blaine placed a hand on his lower back for a moment when they were crossing the street, he almost moaned. That was how badly Blaine had gotten under his skin.
But as soon as the front door was closed behind them, they launched at each other as if they were starving and nothing could satiate that hunger better than the other's lips. Kurt wasn't sure who kissed whom first, but suddenly he was trapped against the door, with Blaine crowding him and devouring his mouth in a perfect, passionate kiss.
Blaine's body was heavenly solid against his, all taut muscles beneath the suit. Kurt's hands splayed on Blaine's shoulders, pressing him urgently against himself as he kissed him. Blaine's tongue slipped into his mouth, licking into it as he grunted in pleasure, as if Kurt was everything he had hoped he would be and more.
Kurt's head thumped against the door, and it would have been painful if he wasn't so lost in his own arousal. “I…” he tried to think clearly, but it was so damn hard when Blaine was kissing down the column of his neck. “I… I don't usually do this, I…”
Blaine hummed and scraped his teeth over Kurt's pulse point. “Do you say that to all the boys? Or am I really as lucky as I feel right now?”
Kurt whimpered and melted. He fucking melted. “I'm being a hundred percent honest.”
Blaine pulled away, almost making Kurt regret his decision to speak. He wanted that mouth back on him now. “Do you want me to stop? We can just have a drink… chat a little…”
Kurt licked his lips as he focused on the eagerness reflected on Blaine's gorgeous eyes. Kurt felt wild and reckless – he didn't care about consequences. Not tonight. Tonight, Kurt Hummel was going to have a good time and live.
“No,” Kurt murmured in a low voice that made Blaine's eyes darken. “I want you to fuck me.”
He could feel the guttural growl vibrating in Blaine's chest. Blaine stepped even closer, desperately grinding his hard cock into Kurt's thigh, lips going back to Kurt's neck. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, just…” Kurt threw his head back again and his fingers found their way to Blaine's head, tugging at his hair. “Fuck me. Come on.”
Suddenly, Kurt felt as if the whole night had just been very extended foreplay. Every time they had glanced at each other across the room, the way they had danced together, their very brief conversation… everything had been charged with the kind of tension that could only cause the best of explosions.
Desperate to feel the warmth of Blaine's skin, Kurt unbuttoned Blaine's jacket and sneaked his hands inside to slide it off his shoulders. He groaned in appreciation as he traced the contours of Blaine's muscles down his arms and his back. Shit, it was like touching the statue of a Greek god.
He kissed down his jaw, but before he could focus on sucking on his neck to leave a nice mark there, his lips graced over something less smooth than the rest of Blaine's skin, so he stopped to take a look. There was a scar running down Blaine's jaw towards his neck, where the tan skin turned white. He looked up to Blaine's eyes, wanting to ask about it, but was immediately distracted with a scorching kiss that made him forget about everything, even his own name.
Blaine's mouth shifted until it was brushing the shell of his ear. “Bed?” He breathed against it, and immediately tugged his earlobe between his teeth, eliciting a loud moan from Kurt.
At this point, Kurt didn't care if they did it on the couch, the floor or against the wall, but since he couldn't focus enough to say that, he simply nodded. He grabbed Blaine's shirt in his fists and pull him towards his bedroom without a second's hesitation.
“I wouldn't have pegged you for the messy kind,” Blaine said with a smirk, and Kurt's cheeks reddened in embarrassment when he saw how untidy his bedroom was. He had left in a hurry that morning, and hadn't had time to make the bed or pick up his pajamas from the floor.
“Oh god, I'm sorry,” Kurt said, mortified. “Let me just…” He tugged at the blankets to straighten them out, but Blaine stopped him, wrapping his strong arms around his waist and pulling him towards his body.
“What's the point? We're going to mess them up again very, very soon,” he whispered seductively.
Jesus fucking Christ, who is this man?
Kurt was glad that the bed was supporting him on the front and Blaine on the back, because his knees buckled and he would have ended sprawled on the floor like a starfish. And there was nothing attractive about a starfish.
Any other time Kurt had dared to have a one night stand, it had been slightly awkward, with lots of fumbling and hesitation. But with Blaine… there was something so different about him. He made Kurt forget everything and just give into the passion that consumed every cell of his being. It was wonderful. He never wanted to stop feeling as free as he felt when Blaine had his arms around his waist and his lips on Kurt's neck.
Turning in Blaine's arms to face him, Kurt began to unbutton his shirt. Every little bit of skin he revealed made his whole body shiver with desire. Blaine was perfect. His body was so beautiful that Kurt just wanted to put whipped cream on him and lick it…
Get a grip of yourself, Hummel.
Once he had removed his shirt and let it fall to the floor, he couldn't stop himself from staring. He knew it was creepy after the first ten seconds of gaping, but Kurt needed a moment to actually take Blaine in. This perfect man was real and standing in his bedroom.
Blaine's lips curled into a little smile. “I think it's your turn now…”
Kurt was usually incredibly confident when it came to his body. He wasn't a goddamn Greek statue like Blaine was, but he was in good shape and he had never had any complaints from the other men he had dated or slept with. But now he felt like a bumbling teenager who was allowing another boy to see his body for the very first time. All the insecurities from those times seemed to rush back and hit Kurt like a freight train. He took a deep breath and let Blaine take care of his jacket and shirt, closing his eyes when he felt the feather light touch of his fingertips on his skin.
He left his eyes closed as Blaine took him in, shivering nervously, fingers twitching to reach for a blanket or something to cover himself with again. But then he felt Blaine's lips on his collarbone and his hands settling on his hips, as he breathed reverently: “God, you're stunning…”
Kurt's whole body relaxed at those words. It didn't sound like he was paying him an empty compliment – Blaine was honest, and Kurt wasn't sure how he knew that, but he was a hundred percent certain.
And just like that all the insecurities were gone and the deep, wild arousal returned.
He pushed Blaine down onto the bed and climbed on top of him, straddling him and claiming his mouth in a bruising kiss. Blaine let out a little surprised groan, but settled his hands on his back to pull him towards his body so they were closer still.
They desperately began tugging at each other's remaining clothes, trying to get completely naked as soon as possible, while they kissed, open-mouthed and dirty. Kurt rocked against Blaine's leg, needing at least a little bit of friction to calm the raging arousal flowing through him. Blaine pulled his pants and underwear down over the curve of his ass, grabbing a handful of it and making Kurt groan.
While Blaine kicked his pants off, Kurt reached for the condoms and lube in his bedside table. When he looked back, Blaine was kneeling on the bed, hard cock curving up towards his stomach, long, thick and completely tantalizing.
Kurt was pretty sure he was about to drop dead right there.
He was so desperate to feel Blaine inside of him that he uncapped the lube, ready to prepare himself, but Blaine stopped him.
“Can I do the honors?” He asked rather cheekily.
Kurt kissed him, pushing his tongue inside Blaine's mouth to show him exactly what he wanted. “Yes.”
That's how Kurt found himself on his knees, hands gripping the headboard tightly, while Blaine's slick fingers pumped in and out of him, ripping moans from deep within him. Blaine was kissing down his spine, at first to dull the initial ache of the first intrusion, but now it was just because he seemed unable to stop kissing every inch of Kurt he had near him.
When Blaine's fingers arched in the perfect angle and brushed his prostate, Kurt thrashed in pleasure, moaning so loud he was sure his next door neighbor could hear him.
“Oh god, please. Please, please now, Blaine,” he begged clenching around Blaine's fingers greedily.
Blaine didn't make him wait. He pulled his fingers away, rolled the condom on his cock, and coated it with lube thoroughly. He used one hand to line himself up with Kurt's entrance and the other to grab at where Kurt's own hand was still gripping the headboard. His strong, god-like body was covering Kurt's almost perfectly, and Kurt whimpered, needing more, already lost in a spiral of pleasure and absolute lust.
As soon as he pushed inside, Blaine stopped as if to give Kurt time, but Kurt whined and pushed back against him, trying to get him all the way in.
“Don't stop, come on,” Kurt muttered. He usually liked it when men took their time when he was bottoming, but he couldn't have Blaine fast enough tonight.
Blaine groaned as he complied, only stopping again once he had bottomed out. He thrust experimentally for a few seconds, but once he noticed just how badly Kurt wanted it, he went faster, harder, trying to aim for Kurt's prostate every time, and ending with a moaning, thrashing Kurt in return.
The bed began to bang against the wall the faster they went, and the sound of the headboard hitting the plaster combined with the sound of skin on skin only helped push Kurt towards an early edge. This was the mind-blowing kind of sex that he hadn't had in a very long time – Blaine was an absolute stranger but he still seemed to know exactly where to touch, where to push, where to kiss to drive him completely insane. With Blaine's cock buried deep inside of him and his teeth biting on the back of his shoulder and he thrust into him non-stop, Kurt felt the kind of bliss that he only ever experienced after the orgasm.
Kurt tried to meet each and every one of Blaine's thrusts. Their hands were linked on the headboard and Kurt's back arched towards Blaine's chest every time he hit his prostate just right. He could feel the pre-come leaking from his cock onto the sheets, and he was so close, that he could barely breathe. He panted as he tried to reach for his release, wanting to feel the relief of his orgasm washing over him as much as he wanted to keep going forever.
Kurt clenched around Blaine's cock, whining desperately. “Touch me. Come on. I'm so damn close…”
“Shit, you're so hot… I don't think I can…” Blaine's next words got lost in a long, guttural moan as he thrust even harder into Kurt. He moved one of his hands down Kurt's body, grazing one of his nipples and making him shudder in pleasure, before finally reaching for his cock and jerking him off quickly, like he wasn't sure he would last enough. “Let me feel you come.”
Kurt moaned, his back arching one more time as Blaine's thumb circled the head of his cock, knocking down the last one of his walls and throwing him into the waves of his orgasm. He came long and hard over Blaine's fist and the sheets, his hole squeezing Blaine's cock with the shocks of it. Blaine muffled his own scream of pleasure by biting onto Kurt's shoulder once more, and then he stilled as his cock throbbed and jerked still deep inside of Kurt, coming into the condom.
Kurt's knees gave out and he practically face-planted onto the mattress, with Blaine still on top of him, buried inside of him. He groaned in appreciation at the magnificent, comforting weight, as he panted onto the pillow, trying to get his heart back to normal. He felt light and heavy at the same time. He just wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep, clinging to the vestiges of his fantastic orgasm.
Blaine finally rolled onto his side, allowing Kurt to take a deep breath. “Shit, that was fantastic…” he said in a hoarse voice.
“Outstanding,” Kurt murmured sleepily.
Blaine chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, pushing his sweaty curls out of his forehead. He took the condom off and wrapped it in a paper tissue when he couldn't find the trash can. “Let me regain control of my legs and I'll be out of your hair…”
“Mm, it's okay…” Kurt said, snuggling deeper into the bed. “Just stay. It's late.”
Blaine frowned at him. “Are you sure? I can go. I don't mind.”
“If you want to go, go. But I don't mind you staying,” Kurt replied, trying his best to shrug, but too tired to actually accomplish it.
If he had been a bit more conscious, he would have seen the look of surprise on Blaine's face, the slight hesitation in his eyes and the little curl in his lips when he decided that staying wasn't such a bad idea, after all.