Love is the End
The Wedding Next Chapter Story
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Love is the End: The Wedding

E - Words: 5,007 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 23, 2015 - Updated: Jan 23, 2015
211 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I hope you liked the first chapter! Please make sure to drop me a little message, review or tweet to let me know what you thought of it!

I plan to update every Saturday, as usual. Sundays will be the back-up days, in case something happens on Saturday and I cannot get to the computer to update. I tend to be very punctual, though, so hopefully back up days won't be necessary =)

Have a wonderful week! Thank you so much for reading!



I met Kurt when we were seventeen years old. He somehow thought that it would be a good idea to pretend to be a Dalton student to spy on our Glee club. I knew within two seconds of looking at him, but I played along. I dont know why I did it. I guess a part of me knew how important that boy was going to be to me...

Kurt became my best friend when he briefly transferred to Dalton, because we understood each other in a way no one else ever had. By the time he transferred back to McKinley we both knew we had a friendship that would last for the rest of our lives. It even survived the Warblers being crushed at Regionals by New Direction's damn original songs.  

So eventually we both graduated from different high schools and got into colleges on opposite sides of the continent, but we never stopped talking, we never stopped caring about each other... and we made it. When I finally moved to New York after college, it was as if we had never been apart.

There was one difference, though. Kurt was glowing and happy in a way I had rarely seen him before. It was like he had just been told that every Friday from now until the end of times would be Black Friday. And those of you who know Kurt as well as I do know that theres nothing that this man enjoys more than wrestling a hostile crowd for a half-off pair of McQueen ankle boots.

But the reason for Kurts happiness wasnt related to fashion this time. No, there was a new man in his life, and for the first two days I was in New York, all he talked about was Mark. Mark, who was handsome and smart and a real gentleman. Mark, the man of his dreams. So I had to meet this man, of course. I had to see for myself that Kurt was with a man who deserved him.

Just like I knew within two seconds that Kurt was a terrible spy, I knew Mark was the man Kurt was going to marry at first sight. So Im standing here today, making a toast at their wedding, and knowing that theres only happiness, love and a fulfilling life in the road ahead, waiting for them to walk it hand in hand. And Im honored to be a little part in their story and to get to witness the beautiful love story they have been building together since the day they met. Thats why I ask you to raise your glasses and toast for my amazing best friend, and the love of his life. To Kurt and Mark...

Blaine skimmed through his notes two more times before slipping them back into the inner pocket of his jacket. His speech probably should have been funnier, teasing and embarrassing Kurt, to make their guests laugh. But he hadn't written that speech for their guests. He had written it for Kurt – and Kurt deserved more than being the target of light jokes on his wedding day. His journey had been long, emotional and dramatic at some points. Blaine preferred to revisit his story – their story – from another point of view. He preferred to talk about his journey to happiness and their friendship. If that made his best man's speech a failure, he didn't care. He knew Kurt would appreciate it.

He fished his cell phone out of his pocket to check the time. There was still another hour and a half to go until it was show time. He was standing in the hallway, leaning against a wall outside Kurt's hotel room. Kurt had asked him to step outside for a minute, while he fixed an unexpected fashion emergency on one of the groomsmaid dresses. Blaine had been glad to see Kurt take in the emergency calmly – he and Kurt's father had been betting whether Kurt was going to turn into Groomzila since they had found out Mark had proposed. So far, Kurt had proved to be remarkably pleasant. Before the night ended, Blaine would be fifty bucks richer and he would finally get to hold over Burt Hummel's head that he knew his son better than he did. It had been an ongoing argument for years now.

Speaking of the devil, Burt appeared just then at the end of the hallway, dressed impeccably in a suit designed by Kurt, holding a bottle of Evian. He smiled when he saw Blaine standing alone in the empty hallway.

“He kicked you out already?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Nope. He's just helping Mark's cousin with a dress related crisis,” Blaine replied. Burt gave him a quick pat in the back. “Everything okay? Where's Carole?”

“She's chatting with Rachel downstairs. I was just getting some water for Kurt. I don't want him to be dehydrated by the time he walks down the aisle. He barely had any breakfast this morning,” Burt explained. “I think he's finally starting to get nervous.”

“He'll be fine,” Blaine said, completely certain, as he pocketed his phone once again. “He's been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Married life is going to suit him like a glove.”

Burt's smile turned a bit wistful. “I can't believe my son's going to be married in just a few hours. It seemed like it was only yesterday that he was having those tea parties in the garden and teaching me how to grab those damn plastic cups...”

Blaine squeezed Burt's arm fondly. “Maybe in just a handful of years you'll be having tea parties with a new little Hummel.”

Before Burt could formulate a response to that, slightly choking as he became momentarily emotional, the door to Kurt's room opened and a young woman walked out of it. She looked relieved and absolutely stunning in her teal groomsmaid dress. She waved at Burt and Blaine before rushing down the hall to finish getting her make-up done.

Kurt stood in the doorway, still in jeans and a red shirt with the sleeves rolled up. “I need to start getting ready or I'll be walking down the aisle like this. Has anyone checked on Mark?”

“I just saw his dad downstairs. He's fine. Everything's going according to schedule. Don't worry,” Burt said, handing Kurt the bottle of water and watching him take a nice long sip. “Do you need any help?”

“No. I'm fine. I just have to shower and do my hair, before I get dressed,” Kurt sighed and looked at the two men while biting his lip. “I can't believe I'm getting married today.”

“That makes two of us, kiddo,” Burt said, putting his hand on his son's shoulder. Kurt smiled warmly at him, and for a few seconds, it was just him and his father, and the rest of the world didn't exist. It was as if they were saying some sort of goodbye – Kurt getting married was one of the last definite steps into adulthood, and Burt Hummel was trying to get used to the idea that his son wasn't a boy anymore. He was a man.

Kurt finally turned to Blaine. Blaine treasured the sight of Kurt's sparkling eyes looking undeniably euphoric, committing it to memory for when this day was over. “You have the ring, right?”

Blaine rolled his eyes. Kurt had asked him that no less than seventy five times since he had woken up that morning. “Yes, Kurt. It's still in my pocket, just like when you asked me that same question less than an hour ago.”

Kurt shrugged and chuckled. “Sorry. I just want to be sure everything's going to be perfect.”

Blaine reached for Kurt's hand and squeezed it gently. Kurt immediately threaded their fingers together and squeezed back. “It will be. I promise.”


Kurt's suit was hanging on the closet door, one of his best designs, slim, black and classic, with a flowing pattern woven into the fabric to make it special. Kurt smiled, thinking how handsome his fiancé was going to look in his suit; they complimented each other so well.

“Blaine... do you mind...?” Burt muttered, leaving the rest of the question in the air. Kurt turned back to them, and saw Blaine nodding with an understanding, knowing look on his face. He exited and closed the door behind him, leaving father and son on their own.

“If you're going to make me cry, do it before I put on my mascara, please,” Kurt said, arching an eyebrow at him. At Burt's confused glance, he laughed. “Just kidding, Dad. What's going on?”

Burt lowered himself into one of the Louis XV style armchairs and fidgeted until he was comfortable. “You know, this morning I woke up really early, and sat outside on the balcony to drink my coffee. I thought about your mom. She would have been so thrilled to see the man youve become, and know that youve found such a wonderful partner to share your life with…

“Oh, Dad...” Kurt whispered, already feeling the tears building in his eyes. He sat on the armchair next to his father's and put a hand on his knee.

“I'm not saying this to make you sad or anything, Kurt. I just... I've always known that you wondered whether your Mom would have approved of you or not... and I know you have been trying to honor her memory all these years... and I just want you to know that she would have loved you no matter what, and that the only thing she truly cared about was that you were the happiest you could be,” Burt continued, placing his hand on top of his son's. “And Mark is a fantastic guy, and I know, without a doubt, that he will be the perfect husband for you...”

“I know,” Kurt nodded, using his free hand to wipe at the tears trailing down his cheeks. “I just wish she could see me now. That she could meet him...”

“Me too,” Burt smiled sadly. “But she is here. I know you're not a religious guy, or even a spiritual guy... but I know she's with you everywhere you go. And she's here now, and you can bet she's damn proud of her son.”

“Oh god, stop,” Kurt sobbed, covering his face. “I'm going to be all blotchy...”

“I'm sorry,” Burt chuckled, but he didn't sound sorry at all. “I really needed to have a little talk with you, to tell you this... and to tell you I think you're going to be a wonderful husband.”

Kurt smiled at that. “Any advice?”

“Always be honest with each other, never put work before your family, and respect each other. Being in love is the best thing you could ever feel, but it's not what makes a marriage. What makes a marriage is having each other's back at the end of the day,” Burt answered. “You'll be alright, kiddo. What you and Mark have... it's the real thing. I can tell.”

“Well, I'm glad. We are about to take a pretty big step...” Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

Burt laughed and shook his head. “Don't be a smart ass and get dressed.”

Kurt didn't know if his father's words had told him anything new, but he did feel a million times calmer than he had before they talked.

He loved Mark. Mark loved him. They were perfect for each other. Married life was going to be a dream come true.


Blaine was hoping to get a few minutes alone with his best friend before the ceremony, but Kurt's hotel room seemed to be a constant swarm of people coming and going. Blaine was kept busy running all over the place fixing issues that came up, in his role as Kurt's best man. Kurt was counting on him, so he was going to make sure Kurt's wedding day was the best day of his life.

While he waited for Kurt to finish getting dressed, Blaine couldnt help thinking back to when they were teenagers. They had been there for each other during the hardest times - when Kurt had been horribly bullied at McKinley; when Blaine had been practically harassed by Sebastian, a fellow Warbler who simply couldnt take no for an answer; when Kurts dad had cancer during Kurts first year in New York... every single dark moment in their lives had been spent together, pushing each other through it all. There were moments when Blaine had no idea how he would have survived, if Kurt hadnt been with him.

Blaine looked back and saw a road paved with heartbreak that had been easier to transit just because Kurt had been holding his hand and smiling at him, telling him he could make it. He saw a road paved with small and not so small successes that meant even more because he had shared them with Kurt.

And now Kurt was getting married.

Blaine wasnt delusional - he knew he would see a lot less of Kurt in the following months. He couldnt blame him, though. But he knew that no matter how in love and how insanely happy Kurt was with his new husband, he would always make room in his life for Blaine. Their friendship had passed every test they had put it through. Above all, Blaine wanted Kurt to be happy, and Mark was always looking for new ways to make his fiancé smile.

Kurt would be in excellent hands.

"Earth to Blaine?" Kurt said, slightly amused, and Blaine shook himself out of his trance to look up at his best friend, who was leaning towards him, trying to catch his attention. "You okay? It looked like you were a million miles away..."

"Yeah, sorry," Blaine said sheepishly. "I got distracted walking down memory lane, I guess..."

"Oh, no, you too?" Kurt asked, taking a seat next to Blaine on the couch. "Youre not going to make me tear up like Dad did, are you? Because I really dont want to have red eyes in the wedding pictures..."

Blaine chuckled. "I was just thinking of everything weve been through. Seventeen year-old Kurt Hummel would have never imagined he would be getting married to his Prince Charming in a beautiful hotel in New York City."

"God, I know..." Kurt sighed, looking around the room. "I didnt even think I would be able to get a boyfriend back then."

"Please," Blaine scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You were gorgeous even then. Youve always been the most attractive man Ive ever met."

Kurt laughed and nudged him with his shoulder playfully. "You should have said that when we first met, then. I had a huge crush on you."

"I was intimidated. I had a crush on you too, you know," Blaine replied, and they both laughed, thinking of how misguided and silly they had been. "I think it worked out quite well for you, though."

"Mm, youre probably right..." Kurt said, unable to hold his smile, and his blue eyes sparkled. Blaine didnt need to ask to know he was thinking about Mark. "You know, that friend of Marks weve been meaning to introduce you to will be here tonight..."

"Oh god, stop trying to set me up. Especially on your wedding day," Blaine hid his face in his hands. "Well talk about it once you come back from your honeymoon. We could do a double date. Today, worry about not tripping your way down the aisle, and Ill worry about not screwing up my best mans speech and the song for your first dance with your husband."

"Thanks for agreeing to play tonight, by the way," Kurt said softly, squeezing his knee.

"You know we never say no to a gig," Blaine shrugged. His band hadnt had many opportunities to play live lately, and he would have never told Kurt to find his entertainment elsewhere when Kurt had said he really wanted Blaine to sing while he and Mark had their first dance as husbands.

"I dont think Ive thanked you for everything youve done," Kurt said, dropping his head on Blaines shoulder, momentarily not caring about ruining his hair. "I wouldnt have been able to organize this wedding without you. I love you, Blaine."

"Love you more," Blaine answered, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. "Now lets go get you married."

Kurts smile was the brightest Blaine had ever seen.


Mark Williams truly was Prince Charming. He was drop-dead gorgeous, with grey eyes and dark ebony hair. Both men and women turned their heads when he walked by. Straight men envied him, and gay men and women were instantly smitten. Kurt had spent months wondering how it was possible that a man like Mark wanted to date him, until Blaine pointed out that he had be same effect.

Their story sounded like some kind of rom-com. Kurt had wanted an outlet for stress, between school, work and starting his own fashion label, so he joined a cooking class.  He had always loved baking treats for friends, but he wanted to learn how to prepare more sophisticated dishes. So, on Thursday nights, he took the subway to the cooking institute and only worried about not burning whatever they were working on that day. And considering how incredibly, jaw-dropping handsome the teacher was… well, it was logical that one or two baklavas were burned.

Mark was a dream come true. He was smart, funny and kind. He was a true gentleman who never hesitated to do everything he could to make Kurt feel special. Burt and Blaine loved him and approved of him ten seconds after meeting him for the first time. No one ever doubted that he would be the man to make Kurt happy for the rest of his life.

And now they were getting married.

Kurt fidgeted as he waited, facing the heavy wooden doors. Burt, Finn and Blaine were standing behind him, whispering in low voices, while clearly allowing him a minute to himself. He appreciated that he didn't have to say a word for them to understand him. He took a deep breath and couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face when he thought of the beautiful life that was waiting for him as soon as he walked through those doors.

Burt placed his hand on Kurt's shoulder. “Are you ready, son?”

Kurt's heart started beating a bit faster. “I'm so ready.”

Mark and he had flipped a coin to decide who would walk down the aisle first. Kurt had secretly hoped he would go first, because he really wanted to see Mark walking towards him, and had been ecstatic when luck ended up being on his side. Now, he walked down the aisle, smiling at his friends and family, and feeling his whole body vibrating in anticipation. Blaine gave him a wide smile before Kurt stepped next to him onto the altar.

When the doors opened again and Kurt caught the first glimpse of his fiancé as he stepped into the room, he felt as if he couldn't breathe. God, he was so beautiful, and he was Kurt's. Somehow, Kurt had found this amazing man who loved him unconditionally, someone he wouldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams… and there he was now, walking towards him slowly, with a gardenia pinned to his lapel and a smile that was only meant for him.

They were closely matched in height, so once he reached Kurt at the altar, they were looking into each other's eyes. They were both smiling so much that their faces ached, but they couldn't stop. Mark held Kurt's hands tightly, his body trembling with excitement. Neither said a word, but both knew exactly what the other was feeling.

Burt had once said they were a match made in heaven – and though Kurt had never truly believed in those things, he had to agree with his Dad on that one.

Kurt was so lost in Mark's lovely eyes that he didn't realize the ceremony had started.

“… and they are here before you today, because they want to celebrate that love,” the Officiant was saying. “When they were trying to find the perfect words to describe their love, Mark and Kurt decided that one of the most exact definitions could be found in The Holders, by Julianna Scott: ‘I loved him because I knew him. Because Id seen the man he truly was inside, and it never failed to amaze me. I loved him for his heart and his strength. For his endless compassion and his unbreakable spirit even in the face of everything hed been through. I loved him because he was the person I wanted to be, and I was a better person just through the privilege of knowing him.'”

And so it begins, Kurt thought, as he felt the first tear slip down his cheek helplessly. Mark squeezed his hand a little tighter, his palms a little damp. Right on cue, Blaine discretely handed him a tissue. He could always count on Blaine to be ready whenever he needed him.

The Officiant smiled when she finished reading the quote and glanced at Mark and Kurt. “That was beautiful. I'm sure everyone agrees that it's time to move on to some very important questions…”

Kurt nodded eagerly and Mark chuckled, raising one of Kurt's hands to his lips to place a soft kiss on his knuckles. Kurt wondered if he was as pale as Mark looked.

“Kurt, will you take this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage, will you love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, so long as you both shall live?"

Kurt's answered almost burst out of him before the Officiant had finished talking. “Yes. Yes.”

“And Mark, will you take this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage, will you love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, so long as you both shall live?"

Mark's hand tightened on his, his head slightly lowered and his eyes downcast, as if he was considering his answer. He opened his mouth, but no words were uttered. Kurt tilted his head to the side, watching him expectantly.

There was a rush of awkward murmurs and Kurt glanced around the room as he started to panic.

The Officiant cleared her throat pointedly. “Mark?”

Mark exhaled harshly, but he still didn't say anything. He finally looked up at Kurt, his eyes confused.

“Mark?” Kurt whispered nervously. “Please say something…”

“I… I don't…” Mark visibly swallowed, and his eyes went wide. Kurt could feel his hands shaking in his own. “I… I don't feel well…”

Taken by surprise, Kurt barely managed to react in time to stop Mark's head from hitting the floor when he fell. Every one began to talk at the same time, but Kurt didn't hear them, the buzzing in his ears and the room spinning around him like he was drugged. He kneeled next to Mark and placed his hand on his forehead.

“Mark? Honey? Oh my god, please, say something…” Kurt muttered. Mark's eyes were closed and he didn't respond, didn't even move…

He didn't realize Blaine was next to him until he heard him shout. “Finn! Quickly, call an ambulance!”

Kurt pressed two fingers against Mark's pulse point, but he was shaking so badly he couldn't feel anything. His head felt as if it was filled with cotton – his thoughts were slow, and he had trouble processing what everyone else was saying.

“Mark, open your eyes,” Kurt pleaded, clutching at Mark's suit desperately. “Mark, can you hear me?”

“Kurt…” Burt leaned closer to him. “Kurt, kiddo, you have to give him space to breathe…”

“No! No, he needs me!” Kurt exclaimed, as his father wrapped his arms around him to pull him away.

“The ambulance is on its way,” Burt informed him as calmly as he could. “Everything will be okay, kiddo. Just let him breathe…”

But Mark was not breathing.


Kurt's beautiful jacket was folded carelessly over a chair, as Kurt paced back and forth in the waiting room, his arms clasped tightly to hold himself together. Everyone gave him space, unsure of what to say or do, easily perceiving he was barely keeping himself together, his tears welling with tears he refused to cry.

Burt and Carole sat nearby, sitting close together, their hands clasped, talking in low concerned tones to Mark's parents. Finn had stayed behind with their guests, to handle their questions and concerns. Kurt could feel the tension weighing on his shoulders.

Blaine was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, watching Kurt silently. His amber eyes met his own blue ones, and Kurt understood the implied question without the need for words. Blaine wanted to know if he was okay. Kurt simply managed to shake his head, unsure. How could he be okay when his fiancé (oh god, he didn't even get to say I do) had been rushed through the emergency room and no one had stopped by to give him any news?

Blaine pulled away from the wall and intercepted Kurt when he was about to turn and go back to the other side of the room. His hands were firm on his arms, and his face, even though he was just as worried as everyone else, was serene for his benefit.

“Hey. Why don't you take a seat with me? You're going to dig a hole in the floor if you don't stop,” Blaine said, doing his best to keep his voice light.

“Why hasn't a doctor come back to tell us how he is?” Kurt asked instead. His blue eyes were blown wide, looking absolutely devastated. “He's going to be okay, right, Blaine?”

Blaine swallowed, and glanced away for a moment. “I don't know, sweetie. I hope so.”

Seeing Blaine doubt made Kurt stop this time. “No. No, you have to say he'll be okay. Things are always okay when you say so…”

Blaine pulled him into his arms and Kurt immediately hid his face against the crook of his neck. Blaine made an effort to keep his breathing even, and pressed Kurt's hand against his chest so he could follow it. “Remember that summer when you visited me in Los Angeles? We went to the beach after midnight and just lay on the sand and stared up at the sky. Everything was silent and you said you hadn't seen a sky full of stars since you had moved to New York. Remember that?”

“Yes…” Kurt murmured.

“Remember how calm it was? It felt like we were all alone in the world, and you said you had never felt so at peace before,” Blaine said, with his lips against Kurt's temple. “Just breathe with me, sweetheart, and remember how that felt.”

Kurt nodded, doing his best to follow Blaine's words but he felt a sob rising in his throat anyway. Despite all the terrible things he had been through he had never been so terrified.

He burrowed deeper into Blaine's embrace and wished to wake up from this nightmare.

Kurt focused on Blaine's comforting warmth. When he was in Blaine's arms, things never went wrong. He felt safe. He was never alone when Blaine put his arms around him. It was like being home – familiar, reliable, eternal.

Kurt had barely started building a bubble of protection around himself when he heard the door to the waiting room open and a male voice asking for Mark Williams' family. He ripped himself from Blaine's arms and stumbled towards him, as the rest of the family gathered around him.

“How is he? What happened to him? Can I see him?” He asked, before the doctor could even open his mouth.

“Mr. Williams suffered a sudden cardiac arrest,” the doctor explained patiently.

“Oh my god,” Kurt covered his mouth with his hand in dismay. “Is he going to be okay?”

The doctor glanced at them sadly. “I'm afraid it was too late. Mr. Williams was already…”

“No.” Kurt interrupted, taking a step back as if he needed to get away from the doctor, and stumbling right onto Blaine's chest. “No.”

“We did everything we could, but by the time he was admitted, he wasn't breathing. He was…”

“No!” Kurt screamed, as Mark's mother held onto her husband and began crying inconsolably. “No! You're lying!”

“Kurt…” Burt murmured, trying to wrap his arms around his son.

“No!” Kurt pushed him away. “No. Take me to him. I want to see him. You're lying. We're getting married. I want to see him now!”

“I'm very sorry for your loss,” the doctor said quietly, but Kurt was shaking his head vehemently.

“No. Tell him, Dad. Tell him that Mark isn't dead! Tell him it can't be,” Kurt grabbed his father's jacket in his fists, desperately. “Dad, please…”

“It's gonna be okay, kiddo, just…” Burt murmured helplessly, not knowing what to do.

“Blaine,” Kurt turned away from his father. His eyes were wild and unfocused, and he was paler than usual. He looked truly sick. “Blaine, please.”

Blaine wrapped his arms around him tightly and rubbed his back. “I'm so sorry, Kurt…” he whispered, and just like that, Kurt's world crumbled into pieces.

He screamed out in agony against Blaine's shoulder. He screamed until his heart was raw with pain. He screamed for a very long time, but it still didn't bring Mark back. He screamed at the top of his lungs, but he still didn't wake up from this nightmare.



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