Love is the End
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Love is the End: Happiness

E - Words: 4,412 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 23, 2015 - Updated: Jan 23, 2015
226 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes:

And there it is! Feel free to leave a review and tell me what you thought about the chapter and the final episodes. I'd love to hear from all of you.

I have a little epilogue left, and you can expect that one up sometime around Tuesday/Wednesday.

I love you all. THANK YOU.



Anna rapped her knuckles against the open door to announce her presence, and Kurt looked up at her briefly, attention snapping right back to the beautiful magenta evening gown he was working on.

“I'm leaving now. Are you staying much longer?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest and watching Kurt with a disapproving eyebrow. “I was hoping you'd want to join me for some tacos.”

“Tempting, but I think I'll pass,” Kurt replied. “I really want to finish this one tonight. I have another piece I want to start on tomorrow…”

“You're a workaholic,” Anna shook her head and sighed. “Are you sure?”

“I'm sure,” Kurt said, rolling his eyes at her. “You're not my mom, you know. You're actually younger than me…”

“Oh shush, you love it when I take care of you,” she stepped into the office and dropped a kiss on top of Kurt's head. “I'll see you tomorrow then, if I can't bribe you with delicious tacos…”

“No, you can't. I'll see you tomorrow,” he smiled up at her. “Turn the lights off when you leave. Have a nice evening, sweetie.”

“Bye, boss!” She called teasingly over her shoulder, and Kurt hummed in response, immediately resuming his work.

He pulled the thread a little tighter to get the hem just right, and reached for the scissors when he was done, cutting it efficiently and admiring his work for a moment to make sure he had made no mistakes. It really was a beautiful dress, with a low, sexy cut in the back, suggestive but delicate. The color made it fresh and fun, and Kurt thought maybe Rachel would like it for one of the events she had coming up. He had been making her dresses for every single event she attended since before she made it big on stage.

He was turning it over on the work table to finish a few details on the back, when he heard a knock on the glass door. Frowning, Kurt put everything down and got up, his muscles popping after how long he had been hunched over his work.

“Did you forget your keys again, Annie?” Kurt chuckled, as he entered the dim store front. The reflected city lights gave him enough illumination to know that figure standing out there on the sidewalk definitely wasn't Anna.

It was a man. A man shorter than Kurt, who had unruly curls and a beard. His hazel eyes were wide and fixed on Kurt, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. As if Kurt was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

“Blaine?” Kurt mumbled, his voice cracking a little bit. He felt his smile pulling at his lips, and before he knew it, he was sprinting towards the door. “Blaine!”

Kurt unlocked and opened the door as quickly as he could. Over the last few months he had imagined the first time they saw each other after so long apart, a million times. Maybe he would pick Blaine up at the airport. Maybe he would invite him over for dinner and a long overdue conversation. Maybe they would meet at their favorite coffee shop. There had been many, many scenarios, but none of them had included him practically throwing himself at Blaine and pressing their lips together.

And none of those would have felt half as right as this one did.

Blaine gasped in surprise and barely managed to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist and hold on to him, stopping them from toppling over at the last possible second. But as soon as he caught up with what was happening, he kissed back hungrily, putting all the misery and uncertainty that had lived inside him since he had left into the kiss.

They held each other tightly, breathing heavily as they refused to let go. Kurt tilted his head slightly, sliding his lips over Blaine's softly, pushing them open with his tongue, until he was granted access gladly.

But just as things were getting deliciously heated, Kurt pulled away, half laughing, half crying.

“W-what… Kurt?” Blaine murmured, confused, his voice hoarse. The sound made a shiver travel down Kurt's spine. “Are you okay?”

Kurt leaned in for another kiss, but ended it quickly, shaking with laughter. “God, your stupid beard tickles.”

Blaine laughed as well, but he seemed a little stunned by the new developments. “I… you kissed me.”

“I did,” Kurt said sheepishly, biting his lip. His arms were still tightly wound around Blaine's neck, and they were standing so, so close… “I missed you so much…”

“I missed you, too,” Blaine whispered. His hand rubbed Kurt's back up and down, as if trying to convince himself that he was real. His eyes roamed over Kurt's face, searching.

Kurt leaned their foreheads together. “I guess there's a lot we need to talk about, huh?”

“Probably, yes,” Blaine answered, and since it looked like he was allowed, he moved in for another kiss, tentatively. Kurt kissed back immediately, and they melted together as their mouths moved softly against each other.

Kurt sighed, his warm breath caressing Blaine's lips. “Let me close here and we can go to my place, okay?”

“Okay,” Blaine agreed.

They released each other reluctantly, with quick smiles. Kurt hung the dress and tidied up quickly, then turned the lights off. It wasn't until he met Blaine outside that he saw that Blaine's bags and guitar case were on the sidewalk beside him.

“What do you say if we get a cab?” Kurt proposed. He didn't feel like walking to the subway station holding Blaine's luggage when he could be holding Blaine's hand instead.

“Yes, please. I took a chance you'd be here.” Blaine dashed toward the street to flag down a passing cab.

They got his stuff in the trunk and then sat together in the backseat. Once Kurt had given his address to the driver, a heavy silence seemed to set inside the car. Their hands were resting on the seat between them, but neither dared to take the first step and reach out.

It wasn't until their eyes met that they realized they were being ridiculous – there had never been a reason to be nervous or embarrassed around each other. They had been best friends for a very long time now. There wasn't a single thing they didn't know about the other. There wasn't a single thing they couldn't share.

Blaine's finger brushed against the side of Kurt's hand and they both giggled like lovesick kids.

“Hi,” Blaine muttered.

Kurt smiled brightly at him. “Hi.”

“I really missed your smile,” Blaine leaned his head back against the seat and simply looked at Kurt.

Kurt felt the heat rising in his cheeks. He squeezed Blaine's hand. “I would say the same, but I can't really see it under that bush you grew on your face.”

Blaine cackled. God, he had missed this. This beautiful, easy banter. He had missed everything about them. “You're mean.”

“No, you are mean. You should have known I would want to see all of your glorious face as soon as you were back. Why did you have to cover it with all that hair?” Kurt pouted.

“I'll shave it off soon. I promise,” Blaine raised Kurt's hand and kissed his knuckles. “It's really inconvenient anyway. I was asked to join at least three different country music bands, it's too hot to keep it, and a kid asked me if I was Santa's son…”

Kurt chuckled. “Oh… now that kid was mean.”

“I know! It's not even that long!” Blaine protested, completely offended.

Kurt melted. How had he been so stupid?

They got so lost in each other, that they didn't realize they arrived at Kurt's apartment until the driver cleared his throat very loudly. They gathered Blaine's stuff from the trunk and got everything inside. Kurt had no idea how Blaine had managed to pack enough clothes for six months in just two bags…

But he didn't have time to point it out, because as soon as the front door was closed behind them, they were staring at each other with the kind of fire in their eyes that threatened to burn the whole building down. They glanced down at each other's lips simultaneously, and Kurt inhaled sharply.

They launched at each other at the same time, their hands quickly grabbing for purchase on clothes and arms. Kurt moaned as he felt Blaine's tongue brush his bottom lip.

And then Blaine pulled away and Kurt's moan turned into a groan of frustration.

“Shouldn't we…” Blaine started breathlessly. “Shouldn't we talk? I mean… this is what got us in trouble the first time. I don't want to…”

Kurt nuzzled against his jaw. “I know. We will talk. But I promise you… it's alright now. I'm not going to freak out. I'm not going to hurt you again. I…” He paused and shifted so he could look Blaine in the eyes. “I really, really want you, Blaine.”

“My feelings haven't changed,” Blaine whispered carefully. “They are still the same they have been for years now. If that makes you uncomfortable…”

“It doesn't,” Kurt interrupted, smiling at him. He kissed him briefly. “It makes me happy.”

It looked like Blaine could cry any minute now, so Kurt moved in for another kiss. He allowed himself to touch, to caress, to nuzzle. His fingertips grazed Blaine's face, as if trying to memorize it, before trailing down the column of his neck. His hands began a journey down his back. Once he reached his hips, Kurt moved them to the front and shifted back up, feeling the muscles of Blaine's stomach contract under his touch.

“Is this okay?” He asked in a low voice.

“It's perfect,” Blaine replied. His eyes were closed and his lips parted, and he was already lost in bliss.

Kurt's hand reached his chest and his fingers slowly pulled his shirt away. He leaned in and sucked on his collarbone a little, making Blaine gasp and throw his head back. “What about this?”

“Kurt…” Blaine groaned. “You're killing me.”

Kurt shifted to capture Blaine's mouth in a passionate kiss. They kissed until they couldn't breathe anymore, tongues moving together like some sort of perfect, sensual dance. When they parted, Blaine's eyes went dark as he noticed how red and swollen Kurt's lips were from kissing him.

He thumbed Kurt's bottom lip, loving how supple it felt and how Kurt's breath caught in his throat at it. “Sometimes I have a hard time believing you're real…”

Kurt's tongue poked out of his mouth and he wrapped it around the tip of Blaine's thumb. He pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it without taking his eyes away from Blaine's face, who seemed very close to catching fire.

Kurt brushed his lips over Blaine's again, slowly, seductively. The beard was scratchy against his lips and cheeks, but it only turned him on more. “Can I take you to bed now?”

Blaine took a few seconds to answer, busy first searching in Kurt's eyes for confirmation, for absolute certainty. He couldn't find any doubts there – Kurt knew what he wanted now.

“Yes,” Blaine said at last, and just that one word, that one syllable, was charged with more desire than anything either of them had heard or said in their entire lives.

There was no going back, no regrets, no second thoughts. They both wanted – needed – this and they weren't taking a step back.

Kurt kissed him again and walked him backwards towards his bedroom.


As soon as the back of Blaine's knees hit the bed, he turned them around and pushed Kurt down onto the mattress instead. Kurt raised an eyebrow, but he scooted towards the head of the bed without complaining.

“Well, aren't you joining me?” Kurt muttered teasingly when Blaine just stood there watching him, still incapable of believing that this was happening.

Who was this seductive, cheeky bastard, and what had he done with Kurt Hummel?

Oh, but Blaine definitely wasn't complaining…

Instead of replying, Blaine simply began removing his own clothes. Kurt's eyes went a very, very dark blue, darker than a midnight sky as he watched him. His lips parted hungrily, and he swiped his tongue over them as if his mouth had suddenly gone dry. Blaine had never felt so wanted before in his life.

He climbed onto the bed as soon as he had gotten rid of every single item of clothing. His cock bobbed against his stomach as he shifted on his knees to straddle Kurt, who immediately surged up to meet him for a desperate kiss. His hands hovered over Blaine for a moment, as if he couldn't decide where he wanted to touch first, before he set them on his naked back, slowly working them down, until he skimmed the tips of his fingers over the curve of his ass. At Blaine's appreciative moan, Kurt grabbed a handful of it and pulled Blaine closer.

“Wait…” Kurt grunted in frustration when it wasn't enough. “Let me take my clothes off…”

“No, no,” Blaine stopped him right as he was reaching for the buttons on his shirt. “Let me.”

Kurt bit his lip and nodded, sitting back and spreading himself a little, giving Blaine all the access he needed. He was so open and trusting that Blaine felt a little lump of emotion building in his throat for a moment. He forced himself to focus on the task at hand, and began peeling the clothes off Kurt's mouth-watering body, kissing random spots and lingering on those he loved the most or elicited a moan in response.

He followed the trail of nakedness with his mouth, so by the time Kurt was completely bare, he was dropping tiny little kisses on his ankles. He slowly worked his way up, and when he reached the inside of Kurt's thighs, Kurt gasped and threw his head back. It was a much louder reaction that he had gotten the only other time they had been together, and as he continued licking and nipping carefully at the skin there, he looked up through his eyelashes questioningly.

“Oh, fuck, that damn beard…” Kurt murmured in a choked voice. Blaine's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but then he realized he was rubbing the sensitive skin of Kurt's thighs with his rough beard, leaving it red and raw in some places.

“Do you want me to stop? I'm sorry if it hurts. I'll shave, I promise…”

“Oh, god, don't. Don't, don't, don't,” Kurt babbled, thrashing a little. “It feels so good.”

Blaine couldn't hold back the smirk that grew on his lips. “Really, now?”

“Suck my cock,” Kurt said suddenly, shocking the both of them with his bluntness. But Kurt was too far gone to care, and Blaine only shuddered in arousal. “God, I want to feel your mouth on my cock. Please, Blaine. I'm so hard…”

Blaine whined. He obeyed, kissing up Kurt's length, causing him to moan desperately. Oh, he needed to let his facial hair grow more often…

Kurt buried his fingers in Blaine's curls, pushing his head a little insistently, silently asking him for more. Blaine parted his lips and let the head of Kurt's cock slide between them, sucking lightly before taking more and more into his mouth. He didn't stop until the head hit his throat, and Kurt let out a long, wanton whimper that made Blaine rut a bit against the bed.

Blaine moved up and down Kurt's erection a few times, moaning at the taste of his pre-come, swirling his tongue around the crown, before he finally pulled away, panting and grabbing at Kurt's shoulders to pull himself up his body.

“No, no, god, why did you stop?” Kurt protested weakly.

“I need more,” Blaine kissed his neck and jaw eagerly. “Please, Kurt. I need more. I need you.”

Kurt surprised him by wrapping his arms around Blaine and turning them until Blaine was on his back with Kurt on top of him. Despite the heavy arousal floating in the room, Kurt watched him tenderly. “I want to give you everything you need, Blaine.”

“Kurt…” Blaine whispered, feeling himself melting into the bed.

Kurt brushed his sweaty curls off his forehead and dropped a quick kiss on that spot, before looking at him with bright blue eyes that almost made Blaine swoon. “I'm so in love with you…”

Blaine felt as if his heart had stopped beating. He didn't say anything at first, convinced it was one of the many times he had fantasized listening to Kurt saying those words. It was just another fantasy. Just another dream.

But when Kurt continued looking at him and touching him with the utmost sweetness, waiting patiently, Blaine realized that this time… this time it was real.

“I love you,” he replied. He tightened his hold on Kurt's shoulders, feeling he would float away if he didn't.

They kissed again. And again. And again. There was no reason to stop now, but they had every reason to keep going. They went from sweet and slow, to heated and urgent once again, until they were grinding against each other like inexperienced teenagers. Kurt would have been perfectly happy keeping up like that, knowing they could have as many rounds as they pleased, but Blaine would have none of it.

“Come on,” Blaine pleaded, biting his lip. “Condoms? Lube?”

Kurt flicked the lobe of Blaine's ear with his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth. “Bedside table. First drawer. Cliché but convenient.”

Once Blaine handed him the items, Kurt coated his fingers thoroughly and kissed down Blaine's chest to get him to relax. He allowed his tongue to roam over every dip and every muscle. He circled his finger around Blaine's hole, who had parted his legs in anticipation and let out a long moan at feeling Kurt so, so close to where he wanted him.

Kurt pushed the first finger inside, causing Blaine to arch off the bed in pleasure. Wanting to drive him absolutely crazy with it, Kurt crooked his finger just right, and with only two or three attempts, he found the bundle of nerves that made Blaine scream. He pressed against it a few times, teasing, before he removed his finger and pushed back in with two.

Blaine's stomach was sticky with his pre-come, and his cock was so hard it had to be painful by the time Kurt finished stretching him. His three fingers were pressed insistently against his prostate, drawing moan after moan out of Blaine. He knew if he kept going, he could make Blaine come from his fingers alone, and that sent a shiver of deep arousal all over him.

Kurt used one hand to line himself up with Blaine's entrance, and the other to hold Blaine's hand. As soon as he was a few inches in, he grabbed his other hand too, and they lifted them above Blaine's head on the pillow. Their chests were glued together and they couldn't be any closer than they were. It was perfect.

Kurt went in with one deep, long push. Blaine arched off the bed again, spreading his legs wider and taking it all so well that Kurt just had to reward him with a nice kiss.

“Doing okay?” He asked breathlessly.

“Never better,” Blaine said, moaning immediately after when Kurt pulled out slowly, and pushed back in in such a tantalizing way that he could feel every inch of him in every nerve in his body.

Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist, trying to bring him even closer. They moved together, like a choreographed dance that they hadn't needed to practice. It was like their bodies had always known exactly how to work together, how to take them where they needed to go, how to leave them breathless with pleasure.

Kurt's hips began moving on their own accord, going faster and harder and making Blaine cry out with every single thrust. Kurt had to end the kiss and bury his face in Blaine's neck, panting hardly. He was so close, so close, that he could feel the sweet nectar of release on the tip of his tongue…

“I want you to come first, please,” Kurt begged, nipping at Blaine's shoulder. “Come on, Blaine. I want to feel you when you come…”

Blaine groaned and tried to fuck himself onto Kurt's cock harder. “Oh god, Kurt…”

Kurt untangled one of their hands and sneaked it between their bodies. He only had to graze the tips of his fingers against Blaine's cock before he was coming in hot, long spurts between them. Kurt felt him clench around his own cock and moaned loudly, only lasting for a few more seconds before he was spilling into the condom deep inside of Blaine.

They cried out and panted into each other's mouths, trembling with the force of their orgasms. It took a while for them to come down from it, but they never stopped holding each other through it. Kurt was still buried inside of Blaine, and Blaine was using his very last strength to keep him there.

When they could finally move, they shifted enough to lie on their sides, Kurt apologizing when he had no choice but to pull out. They shared a pillow, staring at each other with dopey, tired, satisfied smiles on their faces. Kurt brushed Blaine's hair out of his face and moved in for the laziest kiss in history.

“That was amazing,” Blaine mumbled, nuzzling Kurt's cheek when they ended the kiss.

“Mm, yes, it was…” Kurt sighed in contentment. “I wish we never had to move again…”

“Oh, yeah, let's do that…” Blaine hid his face on Kurt's chest.

Kurt laughed and tried to push him away. “We're disgusting. We need to clean up.”

Blaine whined in protest. “But we're disgusting together. And comfortable. Don't forget comfortable…”

Kurt rolled his eyes, but after dropping one quick kiss on Blaine's lips, he got up. “Come on. Just get up long enough so I can change the sheets, and then I'll take care of the rest, okay?”

Blaine was almost half asleep already, but did as he was told. “Fine. But only because I love you.”

That night, they fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling so hard they were afraid their faces would split in half.


Blaine woke up slowly the next morning. He could feel the sunlight coming from the window and falling on his face, and the warmth of Kurt's body against his. They had shifted during the night, and Kurt was now on his back, with Blaine draped over him. He spent a minute or two watching Kurt sleep. His whole body felt like it was made of some liquid substance – he hadn't felt so full and satisfied like that in a very long time.

But he still dreaded the moment when Kurt would wake up.

Last time, he had felt almost as happy as he did now. He had woken up before Kurt and resisted the urge to kiss him and touch him for only a brief moment, before the need to be close to him was too strong to fight. He had started peppering sweet kisses everywhere he could reach… only for Kurt to wake up, call him Mark and freak out. He had spent six whole heartbreaking months without him after that.

He wouldn't be able to survive another fallout.

Kurt was beautiful and precious to him in a way no other man had ever been, in a way no other man would ever be. Blaine was Kurt's. He had absolutely no doubt about that. What he did know for certain was that he wouldn't be able to recover if Kurt rejected him again.

He had jumped into this last night almost blindly, deciding to trust Kurt no matter what.

He hoped he hadn't set himself up for more heartbreak.

When he felt Kurt begin to stir, he tensed. He held his breath and waited.

God, please, don't push me away. Please, please… don't tell me everything was a mistake. Don't say you didn't mean it. Don't…

“Mm, morning…” Kurt muttered sleepily. He must have felt how tense Blaine was in his arms, because he raised his head a few seconds later to look down at him. “Blaine?”

Blaine swallowed nervously. “Yes?”

“Are you okay? What's wrong?” Kurt asked, pushing at him softly to make him sit up.

“Nothing, nothing,” Blaine said, doing his best to smile, but he knew it look terribly fake as soon as he saw Kurt frown in confusion.

Kurt reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly. “You don't look like nothing's going on. You look like something's upsetting you.”

“Nothing's upsetting me!” Blaine tried to reassure him, but when Kurt glared at him, he simply sighed and ran a hand through his hair anxiously. “Fine, fine… I… I was just scared you would wake up and… and regret what happened last night…”

Kurt's face fell completely, and Blaine wished he hadn't said anything. “Oh sweetheart. Come here,” he opened his arms and Blaine immediately crawled into them. “I'm sorry about how I reacted last time, but… I just wasn't ready for us then. But I meant what I said last night – I'm in love with you.”

“Oh, Kurt…” Blaine felt his eyes filling with tears and he wiped them away, feeling a little stupid.

“I love you. I want to be with you. It took me a while to get where I am now, to be able to say I want to give us a shot, to be ready to even think about having another relationship after Mark died, but…” Kurt paused and looked at him intently. “Blaine, I'm glad it's you. I'm glad I get to have a second chance with you.”

Blaine moved in for a quick kiss, cupping Kurt's face in his hands tenderly. “Thank you for choosing me.”

Kurt leaned in for a second and then a third kiss. His blue eyes were fixed on Blaine's hazel ones when he said, “Thank you for waiting for me.”

They slipped right back into bed, arms wrapped around each other, and kissed the morning away.

It seemed like the perfect way to start a brand new day.





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